555 research outputs found

    Sandboxed, Online Debugging of Production Bugs for SOA Systems

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    Short time-to-bug localization is extremely important for any 24x7 service-oriented application. To this end, we introduce a new debugging paradigm called live debugging. There are two goals that any live debugging infrastructure must meet: Firstly, it must offer real-time insight for bug diagnosis and localization, which is paramount when errors happen in user-facing applications. Secondly, live debugging should not impact user-facing performance for normal events. In large distributed applications, bugs which impact only a small percentage of users are common. In such scenarios, debugging a small part of the application should not impact the entire system. With the above-stated goals in mind, this thesis presents a framework called Parikshan, which leverages user-space containers (OpenVZ) to launch application instances for the express purpose of live debugging. Parikshan is driven by a live-cloning process, which generates a replica (called debug container) of production services, cloned from a production container which continues to provide the real output to the user. The debug container provides a sandbox environment, for safe execution of monitoring/debugging done by the users without any perturbation to the execution environment. As a part of this framework, we have designed customized-network proxies, which replicate inputs from clients to both the production and test-container, as well safely discard all outputs. Together the network duplicator, and the debug container ensure both compute and network isolation of the debugging environment. We believe that this piece of work provides the first of its kind practical real-time debugging of large multi-tier and cloud applications, without requiring any application downtime, and minimal performance impact

    Impact of Tool Support in Patch Construction

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    International audienceIn this work, we investigate the practice of patch construction in the Linux kernel development, focusing on the dfferences between three patching processes: (1) patches crafted entirely manually to fix bugs, (2) those that are derived from warnings of bug detection tools, and (3) those that are automatically generated based on fix patterns. With this study, we provide to the research community concrete insights on the practice of patching as well as how the development community is currently embracing research and commercial patching tools to improve productivity in repair. The result of our study shows that tool-supported patches are increasingly adopted by the developer community while manually-written patches are accepted more quickly. Patch application tools enable developers to remain committed to contributing patches to the code base. Our findings also include that, in actual development processes, patches generally implement several change operationsspread over the code, even for patches fixing warnings by bug detection tools. Finally, this study has shown that there is an opportunity to directly leverage the output of bug detection tools to readily generate patches that are appropriate for fixing the problem and that are consistent with manually-written patches

    Impact of Tool Support in Patch Construction

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    In this work, we investigate the practice of patch construction in the Linux kernel development, focusing on the differences between three patching processes: (1) patches crafted entirely manually to fix bugs, (2) those that are derived from warnings of bug detection tools, and (3) those that are automatically generated based on fix patterns. With this study, we provide to the research community concrete insights on the practice of patching as well as how the development community is currently embracing research and commercial patching tools to improve productivity in repair. The result of our study shows that tool-supported patches are increasingly adopted by the developer community while manually-written patches are accepted more quickly. Patch application tools enable developers to remain committed to contributing patches to the code base. Our findings also include that, in actual development processes, patches generally implement several change operations spread over the code, even for patches fixing warnings by bug detection tools. Finally, this study has shown that there is an opportunity to directly leverage the output of bug detection tools to readily generate patches that are appropriate for fixing the problem, and that are consistent with manually-written patches

    Open Source Software: From Open Science to New Marketing Models

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    -Open source Software; Intellectual Property; Licensing; Business Model.

    Harvesting Fix Hints in the History of Bugs

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    In software development, fixing bugs is an im- portant task that is time consuming and cost-sensitive. While many approaches have been proposed to automatically detect and patch software code, the strategies are limited to a set of identified bugs that were thoroughly studied to define their properties. They thus manage to cover a niche of faults such as infinite loops. We build on the assumption that bugs, and the associated user bug reports, are repetitive and propose a new approach of fix recommendations based on the history of bugs and their associated fixes. In our approach, once a bug is reported, it is automatically compared to all previously fixed bugs using information retrieval techniques and machine learning classification. Based on this comparison, we recommend top-k fix actions, identified from past fix examples, that may be suitable as hints for software developers to address the new bu

    R2Fix: Automatically Generating Bug Fixes from Bug Reports

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    Many bugs, even those that are known and documented in bug reports, remain in mature software for a long time due to the lack of the development resources to fix them. We propose a general approach, R2Fix, to automatically generate bug-fixing patches from free-form bug reports. R2Fix combines past fix patterns, machine learning techniques, and semantic patch generation techniques to fix bugs automatically. We evaluate R2Fix on three large and popular software projects, i.e., the Linux kernel, Mozilla, and Apache, for three important types of bugs: buffer overflows, null pointer bugs, and memory leaks. R2Fix generates 60 patches correctly, 5 of which are new patches for bugs that have not been fixed by developers yet. We reported all 5 new patches to the developers; 4 have already been accepted and committed to the code repositories. The 60 correct patches generated by R2Fix could have shortened and saved an average of 68 days of bug diagnosis and patch generation time

    Improving software engineering processes using machine learning and data mining techniques

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    The availability of large amounts of data from software development has created an area of research called mining software repositories. Researchers mine data from software repositories both to improve understanding of software development and evolution, and to empirically validate novel ideas and techniques. The large amount of data collected from software processes can then be leveraged for machine learning applications. Indeed, machine learning can have a large impact in software engineering, just like it has had in other fields, supporting developers, and other actors involved in the software development process, in automating or improving parts of their work. The automation can not only make some phases of the development process less tedious or cheaper, but also more efficient and less prone to errors. Moreover, employing machine learning can reduce the complexity of difficult problems, enabling engineers to focus on more interesting problems rather than the basics of development. The aim of this dissertation is to show how the development and the use of machine learning and data mining techniques can support several software engineering phases, ranging from crash handling, to code review, to patch uplifting, to software ecosystem management. To validate our thesis we conducted several studies tackling different problems in an industrial open-source context, focusing on the case of Mozilla

    Measuring and tracking quality factors in Free and Open Source Software projects

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    Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) has gained increased interest in the computer software industry, but assessing its quality remains a challenge. FOSS development is frequently carried out by globally distributed development teams, and all stages of development are publicly visible. Several product and process-level quality factors can be measured using the public data. This thesis presents a theoretical background for software quality and metrics and their application in a FOSS environment. Information available from FOSS projects in three information spaces are presented, and a quality model suitable for use in a FOSS context is constructed. The model includes both process and product quality metrics, and takes into account the tools and working methods commonly used in FOSS projects. A subset of the constructed quality model is applied to three FOSS projects, highlighting both theoretical and practical concerns in implementing automatic metric collection and analysis. The experiment shows that useful quality information can be extracted from the vast amount of data available. In particular, projects vary in their growth rate, complexity, modularity and team structure.Intresset för fri och öppen programvara (Free and Open Source Software, FOSS) har ökat inom programvaruindustrin, men dess kvalitetsmÀtning Àr alltjÀmt en utmaning. FOSS-utveckling utförs ofta av globalt utspridda utvecklingsteam, och alla skeden av utvecklingen Àr synliga för allmÀnheten. Flera kvalitetsfaktorer pÄ produkt- och processnivÄ kan mÀtas med hjÀlp av allmÀnt tillgÀngliga data. Denna avhandling presenterar en teoretisk bakgrund för programvarukvalitet och -metrik och deras anvÀndning i en FOSS-miljö. Avhandlingen presenterar information som kan samlas frÄn tre informationsomrÄden i FOSS-projekt, och konstruerar en kvalitetsmodell som Àr lÀmplig för anvÀndning i FOSS-sammanhang. Modellen innehÄller mÀtare för bÄde process- och produktkvalitetsfaktorer, och beaktar de verktyg och arbetsmetoder som ofta anvÀnds i FOSS-projekt. En delmÀngd av den konstruerade kvalitetsmodellen appliceras pÄ tre FOSS-projekt, vilket belyser bÄde teoretiska och praktiska problemomrÄden för implementering av automatisk metrikinsamling och -analys. Experimentet visar att det Àr möjligt att utvinna anvÀndbar information ur den vÀldiga datamÀngd som finns tillgÀnglig. SÀrskilt kan nÀmnas att projekten varierar i tillvÀxthastighet, komplexitet, modularitet och gruppstruktur
