305 research outputs found

    PRM-RL: Long-range Robotic Navigation Tasks by Combining Reinforcement Learning and Sampling-based Planning

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    We present PRM-RL, a hierarchical method for long-range navigation task completion that combines sampling based path planning with reinforcement learning (RL). The RL agents learn short-range, point-to-point navigation policies that capture robot dynamics and task constraints without knowledge of the large-scale topology. Next, the sampling-based planners provide roadmaps which connect robot configurations that can be successfully navigated by the RL agent. The same RL agents are used to control the robot under the direction of the planning, enabling long-range navigation. We use the Probabilistic Roadmaps (PRMs) for the sampling-based planner. The RL agents are constructed using feature-based and deep neural net policies in continuous state and action spaces. We evaluate PRM-RL, both in simulation and on-robot, on two navigation tasks with non-trivial robot dynamics: end-to-end differential drive indoor navigation in office environments, and aerial cargo delivery in urban environments with load displacement constraints. Our results show improvement in task completion over both RL agents on their own and traditional sampling-based planners. In the indoor navigation task, PRM-RL successfully completes up to 215 m long trajectories under noisy sensor conditions, and the aerial cargo delivery completes flights over 1000 m without violating the task constraints in an environment 63 million times larger than used in training.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    ViNG: Learning Open-World Navigation with Visual Goals

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    We propose a learning-based navigation system for reaching visually indicated goals and demonstrate this system on a real mobile robot platform. Learning provides an appealing alternative to conventional methods for robotic navigation: instead of reasoning about environments in terms of geometry and maps, learning can enable a robot to learn about navigational affordances, understand what types of obstacles are traversable (e.g., tall grass) or not (e.g., walls), and generalize over patterns in the environment. However, unlike conventional planning algorithms, it is harder to change the goal for a learned policy during deployment. We propose a method for learning to navigate towards a goal image of the desired destination. By combining a learned policy with a topological graph constructed out of previously observed data, our system can determine how to reach this visually indicated goal even in the presence of variable appearance and lighting. Three key insights, waypoint proposal, graph pruning and negative mining, enable our method to learn to navigate in real-world environments using only offline data, a setting where prior methods struggle. We instantiate our method on a real outdoor ground robot and show that our system, which we call ViNG, outperforms previously-proposed methods for goal-conditioned reinforcement learning, including other methods that incorporate reinforcement learning and search. We also study how \sysName generalizes to unseen environments and evaluate its ability to adapt to such an environment with growing experience. Finally, we demonstrate ViNG on a number of real-world applications, such as last-mile delivery and warehouse inspection. We encourage the reader to visit the project website for videos of our experiments and demonstrations sites.google.com/view/ving-robot.Comment: Presented at International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 202

    Lifelong topological visual navigation

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    La possibilité pour un robot de naviguer en utilisant uniquement la vision est attrayante en raison de sa simplicité. Les approches de navigation traditionnelles basées sur la vision nécessitent une étape préalable de construction de carte qui est ardue et sujette à l'échec, ou ne peuvent que suivre exactement des trajectoires précédemment exécutées. Les nouvelles techniques de navigation visuelle basées sur l'apprentissage réduisent la dépendance à l'égard d'une carte et apprennent plutôt directement des politiques de navigation à partir des images. Il existe actuellement deux paradigmes dominants : les approches de bout en bout qui renoncent entièrement à la représentation explicite de la carte, et les approches topologiques qui préservent toujours une certaine connectivité de l'espace. Cependant, alors que les méthodes de bout en bout ont tendance à éprouver des difficultés dans les tâches de navigation sur de longues distances, les solutions basées sur les cartes topologiques sont sujettes à des défaillances dues à des arêtes erronées dans le graphe. Dans ce document, nous proposons une méthode de navigation visuelle topologique basée sur l'apprentissage, avec des stratégies de mise à jour du graphe, qui améliore les performances de navigation sur toute la durée de vie du robot. Nous nous inspirons des algorithmes de planification basés sur l'échantillonnage pour construire des graphes topologiques basés sur l'image, ce qui permet d'obtenir des graphes plus épars et d'améliorer les performances de navigation par rapport aux méthodes de base. En outre, contrairement aux contrôleurs qui apprennent à partir d'environnements d'entraînement fixes, nous montrons que notre modèle peut être affiné à l'aide d'un ensemble de données relativement petit provenant de l'environnement réel où le robot est déployé. Enfin, nous démontrons la forte performance du système dans des expériences de navigation de robots dans le monde réel.The ability for a robot to navigate using vision only is appealing due to its simplicity. Traditional vision-based navigation approaches require a prior map-building step that was arduous and prone to failure, or could only exactly follow previously executed trajectories. Newer learning-based visual navigation techniques reduce the reliance on a map and instead directly learn policies from image inputs for navigation. There are currently two prevalent paradigms: end-to-end approaches forego the explicit map representation entirely, and topological approaches which still preserve some loose connectivity of the space. However, while end-to-end methods tend to struggle in long-distance navigation tasks, topological map-based solutions are prone to failure due to spurious edges in the graph. In this work, we propose a learning-based topological visual navigation method with graph update strategies that improves lifelong navigation performance over time. We take inspiration from sampling-based planning algorithms to build image-based topological graphs, resulting in sparser graphs with higher navigation performance compared to baseline methods. Also, unlike controllers that learn from fixed training environments, we show that our model can be finetuned using a relatively small dataset from the real-world environment where the robot is deployed. Finally, we demonstrate strong system performance in real world robot navigation experiments

    Neural Network based Robot 3D Mapping and Navigation using Depth Image Camera

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    Robotics research has been developing rapidly in the past decade. However, in order to bring robots into household or office environments and cooperate well with humans, it is still required more research works. One of the main problems is robot localization and navigation. To be able to accomplish its missions, the mobile robot needs to solve problems of localizing itself in the environment, finding the best path and navigate to the goal. The navigation methods can be categorized into map-based navigation and map-less navigation. In this research we propose a method based on neural networks, using a depth image camera to solve the robot navigation problem. By using a depth image camera, the surrounding environment can be recognized regardless of the lighting conditions. A neural network-based approach is fast enough for robot navigation in real-time which is important to develop the full autonomous robots.In our method, mapping and annotating of the surrounding environment is done by the robot using a Feed-Forward Neural Network and a CNN network. The 3D map not only contains the geometric information of the environments but also their semantic contents. The semantic contents are important for robots to accomplish their tasks. For instance, consider the task “Go to cabinet to take a medicine”. The robot needs to know the position of the cabinet and medicine which is not supplied by solely the geometrical map. A Feed-Forward Neural Network is trained to convert the depth information from depth images into 3D points in real-world coordination. A CNN network is trained to segment the image into classes. By combining the two neural networks, the objects in the environment are segmented and their positions are determined.We implemented the proposed method using the mobile humanoid robot. Initially, the robot moves in the environment and build the 3D map with objects placed in their positions. Then, the robot utilizes the developed 3D map for goal-directed navigation.The experimental results show good performance in terms of the 3D map accuracy and robot navigation. Most of the objects in the working environments are classified by the trained CNN. Un-recognized objects are classified by Feed-Forward Neural Network. As a result, the generated maps reflected exactly working environments and can be applied for robots to safely navigate in them. The 3D geometric maps can be generated regardless of the lighting conditions. The proposed localization method is robust even in texture-less environments which are the toughest environments in the field of vision-based localization.博士(工学)法政大学 (Hosei University