101 research outputs found

    The effect of handover quality on buffering requirements in WATM

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    A framework for fast handoff schemes in wireless ATM networks

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    Includes bibliographical references.In this research, we focus on providing a framework that extends the fixed ATM standard to support user mobility in future WATM networks. The WATM architecture allows for the migration of fixed ATM networks without major modifications. Thus most of the mobility functions are implemented on the wireless access network. The most important component supporting mobility in a cluster is the Mobility Enhanced Switch (MES). We propose using direct links between adjacent MESs to support Permanent Virtual Channels (PVCs) in order to facilitate fast inter-cluster handoffwith minimum handofflatency. This research addresses a framework on handoff mobility by proposing three fast handoff re-routing schemes based on the support of PVCs

    Design and implementation of a functional WATM test bed to study the performance of handoff schemes

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    Includes bibliographical references.The focus of this research is on the design and implementation of a WATM functional architecture in order to facilitate a seamless handoff. The project includes an experimental implementation of the WATM network. This required the building of a prototype WATM network with existing ATM switches and implementing handover protocol schemes at both the access and network sides

    A Two-Phase Handoff Scheme for Mobility Management in Wireless ATM Networks

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    Mobility management in Wireless ATM networks poses a number of technical issues. An important issue is the ability to manage and reroute on-going connections during handoff as mobile users move among base stations. We propose a two- phase handoff management scheme using permanent virtual paths reserved between adjacent Mobility Enhanced Switches (MES). The virtual paths are used in the first phase to rapidly reroute user connections. In the second phase, a distributed optimization process is initiated to optimally reroute handed-off connections. The paper also describes an adaptive optimization scheme to achieve high reserved bandwidth utilization. We analytically calculate and study the bandwidth requirement for the reserved virtual paths and handoff blocking probability. We also study the impact of processing and signaling load due to the second-phase route optimization. Both ATM CBR and VBR traffic types were considered for mobile users

    A Two-Phase Handoff Scheme for Mobility Management in Wireless ATM Networks

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    Mobility management in Wireless ATM networks poses a number of technical issues. An important issue is the ability to manage and reroute on-going connections during handoff as mobile users move among base stations. We propose a two- phase handoff management scheme using permanent virtual paths reserved between adjacent Mobility Enhanced Switches (MES). The virtual paths are used in the first phase to rapidly reroute user connections. In the second phase, a distributed optimization process is initiated to optimally reroute handed-off connections. The paper also describes an adaptive optimization scheme to achieve high reserved bandwidth utilization. We analytically calculate and study the bandwidth requirement for the reserved virtual paths and handoff blocking probability. We also study the impact of processing and signaling load due to the second-phase route optimization. Both ATM CBR and VBR traffic types were considered for mobile users

    A Two-Phase Handoff Scheme for Mobility Management in Wireless ATM Networks

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    Mobility management in Wireless ATM networks poses a number of technical issues. An important issue is the ability to manage and reroute on-going connections during handoff as mobile users move among base stations. We propose a two- phase handoff management scheme using permanent virtual paths reserved between adjacent Mobility Enhanced Switches (MES). The virtual paths are used in the first phase to rapidly reroute user connections. In the second phase, a distributed optimization process is initiated to optimally reroute handed-off connections. The paper also describes an adaptive optimization scheme to achieve high reserved bandwidth utilization. We analytically calculate and study the bandwidth requirement for the reserved virtual paths and handoff blocking probability. We also study the impact of processing and signaling load due to the second-phase route optimization. Both ATM CBR and VBR traffic types were considered for mobile users


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    An algorithm for mobile Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM) handover that offers service adaptability and efficient allocation of wired resources for connection rates is evaluated in this paper. In future 3G systems there is a requirement for wireless connection rates of up to 2Mbits/sec, it is the objective of this paper to investigate the effects of this increase in rate on a service adaptable handoff algorithm. The algorithm is based on the Virtual Connection Tree (VCT) and provides fast re-routing for delay sensitive services and cell sequencing for cell loss sensitive services. An ATM handoff model is used to analyse the service adaptable algorithm in terms of cell loss and end-to-end delay. Results are discussed proving the advantages of the algorithm for future ATM mobile communications

    A network mobility management architecture for a heteregeneous network environment

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    Network mobility management enables mobility of personal area networks and vehicular networks across heterogeneous access networks using a Mobile Router. This dissertation presents a network mobility management architecture for minimizing the impact of handoffs on the communications of nodes in the mobile network. The architecture addresses mobility in legacy networks without infrastructure support, but can also exploit infrastructure support for improved handoff performance. Further, the proposed architecture increases the efficiency of communications of nodes in the mobile network with counter parts in the fixed network through the use of caching and route optimization. The performance and costs of the proposed architecture are evaluated through empirical and numerical analysis. The analysis shows the feasibility of the architecture in the networks of today and in those of the near future.Verkkojen liikkuuvudenhallinta mahdollistaa henkilökohtaisten ja ajoneuvoihin asennettujen verkkojen liikkuvuuden heterogeenisessä verkkoympäristössä käyttäen liikkuvaa reititintä. Tämä väitöskirja esittää uuden arkkitehtuurin verkkojen liikkuvuudenhallintaan, joka minimoi verkonvaihdon vaikutuksen päätelaitteiden yhteyksiin. Vanhoissa verkoissa, joiden infrastruktuuri ei tue verkkojen liikkuvuutta, verkonvaihdos täytyy hallita liikkuvassa reitittimessa. Standardoitu verkkojen liikkuvuudenhallintaprotokolla NEMO mahdollistaa tämän käyttäen ankkurisolmua kiinteässä verkossa pakettien toimittamiseen päätelaitteiden kommunikaatiokumppaneilta liikkuvalle reitittimelle. NEMO:ssa verkonvaihdos aiheuttaa käynnissä olevien yhteyksien keskeytymisen yli sekunnin mittaiseksi ajaksi, aiheuttaen merkittävää häiriötä viestintäsovelluksille. Esitetyssä arkkitehtuurissa verkonvaihdon vaikutus minimoidaan varustamalla liikkuva reititin kahdella radiolla. Käyttäen kahta radiota liikkuva reititin pystyy suorittamaan verkonvaihdon keskeyttämättä päätelaitteiden yhteyksiä, mikäli verkonvaihtoon on riittävästi aikaa. Käytettävissa oleva aika riippuu liikkuvan reitittimen nopeudesta ja radioverkon rakenteesta. Arkkitehtuuri osaa myös hyödyntää infrastruktuurin tukea saumattomaan verkonvaihtoon. Verkkoinfrastruktuurin tuki nopeuttaa verkonvaihdosprosessia, kasvattaenmaksimaalista verkonvaihdos tahtia. Tällöin liikkuva reitin voi käyttää lyhyen kantaman radioverkkoja, joiden solun säde on yli 80m, ajonopeuksilla 90m/s asti ilman, että verkonvaihdos keskeyttää päätelaitteiden yhteyksiä. Lisäksi ehdotettu arkkitehtuuri tehostaa kommunikaatiota käyttäen cache-palvelimia liikkuvassa ja kiinteässä verkossa ja optimoitua reititystä liikkuvien päätelaitteiden ja kiinteässä verkossa olevien kommunikaatiosolmujen välillä. Cache-palvelinarkkitehtuuri hyödyntää vapaita radioresursseja liikkuvan verkon cache-palvelimen välimuistin päivittämiseen. Heterogeenisessä verkkoympäristossä cache-palvelimen päivitys suoritetaan lyhyen kantaman laajakaistaisia radioverkkoja käyttäen. Liikkuvan reitittimen siirtyessä laajakaistaisen radioverkon peitealueen ulkopuolelle päätelaitteille palvellaan sisältöä, kuten www sivuja tai videota cache-palvelimelta, säästäen laajemman kantaman radioverkon rajoitetumpia resursseja. Arkkitehtuurissa käytetään optimoitua reititystä päätelaitteiden ja niiden kommunikaatiokumppaneiden välillä. Optimoitu reititysmekanismi vähentää liikkuvuudenhallintaan käytettyjen protokollien langattoman verkon resurssien kulutusta. Lisäksi optimoitu reititysmekanismi tehostaa pakettien reititystä käyttäen suorinta reittiä kommunikaatiosolmujen välillä. Esitetyn arkkitehtuurin suorituskyky arvioidaan empiirisen ja numeerisen analyysin avulla. Analyysi arvioi arkkitehtuurin suorituskykyä ja vertaa sitä aikaisemmin ehdotettuihin ratkaisuihin ja osoittaa arkkitehtuurin soveltuvan nykyisiin ja lähitulevaisuuden langattomiin verkkoihin.reviewe

    A Comparative Study of Prioritized Handoff Schemes with Guard Channels in Wireless Cellular Networks

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    Mobility management has always been the main challenge in most mobile systems. It involves the management of network radio channel resource capacity for the purpose of achieving optimum quality of service (QoS) standard. In this era of wireless Personal Communication Networks such as Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), Wireless Asynchronous Transfer Mode (WATM), Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS), there is a continuous increase in demand for network capacity. In order to accommodate the increased demand for network capacity (radio resource) over the wireless medium, cell sizes are reduced. As a result of such reduction in cell sizes, handoffs occur more frequently, and thereby result in increased volume of handoff related signaling. Therefore, a handoff scheme that can handle the increased signaling load while sustaining the standard QoS parameters is required.This work presents a comparative analysis of four popular developed handoff schemes. New call blocking probability, forced termination probability and throughput are the QoS parameters employed in comparing the four schemes. The four schemes are:RCS-GC,MRCS-GC, NCBS-GC, and APS-GC. NCBS-GChas the leased new call blocking probability while APS-GC has the worst. In terms of forced termination probability, MRCS-GC has the best result, whileRCS-GChas the worst scheme.MRCS-GC delivers the highest number of packets per second while APS-GC delivers the least. These performance metrics are computed by using the analytical expressions developed for these metrics in the considered models in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet environment.http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njt.v34i3.2

    Design and analysis of scheduling algorithms for next generation broadband wireless access systems

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    Efficient utilization of network resources is a key goal for emerging Broadband Wireless Access Systems (BWAS). This is a complex goal to achieve due to the heterogeneous service nature and diverse Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of various applications that BWAS support. Packet scheduling is an important activity that affects BWAS QoS outcomes. This thesis proposes a new packet scheduling mechanism that improves QoS in mobile wireless networks which exploit IP as a transport technology for data transfer between BWAS base stations and mobile users at the radio transmission layer. In order to improve BWAS QoS the new packet algorithm makes changes at both the IP and the radio layers. The new packet scheduling algorithm exploits handoff priority scheduling principles and takes into account buffer occupancy and channel conditions. The packet scheduling mechanism also incorporates the concept of fairness. The algorithm also offers an opportunity to maximize the carriers’ revenue at various traffic situations. Performance results were obtained by computer simulation and compared to the well-known algorithms. Results show that by exploiting the new packet scheduling algorithm, the transport system is able to provide a low handoff packet drop rate, low packet forwarding rate, low packet delay, ensure fairness amongst the users of different services and generates higher revenue for the telecom carriers. Furthermore this research proposes a new and novel measure named “satisfaction factor to measure the efficacy of various scheduling schemes and finally this s research also proposes four performance measurements metric for NodeB’s of Next Generation Wireless Network