487 research outputs found

    Probing Light-Matter Interactions in Plasmonic Nanotips

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    Modeling and Numerical Simulation of the clot detachment from a blood vessel wall

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    Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons un modèle pour étudier numériquement le comportement du sang, qui est considéré comme un fluide newtonien incompressible, en présence d’un caillot attaché à une paroi vasculaire. Le but de cette étude est de savoir si des régimes d’écoulement différents peuvent provoquer la décollement d’un caillot d’un mur de vaisseau ou conduire à un état stable. Dans le Chapitre 1, nous donnons une revue de la littérature sur les études précédentes, la modélisation de la coagulation sanguine, des caillots sanguins dans le système vasculaire, l’adhésion plaquettaire et l’agrégation et la formation de caillots pathologiques. Notre travail repose principalement sur une partie du modèle mathématique donné par Bajd et Serša [3], qui est présenté dans le chapitre 1. Ensuite, nous décrirons la modélisation mathématique du fluide représentant le sang et le solide représentant le caillot au chapitre 2. Le troisième chapitre se concentrera sur l’approche numérique consistant en une méthode de projection et la méthode de limite immergée [36] pour résoudre les équations de Navier-Stokes. Enfin, au Chapitre 4, nous discuterons des résultats et donnerons des conclusions sur l’influence de différents régimes d’écoulement sur la stabilité du caillot.In this thesis we propose a model to numerically study the behavior of blood, which is considered as an incompressible Newtonian fluid, in the presence of a clot attached to a vessel wall. The purpose of this study is to find out whether different flow regimes may cause a clot to detach from a vessel wall or it would lead to a stable state. In Chapter 1, we give a literature review of previous studies modeling blood coagulation, blood clots in the vascular system, platelet adhesion and aggregation and pathological clot formation. Our work is mainly based upon some part of the mathematical model given by Bajd and Serša [3], which is presented in Chapter 1. Then, we will describe the mathematical modeling of the fluid presenting the blood and the solid representing the clot in Chapter 2. The third chapter will focus on the numerical approach consisting of a projection method and the immersed boundary method [36] for solving the Navier-Stokes equations. Finally, in Chapter 4, we will discuss the results and give conclusions about the influence of different flow regimes on the clot stability

    Electromagnetic Waves

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    This volume is based on the contributions of several authors in electromagnetic waves propagations. Several issues are considered. The contents of most of the chapters are highlighting non classic presentation of wave propagation and interaction with matters. This volume bridges the gap between physics and engineering in these issues. Each chapter keeps the author notation that the reader should be aware of as he reads from chapter to the other

    Magneto-Optics and Magneto-Transport Studies on Thin Films for Sensor Applications

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    Recent progress and interest have bought considerable effort to bear on the synthesis and opportunities of magnetic thin films in different fields. There are applications in many fields, including remote sensing, waveguide applications, hard drive applications, etc. at the College of William and Mary, we have focused on utilizing magnetic thin films in some of these applications and are deeply involved in the optimization process of the thin films

    Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle Systems

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    This meeting was focused on recent results on the mathematical analysis of many-particle systems, both classical and quantum-mechanical in scaling regimes such that the methods of kinetic theory can be expected to apply. Thus, the Boltzmann equation is in many ways the central equation investigated in much of the research presented and discussed at this meeting, but the range of topics naturally extended from this center to include other non-linear partial differential and integro-differential equations, especially macroscopic/fluid-dynamical limits of kinetic equations modeling the dynamics of many-particle systems. A significant subset of the talks focused on propagation of chaos, and the validation and derivation of kinetic equations from underlying stochastic particle models in which there has been much progress and activity. Models were discussed with applications not only in physics, but also engineering, and mathematical biology. While there were a number of new participants, especially younger researchers, an interesting aspect of the conference was the number of talks presenting progress that had its origins in the previous meeting in this series held in 2010
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