131 research outputs found

    Vision-based Assistive Indoor Localization

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    An indoor localization system is of significant importance to the visually impaired in their daily lives by helping them localize themselves and further navigate an indoor environment. In this thesis, a vision-based indoor localization solution is proposed and studied with algorithms and their implementations by maximizing the usage of the visual information surrounding the users for an optimal localization from multiple stages. The contributions of the work include the following: (1) Novel combinations of a daily-used smart phone with a low-cost lens (GoPano) are used to provide an economic, portable, and robust indoor localization service for visually impaired people. (2) New omnidirectional features (omni-features) extracted from 360 degrees field-of-view images are proposed to represent visual landmarks of indoor positions, and then used as on-line query keys when a user asks for localization services. (3) A scalable and light-weight computation and storage solution is implemented by transferring big database storage and computational heavy querying procedure to the cloud. (4) Real-time query performance of 14 fps is achieved with a Wi-Fi connection by identifying and implementing both data and task parallelism using many-core NVIDIA GPUs. (5) Rene localization via 2D-to-3D and 3D-to-3D geometric matching and automatic path planning for efficient environmental modeling by utilizing architecture AutoCAD floor plans. This dissertation first provides a description of assistive indoor localization problem with its detailed connotations as well as overall methodology. Then related work in indoor localization and automatic path planning for environmental modeling is surveyed. After that, the framework of omnidirectional-vision-based indoor assistive localization is introduced. This is followed by multiple refine localization strategies such as 2D-to-3D and 3D-to-3D geometric matching approaches. Finally, conclusions and a few promising future research directions are provided

    Place and Object Recognition for Real-time Visual Mapping

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    Este trabajo aborda dos de las principales dificultades presentes en los sistemas actuales de localización y creación de mapas de forma simultánea (del inglés Simultaneous Localization And Mapping, SLAM): el reconocimiento de lugares ya visitados para cerrar bucles en la trajectoria y crear mapas precisos, y el reconocimiento de objetos para enriquecer los mapas con estructuras de alto nivel y mejorar la interación entre robots y personas. En SLAM visual, las características que se extraen de las imágenes de una secuencia de vídeo se van acumulando con el tiempo, haciendo más laboriosos dos de los aspectos de la detección de bucles: la eliminación de los bucles incorrectos que se detectan entre lugares que tienen una apariencia muy similar, y conseguir un tiempo de ejecución bajo y factible en trayectorias largas. En este trabajo proponemos una técnica basada en vocabularios visuales y en bolsas de palabras para detectar bucles de manera robusta y eficiente, centrándonos en dos ideas principales: 1) aprovechar el origen secuencial de las imágenes de vídeo, y 2) hacer que todo el proceso pueda funcionar a frecuencia de vídeo. Para beneficiarnos del origen secuencial de las imágenes, presentamos una métrica de similaridad normalizada para medir el parecido entre imágenes e incrementar la distintividad de las detecciones correctas. A su vez, agrupamos los emparejamientos de imágenes candidatas a ser bucle para evitar que éstas compitan cuando realmente fueron tomadas desde el mismo lugar. Finalmente, incorporamos una restricción temporal para comprobar la coherencia entre detecciones consecutivas. La eficiencia se logra utilizando índices inversos y directos y características binarias. Un índice inverso acelera la comparación entre imágenes de lugares, y un índice directo, el cálculo de correspondencias de puntos entre éstas. Por primera vez, en este trabajo se han utilizado características binarias para detectar bucles, dando lugar a una solución viable incluso hasta para decenas de miles de imágenes. Los bucles se verifican comprobando la coherencia de la geometría de las escenas emparejadas. Para ello utilizamos varios métodos robustos que funcionan tanto con una como con múltiples cámaras. Presentamos resultados competitivos y sin falsos positivos en distintas secuencias, con imágenes adquiridas tanto a alta como a baja frecuencia, con cámaras frontales y laterales, y utilizando el mismo vocabulario y la misma configuración. Con descriptores binarios, el sistema completo requiere 22 milisegundos por imagen en una secuencia de 26.300 imágenes, resultando un orden de magnitud más rápido que otras técnicas actuales. Se puede utilizar un algoritmo similar al de reconocimiento de lugares para resolver el reconocimiento de objetos en SLAM visual. Detectar objetos en este contexto es particularmente complicado debido a que las distintas ubicaciones, posiciones y tamaños en los que se puede ver un objeto en una imagen son potencialmente infinitos, por lo que suelen ser difíciles de distinguir. Además, esta complejidad se multiplica cuando la comparación ha de hacerse contra varios objetos 3D. Nuestro esfuerzo en este trabajo está orientado a: 1) construir el primer sistema de SLAM visual que puede colocar objectos 3D reales en el mapa, y 2) abordar los problemas de escalabilidad resultantes al tratar con múltiples objetos y vistas de éstos. En este trabajo, presentamos el primer sistema de SLAM monocular que reconoce objetos 3D, los inserta en el mapa y refina su posición en el espacio 3D a medida que el mapa se va construyendo, incluso cuando los objetos dejan de estar en el campo de visión de la cámara. Esto se logra en tiempo real con modelos de objetos compuestos por información tridimensional y múltiples imágenes representando varios puntos de vista del objeto. Después nos centramos en la escalabilidad de la etapa del reconocimiento de los objetos 3D. Presentamos una técnica rápida para segmentar imágenes en regiones de interés para detectar objetos pequeños o lejanos. Tras ello, proponemos sustituir el modelo de objetos de vistas independientes por un modelado con una única bolsa de palabras de características binarias asociadas a puntos 3D. Creamos también una base de datos que incorpora índices inversos y directos para aprovechar sus ventajas a la hora de recuperar rápidamente tanto objetos candidatos a ser detectados como correspondencias de puntos, tal y como hacían en el caso de la detección de bucles. Los resultados experimentales muestran que nuestro sistema funciona en tiempo real en un entorno de escritorio con cámara en mano y en una habitación con una cámara montada sobre un robot autónomo. Las mejoras en el proceso de reconocimiento obtienen resultados satisfactorios, sin detecciones erróneas y con un tiempo de ejecución medio de 28 milisegundos por imagen con una base de datos de 20 objetos 3D

    Information-theoretic environment modeling for mobile robot localization

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    To enhance robotic computational efficiency without degenerating accuracy, it is imperative to fit the right and exact amount of information in its simplest form to the investigated task. This thesis conforms to this reasoning in environment model building and robot localization. It puts forth an approach towards building maps and localizing a mobile robot efficiently with respect to unknown, unstructured and moderately dynamic environments. For this, the environment is modeled on an information-theoretic basis, more specifically in terms of its transmission property. Subsequently, the presented environment model, which does not specifically adhere to classical geometric modeling, succeeds in solving the environment disambiguation effectively. The proposed solution lays out a two-level hierarchical structure for localization. The structure makes use of extracted features, which are stored in two different resolutions in a single hybrid feature-map. This enables dual coarse-topological and fine-geometric localization modalities. The first level in the hierarchy describes the environment topologically, where a defined set of places is described by a probabilistic feature representation. A conditional entropy-based criterion is proposed to quantify the transinformation between the feature and the place domains. This criterion provides a double benefit of pruning the large dimensional feature space, and at the same time selecting the best discriminative features that overcome environment aliasing problems. Features with the highest transinformation are filtered and compressed to form a coarse resolution feature-map (codebook). Localization at this level is conducted through place matching. In the second level of the hierarchy, the map is viewed in high-resolution, as consisting of non-compressed entropy-processed features. These features are additionally tagged with their position information. Given the identified topological place provided by the first level, fine localization corresponding to the second level is executed using feature triangulation. To enhance the triangulation accuracy, redundant features are used and two metric evaluating criteria are employ-ed; one for dynamic features and mismatches detection, and another for feature selection. The proposed approach and methods have been tested in realistic indoor environments using a vision sensor and the Scale Invariant Feature Transform local feature extraction. Through experiments, it is demonstrated that an information-theoretic modeling approach is highly efficient in attaining combined accuracy and computational efficiency performances for localization. It has also been proven that the approach is capable of modeling environments with a high degree of unstructuredness, perceptual aliasing, and dynamic variations (illumination conditions; scene dynamics). The merit of employing this modeling type is that environment features are evaluated quantitatively, while at the same time qualitative conclusions are generated about feature selection and performance in a robot localization task. In this way, the accuracy of localization can be adapted in accordance with the available resources. The experimental results also show that the hybrid topological-metric map provides sufficient information to localize a mobile robot on two scales, independent of the robot motion model. The codebook exhibits fast and accurate topological localization at significant compression ratios. The hierarchical localization framework demonstrates robustness and optimized space and time complexities. This, in turn, provides scalability to large environments application and real-time employment adequacies

    Real-Time Multi-Fisheye Camera Self-Localization and Egomotion Estimation in Complex Indoor Environments

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    In this work a real-time capable multi-fisheye camera self-localization and egomotion estimation framework is developed. The thesis covers all aspects ranging from omnidirectional camera calibration to the development of a complete multi-fisheye camera SLAM system based on a generic multi-camera bundle adjustment method

    Mobile Robots Navigation

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    Mobile robots navigation includes different interrelated activities: (i) perception, as obtaining and interpreting sensory information; (ii) exploration, as the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; (iii) mapping, involving the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; (iv) localization, as the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; (v) path planning, as the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and (vi) path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. The book addresses those activities by integrating results from the research work of several authors all over the world. Research cases are documented in 32 chapters organized within 7 categories next described

    Kimera: from SLAM to Spatial Perception with 3D Dynamic Scene Graphs

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    Humans are able to form a complex mental model of the environment they move in. This mental model captures geometric and semantic aspects of the scene, describes the environment at multiple levels of abstractions (e.g., objects, rooms, buildings), includes static and dynamic entities and their relations (e.g., a person is in a room at a given time). In contrast, current robots' internal representations still provide a partial and fragmented understanding of the environment, either in the form of a sparse or dense set of geometric primitives (e.g., points, lines, planes, voxels) or as a collection of objects. This paper attempts to reduce the gap between robot and human perception by introducing a novel representation, a 3D Dynamic Scene Graph(DSG), that seamlessly captures metric and semantic aspects of a dynamic environment. A DSG is a layered graph where nodes represent spatial concepts at different levels of abstraction, and edges represent spatio-temporal relations among nodes. Our second contribution is Kimera, the first fully automatic method to build a DSG from visual-inertial data. Kimera includes state-of-the-art techniques for visual-inertial SLAM, metric-semantic 3D reconstruction, object localization, human pose and shape estimation, and scene parsing. Our third contribution is a comprehensive evaluation of Kimera in real-life datasets and photo-realistic simulations, including a newly released dataset, uHumans2, which simulates a collection of crowded indoor and outdoor scenes. Our evaluation shows that Kimera achieves state-of-the-art performance in visual-inertial SLAM, estimates an accurate 3D metric-semantic mesh model in real-time, and builds a DSG of a complex indoor environment with tens of objects and humans in minutes. Our final contribution shows how to use a DSG for real-time hierarchical semantic path-planning. The core modules in Kimera are open-source.Comment: 34 pages, 25 figures, 9 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2002.0628

    An Outlook into the Future of Egocentric Vision

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    What will the future be? We wonder! In this survey, we explore the gap between current research in egocentric vision and the ever-anticipated future, where wearable computing, with outward facing cameras and digital overlays, is expected to be integrated in our every day lives. To understand this gap, the article starts by envisaging the future through character-based stories, showcasing through examples the limitations of current technology. We then provide a mapping between this future and previously defined research tasks. For each task, we survey its seminal works, current state-of-the-art methodologies and available datasets, then reflect on shortcomings that limit its applicability to future research. Note that this survey focuses on software models for egocentric vision, independent of any specific hardware. The paper concludes with recommendations for areas of immediate explorations so as to unlock our path to the future always-on, personalised and life-enhancing egocentric vision.Comment: We invite comments, suggestions and corrections here: https://openreview.net/forum?id=V3974SUk1

    Advances in Robot Navigation

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    Robot navigation includes different interrelated activities such as perception - obtaining and interpreting sensory information; exploration - the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; mapping - the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; localization - the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; path planning - the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. This book integrates results from the research work of authors all over the world, addressing the abovementioned activities and analyzing the critical implications of dealing with dynamic environments. Different solutions providing adaptive navigation are taken from nature inspiration, and diverse applications are described in the context of an important field of study: social robotics