416,278 research outputs found

    Learning to listen: Listening Strategies and Listening Comprehension of Islamic Senior High School Students

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    The purpose of this research was to identify the correlation and the influence between listening strategies and listening comprehension. The eleventh grade students were selected as participants of this study. The instruments used in this research were listening strategies questionaire adapted from Lee (1997) and modified by Ho (2006) (as cited Golchi, 2012), and listening comprehension test conducted to measure students’ listening comprehension. Pearson product moment, regression analysis, R-square were used to find out the correlation and the influence between variables. The result revealed that there was a significant correlation between listening strategies and listening comprehension with r = .516. Besides, there was also a significant influence of listening strategies on listening comprehension with 26.6 %. This study could have implications for English language teachers, course designers, learners, and text book writers

    The Cognitive Strategy Training : Blocked Buttom-Up Top-Down Approach In Listening Class

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah pelatihan strategi kognitif berdasarkan pendekatan blok buttom-up top-down mempengaruhi kemampuan mendengar siswa terutama pada empat aspek mendengar. Desain penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan satu kelompok pre-test post –test. Instrumen pada  penelitian ini berupa tes mendengar dengan 9 butir soal. Validitas instrumen diukur menggunakan pearson product moment dan reliabilitas instrumen diukur menggunakan correlation product moment dan spearman brown. Subjek penelitian diambil dengan random klaster, yaitu 21 siswa SMA kelas XI. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa aspek dalam kemampuan mendengar siswa meningkat, tertinggi pada aspek menentukan detail (36%) dan terendah pada aspek menentukan ide pokok (13%). Akhirnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan strategi kognitif berdasarkan pendekatan blok buttom-up top-down dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan mendengar siswa.This research was conducted to find out whether cognitive strategy training based on blocked buttom-up top-down approach affect the students’ listening comprehension in term of four listening’s aspects. The design of this research was quantitative with one-group pretest-posttest design.The instrument was 9 items of listening test. The validity of the research was measured using pearson product moment and the reliability of the research was measured with correlation product moment and spearman brown.The subject who were chosen by cluster random sampling, were 21 second year of senior high school students.The result of the data analysis showed that the aspects of listening comprehension were improved mainly in finding detail (36%) and lowly in finding main idea (13%).Finally, it could be concluded that cognitive strategy training based on blocked buttom-up top-down approach could affect the students’ listening comprehension.Keywords: Buttom-up top-down approach, cognitive strategy training, listening.

    Discord Application: Turning a Voice Chat Application for Gamers into a Virtual Listening Class

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    Education 4.0 brings its various impact in many fields, without excluding in teaching area. The fast growth of innovations used in teaching pushes teachers to inevitably bring technologies to their classrooms. Technology is a bridge in education 4.0. By using technology appropriately in teaching process, students can have their own personal learning and achieve learning goals in such not-boring ways. In listening class, boredom is an avoidable moment. Having monotonous activities in listening class will affect students’ attitudes and response about their learning process. Introducing a new innovation to teach listening for second semester students of a university, this study tries to explore the use of discord application in their listening classes. Discord application is used to turn a conventional listening class into a virtual listening class, a monotonous listening class into an attractive listening class, and a face-to-face listening class into online-distance listening class. The finding shows that applying discord application in their listening classes can change the students’ attitude while having the listening classes. Being more active, interactive, motivated, and creative are shown by the students in the listening classes when discord application is turned on

    The Correlation between Students’ Habit on Watching English Movie and Their Listening Skill at the Tenth Grade of SMK Prima Bakti Citra Raya Kabupaten Tangerang in Academic Year 2019/2020

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    ABSTRACT The goal of this study is to determine the relationship between students' habit of watching English movies (X) and their listening competence (Y) in the tenth grade at SMK Prima Bakti Kab. Tangerang in the academic year 2019/2020. This study's sample size was obtained by employing a random sampling procedure on 30 students. The data was analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation, with the instruments being students' listening scores and a questionnaire on their habit of watching English films. As a result, the findings of the study revealed that there is a very weak link between students' habit of watching English movies and their listening ability. In conclusion, in the academic year 2019/2020, there is a very low link between students' habit of watching English movies and their listening skills at SMK Prima Bakti Kab. Tangerang. However, additional investigation revealed that this conclusion was influenced by a number of internal dangers. The purpose of this study is to see if there is a link between students' habit of watching English movies (X) and their listening ability (Y) in the tenth grade at SMK Prima Bakti Kab. Tangerang in the 2019/2020 academic year. The sample size for this study was determined by using a random sampling approach on 30 students. The data was evaluated using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation.   Keyword: Listening skill, Watching English movi

    The Correlation Between Students' Habits In Listening to English Song and Their Listening Comprehension at SMA N 2 Tapung.

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    ABSTRACT Endah Muliani Putri, (2019): The Correlation Between Students' Habits In Listening to English Song and Their Listening Comprehension at SMA N 2 Tapung. This research entitles "The Correlation Between Students' Habits In Listening to English Song and Their Listening Comprehension at SMA N 2 Tapung." The goal of this research was to find out whether there is any significant correlation between habit in listening to English song and the students' listening comprehension. The type of this research was correlational research. The sample of this research was 64 students. Test and questionnaire were the techniques used in collecting the data of this reseach. In analyzing data the researcher used Person Product moment correlation by using SPSS 22 for Windows. Based on Pearson analisis, it was shown that research the sig. (2-tailed) value was 0.000. It's smaller than 0.05 sig (2-tailed) alpha value. The result shows the coefficient had strong correlation between habit in listening to English song and students' listening comprehension at SMA N 2 Tapung. Keywords : Correlation, Habit in Listening, Listening Comprehension, English song

    Music Listening as a Contemplative Practice in the College Classroom

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    Music listening, a cultural practice most college students have in common, is well suited to mindfulness because music only occurs in linear time as it unfolds moment by moment. When students learn to listen mindfully to music or other external stimuli, they can begin to listen more attentively and objectively to their own thoughts. Cultivating the skill of external listening can help improve the skill of internal listening, thereby encouraging greater self-awareness. This paper describes the contemplative practices and experiences of students enrolled in two undergraduate liberal arts courses integrating music and mindfulness. The intent is to share, with other college faculty in all disciplines, a variety of experiential activities involving music as a tool for meditative practice. These include techniques for listening deeply, structuring appropriate musical activities for non-musicians, and using music to explore the basic attitudes of mindfulness. The most significant theme to emerge in these courses was the fact that humans can use musical experiences to understand life events. Through music, we can practice navigating dissonance, recognizing bias, suspending judgment, and paying attention to silence or to the spaces in-between


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    This study investigated senior high school students’ intensity in watching English videos on YouTube, their listening skill, and how these two variables are related. This study was conducted to 81 eleventh-grade students at senior high school. They were asked to fill a questionnaire in order to gather information about their intensity in watching English videos on YouTube and also do the TOEFL listening test to measure their listening skill. Pearson Product Moment correlation was employed to examine the correlation between their intensity in watching English videos on YouTube and listening skill. The results revealed that the students are mostly in the medium category for their watching intensity and so is their listening level. There is also a significant correlation between students’ intensity in watching English videos on YouTube and their listening skill. Thus, to acquire students’ listening skill, watching English video on YouTube can be an alternative media to be used inside or outside the classroom

    The Correlation Between The Students\u27 Motivation And Listening Skills

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    Motivation has important role in listening skills because it gives impulse to the students more independent to gain their goal. This research deals with the relationship between motivation and listening skills. The purpose of this research is to examine the students\u27 motivation and whether it is in correlation with their listening skills. This research involved 31 members of the third semester students of English Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Universitas Tanjungpura. This study was conducted in correlational research. The result of the study showed that they had different motivation towards listening skills. The finding of the research revealed that there was relationship between motivation and listening skills. The calculation of Pearson Product Moment showed that r value between variable X (motivation) and Y (listening skills) was 0.73 with the degree of freedom were 29. Based on table of r size of coefficient, it was in interval 0.66 – 0.85 that means there was strong correlation between variable X and variable Y

    A virtual diary companion

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    Chatbots and embodied conversational agents show turn based conversation behaviour. In current research we almost always assume that each utterance of a human conversational partner should be followed by an intelligent and/or empathetic reaction of chatbot or embodied agent. They are assumed to be alert, trying to please the user. There are other applications which have not yet received much attention and which require a more patient or relaxed attitude, waiting for the right moment to provide feedback to the human partner. Being able and willing to listen is one of the conditions for being successful. In this paper we have some observations on listening behaviour research and introduce one of our applications, the virtual diary companion


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    One of factors for student success in speaking ability is to use their listening ability, because Listening is play important in development process of speaking ability. therefore, this research aimed to finding out the correlation between students’ listening skill and speaking ability.This research applied a correlation study and used a quantitative design, the subject were 22 students of English Department second semester Madura University. There are two instruments to collect the data on this research. (1) essay test was used to get the data of their listening skill. (2) interview was used to get the data of their speaking ability.Person correlation product moment and SPSS version 26 program is used to analysis the data. The result this research shown that there is high correlation between students’ listening skill and speaking ability, which the value o
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