1,504 research outputs found

    First observation of facultative paedomorphosis in the Danube crested newt (Triturus dobrogicus Kiritzescu, 1903) and the occurrence of facultative paedomorphosis in two newt species from soda pans of the Danube-Tisza Interfluve (Kiskunság National Park, Hungary)

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    The first observation of paedomorphosis in Triturus dobrogicus and the occurrence of facultative paedomorphosis in two newt species (T.dobrogicus and Lissotriton vulgaris) from soda pans of the Danube- Tisza Interfluve, Hungary are reported in this paper. Facultative paedomorphosis in soda pans occurred in 2010, a year with extremely high precipitation. The favorable environmental conditions created enabled newt populations to extend their aquatic life stage in otherwise unsuitable (too saline), though fish-free habitats. As such, soda pans may provide a suitable aquatic environment for local newt populations in rainy years, and facultative paedomorphosis may be an important adaptation allowing early reproduction in the following year possible in an environment that frequently dries out

    Investigation of amphibian mortality events in wildlife reveals an on-going ranavirus epidemic in the North of the Netherlands

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    In the four years following the first detection of ranavirus (genus Ranavirus, family Iridoviridae) infection in Dutch wildlife in 2010, amphibian mortality events were investigated nationwide to detect, characterize and map ranaviruses in amphibians over time, and to establish the affected host species and the clinico-pathological presentation of the disease in these hosts. The ultimate goal was to obtain more insight into ranavirus disease emergence and ecological risk. In total 155 dead amphibians from 52 sites were submitted between 2011 and 2014, and examined using histopathology, immunohistochemistry, virus isolation and molecular genetic characterization. Ranavirus-associated amphibian mortality events occurred at 18 sites (35%), initially only in proximity of the 2010 index site. Specimens belonging to approximately half of the native amphibian species were infected, including the threatened Pelobates fuscus (spadefoot toad). Clustered massive outbreaks involving dead adult specimens and ranavirus genomic identity indicated that one common midwife toad virus (CMTV)-like ranavirus strain is emerging in provinces in the north of the Netherlands. Modelling based on the spatiotemporal pattern of spread showed a high probability that this emerging virus will continue to be detected at new sites (the discrete reproductive power of this outbreak is 0.35). Phylogenetically distinct CMTV-like ranaviruses were found in the south of the Netherlands more recently. In addition to showing that CMTV-like ranaviruses threaten wild amphibian populations not only in Spain but also in the Netherlands, the current spread and risk of establishment reiterate that understanding the underlying causes of CMTV-like ranavirus emergence requires international attention

    The distribution and taxonomy of Lissotriton newts in Turkey (Amphibia, Salamandridae)

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    Two and perhaps three taxa of Lissotriton newt occur in Turkey. Their species status is controversial. The distribution of these taxa and the taxonomic status of each are reviewed and discussed. A database of 128 Turkish Lissotriton localities was compiled and species distribution models were constructed. We reiterate that the presence of L. ( v. ) lantzi in Turkey is disputed and needs confirmation. The range of L. ( v. ) koss - wigi is restricted to north-western Anatolia – given the small global range of this Turkey endemic, a closer look at its conservation status is warranted. The distribution of L. v. schmidtleri covers western Asiatic and European Turkey. The findings support an allopatric distribution of the Turkish Lissotriton species. We reflect on the biological significance of previously reported morphological intermediates between L. ( v. ) kosswigi and L. v. schmidtleri in the light of the recent proposal to recognize kosswigi at the species level. The available data are in line with species status for L. ( v. ) lantzi and L. ( v. ) kosswigi . Although L. v. schmidtleri is a genetically diverged taxon as well, the extent of gene flow with parapatric European Lis - sotriton taxa is as yet unknown

    Incidence of an emerging disease of amphibians in Galicia: infection by dermocystidia in the palmate newt (Lissotriton helveticus)

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    [Resumen]: Recientemente, una serie de enfermedades infecciosas en la piel de los anfibios se han atribuido a un grupo de organismos poco conocido, los dermocistidios (orden Dermocystida, clase Mesomycetozoea). En el año 2017, estos parásitos fueron detectados en una población de tritón palmeado (Lissotriton helveticus) en A Limia (Ourense, Galicia). Desde entonces, se han efectuado anualmente prospecciones en esa localidad para estudiar la incidencia del patógeno y conocer la dinámica de la enfermedad. Asimismo, en este trabajo se realizaron análisis patológicos e histológicos de individuos infectados para caracterizar al parásito, y se estudió la evolución de la enfermedad en la transición de la fase acuática a la fase terrestre de tritones enfermos. Las lesiones observadas mostraron una gran similitud con las descritas en otras poblaciones infectadas de tritón palmeado en Escocia y Francia, por lo que es probable que el organismo patógeno se trate de la misma especie, Amphibiothecum meredithae. De la misma manera, los tritones infectados parecen resolver la enfermedad al cambiar de fase de su ciclo biológico. En conclusión, la infección por dermocistidios puede llegar a presentar una elevada morbilidad, pero no es letal en la mayoría de las ocasiones. En la población infectada de A Limia, estos parásitos permanecen actualmente restringidos a un pequeño grupo de charcas.[Resumo]: Recentemente, unha serie de enfermidades infecciosas na pel dos anfibios atribuíronse a un grupo de organismos pouco coñecido, os dermocistidios (orde Dermocystida, clase Mesomycetozoea). No ano 2017, estes parasitos foron detectados nunha poboación de limpafontes palmado (Lissotriton helveticus) na Limia (Ourense, Galicia). Dende entón, fixéronse mostraxes nesa localidade para estudar a incidencia do patóxeno e coñecer a dinámica da enfermidade. Así mesmo, neste traballo realizáronse análises patolóxicas e histolóxicas de individuos infectados para caracterizar ao parasito, e estudouse a evolución da enfermidade na transición da fase acuática á fase terrestre dos limpafontes enfermos. As lesións contempladas mostraron unha gran similitude coas descritas noutras poboacións infectadas de limpafontes palmado en Escocia e Francia, polo que é probable que o organismo patóxeno sexa da mesma especie, Amphibiothecum meredithae. Do mesmo xeito, os limpafontes infectados semellan resolver a enfermidade ao cambiar de fase do seu ciclo biolóxico. Para rematar, a infección por dermocistidios pode presentar unha elevada morbilidade pero non é letal na maioría das ocasións. Na poboación infectada da Limia, estes parasitos mantéñense actualmente restrinxidos a un pequeno grupo de charcas.[Abstract]: Recently, a series of amphibian infectious skin diseases have been attributed to a poorly known group of organisms, the dermocystid (order Dermocystida, class Mesomycetozoea). In 2017, these parasites were found in a population of palmate newt (Lissotriton helveticus) in A Limia (Ourense, Galicia). Since then, surveys have been carried out annually in that locality to study the incidence of the pathogen and to understand the disease dynamics. Furthermore, pathological and histological analysis of infected newts were performed to characterize the parasite, and the development of the disease during the transition from the aquatic phase to the terrestrial phase was also studied. The observed lesions showed a high similarity to those described in other infected populations of palmate newt in France and Scotland, so it is likely that the pathogenic organism belongs to the same species, Amphibiothecum meredithae. Similarly, infected newts seem to resolve the disease by changing the phase of their biological cycle. In conclusion, the dermocystid infection may have a high morbidity, but it is not lethal in most cases. In the infected population of A Limia, these parasites are currently restricted to a small group of ponds.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2018/201

    Развитие органа обоняния тритона обыкновенного, Lissotriton vulgaris (Amphibia, Caudata)

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    Using common histological methods, the morphogenesis of olfactory analyzer peripheral part of Lissotriton vulgaris (Amphibia, Caudata) was studied, during the developmental period starting with olfactory pit laying and fi nishing with defi nitive olfactory organ formation. Special attention is paid to vomeronasal organ and vomeronasal gland development. Reasoning from obtained data, we consider that vomeronasal organ emerged as the result of olfactory epithelium and nasal cavity diff erentiation.С помощью общепринятых гистологических методов исследован морфогенез периферического отдела обонятельного анализатора Lissotriton vulgaris (Amphibia, Caudata), от закладки обонятельных ямок до формирования дефинитивного обонятельного органа. Особое внимание уделяется развитию вомероназального органа и вомероназальной железы. На основании полученных данных считаем, что вомероназальный орган возник в результате дифференциации обонятельного эпителия и носовой полости

    Influência do Ranavirus na estrutura etária de Tritões de Boscai

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    Relatório de projeto no âmbito do Programa de Bolsas Universidade de Lisboa/Fundação Amadeu Dias (2011/2012). Universidade de Lisboa. Faculdade de Ciência

    Herpetofauna of A Laracha council (A Coruña): inventory, use of space and threat factors

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    [Resumo]: Durante as mostraxes realizadas no concello de A Laracha detectouse a prenseza de 11 especies de anfibios e 8 especies de réptiles. Entre elas houbo sete que resultaron ser relativamente abundantes e sendo o resto máis escasas. Nos medios terrestres nos que se detectou unha maior abundancia de herpetos destacan os amoreamentos de pedras, escombros ou troncos, as lindes arbustivas de camiños, as lindes herbáceas e os herbazais sobre solos húmidos. En canto aos medios acuáticos, saliéntase a presenza en lavadeiros, charcas naturais permanentes ou semipermanentes e charcas en camiños. As plantacións de eucaliptos, moi abundantes en todo o concello, así como o abandono do campo, as talas de árbores autóctonas e os verquidos de residuos, supoñen unha seria ameaza para a viabilidade da herpetofauna neste territorio.[Resumen]: Durante los muestreos realizados en el ayuntamiento de A Laracha se ha detectado la presencia de 11 especies de anfibios y 8 especies de reptiles. Entre ellas hubo siete que resultaron ser relativamente abundantes y siendo el resto más escasas. En los medios terrestres en los que se detectó una mayor abundancia de herpetos destacan los amontonamientos de piedras, escombros o troncos, las lindes arbustivas de caminos, las lindes herbáceas y los herbazales sobre suelos húmedos. En cuanto a los medios acuáticos, sobresale la presencia en lavaderos, charcas naturales permanentes o semipermanentes y charcas en caminos. Las plantaciones de eucaliptos, muy abundantes en todo el ayuntamiento, así como el abandono del campo, las talas de árboles autóctonos y los vertidos de residuos, suponen una seria amenaza para la viabilidad de la herpetofauna en este territorio.[Abstract]: During the samplings carried out in the council of A Laracha, 11 amphibians species and 8 reptile species were found. Among them, there were seven that were abundant and the rest, more scarce. In the terrestrial habitats in which a greater abundance of herps was detected, the piles of stones, debris or trunks, the shrubby roadsides, the herbaceous borders and the grasslands on humid soils stand out. Regarding the aquatic habitats, laundries, permanent or semi-permanent natural ponds and ponds on roads are highlighted. Eucalyptus plantations, very abundant throughout the council, as well as the abandonment of the agricultural work, the felling of native trees and the dumping of waste, there is a serious threat to the viability of the herpetofauna in this territory.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2018/201

    Genealogy of the nuclear β-fibrinogen intron 7 in Lissotriton boscai (Caudata, Salamandridae): concordance with mtDNA and implications for phylogeography and speciation

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    The power of phylogeographic inference resides in its ability to integrate information from multiple sources in an iterative hypothesis- testing framework. In this paper, we build upon previous mtDNA-based hypotheses about the evolutionary history of the Iberian newt Lissotriton boscai using sequences of the highly variable nuclear ß-fibrinogen intron 7. In addition to the nuclear sequences, we produced new mtDNA data across the species range to delineate contact zones and test the congruence between nuclear and mitochondrial datasets at the same level of spatial organization. Through a combination of phylogenetic, phylogeographic continuous diffusion, and genetic landscape modelling analyses, we infer the evolutionary history of the species. We found notable congruence between nuclear and mtDNA datasets, which confirms deep and consistent differentiation between two major lineages that originated in the Miocene. Additionally, we found a new nuclear haplogroup with no mtDNA counterpart, roughly circumscribed to the Iberian Sistema Central mountains, and extensive areas of nuclear admixture across mtDNA lineages. We describe potential historical dispersal routes from an ancestral hypothetical refugium in the western end of the Sistema Central in central Portugal and highlight how deep phylogeographic breaks do not necessarily indicate cryptic speciation events.Peer reviewe

    Miocén szárazulati üledékek gerinces őslénytani vizsgálata Észak-Magyarországon = Vertebrate paleontological investigation of the Miocene continental sediments in northern

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    A project során megkutatott faunák: Litke, Felsőtárkány -Felnémet 2/3 Felsőtárkány -Felnémet 2/7 Felsőtárkány 1 Felsőtárkány2 Felsőtárkány 3/8 Felsőtárkány 3/10 Egerszólát, Ádám -völgy Subpiatra 2/1 Subpiatra 2/2 Subpiatra 2/3 Varciorog A gyűjtőmunka során összesen 31 t üledéket iszapoltunk. Megjegyzések Litke Észak -Magyarország legidősebb aprógerinces faunája. A kárpáti és a bádeni tengeri ciklusok közé telpülő mocsári összletből gyűjtöttük. Eddig 219 rágcsálófogat produkált. Előzetes publikációk születtek. A továbbkutatás szükséges. Felsőtárkányi -medence Az őslénytani feltárómunka lezártnak tekinthető. A 2000-óta gyűjtött 7 fauna az MN 7/8 -MN 9 átmenetet dokumentálja. A faunák descriptív publikálása részben megtörtént, részben folyamatban van. Összefoglaló publikáció elkészítését két éven belül vállaljuk. A továbblépés lehetőségét egy paleomágneses méréssorozatban látjuk. Az eredmények nemzetközi jelentősége, hogy a ''Hipparion dátum'' körüli faunisztikai és környezeti változások ismeretéhez nyújtanak új adatokat. A Pannon -medence keleti pereme A munkatervben a térség előzetes kutatását tűztük ki célul, ami a várakozáson felüli eredményeket hozott. Subpiatran két gazdag faunát gyűjtöttünk (Su 2/1: 209 fog, Su 2/2: 202 fog), melyek előzetes publikációja megjelent. A harmadik (Su 2/3) lelőhely feldolgozása folyik. Varciorog feldolgozásán szintén most dolgozunk. Próbamintázásaink alapján a térségből további gazdag leletanyagok várhatók. | During the course of the project the following faunas were excavated and elaborated: Litke, Felsőtárkány -Felnémet 2/3 Felsőtárkány -Felnémet 2/7 Felsőtárkány 1 Felsőtárkány 2 Felsőtárkány 3/8 Felsőtárkány 3/10 Egerszólát, Ádám Valley Subpiatra 2/1 Subpiatra 2/2 Subpiatra 2/3 Varciorog. During our field activity 31 tons of samples were washed in all. Remarks Litke It is the oldest microvertebratre fauna in Northern Hungary. It was collected from a freshwater series bedded between the Karpatian and the Badenian marine cycles. Felsőtárkány Basin The paleontological field activity is completed. On the basis of the seven faunas we can draw the MN 7/8 -MN9 transition. A group of the faunas has been published. We will present a synthetic publication during the next two years. The international importance of our results are the new data on the faunistical and paleooecological transitions in the time period of the ''Hipparion datum''. Easten margin of the Pannonian Basin In our project plan we set the aim of the preliminary study of this region. This activity produced unexpected results. Two rich faunas were collected in Subpiatra. A preliminary description of the faunas were published. After the results of our test -samples at Varciorog the exploration of new vertebrate faunas is possible in the Bihar foothill region