14 research outputs found

    Dependences in Strategy Logic

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    Strategy Logic (SL) is a very expressive temporal logic for specifying and verifying properties of multi-agent systems: in SL, one can quantify over strategies, assign them to agents, and express LTL properties of the resulting plays. Such a powerful framework has two drawbacks: First, model checking SL has non-elementary complexity; second, the exact semantics of SL is rather intricate, and may not correspond to what is expected. In this paper, we focus on strategy dependences in SL, by tracking how existentially-quantified strategies in a formula may (or may not) depend on other strategies selected in the formula, revisiting the approach of [Mogavero et al., Reasoning about strategies: On the model-checking problem, 2014]. We explain why elementary dependences, as defined by Mogavero et al., do not exactly capture the intended concept of behavioral strategies. We address this discrepancy by introducing timeline dependences, and exhibit a large fragment of SL for which model checking can be performed in 2-EXPTIME under this new semantics

    Probabilistic justification logic

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    We present a probabilistic justification logic, PPJ⁠, as a framework for uncertain reasoning about rational belief, degrees of belief and justifications. We establish soundness and strong completeness for PPJ with respect to the class of so-called measurable Kripke-like models and show that the satisfiability problem is decidable. We discuss how PPJ provides insight into the well-known lottery paradox

    Facets of Distribution Identities in Probabilistic Team Semantics

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    We study probabilistic team semantics which is a semantical framework allowing the study of logical and probabilistic dependencies simultaneously. We examine and classify the expressive power of logical formalisms arising by different probabilistic atoms such as conditional independence and different variants of marginal distribution equivalences. We also relate the framework to the first-order theory of the reals and apply our methods to the open question on the complexity of the implication problem of conditional independence.Peer reviewe

    Parametrised Complexity of Model Checking and Satisfiability in Propositional Dependence Logic

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    In this paper, we initiate a systematic study of the parametrised complexity in the field of Dependence Logics which finds its origin in the Dependence Logic of V\"a\"an\"anen from 2007. We study a propositional variant of this logic (PDL) and investigate a variety of parametrisations with respect to the central decision problems. The model checking problem (MC) of PDL is NP-complete. The subject of this research is to identify a list of parametrisations (formula-size, treewidth, treedepth, team-size, number of variables) under which MC becomes fixed-parameter tractable. Furthermore, we show that the number of disjunctions or the arity of dependence atoms (dep-arity) as a parameter both yield a paraNP-completeness result. Then, we consider the satisfiability problem (SAT) showing a different picture: under team-size, or dep-arity SAT is paraNP-complete whereas under all other mentioned parameters the problem is in FPT. Finally, we introduce a variant of the satisfiability problem, asking for teams of a given size, and show for this problem an almost complete picture.Comment: Update includes refined result

    Proving Craig and Lyndon Interpolation Using Labelled Sequent Calculi

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    We have recently presented a general method of proving the fundamental logical properties of Craig and Lyndon Interpolation (IPs) by induction on derivations in a wide class of internal sequent calculi, including sequents, hypersequents, and nested sequents. Here we adapt the method to a more general external formalism of labelled sequents and provide sufficient criteria on the Kripke-frame characterization of a logic that guarantee the IPs. In particular, we show that classes of frames definable by quantifier-free Horn formulas correspond to logics with the IPs. These criteria capture the modal cube and the infinite family of transitive Geach logics

    Complexity Thresholds in Inclusion Logic

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    Logics with team semantics provide alternative means for logical characterization of complexity classes. Both dependence and independence logic are known to capture non-deterministic polynomial time, and the frontiers of tractability in these logics are relatively well understood. Inclusion logic is similar to these team-based logical formalisms with the exception that it corresponds to deterministic polynomial time in ordered models. In this article we examine connections between syntactical fragments of inclusion logic and different complexity classes in terms of two computational problems: maximal subteam membership and the model checking problem for a fixed inclusion logic formula. We show that very simple quantifier-free formulae with one or two inclusion atoms generate instances of these problems that are complete for (non-deterministic) logarithmic space and polynomial time. Furthermore, we present a fragment of inclusion logic that captures non-deterministic logarithmic space in ordered models