28 research outputs found

    Exploring the synergy between promoting active participation in work and in society and social, health and long-term care strategies

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    The purpose of this study is to provide information that can help the Commission and EU Member States engage in policy discussion on how social, health and long-term care systems can help enhance participation in work and family, social and community activities and how, in turn, participation in paid employment, family, social and community activities can contribute to healthy and autonomous living at present and in the future. Part I presents a review of the literature on the synergy between health and activity/work. Health affects work and social participation but on the other side work and activity affect health. We focus on people aged 55 and over as this interrelation (double causality) seems to be significant for important life events (retirement decision, social participation, etc.) of this age group. Part II presents a quantitative analysis and tries to identify national specificities. It presents the lessons which we can draw from European surveys. It presents a quantitative analysis based on the LFS, the EU-SILC, the ECHP UDB and SHARE surveys. The fourth step summarises national policies and gives a comparative analysis, while the fifth step presents the best practices. Finally, the last part summarises the main conclusions and the policy implications

    Health and socio-economic status over the life course First results from SHARE Waves 6 and 7

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    Health in later life is shaped by behavior and policies over the life course and reflects the differences between the societies in which we are ageing. This multidisciplinary book answers questions from all life course phases and its interconnections from a European perspective based on the most recent SHARE data

    Families in Britain : an evidence paper

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    Family is a powerful social institution that matters for children, adults, communities and society. - Family composition, circumstances and processes all matter for families. But strong and healthy relationships matter most. - Families are inherently private and individuals have responsibilities towards each other. But their actions have a societal dimension and levels of need vary, and therefore Government has a role. - However, family policy should be guided by a clear set of principles

    Healthy working life expectancy at age 50 for people with and without osteoarthritis in local and national English populations.

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    Retirement ages are rising in many countries to offset the challenges of population ageing, but osteoarthritis is an age-associated disease that is becoming more prevalent and may limit capacity to work until older ages. We aimed to assess the impact of osteoarthritis on healthy working life expectancy (HWLE) by comparing HWLE for people with and without osteoarthritis from ages 50 and 65 nationally and in a local area in England. Mortality-linked data for adults aged ≥ 50 years were used from six waves (2002-13) of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing and from three time points of the North Staffordshire Osteoarthritis Project. HWLE was defined as the average number of years expected to be spent healthy (no limiting long-standing illness) and in paid work (employment or self-employment), and was estimated for people with and without osteoarthritis and by sex and occupation type using interpolated Markov chain multi-state modelling. HWLE from age 50 years was a third lower for people with osteoarthritis compared to people without osteoarthritis both nationally (5.68 95% CI [5.29, 6.07] years compared to 10.00 [9.74, 10.26]) and in North Staffordshire (4.31 [3.68, 4.94] years compared to 6.90 [6.57, 7.24]). HWLE from age 65 years for self-employed people with osteoarthritis exceeded HWLE for people without osteoarthritis in manual or non-manual occupations. Osteoarthritis was associated with a significantly shorter HWLE. People with osteoarthritis are likely to have significantly impaired working ability and capacity to work until older ages, especially in regions with poorer health and work outcomes

    The Turning Point in China's Economic Development

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    Economic policy; Economic conditions; Industrialization; Chin

    Estado de bienestar y competitividad : la experiencia europea

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    Bibliografía: p. 637-643La obra se estructura en tres sesiones que abordan los principales retos a los que se enfrenta el modelo del bienestar en sus diferentes campos: educación, sistema de pensiones e innovación. En la primera sesión #Los retos del Estado de Bienestar, la infancia y la educación#, se contará con la presencia de Howard Glennerster que hablará de la financiación de los Estados de Bienestar en el siglo XXI, Jean Claude Barbier, que tratará la reforma del sistema de protección francés y Ruud A.de Mooij, que abordará la reforma del Estado de Bienestar holandés, entre otros. En la segunda sesión, Estrategias de sostenibilidad del sistema de pensiones, se debatirá en profundidad tanto la reforma del sistema de pensiones en Alemania como el diseño del sistema español y los posibles cambios hacia nuevos modelos contributivos, que presentará Edward Palmer. En la tercera sesión se tratarán los temas de la modernización del Estado de Bienestar en España (Álvaro Espina, coordinador de la Conferencia), el sistema sanitario (Ana Rico) y la Europa Social y la malla de seguridad (Luis Moreno) La Conferencia Internacional se plantea como un espacio para la reflexión y el intercambio de ideas donde la discusión de las últimas líneas de investigación y pensamiento en torno al Estado de Bienestar y las políticas públicas permitan relacionarlas con las estrategias de desarrollo en América Latina. En un momento crucial, donde se cuestiona la deriva de los Estados de Bienestar que se enfrentan a reformas siguiendo modelos muy diversos, y donde las diferentes perspectivas entre derechos y oportunidades genera un intenso debate, este encuentro internacional pretende ofrecer un marco para la discusión y un espacio para el debate.Textos en español o inglé

    Opportunity for all : tackling poverty and social exclusion

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