16,995 research outputs found

    Conservation science in NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuaries: description and recent accomplishments

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    This report describes cases relating to the management of national marine sanctuaries in which certain scientific information was required so managers could make decisions that effectively protected trust resources. The cases presented represent only a fraction of difficult issues that marine sanctuary managers deal with daily. They include, among others, problems related to wildlife disturbance, vessel routing, marine reserve placement, watershed management, oil spill response, and habitat restoration. Scientific approaches to address these problems vary significantly, and include literature surveys, data mining, field studies (monitoring, mapping, observations, and measurement), geospatial and biogeographic analysis, and modeling. In most cases there is also an element of expert consultation and collaboration among multiple partners, agencies with resource protection responsibilities, and other users and stakeholders. The resulting management responses may involve direct intervention (e.g., for spill response or habitat restoration issues), proposal of boundary alternatives for marine sanctuaries or reserves, changes in agency policy or regulations, making recommendations to other agencies with resource protection responsibilities, proposing changes to international or domestic shipping rules, or development of new education or outreach programs. (PDF contains 37 pages.

    Applying European approach to predict coal self-heating in Ukrainian mines

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    Purpose is the prediction of coal self-heating and determination of the factors effecting the dynamics of emission of tracer gases (TG) used for routine control of coal self-heating within the production unit involving European approach. Methods. To determine the composition of mine ventilation flows, mine air was sampled into a rubber chambers with the volume of 1 liter; after that, gas content (%) was determined in State Militarized Mine-Rescue Service (SMMRS) gas analytical laboratory with the help of “SIGMA-SO-V” and “Kristall” gas analyzers. Arrangement of sampling points is specified according to the normative document. Sampling periodicity while identifying a threat of coal self-heating within the worked-out area was three hours; in terms of standard conditions, the periodicity was not less than once a day. Period of monitoring within the mine working areas is not less than 9 – 10 days. Experimental observations were performed in terms of the production unit of “Pioner” mine and “Pokrovske” mine office. Findings. Innovative approach to routine control of coal self-heating taking into consideration TG dynamics has been tested in terms of the pillar system with return-flow ventilation of a mine section. It has been defined that within the area of expected place of coal self-heating, carbon oxide (CO) consumption within the mine workings was up to 20.59 l/min, and the worked-out area was the source of TG emission; if there were no signs of self-heating, self-heating was not more than 4 – 6 l/min. It has been determined that the TG emission nature is effected by geological (coal grade, seam occurrence, and seam disturbance) and technological (development system, ventilation scheme, rate of stoping advance, downtime periods etc.) factors. Originality. It is for the first time when, in terms of mining-geological and mining-technical conditions of Donbas, the factors, determining dynamics of tracer gases within the production unit in terms of pillar system of seam development, have been defined. Practical implications. Possibility to use European methodology of routine control of coal self-heating in Ukrainian mines has been substantiated and validated.Мета. Прогноз самонагрівання вугілля і визначення факторів, які впливають на динаміку виділення індикаторних газів (ІГ), що використовуються для поточного контролю самонагрівання вугілля на видобувній дільниці, шляхом застосування європейського підходу. Методика. Для визначення вмісту шахтних вентиляційних потоків рудничної атмосфери відбиралося в резинові камери об’ємом 1 літр, після чого у газоаналітичній лабораторії Державної воєнізованої гірничорятувальної служби (ДВГРС) за допомогою газоаналізаторів “Сигма-СО-В”, “Кристал” визначали вміст газів (%). Розташування точок відбору газових проб обрано у відповідності до нормативних документів. Періодичність відбору проб при виявленні загрози самонагрівання вугілля у виробленому просторі складала кожні 3 години, у звичайному режимі – не менше 1 разу на добу. Період спостереження на виїмкових дільницях – не менше 9 – 10 діб. Експериментальні спостереження виконані на виїмковій дільниці шахти “Піонер” та шахтоуправління “Покровське”. Результати. Виконано перевірку нового підходу до поточного контролю самонагрівання вугілля з урахуванням динаміки ІГ, при стовповій системі розробки зі зворотноструминним провітрюванням дільниці. Встановлено, що в районі передбачуваного осередку самонагрівання вугілля витрата СО у виробках досягала 20.59 л/хв, а джерелом виділення ІГ був вироблений простір; при відсутності ознак самонагрівання – витрата не перевищувала 4 – 6 л/хв. Встановлено, що інтенсивне виймання вугілля призводить до збільшення виділення ІГ. Так, зі збільшенням навантаження на очисний вибій від 1500 до 4600 т/добу зростає виділення СО від 2.5 до 6.0 л/хв. Визначено, що на характер виділення ІГ ключову роль відіграють геологічні (марка вугілля, залягання пласта і його порушеність) та технологічні (система розробки, схема провітрювання, швидкість посування очисних робіт, тривалість простоїв та ін.) фактори. Наукова новизна. Вперше для гірничо-геологічних і гірничотехнічних умов Донбасу встановлено фактори, що визначають динаміку індикаторних газів на видобувній дільниці при стовповій системі розробки пласта. Практична значимість. Обґрунтована та доведена можливість використання європейської методики поточного контролю самонагрівання вугілля на українських шахтах.Цель. Прогноз самонагревания угля и определение факторов, влияющих на динамику выделения индикаторных газов (ИГ), используемых для текущего контроля самонагревания угля на добычном участке, посредством применения европейского подхода. Методика. Для определения состава шахтных вентиляционных потоков рудничный воздух отбирался в резиновые камеры объемом 1 литр, после чего в газоаналитической лаборатории Государственной военизированной горноспасательной службы (ГВГСС) с помощью газоанализаторов “Сигма-СО-В”, “Кристалл” определяли содержание газов (%). Расположение точек отбора газовых проб выбрано в соответствии с нормативным документом. Периодичность отбора проб при выявлении угрозы самонагревания угля в выработанном пространстве составляла каждые 3 часа, в обычной обстановке – не реже 1 раза в сутки. Период наблюдения на выемочных участках – не менее 9 – 10 суток. Экспериментальные наблюдения выполнены на выемочном участке шахты “Пионер” и шахтоуправлении “Покровское”. Результаты. Выполнена проверка нового подхода к текущему контролю самонагревания угля с учетом динамики ИГ, при столбовой системе разработки с возвратноточным проветриванием участка. Установлено, что в районе предполагаемого очага самонагревания угля расход СО в выработках достигал 20.59 л/мин, а источником выделения ИГ являлось выработанное пространство; при отсутствии признаков самонагревания – расход не превышал 4 – 6 л/мин. Установлено, что интенсивная выемка угля приводит к увеличению выделения ИГ. Так, с увеличением нагрузки на очистной забой от 1500 до 4600 т/сут возрастает выделение СО от 2.5 до 6.0 л/мин. Определено, что на характер выделения ИГ ключевую роль играют геологические (марка угля, залегание пласта и его нарушенность) и технологические (система разработки, схема проветривания, скорость подвигания очистных работ, длительность простоев и др.) факторы. Научная новизна. Впервые для горно-геологических и горнотехнических условий Донбасса установлены факторы, определяющие динамику индикаторных газов на добычном участке при столбовой системе разработки пласта. Практическая значимость. Обоснована и подтверждена возможность использования европейской методики текущего контроля самонагревания угля на украинских шахтах.We express our gratitude to the authorities of the State Militarized Mining Rescue Service of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine for the possibility to use materials of gas-and-air surveying during our studies

    Vehicle-Life Interaction in Fog-Enabled Smart Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

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    Traffic accidents have become a major issue for researchers, academia, government and vehicle manufacturers over the last few years. Many accidents and emergency situations frequently occur on the road. Unfortunately, accidents lead to health injuries, destruction of some infrastructure, bad traffic flow, and more importantly these events cause deaths of hundreds of thousands of people due to not getting treatment in time. Thus, we need to develop an efficient and smart emergency system to ensure the timely arrival of an ambulance service to the place of the accident in order to provide timely medical help to those injured. In addition, we also need to communicate promptly with other entities such as hospitals so that they can make appropriate arrangements and provide timely medical information to emergency personnel on the scene including alerting those related to the injured person(s). In this paper, we have developed an intelligent protocol that uses connected and autonomous vehicles\u27 scenarios in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) so that prompt emergency services can be provided to reduce the death rate caused. The proposed protocol smartly connects with all the relevant entitles during the emergency while maintaining a smooth traffic flow for the arrival of the ambulance service. Moreover, our protocol also mitigates the broadcasting of messages circulating over the network for delay sensitive tasks. The evaluation results, based on the performance metrics such as channel collision, average packet delay, packet loss, and routing-overhead demonstrate that our proposed protocol outperforms previously proposed protocols such as Emergency Message Dissemination for Vehicular (EMDV), Contention Based Broadcasting (CBB), and Particle Swarm Optimization Contention-based Broadcast (PCBB) protocols. Finally, we discuss several issues and challenges that need to be addressed in the network in order to achieve more a reliable, efficient, connected, and autonomous vehicular network

    Proposal for the implementation of international training requirements for tanker personnel in Venezuela

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    Labour Administration Reforms in China

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    [Excerpt] This publication provides an explanation of the comprehensive labour administration system in China, including its recent advances, with emphasis on its public services functions, such as public employment, labour inspection and social insurance services. With the recent improvements to both the legal framework and the institutions of labour administration, it is believed that these public services will play bigger and more active roles in ensuring compliance with legislation and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employers and workers alike


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    “Coast Guards” or “Coastguards” (CG) have played a vital role in the maritime security systems of nations. The diversified utility of CGs by nations and the lack of an internationally accepted nomenclature for agencies bearing the name CG have given rise to complex issues related to these agencies. In this study, the rationales for developing a CG nomenclature model include enhancing maritime security cooperation, distinguishing CGs from naval classifications, fostering CG norms, and identifying the role of a CG in an armed conflict. To achieve this goal, the study performed a qualitative analysis of 15 CG agencies. Findings from the analysis revealed that key elements of the CG roles are civil maritime emergency response (MER) and maritime law enforcement (MLE). Based on the findings, a CG was defined as a maritime organization, assigned with the primary authority to undertake constabulary and emergency response operations within the maritime jurisdiction of a state. From this, the modeling process devised a CG hierarchical taxonomy to obtain a CG nomenclature, which includes military CGs (“Gray” model), civil-constabulary CGs (“Blue” model), and civil emergency response CGs (“White” model). The study achieved its objective of developing a practical CG nomenclature, which also fulfills the rationale behind developing a CG classification.Lieutenant Colonel, Maldivian Coast GuardApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Advanced space system concepts and their orbital support needs (1980 - 2000). Volume 1: Executive summary

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    The likely system concepts which might be representative of NASA and DoD space programs in the 1980-2000 time period were studied along with the programs' likely needs for major space transportation vehicles, orbital support vehicles, and technology developments which could be shared by the military and civilian space establishments in that time period. Such needs could then be used by NASA as an input in determining the nature of its long-range development plan. The approach used was to develop a list of possible space system concepts (initiatives) in parallel with a list of needs based on consideration of the likely environments and goals of the future. The two lists thus obtained represented what could be done, regardless of need; and what should be done, regardless of capability, respectively. A set of development program plans for space application concepts was then assembled, matching needs against capabilities, and the requirements of the space concepts for support vehicles, transportation, and technology were extracted. The process was pursued in parallel for likely military and civilian programs, and the common support needs thus identified

    Study on the efficacy of helicopters in the field of maritime rescue

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