418 research outputs found

    Феномен синкретизма в украинской лингвистике

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    У сучасній лінгвістиці вивчення складних системних зв’язків та динамізму мови навряд чи буде завершеним без урахування синкретизму. Традиційно явища транзитивності трактуються як поєднання різних типів утворень як результат процесів трансформації або відображення проміжних, синкретичних фактів, що характеризують мовну систему в синхронному аспекті.In modern linguistics, the study of complex systemic relations and language dynamism is unlikely to be complete without considering the transitivity. Traditionally, transitivity phenomena are treated as a combination of different types of entities, formed as a result of the transformation processes or the reflection of the intermediate, syncretic facts that characterize the language system in the synchronous aspect.В современной лингвистике изучение сложных системных отношений и языкового динамизма вряд ли будет полным без учета синкретизма. Традиционно явления транзитивности трактуются как совокупность различных типов сущностей, сформированных в результате процессов преобразования или отражения промежуточных синкретических фактов, которые характеризуют языковую систему в синхронном аспекте

    Girl, you’ll be a woman soon : grammatical and/or semantic agreement with Greek hybrid nouns of the Mädchen type

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    Greek grammarians distinguished five gender classes: masculine, feminine, neuter, common and epicene nouns. Common nouns denote sexed beings and differentiate them accordingly, e.g. ὁ παῖς ‘the boy’ ~ ἡ παῖς ‘the girl’. Epicene nouns denote sexed beings as well but do not differentiate them according to sex, e.g. ὁ ἀετός ‘the (male / female) eagle’ ~ ἡ ἀλώπηξ ‘the (male / female) fox’. There is, however, another class not recognized by the grammarians and that is the class of hybrid nouns, defined by Corbett as “nouns […] whose agreement specification varies according to the agreement target” (2015: 191). The agreement specification is determined by the Agreement Hierarchy (Corbett 1991: 226): “attributive > predicate > relative pronoun > personal pronoun”, of which he says: “For any controller that permits alternative agreements, as we move rightwards along the Agreement Hierarchy, the likelihood of agreement with greater semantic justification will increase monotonically” (2015: 193). One of the prototypical examples of a hybrid noun is German Mädchen, which always takes the neuter form of the article, but often the feminine form of the personal pronoun (Corbett 1991: 182, 227-8; 2015: 194). Corbett, following a personally communicated suggestion of Manfred Krifka, noted that “the older the girl in question, the more likely the feminine becomes (and conversely the neuter” (1991: 228). Braun and Haig confirmed this suggestion in their study of 302 native speakers of German and concluded that the choice depends on the “semantics of age” (2010: 70) as well as on the “semantics of femaleness” (2010: 82). In this paper I discuss the grammatical hybridity of Greek equivalents of German Mädchen: κόριον, κοράσιον, κορασίδιον, θυγάτριον, παρθένιον etc. I show that such nouns tend to follow the Agreement Hierarchy as well and that the semantics of age and of femaleness are as important in the gender assignment of Greek girls as they are in the case of German Mädchen. The Greek evidence confirms an important observation made by Braun and Haig in reference to the latter: “a natural boundary, that of puberty, appears to be relevant in the statistical distribution of feminine and neuter forms” (2010: 82). More specifically, they observed “a statistically valid preference to favour female forms when the Mädchen is presented as 18-years old, as opposed to twelve” (ibid.). Not surprisingly, the correlation between age, femaleness and semantic agreement differs significantly in the case of the Greek girls. References Braun, Friederike & Geoffrey Haig. 2010. “When are German ‘Girls’ Feminine? How the Semantics of Age Influences the Grammar of Gender Agreement”, in Markus Bieswanger, Heike Motschenbacher & Susanne Muhleisen (eds.), Language in its Socio-Cultural Context: New Explorations in Global, Medial and Gendered Uses, 69-84. Tübingen: Narr. Corbett, Greville C. 1991. Gender. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Corbett, Greville C. 2015. “Hybrid Nouns and their complexity”, in Jürg Fleischer, Elisabeth Rieken & Paul Widmer (eds.), Agreement from a Diachronic Perspective, 191-214. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. Janse, Mark. 2020. “Sex and Agreement: (Mis)matching Natural and Grammatical Gender in Greek”, Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca 22(2), 25-55

    Critical Programming: Toward a Philosophy of Computing

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    Beliefs about the relationship between human beings and computing machines and their destinies have alternated from heroic counterparts to conspirators of automated genocide, from apocalyptic extinction events to evolutionary cyborg convergences. Many fear that people are losing key intellectual and social abilities as tasks are offloaded to the everywhere of the built environment, which is developing a mind of its own. If digital technologies have contributed to forming a dumbest generation and ushering in a robotic moment, we all have a stake in addressing this collective intelligence problem. While digital humanities continue to flourish and introduce new uses for computer technologies, the basic modes of philosophical inquiry remain in the grip of print media, and default philosophies of computing prevail, or experimental ones propagate false hopes. I cast this as-is situation as the post-postmodern network dividual cyborg, recognizing that the rational enlightenment of modernism and regressive subjectivity of postmodernism now operate in an empire of extended mind cybernetics combined with techno-capitalist networks forming societies of control. Recent critical theorists identify a justificatory scheme foregrounding participation in projects, valorizing social network linkages over heroic individualism, and commending flexibility and adaptability through life long learning over stable career paths. It seems to reify one possible, contingent configuration of global capitalism as if it was the reflection of a deterministic evolution of commingled technogenesis and synaptogenesis. To counter this trend I offer a theoretical framework to focus on the phenomenology of software and code, joining social critiques with textuality and media studies, the former proposing that theory be done through practice, and the latter seeking to understand their schematism of perceptibility by taking into account engineering techniques like time axis manipulation. The social construction of technology makes additional theoretical contributions dispelling closed world, deterministic historical narratives and requiring voices be given to the engineers and technologists that best know their subject area. This theoretical slate has been recently deployed to produce rich histories of computing, networking, and software, inform the nascent disciplines of software studies and code studies, as well as guide ethnographers of software development communities. I call my syncretism of these approaches the procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony, recognizing that multiple explanatory layers operating in their individual temporal and physical orders of magnitude simultaneously undergird post-postmodern network phenomena. Its touchstone is that the human-machine situation is best contemplated by doing, which as a methodology for digital humanities research I call critical programming. Philosophers of computing explore working code places by designing, coding, and executing complex software projects as an integral part of their intellectual activity, reflecting on how developing theoretical understanding necessitates iterative development of code as it does other texts, and how resolving coding dilemmas may clarify or modify provisional theories as our minds struggle to intuit the alien temporalities of machine processes

    Cross-linguistic investigation of the way-construction in English, Dutch, and German

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    This thesis presents a large-scale corpus investigation into the way-construction (found in sentences such as Peter made his way to the front door) in English, Dutch, and German in a Construction Grammar framework. A cross-linguistic investigation of the way-construction on this scale has never been carried out; this thesis fills a gap in the literature by chronicling the development and synchronic state of the construction in each of the three languages, and presenting a cross-linguistic comparison. In Chapter 2, I present a justification for employing a Construction Grammar framework for this investigation, and also outline the diachrony and synchrony of the construction in each of the three languages. In this chapter, I also show that all three of these languages have (at least) one other construction similar in form and function to the way-construction, and that multiple sources have played a role in the development of the construction in each language (cf. the papers in van de Velde et al. 2013 on multiple source constructions). Chapter 3 outlines the methodology of the study and describes the corpora and statistical analysis techniques used in this study. Chapters 4 and 5 concern the role of reanalysis and analogy in the development of the way-construction in the three languages. In these chapters I refine some of the principles of reanalysis and analogy in light of my data on the way-construction, and to contribute to the debate as to whether reanalysis or analogy (or neither) is the primary mechanism of language change. I show in these chapters that reanalysis and analogy have worked in tandem (cf. Fischer 2007); the reanalysis of way and its Dutch and German equivalent weg as a non-referential object in the three languages has facilitated a long chain of analogical extensions (cf. Israel 1996). Chapter 6 deals with frequency effects and exemplar representations in the development of the way-construction. In this chapter I add to the growing body of work which shows that frequency effects are abundant in language, and that part of the development of the way-construction in the three languages can be attributed to frequency effects, and that the verbs occurring in the way-construction in the three languages can be grouped into exemplar clouds of semantically similar items. The role of language contact and borrowing in the development of the Dutch and German way-constructions is discussed in Chapter 7. I show that these concepts can be incorporated into a Construction Grammar framework (as e.g. Höder 2012 has done), and that the productivity and schematicity of the Dutch and German way-constructions has increased considerably as a result of contact with English. Chapter 8 concludes the thesis

    Rules of Speech Behavior in Tatar and Turkish Proverbs

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    Today, despite the abundant supply and scientific papers concerning particular features of multi-method, communicative culture and comparative linguistic research on the ethnocultural stereotypes of Turkic peoples' communicative behavior, it is vital in modern linguistics. The issue statement is because the ethnocultural examination of the Turkic peoples' communicative behavior permits us to look at the ethnos' communicative culture in the modern context and distinguish typical and distinctive characteristics of the Tatar's communicative culture Turkish peoples. This survey investigates the ethnocultural stereotypes of the communicative behavior of the Tatar and Turkish linguistic cultures expressed in the paroemiological fund. The analysis is based on the Tatar and Turkish languages' phraseological and paroemiological units within this article's framework. The research adopted descriptive, stylistic, and comparative techniques. Moreover, The methodological framework is the linguoculturological, cognitive-linguistic aspects of the investigation of paroemiological units. The most substantial typical categories of the Tatars' communicative culture are the culture of communication, politeness, sociability, verbiage, silence, conflict communication, and effective communication. In paroemias, truth is proclaimed before lie, laconicalness before loquacity, silence before speaking, deed before the word, listening before speaking. The examination of stereotypes of communicative behavior reveals that the Tatars persist faithfully to the observance of folk traditions and particular speech cultures

    Structured heterogeneity in Scottish stops over the 20th Century

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    How and why speakers differ in the phonetic implementation of phonological contrasts, and the relationship of this ‘structured heterogeneity’ to language change, has been a key focus over fifty years of variationist sociolinguistics. In phonetics, interest has recently grown in uncovering ‘structured variability’—how speakers can differ greatly in phonetic realization in nonrandom ways—as part of the long-standing goal of understanding variability in speech. The English stop voicing contrast, which combines extensive phonetic variability with phonological stability, provides an ideal setting for an approach to understanding structured variation in the sounds of a community’s language that illuminates both synchrony and diachrony. This article examines the voicing contrast in a vernacular dialect (Glasgow Scots) in spontaneous speech, focusing on individual speaker variability within and across cues, including over time. Speakers differ greatly in the use of each of three phonetic cues to the contrast, while reliably using each one to differentiate voiced and voiceless stops. Interspeaker variability is highly structured: speakers lie along a continuum of use of each cue, as well as correlated use of two cues—voice onset time and closure voicing—along a single axis. Diachronic change occurs along this axis, toward a more aspiration-based and less voicing-based phonetic realization of the contrast, suggesting an important connection between synchronic and diachronic speaker variation

    Analýza anglo-francouzských pravých protějšků v korpusu autentických vzorků textů

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    This PhDr. dissertation provides a parole analysis of vrais amis (true counterparts) in current French and current English. To this end a specialized English-French translation corpus was assembled, composed of three subcorpora equal in length, namely Religious, Political and Fiction discourse, amounting altogether to approximately 60,000 words. With the help of the AntConc computer tool, true friends employed in the corpus were generated, here conceived of as a register-specific phenomenon exclusively. Using the frequency criteria, a "central setˮ of 64 most frequent counterparts was delineated. These central counterparts, marked by (almost) identical frequencies, identical contexts and the same registers, were subjected to a multiaspectual analysis, scrutinizing the pronunciation, spelling, word classes, share of derivation, and frequency of both, the types and the tokens. Since English proved to be the borrowing language in all instances, the research also indirectly addressed the degree of their integration in the English lexicon by reference to frequency bands. For most of the researched aspects, three zones of counterparts were identified, namely those exhibiting identity, close similarity and relative difference. As a result, employing the Theory of Centre and Periphery (Daneš 1966), we may...Rigorózní práce se zabývá parolovým výzkumem pravých protějšků (vrais amis) v současné francouzštině a angličtině. K tomuto účelu byl sestaven speciální korpus anglicko- francouzských překladů složený ze třech dílčích subkorpusů stejného rozsahu (biblický diskurz, politický diskurz a diskurz umělecké prózy), v rozsahu cca 60 000 slov. Pomocí nástroje AntConc byly z korpusu vygenerovány užité pravé protějšky, které se v práci pojímají vždy jakožto jev konkrétního registru. Na základě frekvenčních kritérií byl vymezen centrální okruh 64 protějšků, (takřka) shodných frekvencí a identických kontextů a registrů, který byl následně podroben mnohaaspektové analýze. Zkoumala se jejich výslovnost i psaná podoba, jejich slovnědruhové zařazení, zastoupení slovotvorného postupu derivace; dále se sledovala absolutní četnost jak typů, tak i tokenů v korpusu, a nepřímo (na základě pásem frekventovanosti) se zjišťovala i integrovanost těchto výpůjček do slovní zásoby angličtiny jakožto jazyka přijímajícího. Dle většiny zkoumaných aspektů lze pravé protějšky přiřadit do tří pásem od identity přes blízkost až po relativní nepodobnost. Podle teorie centra a periferie (Daneš 1966) lze tak pravé protějšky uspořádat na pomyslné škále od identity až po vzdálenou podobnost ve většině aspektů analýzy. K práci je připojen...Katedra anglického jazyka a literaturyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Incorporating syntax into theories of textual transmission : preliminary studies in the Judaean desert Isaiah scrolls and fragments

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    Prior to the discovery of the Qumran and Judaean Desert scrolls and fragments, text-critical scholars conducted their investigation of textual variation by means of manuscript stemma, among which ! and its associated scribal school was the golden rule. With nearly seventy years of research now complete, scholars have emended their methodological framework to account for variation by means of the scribal practices of the Second Temple era. To analyze textual variation vis-à-vis scribal practices and approaches has required that scholars incorporate historical linguistics into existing philological methods. The linguistic categories of orthography, phonology, and morphology have received a significant amount attention, mostly in Emanuel Tov's Non-Aligned theory. However, syntax has received little attention. To test the hypothesis that syntax should likewise be incorporated into transmission theory methodology, several case studies from the Judaean Desert Isaiah corpus are presented. The conclusion of the present study affirms that syntax offers a viable method to account for the extant readings witnessed in the Judaean Desert Isaiah corpus

    Unmaking History-as-Fiction : Decoupling the Two Incompatible Principles of Language in Hayden White's Linguistic Turn, 1970s-2000s

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    This dissertation examines the deeply hidden metaphysical presuppositions from traditional philosophy of language that are built into the theoretical construct history-as-fiction. This construct is Hayden White's main contribution to the linguistic turn in the study of history-writing, or historiography, and is framed here from roughly the early 1970s to the early 2000s. History-as-fiction posits the figural nature of historical consciousness in terms of the master tropes of rhetoric (i.e., metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony). This figural analysis, which White developed on the basis of Giambattista Vico's 18th-century metaphor (tropic) theory of language, hypothesizes the unconscious linguistic strategies as structuring elements in historians writings. White is unaware, however, that this tropic theory unmakes history-as-fiction by sidelining the very framework it was meant to fulfill. Classical literary theory, which White employed as his framework in developing his tropic analysis, emerged from structural linguistics as developed in the early 20th century by linguist Ferdinand de Saussure. Saussure's key principle of language is the arbitrariness of the binary linguistic sign (i.e., the random pairing of the sound of a word with its meaning). This binary arbitrariness separated mind from body and was the cornerstone upon which Saussure constructed the science of modern linguistics as a system of linguistic value. By contrast, Vico's key principle of language was the necessary dependence of language on the human body acting in the world. The strategy of this thesis is to separate White's figural, tropological (Vichian) analysis from his (post)structuralist (Saussurean) framework, within which he analyzed history-as-fiction. From my methodological standpoint of autopoietic enactive embodiment (AE), I examine tropology and (post)structuralism within their own philosophical contexts and logics. My examination reveals a hidden tension between the two principles of language underpinning each theoretical strand of White s construct history-as-fiction. By decoupling the two strands, I explore the source of the tension at the core of history-as-fiction in its unmaking.Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tarkastellaan käsitystä historiasta fiktiona ( history-as-fiction ) teoreettisena konstruktiona ja tuohon käsitykseen sisäänrakentuneita, perinteisestä kielifilosofiasta peräisin olevia metafyysisiä piilo-oletuksia. Kyseinen historiakäsitys on Hayden Whiten keskeisin kontribuutio historiankirjoituksen eli historiografian lingvistiseen käänteeseen, joka rajataan tässä ulottuvaksi 1970-luvun alusta 2000-luvun alkuun. Ajatus historiasta fiktiona perustuu oletukseen historiallisen tietoisuuden figuratiivisuudesta, jota kuvaavat retoriikan perustroopit eli metafora, metonymia, synekdokee ja ironia. Figuratiivisessa analyysissään White nojaa Giambattista Vicon 1800-luvulla kehittämään tropologiseen kieliteoriaan ja olettaa alitajuisten kielellisten strategioiden konstruoivan historiankirjoitusta. Whitelta on jäänyt kuitenkin huomaamatta, että tropologia vie pohjan historia fiktiona -konstruktiolta ja ajaa samalla itse teoriasuuntauksen ohi, jota tropologian oli tarkoitus täydentää. Tropologisen analyysinsä viitekehyksenä White käyttää (klassista) kirjallisuusteoriaa, joka puolestaan perustuu kielitieteilijä Ferdinand de Saussuren 1900-luvun alussa kehittämään strukturalistiseen kieliteoriaan. Saussuren keskeinen kielellinen periaate on binaarisen eli kaksijakoisen kielellisen merkin arbitraarisuus (toisin sanoen sanan äänikuvan yhteys sanan merkitykseen on sattumanvarainen). Käsitys merkin binaarisuudesta ja arbitraarisuudesta erottaa mielen ruumiista; tästä käsityksestä Saussure kehitti modernin kielitieteen ajatuksen kielestä kielellisten arvojen järjestelmänä. Vicon keskeinen kielellinen periaate puolestaan perustuu käsitykseen kielen sidoksisuudesta maailmassa liikkuvan ja toimivan ihmisen ruumiiseen. Väitöstutkimuksen strategiana on erottaa Whiten figuratiivinen, tropologinen (vicolainen) teoria (jälki)strukturalistisesta (saussurelaisesta) viitekehyksestä, jossa White analysoi historiaa fiktiona. Metodologisena tarkastelunäkökulmana Whiten ajatteluun käytän autopoieettista enaktiivista ruumiillisuuden käsitettä (autopoietic enactive embodiment, AE). Tropologian ja (jälki)strukturalismin tarkastelu niiden omissa filosofisissa konteksteissaan kyseisestä ruumiillisuuden näkökulmasta paljastaa niiden perustuvan erilaisiin, yhteensopimattomiin kielikäsityksiin. Näiden kahden erilaisen kielellisen periaatteen ja niiden välisen jännitteen syiden tarkastelu kumoaa Whiten historia fiktiona ajatusrakennelman

    You Will Know Me by My Writing: The Scribe’s Choice of Goal-Marking Strategies in Biblical Hebrew in the Light of Social, Historical, and Linguistic Correlates

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    Ancient scribes writing Biblical Hebrew could mark a Goal argument (the place to which one is moving) with the directive he suffix, with a directional preposition, or as an accusative of destination. Previous studies have explained this alternation in terms of a few historical or linguistic variables at a time. In this study, I use a comprehensive dataset (all factive Goals from prose Biblical Hebrew texts), a broad set of potential explanatory variables coded for each Goal and the clause in which it appears (including more than thirty diachronic, social, and linguistic variables, with a particular focus on previously-understudied syntactic-semantic variables), various statistical tools (especially multinomial logistical regression), and comparative data (from Epigraphic Hebrew, Biblical Aramaic, Ugaritic, and Akkadian) to explore the influences on and choices of the ancient scribes. Important findings of this study include indications that 1) scribes of the Late Biblical Hebrew corpus consciously promoted the use of directive he despite the convergence of the Late Biblical Hebrew goal-marking system with that of Aramaic, as evidenced in the behavior of the goal-marking prepositions across time (a conclusion not consistent with purely stylistic explanations of the linguistic differences between Classical and Late Biblical Hebrew); 2) due to educational and social disruptions during the exile, the scribes originating texts described as Transitional Biblical Hebrew mobilized fewer prestigious linguistic features than scribes of the Classical and Late corpora, as evidenced by limitations in their goal-marking repertoires and paralleled by data from other Semitic corpora; 3) the scribes’ choices between goal-marking strategies are largely driven by sensitivity to a Prototypical Intransitive Motion Construction (in which a salient Affected Agent moves successfully and completely to an inanimate single-point Goal that contains inherent, specific geographic information) and other Motion Construction prototypes (Caused-Motion, Pursuit, etc.), with the directive he and the accusative of direction being strongly correlated with more-prototypical environments; and 4) individual prepositions may encode the type of Goal location (single-point or divisible), the place of the Goal in the information structure of the text, the mover’s configuration with respect to the Goal, or Goal animacy