3,842 research outputs found

    Transmitter Architectures Based on Near-Field Direct Antenna Modulation

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    A near-field direct antenna modulation (NFDAM) technique is introduced, where the radiated far-field signal is modulated by time-varying changes in the antenna near-field electromagnetic (EM) boundary conditions. This enables the transmitter to send data in a direction-dependent fashion producing a secure communication link. Near-field direct antenna modulation (NFDAM) can be performed by using either switches or varactors. Two fully-integrated proof-of-concept NFDAM transmitters operating at 60 GHz using switches and varactors are demonstrated in silicon proving the feasibility of this approach

    Ultra high data rate CMOS FEs

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    The availability of numerous mm-wave frequency bands for wireless communication has motived the exploration of multi-band and multi-mode integrated components and systems in the main stream CMOS technology. This opportunity has faced the RF designer with the transition between schematic and layout. Modeling the performance of circuits after layout and taking into account the parasitic effects resulting from the layout are two issues that are more important and influential at high frequency design. Performaning measurements using on-wafer probing at 60GHz has its own complexities. The very short wave-length of the signals at mm-wave frequencies makes the measurements very sensitiv to the effective length and bending of the interfaces. This paper presents different 60GHz corner blocks, e.g. Low Noise Amplifier, Zero IF mixer, Phase-Locked Loop, A Dual-Mode Mm-Wave Injection-Locked Frequency Divider and an active transformed power amplifiers implemented in CMOS technologies. These results emphasize the feasibility of the realization 60GHZ integrated components and systems in the main stream CMOS technology

    Ultra high data rate CMOS front ends

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    The availability of numerous mm-wave frequency bands for wireless communication has motivated the exploration of multi-band and multi-mode integrated components and systems in the main stream CMOS technology. This opportunity has faced the RF designer with the transition between schematic and layout. Modeling the performance of circuits after layout and taking into account the parasitic effects resulting from the layout are two issues that are more important and influential at high frequency design. Performing measurements using on-wafer probing at 60 GHz has its own complexities. The very short wave-length of the signals at mm-wave frequencies makes the measurements very sensitive to the effective length and bending of the interfaces. This paper presents different 60 GHz corner blocks, e.g. Low Noise Amplifier, Zero IF mixer, Phase-Locked Loop, a Dual-Mode Mm-Wave Injection-Locked Frequency Divider and an active transformed power amplifiers implemented in CMOS technologies. These results emphasize the feasibility of the realization 60 GHZ integrated components and systems in the main stream CMOS technology

    Novel techniques for the design and practical realization of switched-capacitor circuits in deep-submicron CMOS technologies

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    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaSwitches presenting high linearity are more and more required in switched-capacitor circuits,namely in 12 to 16 bits resolution analog-to-digital converters. The CMOS technology evolves continuously towards lower supply voltages and, simultaneously, new design techniques are necessary to fulfill the realization of switches exhibiting a high dynamic range and a distortion compatible with referred resolutions. Moreover, with the continuously downing of the sizes, the physic constraints of the technology must be considered to avoid the excessive stress of the devices when relatively high voltages are applied to the gates. New switch-linearization techniques, with high reliability, must be necessarily developed and demonstrated in CMOS integrated circuits. Also, the research of new structures of circuits with switched-capacitor is permanent. Simplified and efficient structures are mandatory, adequate to the new demands emerging from the proliferation of portable equipments, necessarily with low energy consumption while assuring high performance and multiple functions. The work reported in this Thesis comprises these two areas. The behavior of the switches under these new constraints is analyzed, being a new and original solution proposed, in order to maintain the performance. Also, proposals for the application of simpler clock and control schemes are presented, and for the use of open-loop structures and amplifiers with localfeedback. The results, obtained in laboratory or by simulation, assess the feasibility of the presented proposals

    Analysis of the high frequency substrate noise effects on LC-VCOs

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    La integració de transceptors per comunicacions de radiofreqüència en CMOS pot quedar seriosament limitada per la interacció entre els seus blocs, arribant a desaconsellar la utilització de un únic dau de silici. El soroll d’alta freqüència generat per certs blocs, com l’amplificador de potencia, pot viatjar pel substrat i amenaçar el correcte funcionament de l’oscil·lador local. Trobem tres raons importants que mostren aquest risc d’interacció entre blocs i que justifiquen la necessitat d’un estudi profund per minimitzar-lo. Les característiques del substrat fan que el soroll d’alta freqüència es propagui m’és fàcilment que el de baixa freqüència. Per altra banda, les estructures de protecció perden eficiència a mesura que la freqüència augmenta. Finalment, el soroll d’alta freqüència que arriba a l’oscil·lador degrada al seu correcte comportament. El propòsit d’aquesta tesis és analitzar en profunditat la interacció entre el soroll d’alta freqüència que es propaga pel substrat i l’oscil·lador amb l’objectiu de poder predir, mitjançant un model, l’efecte que aquest soroll pot tenir sobre el correcte funcionament de l’oscil·lador. Es volen proporcionar diverses guies i normes a seguir que permeti als dissenyadors augmentar la robustesa dels oscil·ladors al soroll d’alta freqüència que viatja pel substrat. La investigació de l’efecte del soroll de substrat en oscil·ladors s’ha iniciat des d’un punt de vista empíric, per una banda, analitzant la propagació de senyals a través del substrat i avaluant l’eficiència d’estructures per bloquejar aquesta propagació, i per altra, determinant l’efecte d’un to present en el substrat en un oscil·lador. Aquesta investigació ha mostrat que la injecció d’un to d’alta freqüència en el substrat es pot propagar fins arribar a l’oscil·lador i que, a causa del ’pulling’ de freqüència, pot modular en freqüència la sortida de l’oscil·lador. A partir dels resultats de l’anàlisi empíric s’ha aportat un model matemàtic que permet predir l’efecte del soroll en l’oscil·lador. Aquest model té el principal avantatge en el fet de que està basat en paràmetres físics de l’oscil·lador o del soroll, permetent determinar les mesures que un dissenyador pot prendre per augmentar la robustesa de l’oscil·lador així com les conseqüències que aquestes mesures tenen sobre el seu funcionament global (trade-offs). El model ha estat comparat tant amb simulacions com amb mesures reals demostrant ser molt precís a l’hora de predir l’efecte del soroll de substrat. La utilitat del model com a eina de disseny s’ha demostrat en dos estudis. Primerament, les conclusions del model han estat aplicades en el procés de disseny d’un oscil·lador d’ultra baix consum a 2.5GHz, aconseguint un oscil·lador robust al soroll de substrat d’alta freqüència i amb característiques totalment compatibles amb els principals estàndards de comunicació en aquesta banda. Finalment, el model s’ha utilitzat com a eina d’anàlisi per avaluar la causa de les diferències, en termes de robustesa a soroll de substrat, mesurades en dos oscil·ladors a 60GHz amb dues diferents estratègies d’apantallament de l’inductor del tanc de ressonant, flotant en un cas i connectat a terra en l’altre. El model ha mostrat que les diferències en robustesa són causades per la millora en el factor de qualitat i en l’amplitud d’oscil·lació i no per un augment en l’aïllament entre tanc i substrat. Per altra banda, el model ha demostrat ser vàlid i molt precís inclús en aquest rang de freqüència tan extrem. el principal avantatge en el fet de que està basat en paràmetres físics de l’oscil·lador o del soroll, permetent determinar les mesures que un dissenyador pot prendre per augmentar la robustesa de l’oscil·lador així com les conseqüències que aquestes mesures tenen sobre el seu funcionament global (trade-offs). El model ha estat comparat tant amb simulacions com amb mesures reals demostrant ser molt precís a l’hora de predir l’efecte del soroll de substrat. La utilitat del model com a eina de disseny s’ha demostrat en dos estudis. Primerament, les conclusions del model han estat aplicades en el procés de disseny d’un oscil·lador d’ultra baix consum a 2.5GHz, aconseguint un oscil·lador robust al soroll de substrat d’alta freqüència i amb característiques totalment compatibles amb els principals estàndards de comunicació en aquesta banda. Finalment, el model s’ha utilitzat com a eina d’anàlisi per avaluar la causa de les diferències, en termes de robustesa a soroll de substrat, mesurades en dos oscil·ladors a 60GHz amb dues diferents estratègies d’apantallament de l’inductor del tanc de ressonant, flotant en un cas i connectat a terra en l’altre. El model ha mostrat que les diferències en robustesa són causades per la millora en el factor de qualitat i en l’amplitud d’oscil·lació i no per un augment en l’aïllament entre tanc i substrat. Per altra banda, el model ha demostrat ser vàlid i molt precís inclús en aquest rang de freqüència tan extrem.The integration of transceivers for RF communication in CMOS can be seriously limited by the interaction between their blocks, even advising against using a single silicon die. The high frequency noise generated by some of the blocks, like the power amplifier, can travel through the substrate, reaching the local oscillator and threatening its correct performance. Three important reasons can be stated that show the risk of the single die integration. Noise propagation is easier the higher the frequency. Moreover, the protection structures lose efficiency as the noise frequency increases. Finally, the high frequency noise that reaches the local oscillator degrades its performance. The purpose of this thesis is to deeply analyze the interaction between the high frequency substrate noise and the oscillator with the objective of being able to predict, thanks to a model, the effect that this noise may have over the correct behavior of the oscillator. We want to provide some guidelines to the designers to allow them to increase the robustness of the oscillator to high frequency substrate noise. The investigation of the effect of the high frequency substrate noise on oscillators has started from an empirical point of view, on one hand, analyzing the noise propagation through the substrate and evaluating the efficiency of some structures to block this propagation, and on the other hand, determining the effect on an oscillator of a high frequency noise tone present in the substrate. This investigation has shown that the injection of a high frequency tone in the substrate can reach the oscillator and, due to a frequency pulling effect, it can modulate in frequency the output of the oscillator. Based on the results obtained during the empirical analysis, a mathematical model to predict the effect of the substrate noise on the oscillator has been provided. The main advantage of this model is the fact that it is based on physical parameters of the oscillator and of the noise, allowing to determine the measures that a designer can take to increase the robustness of the oscillator as well as the consequences (trade-offs) that these measures have over its global performance. This model has been compared against both, simulations and real measurements, showing a very high accuracy to predict the effect of the high frequency substrate noise. The usefulness of the presented model as a design tool has been demonstrated in two case studies. Firstly, the conclusions obtained from the model have been applied in the design of an ultra low power consumption 2.5 GHz oscillator robust to the high frequency substrate noise with characteristics which make it compatible with the main communication standards in this frequency band. Finally, the model has been used as an analysis tool to evaluate the cause of the differences, in terms of performance degradation due to substrate noise, measured in two 60 GHz oscillators with two different tank inductor shielding strategies, floating and grounded. The model has determined that the robustness differences are caused by the improvement in the tank quality factor and in the oscillation amplitude and no by an increased isolation between the tank and the substrate. The model has shown to be valid and very accurate even in these extreme frequency range.Postprint (published version

    MOSFET zero-temperature-coefficient (ZTC) effect modeling anda analysis for low thermal sensitivity analog applications

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    Continuing scaling of Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) technologies brings more integration and consequently temperature variation has become more aggressive into a single die. Besides, depending on the application, room ambient temperature may also vary. Therefore, procedures to decrease thermal dependencies of eletronic circuit performances become an important issue to include in both digital and analog Integrated Circuits (IC) design flow. The main purpose of this thesis is to present a design methodology for a typical CMOS Analog design flow to make circuits as insensitivity as possible to temperature variation. MOSFET Zero Temperature Coefficient (ZTC) and Transconductance Zero Temperature Coefficient (GZTC) bias points are modeled to support it. These are used as reference to deliver a set of equations that explains to analog designers how temperature will change transistor operation and hence the analog circuit behavior. The special bias conditions are analyzed using a MOSFET model that is continuous from weak to strong inversion, and both are proven to occur always from moderate to strong inversion operation in any CMOS fabrication process. Some circuits are designed using proposed methodology: two new ZTC-based current references, two new ZTC-based voltage references and four classical Gm-C circuits biased at GZTC bias point (or defined here as GZTC-C filters). The first current reference is a Self-biased CMOS Current Reference (ZSBCR), which generates a current reference of 5 A. It is designed in an 180 nm process, operating with a supply voltage from 1.4V to 1.8 V and occupying around 0:010mm2 of silicon area. From circuit simulations the reference shows an effective temperature coefficient (TCeff ) of 15 ppm/oC from 45 to +85oC, and a fabrication process sensitivity of = = 4:5%, including average process and local mismatch. Simulated power supply sensitivity is estimated around 1%/V. The second proposed current reference is a Resistorless Self-Biased ZTC Switched Capacitor Current Reference (ZSCCR). It is also designed in an 180 nm process, resulting a reference current of 5.88 A under a supply voltage of 1.8 V, and occupying a silicon area around 0:010mm2. Results from circuit simulation show an TCeff of 60 ppm/oC from -45 to +85 oC and a power consumption of 63 W. The first proposed voltage reference is an EMI Resisting MOSFET-Only Voltage Reference (EMIVR), which generates a voltage reference of 395 mV. The circuit is designed in a 130 nm process, occupying around 0.0075 mm2 of silicon area while consuming just 10.3 W. Post-layout simulations present a TCeff of 146 ppm/oC, for a temperature range from 55 to +125oC. An EMI source of 4 dBm (1 Vpp amplitude) injected into the power supply of circuit, according to Direct Power Injection (DPI) specification results in a maximum DC Shift and Peak-to-Peak ripple of -1.7 % and 35.8m Vpp, respectively. The second proposed voltage reference is a 0.5V Schottky-based Voltage Reference (SBVR). It provides three voltage reference outputs, each one utilizing different threshold voltage MOSFETs (standard-VT , low-VT , and zero-VT ), all available in adopted 130 nm CMOS process. This design results in three different and very low reference voltages: 312, 237, and 51 mV, presenting a TCeff of 214, 372, and 953 ppm/oC in a temperature range from -55 to 125oC, respectively. It occupies around 0.014 mm2 of silicon area for a total power consumption of 5.9 W. Lastly, a few example Gm-C circuits are designed using GZTC technique: a single-ended resistor emulator, an impedance inverter, a first order and a second order filter. These circuits are simulated in a 130 nm CMOS commercial process, resulting improved thermal stability in the main performance parameters, in the range from 27 to 53 ppm/°C.A contínua miniaturização das tecnologias CMOS oferece maior capacidade de integração e, consequentemente, as variações de temperatura dentro de uma pastilha de silício têm se apresentado cada vez mais agressivas. Ademais, dependendo da aplicação, a temperatura ambiente a qual o CHIP está inserido pode variar. Dessa maneira, procedimentos para diminuir o impacto dessas variações no desempenho do circuito são imprescindíveis. Tais métodos devem ser incluídos em ambos fluxos de projeto CMOS, analógico e digital, de maneira que o desempenho do sistema se mantenha estável quando a temperatura oscilar. A ideia principal desta dissertação é propor uma metodologia de projeto CMOS analógico que possibilite circuitos com baixa dependência térmica. Como base fundamental desta metodologia, o efeito de coeficiente térmico nulo no ponto de polarização da corrente de dreno (ZTC) e da transcondutância (GZTC) do MOSFET são analisados e modelados. Tal modelamento é responsável por entregar ao projetista analógico um conjunto de equações que esclarecem como a temperatura influencia o comportamento do transistor e, portanto, o comportamento do circuito. Essas condições especiais de polarização são analisadas usando um modelo de MOSFET que é contínuo da inversão fraca para forte. Além disso, é mostrado que as duas condições ocorrem em inversão moderada para forte em qualquer processo CMOS. Algumas aplicações são projetadas usando a metodologia proposta: duas referências de corrente baseadas em ZTC, duas referências de tensão baseadas em ZTC, e quatro circuitos gm-C polarizados em GZTC. A primeira referência de corrente é uma Corrente de Referência CMOS Auto-Polarizada (ZSBCR), que gera uma referência de 5uA. Projetada em CMOS 180 nm, a referência opera com uma tensão de alimentação de 1.4 à 1.8 V, ocupando uma área em torno de 0:010mm2. Segundo as simulações, o circuito apresenta um coeficiente de temperatura efetivo (TCeff ) de 15 ppm/oC para -45 à +85 oC e uma sensibilidade à variação de processo de = = 4:5% incluindo efeitos de variabilidade dos tipos processo e descasamento local. A sensibilidade de linha encontrada nas simulações é de 1%=V . A segunda referência de corrente proposta é uma Corrente de Referência Sem Resistor Auto-Polarizada com Capacitor Chaveado (ZSCCR). O circuito é projetado também em 180 nm, resultando em uma corrente de referência de 5.88 A, para uma tensão de alimentação de 1.8 V, e ocupando uma área de 0:010mm2. Resultados de simulações mostram um TCeff de 60 ppm/oC para um intervalo de temperatura de -45 à +85 oC e um consumo de potência de 63 W. A primeira referência de tensão proposta é uma Referência de Tensão resistente à pertubações eletromagnéticas contendo apenas MOSFETs (EMIVR), a qual gera um valor de referência de 395 mV. O circuito é projetado no processo CMOS 130 nm, ocupando em torno de 0.0075 mm2 de área de silício, e consumindo apenas 10.3 W. Simulações pós-leiaute apresentam um TCeff de 146 ppm/oC, para um intervalo de temperatura de 55 à +125oC. Uma fonte EMI de 4 dBm (1 Vpp de amplitude) aplicada na alimentação do circuito, de acordo com o padrão Direct Power Injection (DPI), resulta em um máximo de desvio DC e ondulação Pico-à-Pico de -1.7 % e 35.8m Vpp, respectivamente. A segunda referência de tensão é uma Tensão de Referência baseada em diodo Schottky com 0.5V de alimentação (SBVR). Ela gera três saídas, cada uma utilizando MOSFETs com diferentes tensões de limiar (standard-VT , low-VT , e zero-VT ). Todos disponíveis no processo adotado CMOS 130 nm. Este projeto resulta em três diferentes voltages de referências: 312, 237, e 51 mV, apresentando um TCeff de 214, 372, e 953 ppm/oC no intervalo de temperatura de -55 à 125oC, respectivamente. O circuito ocupa em torno de 0.014 mm2, consumindo um total de 5.9 W. Por último, circuitos gm-C são projetados usando o conceito GZTC: um emulador de resistor, um inversor de impedância, um filtro de primeira ordem e um filtro de segunda ordem. Os circuitos também são simulados no processo CMOS 130 nm, resultando em uma melhora na estabilidade térmica dos seus principais parâmetros, indo de 27 à 53 ppm/°C

    Parametric analog signal amplification applied to nanoscale cmos wireless digital transceivers

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    Thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Electrical and Computer Engineering by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Faculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaSignal amplification is required in almost every analog electronic system. However noise is also present, thus imposing limits to the overall circuit performance, e.g., on the sensitivity of the radio transceiver. This drawback has triggered a major research on the field, which has been producing several solutions to achieve amplification with minimum added noise. During the Fifties, an interesting out of mainstream path was followed which was based on variable reactance instead of resistance based amplifiers. The principle of these parametric circuits permits to achieve low noise amplifiers since the controlled variations of pure reactance elements is intrinsically noiseless. The amplification is based on a mixing effect which enables energy transfer from an AC pump source to other related signal frequencies. While the first implementations of these type of amplifiers were already available at that time, the discrete-time version only became visible more recently. This discrete-time version is a promising technique since it is well adapted to the mainstream nanoscale CMOS technology. The technique itself is based on the principle of changing the surface potential of the MOS device while maintaining the transistor gate in a floating state. In order words, the voltage amplification is achieved by changing the capacitance value while maintaining the total charge unchanged during an amplification phase. Since a parametric amplifier is not intrinsically dependent on the transconductance of the MOS transistor, it does not directly suffer from the intrinsic transconductance MOS gain issues verified in nanoscale MOS technologies. As a consequence, open-loop and opamp free structures can further emerge with this additional contribution. This thesis is dedicated to the analysis of parametric amplification with special emphasis on the MOS discrete-time implementation. The use of the latter is supported on the presentation of several circuits where the MOS Parametric Amplifier cell is well suited: small gain amplifier, comparator, discrete-time mixer and filter, and ADC. Relatively to the latter, a high speed time-interleaved pipeline ADC prototype is implemented in a,standard 130 nm CMOS digital technology from United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC). The ADC is fully based on parametric MOS amplification which means that one could achieve a compact and MOS-only implementation. Furthermore, any high speed opamp has not been used in the signal path, being all the amplification steps implemented with open-loop parametric MOS amplifiers. To the author’s knowledge, this is first reported pipeline ADC that extensively used the parametric amplification concept.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through the projects SPEED, LEADER and IMPAC

    Design And Implementation Of Up-Conversion Mixer And Lc-Quadrature Oscillator For IEEE 802.11a WLAN Transmitter Application Utilizing 0.18 Pm CMOS Technology [TK7871.99.M44 H279 2008 f rb].

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    Perlumbaan implementasi litar terkamil radio, dengan kos yang rendah telah menggalakkan penggunaan teknologi CMOS. The drive for cost reduction has led to the use of CMOS technology for highly integrated radios