8 research outputs found

    Lossy Correlation Intractability and PPAD Hardness from Sub-exponential LWE

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    We introduce a new cryptographic primitive, a lossy correlation-intractable hash function, and use it to soundly instantiate the Fiat-Shamir transform for the general interactive sumcheck protocol, assuming sub-exponential hardness of the Learning with Errors (LWE) problem. By combining this with the result of Choudhuri et al. (STOC 2019), we show that #SAT\#\mathsf{SAT} reduces to end-of-line, which is a PPAD\mathsf{PPAD}-complete problem, assuming the sub-exponential hardness of LWE

    SNARGs and PPAD Hardness from the Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption

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    We construct succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs) for bounded-depth computations assuming that the decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) problem is sub-exponentially hard. This is the first construction of such SNARGs from a Diffie-Hellman assumption. Our SNARG is also unambiguous: for every (true) statement xx, it is computationally hard to find any accepting proof for xx other than the proof produced by the prescribed prover strategy. We obtain our result by showing how to instantiate the Fiat-Shamir heuristic, under DDH, for a variant of the Goldwasser-Kalai-Rothblum (GKR) interactive proof system. Our new technical contributions are (1) giving a TC0TC^0 circuit family for finding roots of cubic polynomials over a special family of characteristic 22 fields (Healy-Viola, STACS \u2706) and (2) constructing a variant of the GKR protocol whose invocations of the sumcheck protocol (Lund-Fortnow-Karloff-Nisan, STOC \u2790) only involve degree 33 polynomials over said fields. Along the way, since we can instantiate Fiat-Shamir for certain variants of the sumcheck protocol, we also show the existence of (sub-exponentially) computationally hard problems in the complexity class PPAD\mathsf{PPAD}, assuming the sub-exponential hardness of DDH. Previous PPAD\mathsf{PPAD} hardness results all required either bilinear maps or the learning with errors assumption

    SNARGs for Bounded Depth Computations and PPAD Hardness from Sub-Exponential LWE

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    We construct a succinct non-interactive publicly-verifiable delegation scheme for any log-space uniform circuit under the sub-exponential Learning With Errors (LWE\mathsf{LWE}) assumption. For a circuit C:{0,1}N→{0,1}C:\{0,1\}^N\rightarrow\{0,1\} of size SS and depth DD, the prover runs in time poly(S)\mathsf{poly}(S), the communication complexity is D⋅polylog(S)D \cdot \mathsf{polylog} (S), and the verifier runs in time (D+N)⋅polylog(S)(D+N) \cdot \mathsf{polylog} (S). To obtain this result, we introduce a new cryptographic primitive: lossy correlation-intractable hash functions. We use this primitive to soundly instantiate the Fiat-Shamir transform for a large class of interactive proofs, including the interactive sum-check protocol and the GKR\mathsf{GKR} protocol, assuming the sub-exponential hardness of LWE\mathsf{LWE}. By relying on the result of Choudhuri et al. (STOC 2019), we also establish the sub-exponential average-case hardness of PPAD\mathsf{PPAD}, assuming the sub-exponential hardness of LWE\mathsf{LWE}

    Correlation-Intractable Hash Functions via Shift-Hiding

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    A hash function family H\mathcal{H} is correlation intractable for a tt-input relation R\mathcal{R} if, given a random function hh chosen from H\mathcal{H}, it is hard to find x1,…,xtx_1,\ldots,x_t such that R(x1,…,xt,h(x1),…,h(xt))\mathcal{R}(x_1,\ldots,x_t,h(x_1),\ldots,h(x_t)) is true. Among other applications, such hash functions are a crucial tool for instantiating the Fiat-Shamir heuristic in the plain model, including the only known NIZK for NP based on the learning with errors (LWE) problem (Peikert and Shiehian, CRYPTO 2019). We give a conceptually simple and generic construction of single-input CI hash functions from shift-hiding shiftable functions (Peikert and Shiehian, PKC 2018) satisfying an additional one-wayness property. This results in a clean abstract framework for instantiating CI, and also shows that a previously existing function family (PKC 2018) was already CI under the LWE assumption. In addition, our framework transparently generalizes to other settings, yielding new results: - We show how to instantiate certain forms of multi-input CI under the LWE assumption. Prior constructions either relied on a very strong ``brute-force-is-best\u27\u27 type of hardness assumption (Holmgren and Lombardi, FOCS 2018) or were restricted to ``output-only\u27\u27 relations (Zhandry, CRYPTO 2016). - We construct single-input CI hash functions from indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) and one-way permutations. Prior constructions relied essentially on variants of fully homomorphic encryption that are impossible to construct from such primitives. This result also generalizes to more expressive variants of multi-input CI under iO and additional standard assumptions

    Non-Interactive Proofs: What Assumptions Are Sufficient?

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    A non-Interactive proof system allows a prover to convince a verifier that a statement is true by sending a single round of messages. In this thesis, we study under what assumptions can we build non-interactive proof systems with succinct verification and zero-knowledge. We obtain the following results. - Succinct Arguments: We construct the first non-interactive succinct arguments (SNARGs) for P from standard assumptions. Our construction is based on the polynomial hardness of Learning with Errors (LWE). - Zero-Knowledge: We build the first non-interactive zero-knowledge proof systems (NIZKs) for NP from sub-exponential Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption in the standard groups, without use of groups with pairings. To obtain our results, we build SNARGs for batch-NP from LWE and correlation intractable hash functions for TC^0 from sub-exponential DDH assumption, respectively, which may be of independent interest

    On Foundations of Protecting Computations

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    Information technology systems have become indispensable to uphold our way of living, our economy and our safety. Failure of these systems can have devastating effects. Consequently, securing these systems against malicious intentions deserves our utmost attention. Cryptography provides the necessary foundations for that purpose. In particular, it provides a set of building blocks which allow to secure larger information systems. Furthermore, cryptography develops concepts and tech- niques towards realizing these building blocks. The protection of computations is one invaluable concept for cryptography which paves the way towards realizing a multitude of cryptographic tools. In this thesis, we contribute to this concept of protecting computations in several ways. Protecting computations of probabilistic programs. An indis- tinguishability obfuscator (IO) compiles (deterministic) code such that it becomes provably unintelligible. This can be viewed as the ultimate way to protect (deterministic) computations. Due to very recent research, such obfuscators enjoy plausible candidate constructions. In certain settings, however, it is necessary to protect probabilistic com- putations. The only known construction of an obfuscator for probabilistic programs is due to Canetti, Lin, Tessaro, and Vaikuntanathan, TCC, 2015 and requires an indistinguishability obfuscator which satisfies extreme security guarantees. We improve this construction and thereby reduce the require- ments on the security of the underlying indistinguishability obfuscator. (Agrikola, Couteau, and Hofheinz, PKC, 2020) Protecting computations in cryptographic groups. To facilitate the analysis of building blocks which are based on cryptographic groups, these groups are often overidealized such that computations in the group are protected from the outside. Using such overidealizations allows to prove building blocks secure which are sometimes beyond the reach of standard model techniques. However, these overidealizations are subject to certain impossibility results. Recently, Fuchsbauer, Kiltz, and Loss, CRYPTO, 2018 introduced the algebraic group model (AGM) as a relaxation which is closer to the standard model but in several aspects preserves the power of said overidealizations. However, their model still suffers from implausibilities. We develop a framework which allows to transport several security proofs from the AGM into the standard model, thereby evading the above implausi- bility results, and instantiate this framework using an indistinguishability obfuscator. (Agrikola, Hofheinz, and Kastner, EUROCRYPT, 2020) Protecting computations using compression. Perfect compression algorithms admit the property that the compressed distribution is truly random leaving no room for any further compression. This property is invaluable for several cryptographic applications such as “honey encryption” or password-authenticated key exchange. However, perfect compression algorithms only exist for a very small number of distributions. We relax the notion of compression and rigorously study the resulting notion which we call “pseudorandom encodings”. As a result, we identify various surprising connections between seemingly unrelated areas of cryptography. Particularly, we derive novel results for adaptively secure multi-party computation which allows for protecting computations in distributed settings. Furthermore, we instantiate the weakest version of pseudorandom encodings which suffices for adaptively secure multi-party computation using an indistinguishability obfuscator. (Agrikola, Couteau, Ishai, Jarecki, and Sahai, TCC, 2020

    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum

    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum