24 research outputs found

    Computer Vision for Marine Environmental Monitoring

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    Osterloff J. Computer Vision for Marine Environmental Monitoring. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2018.Ocean exploration using imaging techniques has recently become very popular as camera systems became affordable and technique developed further. Marine imaging provides a unique opportunity to monitor the marine environment. The visual exploration using images allows to explore the variety of fauna, flora and geological structures of the marine environment. This monitoring creates a bottleneck as a manual evaluation of the large amounts of underwater image data is very time consuming. Information encapsulated in the images need to be extracted so that they can be included in statistical analyzes. Objects of interest (OOI) have to be localized and identified in the recorded images. In order to overcome the bottleneck, computer vision (CV) is applied in this thesis to extract the image information (semi-) automatically. A pre-evaluation of the images by marking OOIs manually, i.e. the manual annotation process, is necessary to provide examples for the applied CV methods. Five major challenges are identified in this thesis to apply of CV for marine environmental monitoring. The challenges can be grouped into challenges caused by underwater image acquisition and by the use of manual annotations for machine learning (ML). The image acquisition challenges are the optical properties challenge, e.g. a wavelength dependent attenuation underwater, and the dynamics of these properties, as different amount of matter in the water column affect colors and illumination in the images. The manual annotation challenges for applying ML for underwater images are, the low number of available manual annotations, the quality of the annotations in terms of correctness and reproducibility and the spatial uncertainty of them. The latter is caused by allowing a spatial uncertainty to speed up the manual annotation process e.g. using point annotations instead of fully outlining OOIs on a pixel level. The challenges are resolved individually in four different new CV approaches. The individual CV approaches allow to extract new biologically relevant information from time-series images recorded underwater. Manual annotations provide the ground truth for the CV systems and therefore for the included ML. Placing annotations manually in underwater images is a challenging task. In order to assess the quality in terms of correctness and reproducibility a detailed quality assessment for manual annotations is presented. This includes the computation of a gold standard to increase the quality of the ground truth for the ML. In the individually tailored CV systems, different ML algorithms are applied and adapted for marine environmental monitoring purposes. Applied ML algorithms cover a broad variety from unsupervised to supervised methods, including deep learning algorithms. Depending on the biologically motivated research question, systems are evaluated individually. The first two CV systems are developed for the _in-situ_ monitoring of the sessile species _Lophelia pertusa_. Visual information of the cold-water coral is extracted automatically from time-series images recorded by a fixed underwater observatory (FUO) located at 260 m depth and 22 km off the Norwegian coast. Color change of a cold water coral reef over time is quantified and the polyp activity of the imaged coral is estimated (semi-) automatically. The systems allow for the first time to document an _in-situ_ change of color of a _Lophelia pertusa_ coral reef and to estimate the polyp activity for half a year with a temporal resolution of one hour. The third CV system presented in this thesis allows to monitor the mobile species shrimp _in-situ_. Shrimp are semitransparent creating additional challenges for localization and identification in images using CV. Shrimp are localized and identified in time-series images recorded by the same FUO. Spatial distribution and temporal occurrence changes are observed by comparing two different time periods. The last CV system presented in this thesis is developed to quantify the impact of sedimentation on calcareous algae samples in a _wet-lab_ experiment. The size and color change of the imaged samples over time can be quantified using a consumer camera and a color reference plate placed in the field of view for each recorded image. Extracting biologically relevant information from underwater images is only the first step for marine environmental monitoring. The extracted image information, like behavior or color change, needs to be related to other environmental parameters. Therefore, also data science methods are applied in this thesis to unveil some of the relations between individual species' information extracted semi-automatically from underwater images and other environmental parameters

    영상 잡음 제거와 수중 영상 복원을 위한 정규화 방법

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    학위논문(박사)--서울대학교 대학원 :자연과학대학 수리과학부,2020. 2. 강명주.In this thesis, we discuss regularization methods for denoising images corrupted by Gaussian or Cauchy noise and image dehazing in underwater. In image denoising, we introduce the second-order extension of structure tensor total variation and propose a hybrid method for additive Gaussian noise. Furthermore, we apply the weighted nuclear norm under nonlocal framework to remove additive Cauchy noise in images. We adopt the nonconvex alternating direction method of multiplier to solve the problem iteratively. Subsequently, based on the color ellipsoid prior which is effective for restoring hazy image in the atmosphere, we suggest novel dehazing method adapted for underwater condition. Because attenuation rate of light varies depending on wavelength of light in water, we apply the color ellipsoid prior only for green and blue channels and combine it with intensity map of red channel to refine the obtained depth map further. Numerical experiments show that our proposed methods show superior results compared with other methods both in quantitative and qualitative aspects.본 논문에서 우리는 가우시안 또는 코시 분포를 따르는 잡음으로 오염된 영상과 물 속에서 얻은 영상을 복원하기 위한 정규화 방법에 대해 논의한다. 영상 잡음 문제에서 우리는 덧셈 가우시안 잡음의 해결을 위해 구조 텐서 총변이의 이차 확장을 도입하고 이것을 이용한 혼합 방법을 제안한다. 나아가 덧셈 코시 잡음 문제를 해결하기 위해 우리는 가중 핵 노름을 비국소적인 틀에서 적용하고 비볼록 교차 승수법을 통해서 반복적으로 문제를 푼다. 이어서 대기 중의 안개 낀 영상을 복원하는데 효과적인 색 타원면 가정에 기초하여, 우리는 물 속의 상황에 알맞은 영상 복원 방법을 제시한다. 물 속에서 빛의 감쇠 정도는 빛의 파장에 따라 달라지기 때문에, 우리는 색 타원면 가정을 영상의 녹색과 청색 채널에 적용하고 그로부터 얻은 깊이 지도를 적색 채널의 강도 지도와 혼합하여 개선된 깊이 지도를 얻는다. 수치적 실험을 통해서 우리가 제시한 방법들을 다른 방법과 비교하고 질적인 측면과 평가 지표에 따른 양적인 측면 모두에서 우수함을 확인한다.1 Introduction 1 1.1 Image denoising for Gaussian and Cauchy noise 2 1.2 Underwater image dehazing 5 2 Preliminaries 9 2.1 Variational models for image denoising 9 2.1.1 Data-fidelity 9 2.1.2 Regularization 11 2.1.3 Optimization algorithm 14 2.2 Methods for image dehazing in the air 15 2.2.1 Dark channel prior 16 2.2.2 Color ellipsoid prior 19 3 Image denoising for Gaussian and Cauchy noise 23 3.1 Second-order structure tensor and hybrid STV 23 3.1.1 Structure tensor total variation 24 3.1.2 Proposed model 28 3.1.3 Discretization of the model 31 3.1.4 Numerical algorithm 35 3.1.5 Experimental results 37 3.2 Weighted nuclear norm minimization for Cauchy noise 46 3.2.1 Variational models for Cauchy noise 46 3.2.2 Low rank minimization by weighted nuclear norm 52 3.2.3 Proposed method 55 3.2.4 ADMM algorithm 56 3.2.5 Numerical method and experimental results 58 4 Image restoration in underwater 71 4.1 Scientific background 72 4.2 Proposed method 73 4.2.1 Color ellipsoid prior on underwater 74 4.2.2 Background light estimation 78 4.3 Experimental results 80 5 Conclusion 87 Appendices 89Docto

    Robotic Visual Tracking of Relevant Cues in Underwater Environments with Poor Visibility Conditions

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    Using visual sensors for detecting regions of interest in underwater environments is fundamental for many robotic applications. Particularly, for an autonomous exploration task, an underwater vehicle must be guided towards features that are of interest. If the relevant features can be seen from the distance, then smooth control movements of the vehicle are feasible in order to position itself close enough with the final goal of gathering visual quality images. However, it is a challenging task for a robotic system to achieve stable tracking of the same regions since marine environments are unstructured and highly dynamic and usually have poor visibility. In this paper, a framework that robustly detects and tracks regions of interest in real time is presented. We use the chromatic channels of a perceptual uniform color space to detect relevant regions and adapt a visual attention scheme to underwater scenes. For the tracking, we associate with each relevant point superpixel descriptors which are invariant to changes in illumination and shape. The field experiment results have demonstrated that our approach is robust when tested on different visibility conditions and depths in underwater explorations

    Semantic Segmentation for Real-World Applications

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    En visión por computador, la comprensión de escenas tiene como objetivo extraer información útil de una escena a partir de datos de sensores. Por ejemplo, puede clasificar toda la imagen en una categoría particular o identificar elementos importantes dentro de ella. En este contexto general, la segmentación semántica proporciona una etiqueta semántica a cada elemento de los datos sin procesar, por ejemplo, a todos los píxeles de la imagen o, a todos los puntos de la nube de puntos. Esta información es esencial para muchas aplicaciones de visión por computador, como conducción, aplicaciones médicas o robóticas. Proporciona a los ordenadores una comprensión sobre el entorno que es necesaria para tomar decisiones autónomas.El estado del arte actual de la segmentación semántica está liderado por métodos de aprendizaje profundo supervisados. Sin embargo, las condiciones del mundo real presentan varias restricciones para la aplicación de estos modelos de segmentación semántica. Esta tesis aborda varios de estos desafíos: 1) la cantidad limitada de datos etiquetados disponibles para entrenar modelos de aprendizaje profundo, 2) las restricciones de tiempo y computación presentes en aplicaciones en tiempo real y/o en sistemas con poder computacional limitado, y 3) la capacidad de realizar una segmentación semántica cuando se trata de sensores distintos de la cámara RGB estándar.Las aportaciones principales en esta tesis son las siguientes:1. Un método nuevo para abordar el problema de los datos anotados limitados para entrenar modelos de segmentación semántica a partir de anotaciones dispersas. Los modelos de aprendizaje profundo totalmente supervisados lideran el estado del arte, pero mostramos cómo entrenarlos usando solo unos pocos píxeles etiquetados. Nuestro enfoque obtiene un rendimiento similar al de los modelos entrenados con imágenescompletamente etiquetadas. Demostramos la relevancia de esta técnica en escenarios de monitorización ambiental y en dominios más generales.2. También tratando con datos de entrenamiento limitados, proponemos un método nuevo para segmentación semántica semi-supervisada, es decir, cuando solo hay una pequeña cantidad de imágenes completamente etiquetadas y un gran conjunto de datos sin etiquetar. La principal novedad de nuestro método se basa en el aprendizaje por contraste. Demostramos cómo el aprendizaje por contraste se puede aplicar a la tarea de segmentación semántica y mostramos sus ventajas, especialmente cuando la disponibilidad de datos etiquetados es limitada logrando un nuevo estado del arte.3. Nuevos modelos de segmentación semántica de imágenes eficientes. Desarrollamos modelos de segmentación semántica que son eficientes tanto en tiempo de ejecución, requisitos de memoria y requisitos de cálculo. Algunos de nuestros modelos pueden ejecutarse en CPU a altas velocidades con alta precisión. Esto es muy importante para configuraciones y aplicaciones reales, ya que las GPU de gama alta nosiempre están disponibles.4. Nuevos métodos de segmentación semántica con sensores no RGB. Proponemos un método para la segmentación de nubes de puntos LiDAR que combina operaciones de aprendizaje eficientes tanto en 2D como en 3D. Logra un rendimiento de segmentación excepcional a velocidades realmente rápidas. También mostramos cómo mejorar la robustez de estos modelos al abordar el problema de sobreajuste y adaptaciónde dominio. Además, mostramos el primer trabajo de segmentación semántica con cámaras de eventos, haciendo frente a la falta de datos etiquetados.Estas contribuciones aportan avances significativos en el campo de la segmentación semántica para aplicaciones del mundo real. Para una mayor contribución a la comunidad cientfíica, hemos liberado la implementación de todas las soluciones propuestas.----------------------------------------In computer vision, scene understanding aims at extracting useful information of a scene from raw sensor data. For instance, it can classify the whole image into a particular category (i.e. kitchen or living room) or identify important elements within it (i.e., bottles, cups on a table or surfaces). In this general context, semantic segmentation provides a semantic label to every single element of the raw data, e.g., to all image pixels or to all point cloud points.This information is essential for many applications relying on computer vision, such as AR, driving, medical or robotic applications. It provides computers with understanding about the environment needed to make autonomous decisions, or detailed information to people interacting with the intelligent systems. The current state of the art for semantic segmentation is led by supervised deep learning methods.However, real-world scenarios and conditions introduce several challenges and restrictions for the application of these semantic segmentation models. This thesis tackles several of these challenges, namely, 1) the limited amount of labeled data available for training deep learning models, 2) the time and computation restrictions present in real time applications and/or in systems with limited computational power, such as a mobile phone or an IoT node, and 3) the ability to perform semantic segmentation when dealing with sensors other than the standard RGB camera.The general contributions presented in this thesis are following:A novel approach to address the problem of limited annotated data to train semantic segmentation models from sparse annotations. Fully supervised deep learning models are leading the state-of-the-art, but we show how to train them by only using a few sparsely labeled pixels in the training images. Our approach obtains similar performance than models trained with fully-labeled images. We demonstrate the relevance of this technique in environmental monitoring scenarios, where it is very common to have sparse image labels provided by human experts, as well as in more general domains. Also dealing with limited training data, we propose a novel method for semi-supervised semantic segmentation, i.e., when there is only a small number of fully labeled images and a large set of unlabeled data. We demonstrate how contrastive learning can be applied to the semantic segmentation task and show its advantages, especially when the availability of labeled data is limited. Our approach improves state-of-the-art results, showing the potential of contrastive learning in this task. Learning from unlabeled data opens great opportunities for real-world scenarios since it is an economical solution. Novel efficient image semantic segmentation models. We develop semantic segmentation models that are efficient both in execution time, memory requirements, and computation requirements. Some of our models able to run in CPU at high speed rates with high accuracy. This is very important for real set-ups and applications since high-end GPUs are not always available. Building models that consume fewer resources, memory and time, would increase the range of applications that can benefit from them. Novel methods for semantic segmentation with non-RGB sensors.We propose a novel method for LiDAR point cloud segmentation that combines efficient learning operations both in 2D and 3D. It surpasses state-of-the-art segmentation performance at really fast rates. We also show how to improve the robustness of these models tackling the overfitting and domain adaptation problem. Besides, we show the first work for semantic segmentation with event-based cameras, coping with the lack of labeled data. To increase the impact of this contributions and ease their application in real-world settings, we have made available an open-source implementation of all proposed solutions to the scientific community.<br /

    GEOBIA 2016 : Solutions and Synergies., 14-16 September 2016, University of Twente Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC): open access e-book

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    Remote Sensing of the Oceans

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    This book covers different topics in the framework of remote sensing of the oceans. Latest research advancements and brand-new studies are presented that address the exploitation of remote sensing instruments and simulation tools to improve the understanding of ocean processes and enable cutting-edge applications with the aim of preserving the ocean environment and supporting the blue economy. Hence, this book provides a reference framework for state-of-the-art remote sensing methods that deal with the generation of added-value products and the geophysical information retrieval in related fields, including: Oil spill detection and discrimination; Analysis of tropical cyclones and sea echoes; Shoreline and aquaculture area extraction; Monitoring coastal marine litter and moving vessels; Processing of SAR, HF radar and UAV measurements

    Optics And Computer Vision For Biomedical Applications

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    Bioengineering is at the cross sections of biology, clinical technology, electrical engineering, computer science and many other domains. The smooth translation of domain technologies to clinics is not just about accuracy and practicality of the technology. It also has to take into account the accessibility (cost and portability), the patients’ comfort and the ease to adapt into the workflow of medical professionals. The dissertation will explore three projects, (1) portable and low-cost near infrared florescence imaging system on mobile phone platform, (2) computer aided diagnosis software for diagnosing chronical kidney disease based on optical coherence tomography (OCT) images and (3) the tracking and localization of hand-held medical imaging probe. These projects aim to translate and adapt modern computation hardware, data analysis models and computer vision technologies to solve and refine clinical diagnosis applications. The dissertation will discuss how the translation, tradeoffs and refinement of those technologies can bring a positive impact on the accuracy, ease of conduct, accessibility and patients’ comfort to the clinical applications

    Very High Resolution (VHR) Satellite Imagery: Processing and Applications

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    Recently, growing interest in the use of remote sensing imagery has appeared to provide synoptic maps of water quality parameters in coastal and inner water ecosystems;, monitoring of complex land ecosystems for biodiversity conservation; precision agriculture for the management of soils, crops, and pests; urban planning; disaster monitoring, etc. However, for these maps to achieve their full potential, it is important to engage in periodic monitoring and analysis of multi-temporal changes. In this context, very high resolution (VHR) satellite-based optical, infrared, and radar imaging instruments provide reliable information to implement spatially-based conservation actions. Moreover, they enable observations of parameters of our environment at greater broader spatial and finer temporal scales than those allowed through field observation alone. In this sense, recent very high resolution satellite technologies and image processing algorithms present the opportunity to develop quantitative techniques that have the potential to improve upon traditional techniques in terms of cost, mapping fidelity, and objectivity. Typical applications include multi-temporal classification, recognition and tracking of specific patterns, multisensor data fusion, analysis of land/marine ecosystem processes and environment monitoring, etc. This book aims to collect new developments, methodologies, and applications of very high resolution satellite data for remote sensing. The works selected provide to the research community the most recent advances on all aspects of VHR satellite remote sensing

    Deep Learning Methods for Remote Sensing

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    Remote sensing is a field where important physical characteristics of an area are exacted using emitted radiation generally captured by satellite cameras, sensors onboard aerial vehicles, etc. Captured data help researchers develop solutions to sense and detect various characteristics such as forest fires, flooding, changes in urban areas, crop diseases, soil moisture, etc. The recent impressive progress in artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning has sparked innovations in technologies, algorithms, and approaches and led to results that were unachievable until recently in multiple areas, among them remote sensing. This book consists of sixteen peer-reviewed papers covering new advances in the use of AI for remote sensing