9,922 research outputs found

    Locating-dominating codes in cycles

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    The smallest cardinality of an r-locating-dominating code in a cycle C_n of length n is denoted by M_r^{LD}(C_n). In this paper, we prove that for any r geq 5 and n geq n_r when n_r is large enough (n_r=mathcal{O}(r^3)) we have n/3 leq M_r^{LD}(C_n) leq n/3+1 if n equiv 3 pmod{6} and M_r^{LD}(C_n) = lceil n/3 ceil otherwise. Moreover, we determine the exact values of M_3^{LD}(C_n) and M_4^{LD}(C_n) for all n

    Identifying codes and locating–dominating sets on paths and cycles

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    AbstractLet G=(V,E) be a graph and let r≥1 be an integer. For a set D⊆V, define Nr[x]={y∈V:d(x,y)≤r} and Dr(x)=Nr[x]∩D, where d(x,y) denotes the number of edges in any shortest path between x and y. D is known as an r-identifying code (r-locating-dominating set, respectively), if for all vertices x∈V (x∈V∖D, respectively), Dr(x) are all nonempty and different. Roberts and Roberts [D.L. Roberts, F.S. Roberts, Locating sensors in paths and cycles: the case of 2-identifying codes, European Journal of Combinatorics 29 (2008) 72–82] provided complete results for the paths and cycles when r=2. In this paper, we provide results for a remaining open case in cycles and complete results in paths for r-identifying codes; we also give complete results for 2-locating-dominating sets in cycles, which completes the results of Bertrand et al. [N. Bertrand, I. Charon, O. Hudry, A. Lobstein, Identifying and locating–dominating codes on chains and cycles, European Journal of Combinatorics 25 (2004) 969–987]

    Solving Two Conjectures regarding Codes for Location in Circulant Graphs

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    Identifying and locating-dominating codes have been widely studied in circulant graphs of type Cn(1,2,,r)C_n(1,2, \ldots, r), which can also be viewed as power graphs of cycles. Recently, Ghebleh and Niepel (2013) considered identification and location-domination in the circulant graphs Cn(1,3)C_n(1,3). They showed that the smallest cardinality of a locating-dominating code in Cn(1,3)C_n(1,3) is at least n/3\lceil n/3 \rceil and at most n/3+1\lceil n/3 \rceil + 1 for all n9n \geq 9. Moreover, they proved that the lower bound is strict when n0,1,4(mod6)n \equiv 0, 1, 4 \pmod{6} and conjectured that the lower bound can be increased by one for other nn. In this paper, we prove their conjecture. Similarly, they showed that the smallest cardinality of an identifying code in Cn(1,3)C_n(1,3) is at least 4n/11\lceil 4n/11 \rceil and at most 4n/11+1\lceil 4n/11 \rceil + 1 for all n11n \geq 11. Furthermore, they proved that the lower bound is attained for most of the lengths nn and conjectured that in the rest of the cases the lower bound can improved by one. This conjecture is also proved in the paper. The proofs of the conjectures are based on a novel approach which, instead of making use of the local properties of the graphs as is usual to identification and location-domination, also manages to take advantage of the global properties of the codes and the underlying graphs

    On global location-domination in graphs

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    A dominating set SS of a graph GG is called locating-dominating, LD-set for short, if every vertex vv not in SS is uniquely determined by the set of neighbors of vv belonging to SS. Locating-dominating sets of minimum cardinality are called LDLD-codes and the cardinality of an LD-code is the location-domination number λ(G)\lambda(G). An LD-set SS of a graph GG is global if it is an LD-set of both GG and its complement G\overline{G}. The global location-domination number λg(G)\lambda_g(G) is the minimum cardinality of a global LD-set of GG. In this work, we give some relations between locating-dominating sets and the location-domination number in a graph and its complement.Comment: 15 pages: 2 tables; 8 figures; 20 reference

    Centroidal bases in graphs

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    We introduce the notion of a centroidal locating set of a graph GG, that is, a set LL of vertices such that all vertices in GG are uniquely determined by their relative distances to the vertices of LL. A centroidal locating set of GG of minimum size is called a centroidal basis, and its size is the centroidal dimension CD(G)CD(G). This notion, which is related to previous concepts, gives a new way of identifying the vertices of a graph. The centroidal dimension of a graph GG is lower- and upper-bounded by the metric dimension and twice the location-domination number of GG, respectively. The latter two parameters are standard and well-studied notions in the field of graph identification. We show that for any graph GG with nn vertices and maximum degree at least~2, (1+o(1))lnnlnlnnCD(G)n1(1+o(1))\frac{\ln n}{\ln\ln n}\leq CD(G) \leq n-1. We discuss the tightness of these bounds and in particular, we characterize the set of graphs reaching the upper bound. We then show that for graphs in which every pair of vertices is connected via a bounded number of paths, CD(G)=Ω(E(G))CD(G)=\Omega\left(\sqrt{|E(G)|}\right), the bound being tight for paths and cycles. We finally investigate the computational complexity of determining CD(G)CD(G) for an input graph GG, showing that the problem is hard and cannot even be approximated efficiently up to a factor of o(logn)o(\log n). We also give an O(nlnn)O\left(\sqrt{n\ln n}\right)-approximation algorithm

    Identifying and locating-dominating codes on chains and cycles

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    AbstractConsider a connected undirected graph G=(V,E), a subset of vertices C⊆V, and an integer r≥1; for any vertex v∈V, let Br(v) denote the ball of radius r centered at v, i.e., the set of all vertices within distance r from v. If for all vertices v∈V (respectively, v∈V ⧹C), the sets Br(v)∩C are all nonempty and different, then we call C an r-identifying code (respectively, an r-locating-dominating code). We study the smallest cardinalities or densities of these codes in chains (finite or infinite) and cycles

    On two variations of identifying codes

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    Identifying codes have been introduced in 1998 to model fault-detection in multiprocessor systems. In this paper, we introduce two variations of identifying codes: weak codes and light codes. They correspond to fault-detection by successive rounds. We give exact bounds for those two definitions for the family of cycles

    Identifying codes in vertex-transitive graphs and strongly regular graphs

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    We consider the problem of computing identifying codes of graphs and its fractional relaxation. The ratio between the size of optimal integer and fractional solutions is between 1 and 2ln(vertical bar V vertical bar) + 1 where V is the set of vertices of the graph. We focus on vertex-transitive graphs for which we can compute the exact fractional solution. There are known examples of vertex-transitive graphs that reach both bounds. We exhibit infinite families of vertex-transitive graphs with integer and fractional identifying codes of order vertical bar V vertical bar(alpha) with alpha is an element of{1/4, 1/3, 2/5}These families are generalized quadrangles (strongly regular graphs based on finite geometries). They also provide examples for metric dimension of graphs