41 research outputs found

    Combining MAS and P2P Systems: The Agent Trees Multi-Agent System (ATMAS)

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    The seamless retrieval of information distributed across networks has been one of the key goals of many systems. Early solutions involved the use of single static agents which would retrieve the unfiltered data and then process it. However, this was deemed costly and inefficient in terms of the bandwidth since complete files need to be downloaded when only a single value is often all that is required. As a result, mobile agents were developed to filter the data in situ before returning it to the user. However, mobile agents have their own associated problems, namely security and control. The Agent Trees Multi-Agent System (AT-MAS) has been developed to provide the remote processing and filtering capabilities but without the need for mobile code. It is implemented as a Peer to Peer (P2P) network of static intelligent cooperating agents, each of which control one or more data sources. This dissertation describes the two key technologies have directly influenced the design of ATMAS, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems and Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). P2P systems are conceptually simple, but limited in power, whereas MAS are significantly more complex but correspondingly more powerful. The resulting system exhibits the power of traditional MAS systems while retaining the simplicity of P2P systems. The dissertation describes the system in detail and analyses its performance

    Designing peer-to-peer overlays:a small-world perspective

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    The Small-World phenomenon, well known under the phrase "six degrees of separation", has been for a long time under the spotlight of investigation. The fact that our social network is closely-knitted and that any two people are linked by a short chain of acquaintances was confirmed by the experimental psychologist Stanley Milgram in the sixties. However, it was only after the seminal work of Jon Kleinberg in 2000 that it was understood not only why such networks exist, but also why it is possible to efficiently navigate in these networks. This proved to be a highly relevant discovery for peer-to-peer systems, since they share many fundamental similarities with the social networks; in particular the fact that the peer-to-peer routing solely relies on local decisions, without the possibility to invoke global knowledge. In this thesis we show how peer-to-peer system designs that are inspired by Small-World principles can address and solve many important problems, such as balancing the peer load, reducing high maintenance cost, or efficiently disseminating data in large-scale systems. We present three peer-to-peer approaches, namely Oscar, Gravity, and Fuzzynet, whose concepts stem from the design of navigable Small-World networks. Firstly, we introduce a novel theoretical model for building peer-to-peer systems which supports skewed node distributions and still preserves all desired properties of Kleinberg's Small-World networks. With such a model we set a reference base for the design of data-oriented peer-to-peer systems which are characterized by non-uniform distribution of keys as well as skewed query or access patterns. Based on this theoretical model we introduce Oscar, an overlay which uses a novel scalable network sampling technique for network construction, for which we provide a rigorous theoretical analysis. The simulations of our system validate the developed theory and evaluate Oscar's performance under typical conditions encountered in real-life large-scale networked systems, including participant heterogeneity, faults, as well as skewed and dynamic load-distributions. Furthermore, we show how by utilizing Small-World properties it is possible to reduce the maintenance cost of most structured overlays by discarding a core network connectivity element – the ring invariant. We argue that reliance on the ring structure is a serious impediment for real life deployment and scalability of structured overlays. We propose an overlay called Fuzzynet, which does not rely on the ring invariant, yet has all the functionalities of structured overlays. Fuzzynet takes the idea of lazy overlay maintenance further by eliminating the need for any explicit connectivity and data maintenance operations, relying merely on the actions performed when new Fuzzynet peers join the network. We show that with a sufficient amount of neighbors, even under high churn, data can be retrieved in Fuzzynet with high probability. Finally, we show how peer-to-peer systems based on the Small-World design and with the capability of supporting non-uniform key distributions can be successfully employed for large-scale data dissemination tasks. We introduce Gravity, a publish/subscribe system capable of building efficient dissemination structures, inducing only minimal dissemination relay overhead. This is achieved through Gravity's property to permit non-uniform peer key distributions which allows the subscribers to be clustered close to each other in the key space where data dissemination is cheap. An extensive experimental study confirms the effectiveness of our system under realistic subscription patterns and shows that Gravity surpasses existing approaches in efficiency by a large margin. With the peer-to-peer systems presented in this thesis we fill an important gap in the family of structured overlays, bringing into life practical systems, which can play a crucial role in enabling data-oriented applications distributed over wide-area networks

    SoS: self-organizing substrates

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    Large-scale networked systems often, both by design or chance exhibit self-organizing properties. Understanding self-organization using tools from cybernetics, particularly modeling them as Markov processes is a first step towards a formal framework which can be used in (decentralized) systems research and design.Interesting aspects to look for include the time evolution of a system and to investigate if and when a system converges to some absorbing states or stabilizes into a dynamic (and stable) equilibrium and how it performs under such an equilibrium state. Such a formal framework brings in objectivity in systems research, helping discern facts from artefacts as well as providing tools for quantitative evaluation of such systems. This thesis introduces such formalism in analyzing and evaluating peer-to-peer (P2P) systems in order to better understand the dynamics of such systems which in turn helps in better designs. In particular this thesis develops and studies the fundamental building blocks for a P2P storage system. In the process the design and evaluation methodology we pursue illustrate the typical methodological approaches in studying and designing self-organizing systems, and how the analysis methodology influences the design of the algorithms themselves to meet system design goals (preferably with quantifiable guarantees). These goals include efficiency, availability and durability, load-balance, high fault-tolerance and self-maintenance even in adversarial conditions like arbitrarily skewed and dynamic load and high membership dynamics (churn), apart of-course the specific functionalities that the system is supposed to provide. The functionalities we study here are some of the fundamental building blocks for various P2P applications and systems including P2P storage systems, and hence we call them substrates or base infrastructure. These elemental functionalities include: (i) Reliable and efficient discovery of resources distributed over the network in a decentralized manner; (ii) Communication among participants in an address independent manner, i.e., even when peers change their physical addresses; (iii) Availability and persistence of stored objects in the network, irrespective of availability or departure of individual participants from the system at any time; and (iv) Freshness of the objects/resources' (up-to-date replicas). Internet-scale distributed index structures (often termed as structured overlays) are used for discovery and access of resources in a decentralized setting. We propose a rapid construction from scratch and maintenance of the P-Grid overlay network in a self-organized manner so as to provide efficient search of both individual keys as well as a whole range of keys, doing so providing good load-balancing characteristics for diverse kind of arbitrarily skewed loads - storage and replication, query forwarding and query answering loads. For fast overlay construction we employ recursive partitioning of the key-space so that the resulting partitions are balanced with respect to storage load and replication. The proper algorithmic parameters for such partitioning is derived from a transient analysis of the partitioning process which has Markov property. Preservation of ordering information in P-Grid such that queries other than exact queries, like range queries can be efficiently and rather trivially handled makes P-Grid suitable for data-oriented applications. Fast overlay construction is analogous to building an index on a new set of keys making P-Grid suitable as the underlying indexing mechanism for peer-to-peer information retrieval applications among other potential applications which may require frequent indexing of new attributes apart regular updates to an existing index. In order to deal with membership dynamics, in particular changing physical address of peers across sessions, the overlay itself is used as a (self-referential) directory service for maintaining the participating peers' physical addresses across sessions. Exploiting this self-referential directory, a family of overlay maintenance scheme has been designed with lower communication overhead than other overlay maintenance strategies. The notion of dynamic equilibrium study for overlays under continuous churn and repairs, modeled as a Markov process, was introduced in order to evaluate and compare the overlay maintenance schemes. While the self-referential directory was originally invented to realize overlay maintenance schemes with lower overheads than existing overlay maintenance schemes, the self-referential directory is generic in nature and can be used for various other purposes, e.g., as a decentralized public key infrastructure. Persistence of peer identity across sessions, in spite of changes in physical address, provides a logical independence of the overlay network from the underlying physical network. This has many other potential usages, for example, efficient maintenance mechanisms for P2P storage systems and P2P trust and reputation management. We specifically look into the dynamics of maintaining redundancy for storage systems and design a novel lazy maintenance strategy. This strategy is algorithmically a simple variant of existing maintenance strategies which adapts to the system dynamics. This randomized lazy maintenance strategy thus explores the cost-performance trade-offs of the storage maintenance operations in a self-organizing manner. We model the storage system (redundancy), under churn and maintenance, as a Markov process. We perform an equilibrium study to show that the system operates in a more stable dynamic equilibrium with our strategy than for the existing maintenance scheme for comparable overheads. Particularly, we show that our maintenance scheme provides substantial performance gains in terms of maintenance overhead and system's resilience in presence of churn and correlated failures. Finally, we propose a gossip mechanism which works with lower communication overhead than existing approaches for communication among a relatively large set of unreliable peers without assuming any specific structure for their mutual connectivity. We use such a communication primitive for propagating replica updates in P2P systems, facilitating management of mutable content in P2P systems. The peer population affected by a gossip can be modeled as a Markov process. Studying the transient spread of gossips help in choosing proper algorithm parameters to reduce communication overhead while guaranteeing coverage of online peers. Each of these substrates in themselves were developed to find practical solutions for real problems. Put together, these can be used in other applications, including a P2P storage system with support for efficient lookup and inserts, membership dynamics, content mutation and updates, persistence and availability. Many of the ideas have already been implemented in real systems and several others are in the way to be integrated into the implementations. There are two principal contributions of this dissertation. It provides design of the P2P systems which are useful for end-users as well as other application developers who can build upon these existing systems. Secondly, it adapts and introduces the methodology of analysis of a system's time-evolution (tools typically used in diverse domains including physics and cybernetics) to study the long run behavior of P2P systems, and uses this methodology to (re-)design appropriate algorithms and evaluate them. We observed that studying P2P systems from the perspective of complex systems reveals their inner dynamics and hence ways to exploit such dynamics for suitable or better algorithms. In other words, the analysis methodology in itself strongly influences and inspires the way we design such systems. We believe that such an approach of orchestrating self-organization in internet-scale systems, where the algorithms and the analysis methodology have strong mutual influence will significantly change the way future such systems are developed and evaluated. We envision that such an approach will particularly serve as an important tool for the nascent but fast moving P2P systems research and development community

    Combining MAS and P2P systems : the Agent Trees Multi-Agent System (ATMAS)

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    The seamless retrieval of information distributed across networks has been one of the key goals of many systems. Early solutions involved the use of single static agents which would retrieve the unfiltered data and then process it. However, this was deemed costly and inefficient in terms of the bandwidth since complete files need to be downloaded when only a single value is often all that is required. As a result, mobile agents were developed to filter the data in situ before returning it to the user. However, mobile agents have their own associated problems, namely security and control. The Agent Trees Multi-Agent System (AT-MAS) has been developed to provide the remote processing and filtering capabilities but without the need for mobile code. It is implemented as a Peer to Peer (P2P) network of static intelligent cooperating agents, each of which control one or more data sources. This dissertation describes the two key technologies have directly influenced the design of ATMAS, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems and Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). P2P systems are conceptually simple, but limited in power, whereas MAS are significantly more complex but correspondingly more powerful. The resulting system exhibits the power of traditional MAS systems while retaining the simplicity of P2P systems. The dissertation describes the system in detail and analyses its performance.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Research Methods for the Digital Humanities

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    In holistic Digital Humanities studies of information infrastructure, we cannot rely solely on the selection of any given techniques from various disciplines. In addition to selecting our research methods pragmatically, for their relative efficacy at answering a part of a research question, we must also attend to the way in which those methods complement or contradict one another. In my study on West African network backbone infrastructure, I use the tools of different humanities, social-sciences, and computer science disciplines depending not only on the type of information that they help glean, but also on how they can build upon one another as I move through the phases of the study. Just as the architecture of information infrastructure includes discrete “layers” of machines, processes, human activity, and concepts, so too does the study of that architecture allow for multiple layers of abstraction and assumption, each a useful part of a unified, interdisciplinary approach

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.1: State of the Art on Multimedia Search Engines

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    Based on the information provided by European projects and national initiatives related to multimedia search as well as domains experts that participated in the CHORUS Think-thanks and workshops, this document reports on the state of the art related to multimedia content search from, a technical, and socio-economic perspective. The technical perspective includes an up to date view on content based indexing and retrieval technologies, multimedia search in the context of mobile devices and peer-to-peer networks, and an overview of current evaluation and benchmark inititiatives to measure the performance of multimedia search engines. From a socio-economic perspective we inventorize the impact and legal consequences of these technical advances and point out future directions of research

    DHash table

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, February 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 123-132) and index.DHash is a new system that harnesses the storage and network resources of computers distributed across the Internet by providing a wide-area storage service, DHash. DHash frees applications from re-implementing mechanisms common to any system that stores data on a collection of machines: it maintains a mapping of objects to servers, replicates data for durability, and balances load across participating servers. Applications access data stored in DHash through a familiar hash-table interface: put stores data in the system under a key; get retrieves the data. DHash has proven useful to a number of application builders and has been used to build a content-distribution system [31], a Usenet replacement [115], and new Internet naming architectures [130, 129]. These applications demand low-latency, high-throughput access to durable data. Meeting this demand is challenging in the wide-area environment. The geographic distribution of nodes means that latencies between nodes are likely to be high: to provide a low-latency get operation the system must locate a nearby copy of the data without traversing high-latency links.(cont.) Also, wide-area network links are likely to be less reliable and have lower capacities than local-area network links: to provide durability efficiently the system must minimize the number of copies of data items it sends over these limited capacity links in response to node failure. This thesis describes the design and implementation of the DHash distributed hash table and presents algorithms and techniques that address these challenges. DHash provides low-latency operations by using a synthetic network coordinate system (Vivaldi) to find nearby copies of data without sending messages over high-latency links. A network transport (STP), designed for applications that contact a large number of nodes, lets DHash provide high throughput by striping a download across many servers without causing high packet loss or exhausting local resources. Sostenuto, a data maintenance algorithm, lets DHash maintain data durability while minimizing the number of copies of data that the system sends over limited-capacity links.by Frank Dabek.Ph.D

    Continuum: an architecture for user evolvable collaborative virtual environments

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    Continuum is a software platform for collaborative virtual environments. Continuum\u27s architecture supplies a world model and defines how to combine object state, behavior code, and resource data into this single shared structure. The system frees distributed users from the constraints of monolithic centralized virtual world architectures and instead allows individual users to extend and evolve the virtual world by creating and controlling their own individual pieces of the larger world model. The architecture provides support for data distribution, code management, resource management, and rapid deployment through standardized viewers. This work not only provides this architecture, but it includes a proven implementation and the associated development tools to allow for creation of these worlds

    Software Innovation:Eight work-style heuristics for creative system developers

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