225 research outputs found

    Impact of Social Media on Social Anxiety: A Systematic Review

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    Introduction: Online social networking sites are being used all around the world. However, only recently researchers have started to investigate their relationship with mental health. Evidence coming from literature suggests that they have both advantages and disadvantages for individuals. The aim of this study is to critically review the existent research conducted on the relationship between online social networking and social anxiety

    Analyzing the relationship between social networking addiction, interaction anxiousness and levels of loneliness of pre-service teachers Öğretmen adaylarının sosyal ağ bağımlılığı, etkileşim kaygısı ve yalnızlık düzeyi arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi

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    In this research, it was aimed to analyze the social networking addiction of pre-service teachers in terms of various variables and evaluate the relationship between social networking addiction and loneliness and interaction anxiousness. The research was designed according to the relational screening model. The study sample included 349 pre-service teachers studying at Trakya University Faculty of Education in 2012-2013 academic year fall term. The data were obtained using Facebook Addiction Scale, Interaction Anxiousness Scale, the UCLA-Loneliness Scale III and personal information form. In analysis of data, descriptive statistics, Mann Whitney U-Test, Kruskal-Wallis H and correlation tests were benefited. The research findings revealed that social networking addiction of pre-service teachers was at a low level, the relationship between interaction anxiousness and social networking addiction was high, and the relationship between the level of loneliness and social networking addiction was at a mid-level.  Moreover, in the research a statistically significant difference was obtained between the variables of social networking addiction and frequency of using social networking, gender and the level of grade they study.Bu araştırmada, öğretmen adaylarının sosyal ağ sitesi bağımlılık durumlarının çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi, sosyal ağ sitesi bağımlılığı ile yalnızlık ve etkileşim kaygısı arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma ilişkisel tarama modeline göre desenlenmiştir. Çalışma örneklemini, 2012-2013 öğretim yılı güz döneminde Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi’nde öğrenim gören 349 öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. Veriler, Facebook Bağımlılık Ölçeği, Etkileşim Kaygısı Ölçeği, UCLA-Yalnızlık Ölçeği III ve kişisel bilgiler formu ile elde edilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde betimsel istatistikler, Mann Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis H ve korelasyon testlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları, öğretmen adaylarının sosyal ağ sitesi bağımlılıklarının düşük düzeyde olduğunu, etkileşim kaygısı ile sosyal ağ sitesi bağımlılığı arasında yüksek düzeyde bir ilişki olduğunu ve yalnızlık düzeyi ile sosyal ağ sitesi bağımlılığı arasında ise orta düzeyde bir ilişki olduğun göstermiştir. Araştırmada ayrıca, sosyal ağ sitesi bağımlılığı ile sosyal ağ sitesi kullanım sıklığı, cinsiyet ve öğrenim görülen sınıf düzeyi değişkenleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark olduğu bulgusu elde edilmiştir

    Shyness, self-esteem, and loneliness as causes of FA: The moderating effect of low self-control

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    This study examined the impacts of shyness, self-esteem and loneliness on Facebook addiction by considering their inter-relations. Furthermore, the moderating effect of low self-control on the relationship between Facebook addiction and individuals’ performance was also examined. Data were collected via an online survey from 348 Malaysians and were analysed using the partial least squares technique. The results showed that shyness has both a direct effect and an indirect effect through loneliness on Facebook addiction. Although self-esteem has no direct effect on Facebook addiction, it has an indirect effect through loneliness. The results also confirmed that low self-control negatively moderates the relationship between Facebook addiction and individuals’ performance. The findings of the study contribute to knowledge on the impacts of social and psychological problem, including shyness, self-esteem and loneliness, on Facebook addiction. In addition, this study is the first attempt to investigate the moderating effect of personal characteristics, including low self-control, on the relationship between Facebook addiction and performance. The results could benefit psychologists, managers, and school counsellors in helping to prevent Facebook addiction and control its effect on individuals’ performance by developing prevention and intervention programs

    Facing life problems through the Internet. The link between psychosocial malaise and problematic Internet use in an adolescent sample

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    none3noIntroduction: Scholars have highlighted the role of negative affect as key correlates of Problematic Internet Use (PIU). According to the assumption that Internet-related behaviours can be seen as mechanisms to cope with everyday life (Kardefelt-Winther, 2017), the present study aims to explore the relation between PIU and psychosocial malaise, expecting that adolescents with high levels of social anxiety, negative emotions, and loneliness are more likely to be associated to the problem group of internet users. Methods: Measures of PIU (GPIUS-2), social anxiety (IAS, negative affectivity (PANAS), and loneliness (ILS) were detected in a sample of 766 students attending yr. 9 - 11 (13-19 years old; 47% females) of public high schools in the territory of Lecce (Apulia –Italy). A sub-group of problematic internet users was identified (n=185) and a control group was selected (n=187). A logistic regression was applied in order to esteem the effect of psychosocial variables on the differentiation between problematic and control internet users. Results: Results of the present cross-sectional study show that a higher level of social anxiety, negative emotions, and loneliness increases the probability of belonging to the group of problematic internet users. Conclusions: The findings show that for a better understanding of PIU onset and maintenance among adolescents, it is important to take into account the life problems which may lead young people to overindulge in internet use.Su rivista indicizzata ScopusopenVenuleo Claudia; Ferrante Lucrezia; Rollo SimoneVenuleo, Claudia; Ferrante, Lucrezia; Rollo, Simon

    Nadmierne korzystanie z sieci społecznościowych

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    AbstractSocial networking sites (SNS) have become an integral part of people's lives, especially the young. In Poland, the most popular SNS is Facebook – almost 14 million use it every day. Users might communicate by SNS with their friends, share photos and movies or participate in groups. There are many functions of SNS that make them attractive. SNS satisfy their users’ needs such as the need to connect or to self-present. However it is not easy to find one reason why people use SNS. Because of the popularity of this media, a new question arises: it is possible to become addicted to SNS? Scientist use terms such as: excessive use, problem use or even an addiction, but there are still no precise criteria that might be useful to identify this problem. One might find analyses of time spending on SNS and activities performed by users in scientific articles about excessive SNS use. SNS addictive tendency was usually measured by questionnaires based on some internet addiction scales. Future research in this area is needed because SNS are still a novelty and it is necessary to differentiate normal usage from the abnormal.StreszczenieSieci społecznościowe (SNS – Social Networking Sites) stały się integralną częścią życia ludzi, w szczególności osób młodych. W Polsce najpopularniejszą siecią społecznościową jest Facebook – prawie 14 milionów ludzi codziennie z niego korzysta. Użytkownicy mogą komunikować się poprzez SNS ze swoimi przyjaciółmi, dzielić zdjęciami i nagraniami wideo czy też uczestniczyć w grupach. Wiele funkcji SNS czyni je atrakcyjnymi. SNS zaspokajają potrzeby swoich użytkowników, np. potrzebę przynależności czy potrzebę autoprezentacji. Niełatwo jest znaleźć jedną przyczynę, dla której ludzie korzystają z SNS. Z powodu popularności tego medium, nasuwa się nowe pytanie: czy możliwe jest uzależnienie się od sieci społecznościowych? Naukowcy posługują się terminami, takimi jak: nadmierne korzystanie, problemowe użytkowanie czy nawet uzależnienie, ale wciąż brakuje kryteriów, które mogłyby być pomocne przy identyfikowaniu tego problemu. W artykułach naukowych na temat nadmiernego korzystania z SNS można znaleźć analizy dotyczące czasu spędzanego w sieci i aktywności podejmowanych przez ich użytkowników. Tendencja do uzależnienia od SNS była zazwyczaj mierzona za pomocą kwestionariuszy opracowanych na podstawie skal badających uzależnienie od Internetu. Potrzebne są kolejne badania w tym obszarze, ponieważ SNS wciąż są nowym zjawiskiem i niezbędne jest zróżnicowanie, kiedy użytkowanie jest normą, a kiedy przestaje nią być

    Peran kesepian dan fear of missing out terhadap kecanduan media sosial: Analisis regresi pada mahasiswa

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    AbstractAddiction to social media is an issue that many people, especially college students, experienced today and it is facilitated by technological advancements. There are several things that can predict social media addiction, which is loneliness and fear of missing out. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of loneliness and fear of missing out simultaneously on social media addiction among college students. This research was a quantitative study using the loneliness scale by Gierveld and Tilburg with a reliability score of 0,83, fear of missing out scale by Przybylski et al., with a reliability score of 0,79 and social media addiction scale by Al-Menayes with a reliability score of 0,77. The subject in this study was selected using purposive sampling with a total of 166 college students who were actively using social media. The hypothesis was analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The result of this study showed that social media addiction among college students was significantly affected by loneliness and fear of missing out. Negative antecedents such as loneliness and fear of missing out can influence students to get involved in something that is also negative, which is social media addiction.Keywords: Fear of missing out (fomo); College students; Loneliness; Social media addiction. AbstrakKecanduan media sosial merupakan masalah yang saat ini dialami oleh banyak orang, khususnya mahasiswa, dan difasilitasi oleh kemajuan teknologi. Terdapat beberapa hal yang dapat mendorong terjadinya kecanduan media sosial, salah satunya adalah kesepian dan fear of missing out. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengaruh kesepian dan fear of missing out secara simultan terhadap kecanduan media sosial di kalangan mahasiswa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan skala kesepian dari Gierveld dan Tilburg dengan reliabilitas sebesar 0,83, skala fear of missing out dari Przybylski dkk., dengan reliabilitas sebesar 0,79 dan skala kecanduan media sosial dari Al-Menayes dengan reliabilitas sebesar 0,77. Subjek dalam penelitian ini dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah sebanyak 166 orang mahasiswa yang aktif menggunakan media sosial. Hipotesis dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kecanduan media sosial di kalangan mahasiswa dipengaruhi oleh kesepian dan fear of missing out. Anteseden yang bersifat negatif seperti kesepian dan fear of missing out dapat mempengaruhi individu untuk terlibat dalam hal yang juga bersifat negatif yaitu kecanduan media sosial.Kata kunci: Fear of missing out (FoMO); Kecanduan media sosial; Kesepian; Mahasiswa

    The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the fear of missing out, anxiety, and loneliness

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    The unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic implores consideration for how the psychopathological constructs the fear of missing out, anxiety, and loneliness are affected within this context (Liverant et al., 2004; Rajkumar, 2020). These mental well-being variables also all appear in association with social media (Hunt et al., 2018; Caplan, 2007). While previous research has explored the initial impacts of the pandemic on mental well-being (Wang, Pan et al., 2020; Bu et al., 2020), this research further examines the effect on college students’ mental well-being in the pandemic alongside social media usage. I hypothesize that levels of the fear of missing out, anxiety, and loneliness in college students will be higher during the COVID-19 pandemic than previous historical samples. I hypothesize that there will be a significant relationship between social media and these variables. I hypothesize that social media usage explains the variance in levels of the fear of missing out, anxiety, and loneliness in college students. Results of this study found increased levels of the fear of missing out, anxiety, and loneliness in college students. These variables also were strongly correlated between each other and social media. Social media usage only explained 11.8% of the variance in the fear of missing out and less for loneliness and anxiety, 7.1% and 4.8% respectively (p \u3c 0.05). Social media is contributing to the issue, but the pandemic poses a much larger issue that might be weighing more heavily on students

    Can IT Hurt Productivity? An Investigation of IT Addiction

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    While IT is generally found to augment productivity, recent evidence indicates that excessive and compulsive usage of IT is likely to have some adverse consequences. Given the prevalence of IT addiction, it becomes increasingly important to study this phenomenon. We seek to investigate the adverse effects of IT addiction, especially on productivity, in work settings. We propose a model showing that two types of factors (related to individual differences and technology features) could have an impact on addictive IT use, which in turn will affect work productivity. A quantitative cross-sectional design will be used to test the model; as needed, survey instruments will be developed and/or validated. Our study will contribute to the IS discipline by proposing a model of IT addiction to identify and explain its significant antecedents and impacts. For managers, the findings will help understanding the formation of addictive IT behaviors and their effects

    An Empirical Investigation into the Role that Boredom, Relationships, Anxiety, and Gratification (BRAG) Play in a Driver’s Decision to Text

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    Texting while driving is a growing problem that has serious, and sometimes fatal, consequences. Despite laws enacted to curb this behavior, the problem continues to grow. Discovering factors that can reduce such risky behavior can significantly contribute to research, as well as save lives and reduce property damage. This study developed a model to explore the motivations that cause a driver to send messages. The model evaluates the effects that boredom, social relationships, social anxiety, and social gratification (BRAG) have upon a driver’s frequency of typing text messages. In addition, the perceived severity of the consequences and the presence of a passenger were also be evaluated for any moderating effects on a driver’s texting. Furthermore, a set of hypotheses based on the BRAG model were presented. To investigate these hypotheses, a survey instrument was developed and data was collected from 297 respondents at a mid-sized regional university in the Pacific North west of the United States. Prior to the distribution of the survey, an expert panel and a pilot study were used to ensure the reliability of the instrument. Partial least squares structured equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to evaluate the predictive validity of the BRAG model. This evaluation included an assessment of the reflective measures, as well as a detailed analysis of the structural model. Additionally, knowledge visualization techniques were used to emphasize the significance of the findings. The results of this analysis showed that the social gratification one receives from maintaining their social relationships is a significant predictor of texting while driving. Additionally, the results showed that drivers continued to text, regardless of the consequences. However, boredom and social anxiety were not significant predictors of texting while driving. This study makes important contributions to the information systems body of knowledge and has implications for state and local lawmakers, in addition to public health officials. Prior research has shown that bored or anxious individuals use texting to relieve those feelings of discomfort. However, this study did not extend those findings to drivers. As this study found that laws banning texting while driving do not deter this behavior, public health officials and lawmakers should investigate other means of deterring texting while driving, given the significant impact it has on the increase of fatal car accidents in recent years

    Facebook engagement on college students\u27 interpersonal and intrapersonal functioning

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    In recent years college students have incorporated social-networking sites, and more specifically Facebook, into their daily lives. Facebook has received empirical attention; attention focused on what students are doing on Facebook, who its users are, and, more recently, why students access Facebook. However, researchers who have assessed motivations for accessing Facebook have emphasized how motivations are associated with certain activities, and have not simultaneously and directly examined how activities and motivations are associated with both maladaptive and adaptive factors of students’ interpersonal and intrapersonal functioning. The purpose of the present study was to examine how Facebook engagement is associated with college student functioning. Data were collected from 208 undergraduate students attending a large Midwestern university and were analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression (HMR), simultaneous multiple regression (SMR), and canonical correlation analysis (CCA). The results indicated that the Facebook motivation to cope was negatively associated with conscientiousness; the motivation to enhance was positively associated with life-satisfaction and negatively associated with loneliness and identity distress; and the motivation to conform was negatively associated with social connectedness and positively associated with identity distress. Further, the results indicated that the Facebook activity of social comparison was negatively associated with social connectedness; the activity of linking was positively associated with life-satisfaction and negatively associated with loneliness; and the activity of posting self-in-focus photos (i.e., “selfies”) was negatively associated with social connectedness and life-satisfaction and positively associated with loneliness and identity distress. Finally, two Facebook Engagement variables were identified by CCA. The first, Common Facebook Engagement, was positively associated with identity distress. The second, Passive Social Monitoring, was positively associated with social connectedness and life-satisfaction. Overall, the findings suggest that counseling psychologists who work with college students could gain insight into college students’ interpersonal and intrapersonal functioning by assessing both Facebook activities and motivations at intake and throughout the therapeutic process. Additionally, in accordance with the Self-Determination Theory of motivation, it may be helpful for counseling psychologists to be aware that college students’ intrinsic motivation to access Facebook is likely positively associated with their interpersonal and intrapersonal functioning