394 research outputs found


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    This paper presents advantages of using open architecture for the real-time control of robot manipulators, parallel kinematics machine tools and other multi-axis machining systems. In order to increase their competitiveness, companies need to follow the global economy requirements. The constant incorporation of new technologies into existing controllers and reduction in the development time and costs are the main objectives. An open architecture control (OAC) concept appears as a solution to deal with these requirements. This article explains the rationale for the development of OAC systems, presents the major international activities which propose various approaches to OACs and a series of controllers that have been developed using this design philosophy at the Lola Institute

    Multi-agent and Holonic Manufacturing Systems for Process Plannong and Scheduling

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    Projektovanje tehnoloških procesa predstavlja određivanje postupka proizvodnje uz zadovoljenje prethodno definisanih ciljeva i ograničenja. Terminiranjem proizvodnje se na osnovu proizvodnog plana i prethodno određenih tehnoloških postupaka dodeljuju optimalni proizvodni resursi za odgovarajući vremenski period. Uvođenjem koncepta masovne kastomizacije, već ranije ključne funkcije, projektovanje i terminiranje proizvodnje, sada imaju krucijalnu ulogu u tehnološkom sistemu zbog sve većih zahteva koje se pred ove funkcije postavljaju. Rad se bavi uvođenjem koncepta multiagentnih i holon tehnoloških sistema uz pregled stanja u oblasti projektovanja tehnoloških procesa i terminiranja proizvodnje. Radom je obuhvaćen tradicionalni, sledstveni, pristup projektovanju i terminiranju, ali i integrisan prilaz problematici.Process planning can be defined as determination of manufacturing processes by achieving its goals and constraints. Scheduling process assigns optimal manufacturing resources over time based on production plan and previously determined process plans. With the mass customization concept, previously key functions in the production, process planning and scheduling, now become crucial for satisfaction of more demanding requirements. The paper introduces the concepts of multi-agent and holonic manufacturing systems and presents state of the process planning and scheduling area of research. It gives an overview on both, sequential and integrated, process planning and scheduling

    Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Chaos Theory for Integration of Process Planning and Scheduling

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    U radu je prikazan pristup za integrisano projektovanje i terminiranje fleksibilnih teholoških procesa obrade delova primenom algoritma baziranog na inteligenciji roja čestica i teoriji haosa (cPSO algoritam). Pored metoda kodiranja/dekodiranja parametara planova terminiranja u jedinke cPSO algoritma, u radu je predložen matematički model za minimizaciju ukupnog vremena za obradu svih delova čije se terminiranje vrši, maksimizaciju uravnoteženog iskorišćenja mašina alatki i minimizaciju transportnih tokova materijala. Takođe, u cilju prevazilaženja nedostataka vezanih za brzu konvergenciju algoritma u ranim fazama optimizacije, predložena je implementacija haotičnih mapa u PSO algoritam. Predloženi pristup je eksperimentalno verifikovan na primeru dobijanja optimalnih planova terminiranja realnih delova.This paper presents an approach for integration of process planning and scheduling based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm and chaos theory (cPSO). Besides scheduling plans representation and particle encoding/decoding scheme, mathematical model for the minimization of makespan, maximization of balanced level of machine utilization and minimization of mean flow time was presented. Also, we proposed implementation of chaotic maps in PSO algorithm in order to prevent algorithm from converging prematurely. Experimental verification of the proposed algorithm was done through the optimal scheduling of real parts

    Software system for remote control and monitoring of robots based on Android operating system and wireless communication.

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    Роботски системи су сложени системи чији корисници морају бити добро обучени. Управљање се најчешће спроводи близу самог робота или употребом жичне конекције. Данашње брзе промене и напредак у развоју технологије захтевају имплементацију нових технолошких решења у области програмирања и управљања индустријских робота и других робота специјалне намене. У савременој роботској индустрији постоји стална потреба за унапређењем приступачности и интеракције у раду са роботским системима, па је све већи значај развоја корисничких интерфејса који су интуитивни и лаки за коришћење. У складу са тим, приликом пројектовања графичког корисничког интерфејса за програмирање и управљање робота није довољно направити фокус само на обезбеђивању детаљних и комплетних функционалности управљања, већ се ергономија употребе такође треба узети у обзир. Поред тога, масивни и недоступни роботи све више захтевају управљање независно од локације оператера. Ресурси везани за роботске лабораторије често нису доступни корисницима које тек треба обучити за рад са оваквим системима, a рад са роботским системима често захтева детаљно познавање софтверских парадигми за програмирање робота. Због наведених разлога студенти који тек уче о основним принципима роботике углавном нису у могућности да се упознају са програмирањем и управљањем комплексних роботских система на практичан начин. У области едукације у роботици, бежична виртуелна окружења, која дају реалну слику о раду робота, би била од великог значаја. Посебно би се издвојио њихов значај у случају примене таквог решења за едукацију у области управљања слабо доступних робота као што су, на пример, уређаји за адаптацију и тренинг пилота. Такође, поред едукативне сврхе, употреба лако доступних, широко распрострањених и економичних уређаја би била јако исплатива. Истраживање о генералној употреби и знању студената о технологији паметних телефона, које је спроведено у оквиру ове докторске дисертације, потврђује да данашњи брз развој технологије захтева унапређење метода за учење и едукацију...Robot control systems are complex systems whose users must be well trained to use them. Control process is mainly carried out near the robot or by using wired connections. Because of rapid advances in technology, it is of great importance to implement new technology solutions in training environments, in robotics and aerospace industry. In contemporary robotics industry there is a constant need to improve accessibility of robotic systems and human-robot interaction, so the significance of developing new user interfaces that are intuitive and easy to use is growing. Therefore, for designing robot control user interfaces it is not sufficient to simply focus on providing detailed and complete control capability, but ergonomy of use should also be taken into account. Besides, massive and unreachable robots require control that is independent of the user’s location. Resources in the robotics field are limited for a common user to access and demand deep knowledge of robot-specific programming paradigms. For these reasons, it is not often possible for inexperience students to become familiar with programming and control of complex robotic systems in a practical manner. Virtual wireless environments that provide realistic experience in robot control would be of great significance in the robotics education. It would be especially important in the case of application of such a solution for education in control of poorly accessible robots, such as devices for pilots’ training and flight simulations. Also, in addition to educational purposes, the use of easily accessible, widespread and cost-effective device would be very profitable. The evaluation of the general engineering students’ use and knowledge of smart phone technology, which was conducted within this dissertation, confirms that today's rapid development of technology requires improved methods for learning and education. There are a number of scientific and research papers and reports that describe software solutions that the majority of robot manufacturers and independent software vendors offer to developers and system integrators for design and simulation of manufacturing projects. A certain number of science and research papers report the implementation and the use of smart phones for robot monitoring and control. The remote monitoring of robot and machine performance is implemented by using camera, in textual form, or by using 3D animation, and robot programming is performed by using accelerometer, gyroscope or by filling out the text fields with desired values. Such programming methods are timeconsuming for setting up and generating the desired robot performance, that is especially pronounced when frequently use the same or a similar program. Also, these methods are not sufficiently intuitive, especially for education in robotics and students that only begin to learn about the basic elements of robotics..

    Object Detection and Tracking in Cooperative Multi-Robot Transportation

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    Contemporary manufacturing systems imply the utilization of autonomous robotic systems, mainly for the execution of manipulation and transportation tasks. With a goal to reduce transportation and manipulation time, improve efficiency, and achieve flexibility of intelligent manufacturing systems, two or more intelligent mobile robots can be exploited. Such multi-robot systems require coordination and some level of communication between heterogeneous or homogeneous robotic systems. In this paper, we propose the utilization of two heterogeneous robotic systems, original intelligent mobile robots RAICO (Robot with Artificial Intelligence based COgnition) and DOMINO (Deep learning-based Omnidirectional Mobile robot with Intelligent cOntrol), for transportation tasks within a laboratory model of a manufacturing environment. In order to reach an adequate cooperation level and avoid collision while moving along predefined paths, our own developed intelligent mobile robots RAICO and DOMINO will communicate their current poses, and object detection and tracking system is developed. A stereo vision system equipped with two parallelly placed industrial-grade cameras is used for image acquisition, while convolutional neural networks are utilized for object detection, classification, and tracking. The proposed object detection and tracking system enables real-time tracking of another mobile robot within the same manufacturing environment. Furthermore, continuous information about mobile robot poses and the size of the bounding box generated by the convolutional neural network in the process of detection of another mobile robot is used for estimation of object movement and collision avoidance. Mobile robot localization through time is performed based on kinematic models of two intelligent mobile robots, and conducted experiments within a laboratory model of manufacturing environment confirm the applicability of the proposed framework for object detection and collision avoidance

    Control and programming system of parallel kinematic machine

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    The paper presents research and development results of control and programming system of parallel kinematic machine (PKM). The control system is based on G-code and two separate units: a realtime control system and an off-line system for G-code writing and editing, checking programme syntax and semantics and discovering and avoiding singular positions by simulating the machining programme in accordance with machine tool kinematics