9,381 research outputs found

    Economic Aspects of Physical Intra-Row Weed Control in Seeded Onions

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    The paper presents a model to calculate the costs for weed control in organic row crops. The model makes it possible to analyse the economic consequences of different weed control strategies in row crops. Particularly the time needed for hand-weeding had a strong impact on the costs

    Planering av ett integrerat verksamhetssystem för ett smÄföretag inom servicesektorn

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    I dagens lĂ€ge börjar kunderna intressera sig allt mera för företagens sĂ€kerhets- och miljöpolitik. Detta resulterar i att större företag i allt större utstrĂ€ckning börjar krĂ€va att deras underleverantörer har certifiering och ledningssystem i skick. Detta examensarbete har utförts till en följd av detta. Examensarbetet har utförts som en del av Ab Engman Services Oy’s process i att bli ett mera systematiserat företag. En annan del av syftet har varit att man vill stĂ€rka företagets brand. Arbetet har tagit form med hjĂ€lp av intervjuer, litteraturstudier och analys av tidigare utförda arbeten och studier. Med detta examensarbete kunde konstateras att man erlagt goda grunder och förstĂ„elser inför implementeringsfasen av det integrerade verksamhetssystemet, vilket Ă€r nĂ€sta fas i projektet mot certifiering enligt standarderna ISO 9001 & 14001 och OHSAS 18001 sommaren 2016 hos Engman Services.Nowadays, customers are showing more and more interest in different corporations’ safety and environmental policies. As a result, larger corporations are widely beginning to require that their subcontractors have certification and management systems in order. This bachelor’s thesis has been executed as a result hereof. This bachelor’s thesis has been executed as a part of Ab Engman Services Oy’s process to become a more systematic corporation. Another purpose of this work has been to improve the company’s brand. The work has been shaped via interviews, literature studies and analyses of earlier performed works and studies. A good basis and comprehension prior to the implementation phase of the integrated management system were created by this thesis. Implementation is the next phase of the project and certification according to ISO 9001 & 14001 and OHSAS 18001 will be carried out during the summer of 2016 at Engman Services.NykyÀÀn asiakkaat ovat yhĂ€ kiinnostuneempia eri yrityksien turvallisuus- ja ympĂ€ristöpolitiikasta. TĂ€mĂ€ aiheuttaa sen, ettĂ€ suuremmat yritykset yhĂ€ suuremmassa mÀÀrin alkavat vaatia, ettĂ€ heidĂ€n alihankkijoilla on sertifioinnit ja johtajajĂ€rjestelmĂ€t kunnossa. TĂ€mĂ€ opinnĂ€ytetyö vastaa nĂ€ihin tarpeisiin. OpinnĂ€ytetyö on suoritettu osana Ab Engman Services Oy:n prosessia tulla systematisoituneemmaksi yritykseksi. Toinen syy tĂ€hĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyöhön on se, ettĂ€ halutaan vahvistaa yrityksen brĂ€ndiĂ€. Työ pohjautuu haastatteluihin, kirjallisuustutkintoihin ja aiemmin suoritettujen töiden ja tutkimuksien analyyseihin. TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön perusteella voitiin huomata, ettĂ€ on luotu hyviĂ€ perusteita ja tulkintoja integroidun toimintajĂ€rjestelmĂ€n implementointivaiheeseen, joka on seuraava vaihe projektissa: sertifiointi ISO 9001- ja 14001- sekĂ€ OHSAS 18001-standardien mukaan, kesĂ€llĂ€ 2016 Engman ServicellĂ€

    Focus on the proposal

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    Th is thesis is about how to create communicative images. It is mainly for landscape architects. With communicative images, I mean images created with the purpose to communicate a proposal or idea in a direct way to. By only looking at the image, the viewer should get an idea of what the proposal entails. A communicative image should also create an interest in the proposal. I have chosen to write about this topic because it is a big part of a landscape architects profession and there are many diff erent aspects to consider. As a landscape architect create images as part of a context, and in order to communicate or develop an idea. The pictures should show an imaginary future and is an image of what a place is expected to become. It diff ers in this way, for example from an artist or a photographer's work, where the image itself is oft en the fi nal product. Landscape architect thus has diff erent requirements on what their images communicate. The purpose of this thesis is to fi nd the tools to present proposals and ideas through images. To achieve the purpose, I have formulated two questions: ‱ What is the purpose of a visual presentation of a design proposal in landscape architecture? ‱ What is important to keep in mind when you want to create a communicative picture? The thesis is based on literature studies, interviews and analysis of architects’ images. The literature studies and interviews gave me a background to what is important to think about when you present a proposal using images. It also gave me knowledge and how to make the work of create images eff ectively. I then summarized this background with a list of items to take into consideration when creating images. To develop and customize the items to suit a landscape architects work with images, I used them for the analysis of images, taken from presentations of architect competitions in landscaping. Th e images are fetched from completed competitions published at Swedish architects website. Th e choice of images was based on whether the communicative image from the contest presentation caught my interest or not. Aft er the analysis, I came up with six tools that can be used to present proposals and ideas with the help of images. To investigate how the tools work in practice, I use them as help in the creation of my own perspective. I used a proposal I made earlier in the program. I created several communicative image of this proposal and examined thus diff erent ways to interpret the tools. Th e tools I came up with are the following: ‱ Focus on the proposal - Let the proposal help to guide the design of the image by always having the proposal in focus. It is also important to understand the context in which the image is created, where the target audience, stage and type of projects are important aspects to consider. ‱ Space for imagination - Decide how much space the viewer should to have to fi ll in with their own imagination. In a perspective where everything is exactly reproduced and anchored and where details and folklore are carefully plotted, it is diffi cult to add your own associations. A perspective with much empty space or details that are diffi cult to interpret, it can be easy to fi ll in with their own imagination, but diffi cult to understand what its author intended. ‱ Viewing angle - Select a viewing angel that display the proposal and highlights it in a positive way. Show parts that are important for the proposal and select the angle based on how much you wish shown in the image. A bird's eye view gives such a large scale, with less opportunity to detail. ‱ Dynamics and balance - Place deliberately out various details with the desired direction, to thereby create dynamic or harmonic images. Images with even large areas give a balanced perspective. Th e selected angle can also aff ect the image dynamics and balance. Given directions can then be reinforced or counteracted by the addition of details and movement. ‱ Contrasts and color - Use contrasts and colors to create eff ects and highlight desired objects. It provides a perspective that draws attention. ‱ Details and scale fi gures- Th ink about how to use details. An image with too much information and details can appear cluttered and is easily misinterpreted. Remove anything that takes the focus off what is to be communicated and select the details that fi ll a purpose in the image. Scale Figures in the form of people facilitates the understanding of the image, the features on the site and create atmosphere

    Kategoribaseret udpegning af grÄ strÊkninger i praksis

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    Yoga vid lÄngvarig smÀrta. En systematisk litteraturstudie

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    Background: Patients with chronic pain are treated with various forms of treatment in primary care. Chronic pain is a major health problem and a disease in itself. It affects many factors in life, both physical and mental. Calmer forms of yoga aims to bring balance to the body with increased flexibility and strength, breathing gives focus and relaxation while meditation could calm the mind. Objective: with a literature study, investigate the effects provided by yoga, to patients with chronic pain for pain intensity, functional limitations, psychological factors and quality of life. Method: Search was made in Pubmed, Cinahl, Medline and Swemed +. Thirteen articles were included in the study. Pedros scale used in the quality assessment of studies and CMSG for evidence grading of outcome measures. Results: Yoga shown to have positive effects for patients with chronic pain in the low back with reduced pain intensity, increased physical function and psychological factors with the highest level of evidence according CMSG. Support under the second highest level of evidence was found to reduce pain intensity and physical function in chronic pain in the neck and in fibromyalgia, effects of psychological factors in fibromyalgia and improved quality of life in chronic pain in the neck. Conclusion: Yoga is a good treatment option for patients with chronic pain. Evidence was found that yoga reduced pain intensity, increase physical function and positive impact of psychological factors on low back pain, there was support for the same effects for fibromyalgia.Bakgrund: Patienter med lÄngvarig smÀrta behandlas med olika behandlingsformer inom primÀrvÄrden. LÄngvarig smÀrta Àr ett stort hÀlsoproblem och en sjukdom i sig. Det pÄverkar mÄnga faktorer i livet, bÄde fysiska och psykiska. Lugnare former av yoga syftar till att ge balans i kroppen med ökad flexibilitet och styrka, andningen ger fokus och avslappning medan meditationen ska lugna sinnet. Syfte: Att med en litteraturstudie undersöka vilka effekter yoga ger pÄ patienter med lÄngvarig smÀrta avseende smÀrtintensitet, funktionsinskrÀnkningar, psykologiska faktorer och livskvalitet. Metod: Sökning gjordes i Pubmed, Cinahl, Medline och Swemed +. Tretton artiklar inkluderades i studien. PEDros skala anvÀndes vid kvalitetsgranskning av studierna och CMSG för evidensgradering av utfallsmÄtten. Resultat: Yoga visades ha positiv effekt för patienter med lÄngvarig smÀrta i lÀndrygg med minskad smÀrtintensitet, ökad fysisk funktion och psykologiska faktorer med högsta evidensnivÄn enligt CMSG. Stöd enligt den nÀst högsta nivÄn av evidens fanns för minskad smÀrtintensitet och ökad fysisk funktion vid lÄngvarig smÀrta i nacke och vid fibromyalgi, effekt pÄ psykologiska faktorer vid fibromyalgi och för ökad livskvalitet vid lÄngvarig smÀrta i nacke. Konklusion: Yoga Àr ett bra behandlingsalternativ för patienter med lÄngvarig smÀrta. Evidens fanns för att yoga minskar smÀrtintensitet, ökar fysisk funktion och ger positiv effekt pÄ psykologiska faktorer vid lÀndryggsbesvÀr, stöd fanns för samma effekter vid fibromyalgi

    De eldres munn- og tannhelse: hva kan Ärsakene vÊre til at munn- og tannstell hos eldre pÄ sykehjem ofte blir nedprioritert, og hvordan kan sykepleieren bidra til bedre munn- og tannstell hos disse pasientene?

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    IfÞlge en del ulike studier, har mange av dagens eldre dÄrlig munn- og tannhelse, spesielt beboere pÄ langtidsinstitusjoner. Mange eldre beholder sin naturlige tenner i hÞy alder, og har derfor stÞrre risiko for Ä utvikle infeksjoner og andre sykdommer i munnhulen. DÄrlig eller mangelfullt munnstell kan ogsÄ fÞre til sykdommer i andre organer, som for eksempel lunge sykdommer som lungebetennelse og ulike hjerte sykdommer. De fleste pasienter pÄ sykehjem er bÄde fysisk og psykisk svekket, og har derfor behov for hjelp til daglig munnstell. Sykepleierne i sykehjem har ansvar for Ä ivareta pasientens grunnleggende behov, som da ogsÄ inkluderer daglig munn- og tannstell. Det er derimot mye som tyder pÄ at munnstell ofte kan bli et nedprioritert gjÞremÄl blant sykepleiere og annet helsepersonell. Jeg ville derfor i denne oppgaven kartlegge Ärsakene til dette, og dermed foreslÄ og drÞfte aktuelle tiltak som ut i fra studier og vitenskapelige artikler har vist seg Ä resultere i at munn- og tannstell blir bedre og hÞyere prioritert. Blant Ärsaker til Ärsaker til at munnstell ofte kan bli lavt prioritert i sykehjem, er fÞlgende blitt rapportert i flere artikler; lite kunnskaper, personale og tid, dÄrlige rutiner, motstand fra enkelte pasienter, ledelsen, ingen eller lite trening i utfÞrelsen av munn- og tannstell, dÄrlig samarbeid mellom sykepleiere og tannleger, negative holdninger, lite tilgjengelig utstyr og mangelfull opplÊring i sykepleieutdannelsen. Det har ogsÄ vist seg at det er mulig Ä forbedre munn- og tannhelsen hos de eldre ved Ä sette enkle tiltak i et system; blant annet ved Ä heve kompetansenivÄet hos sykepleiere og annet helsepersonell, utarbeide individuelle pleieplaner og bildebaserte munnstellkort, mer tilgjengelig og tilrettelagt utstyr for munn- og tannstell og identifisering av faste personer som skal ha ansvar for det daglige munnstellet. Dette er tiltak som sykepleiere kan bidra med for Ä bedre tannhelsen hos eldre pasienter pÄ sykehjem, og dermed forebygge infeksjoner og sykdommer i munnhulen

    Odling av perenner i sandbÀddar : ett sÀtt att producera barrotade plantor

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    Denna rapport handlar om att odla perenner i sand med avsikt att producera barrotade plantor. Rapporten presenterar ett odlingssystem med sandbÀddar och vad som krÀvs för att anlÀgga och förvalta ett sÄdant. Odlingssystemet jÀmförs sedan med containerodling och konventionella plantskolors vilja och möjligheter att producera barrotade plantor samt att anvÀnda sand. Undersökningen Àr gjord med hjÀlp av kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer samt litteraturstudier. Resultatet visar att odling av perenner i sandbÀddar fungerar bra men Àr snarare ett komplement till de ordinarie plantskolorna och erbjuder en nischad produkt. Denna typ av plantskola bygger pÄ att det finns en omfattande kunskap inom företaget och lÀmpar sig bÀst i den mindre skalan. Kunden som denna typ av plantskola vÀnder sig till Àr framför allt andra företag inom trÀdgÄrdsdesign och anlÀggning, relativt nÀrbelÀgna, som gör bestÀllningar med god framförhÄllning.This report is about growing perennials in sand with the intention of producing bare-rooted plants. The report presents a cultivation system with sand beds and what is required to construct and manage one. The cultivation system is then compared with container cultivation and the will and possibilities of conventional nurseries to produce bare-rooted plants and to use sand. The survey was conducted with the help of qualitative research interviews and literature studies. The results show that growing perennials in sand beds works well but is rather a complement to the regular nurseries and offers a niche product. This type of nursery require extensive knowledge within the company and is best suited on a smaller scale. The customer that this type of nursery is primarily other companies within garden design and construction, relatively close by, who place orders well in advance

    The effects of wind power on Red-throated divers

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    Vindkraftsetableringar i Sverige ökar och har ökat kraftigt de senaste Ären. Etableringen leder till att olika intressen krockar med varandra och hÀnsyn mÄste tas till drabbade arter som exempelvis smÄlom (Gavia stellata). FÄglar drabbas direkt och indirekt genom bland annat kollisioner, habitatförluster och störningar som kan leda till undvikande beteenden vid vindkraftverk. Olika rekommenderade skyddszoner för fÄgelarter anvÀnds i dagslÀget. Den nuvarande rekommendationen för smÄlom Àr pÄ en kilometer och baseras pÄ expertutlÄtande, vetenskapliga rekommendationer samt försiktighetsprincipen. Vid vindkraftsetablering krÀvs miljökonsekvensanalyser samt rekommenderas utlÄtanden frÄn experter och ornitologer för att avgöra huruvida specifika omrÄden Àr sÀrskilt kÀnsliga för mÀnsklig exploatering. Dagens forskning visar pÄ olika grader av mortalitet och habitatpÄverkan för fÄglar i allmÀnhet. Det handlar frÀmst om kollisioner mellan fÄglar och vindkraftverk samt att etableringen av vindkraftverken ofta sammanfaller med omrÄden dÀr fÄglarna hÀckar eller födosöker. Syftet med studien var att sammanstÀlla den nuvarande kunskapen om vindkraftens pÄverkan pÄ smÄlom. För att besvara detta kombinerades litteraturstudier med rumsliga analyser i GIS verktyget QGIS. Analysen i QGIS begrÀnsades till VÀsterbottens lÀn, men aktuell forskning har studerats oberoende av omrÄde med hjÀlp av litteraturstudier. Buffertzoner pÄ en respektive fem kilometer skapades för att kalkylera andel smÄlomshabitat inom zonerna för alla vindkraftverk i VÀsterbotten. Resultatet visar att en vÀldigt liten del av de klassade smÄlomshabitaten hamnar inom buffertzonerna. Antalet bekrÀftade hÀckningsplatser för smÄlom var som störst inom buffertzonerna pÄ fem kilometer och betydligt fÀrre inom en kilometer. Behovet av utökade skyddszoner till smÄlom Àr i dagslÀget svÄr att bedöma men det finns belÀgg för att dagens rekommendation Àr tillrÀcklig, som exempelvis att antalet hÀckningsplatser inom skyddszonerna i VÀsterbotten Àr fÄ.The establishment of wind turbines in Sweden is increasing and has been increasing the last few years. Different interests need to be considered since this establishment often leads to clashing interests. Consideration for species such as the Red-throated diver (Gavia stellata) needs to be taken into account. Birds are affected directly and indirectly through collisions and habitat loss. Different recommendations are applied today regarding protective zones. The current recommendation for Red-throated diver is one kilometre and is based on expert assessment, scientific recommendations, and a general precautionary principle. Environmental impact analyses are required when establishing wind farms and verdicts from experts and ornithologists are recommended to assess whether certain habitats are more or less sensitive for anthropological exploitation, such as wind farm establishment. Current research indicates varying levels of mortality and habitat effects on birds as a whole. Primarily habitat loss and collisions are mentioned since wind turbines generally are placed in areas where birds forage and breed. The purpose of this study was to compile the current knowledge regarding the effects of wind power on the Red-throated diver. To answer this, a combination of literature studies and analyses in QGIS was used. For the GIS-analysis, the area of interest was limited to VÀsterbotten county, Sweden. The results show that a very small part of the classified Red-throated diver habitats coincide with the QGIS created buffer zones around wind turbines. The number of confirmed nesting sites for Red-throated diver was largest in the five kilometre buffer zones and smallest for the one kilometre zones. It is difficult to establish whether the current use of protective zones is sufficient, but evidence suggests that the recommended use of protective zones is enough since a very small amount of the reported nesting sites are found within the created buffer zones around wind farms in VÀsterbotten
