157 research outputs found

    GaTO: An Ontological Model to Apply Gamification in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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    Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) are concerned with the use of artificial intelligence techniques for performing adaptive tutoring to learners' according to what they know about the domain. Researchers are increasingly interested in applying gamification in e-learning systems to engage students and to drive desired learning behaviors. However, little attention has been drawn to the effective application of gamification in ITS, and how to connect theories of both concepts in a standard and formal way. Moreover, gamified ITS should manipulate a huge amount of knowledge regarding several models, i.e., gamification, domain, student and pedagogical models. Formally connecting such theories as well as representing system's knowledge relies on the use of ontologies. In this paper, we present an ontological model that connects gamification and ITS concepts. Our model takes advantage of ontologies to allow automated reasoning (e.g., on the domain, student, pedagogical or gamification models), to enable interoperability, and create awareness about theories and good practices for the designers of gamified ITS. To evaluate our model, we use an ontology evaluation method based on five knowledge representation roles. We also illustrate how it could support the development of an intelligent authoring tool to design gamified ITS

    Digital textbooks – present, tendencies and possibilities of editorial market in brazilian and international context

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    Este texto aborda os livros didáticos digitais a partir de uma visão do mercado editorial, com base na experiência do autor no mercado brasileiro e espanhol, bem como em referências bibliográficas de diversos países do mundo. No Brasil, os livros didáticos digitais começaram a ganhar maior força no mercado editorial com o programa nacional do livro didático (PNLD), que em 2014 passou a adquirir livros agregados de recursos de multimídia e interatividade. Em 2015 (PNLD 2015), mudanças nos critérios de compra buscaram ampliar as possibilidades do livro didático digital nas escolas públicas. Os resultados, no entanto, ainda são tímidos em termos de contribuição pedagógica e exploração das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, com poucas inserções de contribuições acadêmicas e sem discussões aprofundadas com professores que poderão utilizar o material. Mesmo no mercado privado, onde há diferentes restrições tecnológicas e financeiras, o cenário não é diferente, como será analisado nesse artigo que foca nos materiais brasileiros da área de Ciências da Natureza, mas também que traz também exemplos espanhóis. Do ponto de vista editorial, são basicamente quatro os fatores que estão relacionados com esses resultados: custos, prazos, limitações tecnológicas e experiência em desenvolvimento.O último quesito envolve não só questões de planejamento de objetivos e de sequências didáticas, como também de desenvolvimento tecnológico e a própria relação que se tem com as novas tecnologias digitais, na qual é valiosa a analogia de nativos e imigrantes digitais. Começam a surgir, contudo, iniciativas nacionais e internacionais que estão substituindo o formato inicial de livro digital – um modelo de “PDF linkado”, onde livro impresso e objetos digitais são claramente dissociados – por um modelo que incorpora no próprio corpo do texto elementos multimídia e interativos. A navegabilidade e o aspecto visual são incrementados com essa proposta, mas questões pedagógicas continuam, tipicamente, relegadas a segundo plano, prevalecendo as questões mercadológicas imediatas. Ao fim, são apresentadas tendências e possibilidades para novas gerações de livros digitais: integração de redes sociais digitais, incorporação de métodos estatísticos responsivos, desenvolvimento de eye-tracking e inclusão de elementos de gamificação.This paper discusses the digital textbooks from a publishing Market vision, based on the author's experience in the Brazilian and Spanish markets and also in scientific papers from several countries. In Brazil, the digital textbook increased its market share with the Textbook National Program (PNLD, in portuguese), that in 2014 inaugurated government shopping of textbooks with multimedia and interactive resources. In 2015, some criterial changes in the shopping conditions expanded the possibilities of digital textbooks in public schools. The results, however, are still shy in terms of pedagogical contribution and use of information and communication new technologies, with few academic contributions presents in textbooks and without extensive discussions about how teachers can use the material. Even in the private market, where there are different technological and financial constraints, the scenario is similar, as show this article that has focus on Sciences materials. From an editorial point of view, there are four factors related to these results: cost, time, technological limitations and development experience. This last topic involves not only planning objectives and didactic sequences, but also technological development and the relationship of the developer with the new digital technologies, in which is valuable the idea of natives and digital immigrants. However, some national and international initiatives are replacing the original digital textbook format - a "PDF linked model" where textbook and digital objects are clearly dissociated – with a “embedded model”, that incorporates into the body of the text some multimedia interactive elements. The navigation and the visual appearance is enhanced with this proposal, but pedagogical questions remain typically relegated to the background, behind market issues. In the end, some trends and possibilities are presented to new generations of digital textbooks: digital social networks integrated, responsive statistical methods, eye-tracking technology and the inclusion of gamification in the digital textbook.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Grupo FORCE (HUM-386

    La Gamificación como estrategia didáctica para la enseñanza/aprendizaje de la programación: un mapeo sistemático de literatura

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    The incorporation of gamification into Programming courses has been identified as a potential strategy that could maximize student participation and have a positive impact on learning. To our knowledge, there is no study aimed at collecting and analyzing research results on this subject using a systematic method. To fill this gap, a systematic mapping of literature was carried out with the aim of summarizing the studies on the use of gamification as a didactic strategy for teaching/learning of Programming. Initially, through the search in four (4) digital libraries, 186 studies were obtained. Then, after a careful analysis of each of them, we verify that only 78 match our needs. Finally, we have categorized the contributions of these studies to present an overview of the results produced by the research community.La incorporación de la gamificación en cursos de Programación ha sido identificada como una estrategia potencial que podría maximizar la participación de los estudiantes y tener un impacto positivo en el aprendizaje. Hasta donde sabemos, no existe un estudio dirigido a recopilar y analizar los resultados de investigación sobre este tema utilizando un método sistemático. Para llenar este vacío, se realizó un mapeo sistemático de literatura con el objetivo de resumir los estudios sobre el uso de la gamificación como estrategia didáctica para la enseñanza/aprendizaje de la Programación. Inicialmente, mediante la búsqueda en cuatro (4) bibliotecas digitales, se obtuvieron 186 estudios. Luego, después de un cuidadoso análisis de cada uno de ellos, verificamos que sólo 78 coinciden con nuestras necesidades. Por último, hemos categorizado las contribuciones de estos estudios para presentar una visión general de los resultados producidos por la comunidad investigadora

    The NMC Horizon Report : 2014 Library Edition

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    Influence of employer support for professional development on MOOCs enrolment and completion: Results from a cross-course survey

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    Although the potential of open education and MOOCs for professional development is usually recognized, it has not yet been explored extensively. How far employers support non-formal learning is still an open question. This paper presents the findings of a survey-based study which focuses on the influence of employer support for (general) professional development on employees’ use of MOOCs. Findings show that employers are usually unaware that their employees are participating in MOOCs. In addition, employer support for general professional development is positively associated with employees completing MOOCs and obtaining certificates for them. However, the relationship between employer support and MOOC enrollment is less clear: workers who have more support from their employers tend to enroll in either a low or a high number of MOOCs. Finally, the promotion of a minimum of ICT skills by employers is shown to be an effective way of encouraging employee participation in the open education ecosystem.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    Rethinking Pedagogy: Exploring the Potential of Digital Technology in Achieving Quality Education

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    (First Paragraph) The Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) is UNESCO’s Category 1 education Institute in the Asia-Pacific region devoted to education for peace and sustainable development, as enshrined in SDG Target 4.7. UNESCO MGIEP promotes the use of digital learning platforms where teachers and students can co-create and share a highly interactive learning experience. With the rise of the internet, there has been a proliferation of online content and digital resources intended to support teaching and learning, albeit widely varying in quality. Digital education media and resources, if carefully designed and implemented, have a significant potential to be mobilized on a massive scale to support transformative learning for building sustainable, flourishing societies

    NMC horizon report: 2014 library edition

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    The NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Library Edition, examines key trends, significant challenges, and emerging technologies for their potential impact on academic and research libraries worldwide. While there are many local factors affecting libraries, there are also issues that transcend regional boundaries and common questions; it was with these questions in mind that this report was created. The NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Library Edition was produced by the NMC in collaboration with University of Applied Sciences (HTW) Chur, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) Hannover, and ETH-Bibliothek Zurich. To create the report, an international body of experts from library management, education, technology, and other fields was convened as a panel. Over the course of three months in the spring of 2014, the 2014 Horizon Project Library Expert Panel came to a consensus about the topics that would appear here in the NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Library Edition.&nbsp

    Discovering the New Place of Learning

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    The book explores the potential of learning outside the traditional classroom when students gain real-world experiences in a variety of contexts and public spaces such as built, natural and virtual landscapes, museums, heritage sites, science centres and community venues. The authors of the book promote and put the flexible and ‘plastic’ concept of a place of learning into action by including physical geographical location, digital, virtual and textual spaces into the analysis. The book illuminates the importance of innovative educational strategies in connecting formal, non-formal and informal education – experiential learning in museums, heritage places and communities, inquiry-based pedagogy, digital storytelling, environmental online games, narrative geographies, and the use of geospatial technologies