189 research outputs found

    Distributed Versions of Linear Time Temporal Logic: A Trace Perspective

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    An expressively complete linear time temporal logic for Mazurkiewicz traces

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    A basic result concerning LTL, the propositional temporal logic of linear time, is that it is expressively complete; it is equal in expressive power to the first order theory of sequences. We present here a smooth extension of this result to the class of partial orders known as Mazurkiewicz traces. These partial orders arise in a variety of contexts in concurrency theory and they provide the conceptual basis for many of the partial order reduction methods that have been developed in connection with LTL-specifications. We show that LTrL, our linear time temporal logic, is equal in expressive power to the first order theory of traces when interpreted over (finite and) infinite traces. This result fills a prominent gap in the existing logical theory of infinite traces. LTrL also provides a syntactic characterisation of the so-called trace consistent (robust) LTL-specifications. These are specifications expressed as LTL formulas that do not distinguish between different linearisations of the same trace and hence are amenable to partial order reduction methods

    Second-Order Hyperproperties

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    We introduce Hyper2^2LTL, a temporal logic for the specification of hyperproperties that allows for second-order quantification over sets of traces. Unlike first-order temporal logics for hyperproperties, such as HyperLTL, Hyper2^2LTL can express complex epistemic properties like common knowledge, Mazurkiewicz trace theory, and asynchronous hyperproperties. The model checking problem of Hyper2^2LTL is, in general, undecidable. For the expressive fragment where second-order quantification is restricted to smallest and largest sets, we present an approximate model-checking algorithm that computes increasingly precise under- and overapproximations of the quantified sets, based on fixpoint iteration and automata learning. We report on encouraging experimental results with our model-checking algorithm, which we implemented in the tool~\texttt{HySO}

    Extending Compositional Message Sequence Graphs

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    We extend the formal developments for message sequence charts (MSCs) to support scenarios with lost and found messages. We define a notion of extended compositional message sequence charts (ECMSCs) which subsumes the notion of compositional message sequence charts in expressive power but additionally allows to define lost and found messages explicitly. As usual, ECMSCs might be combined by means of choice and repetition towards (extended) compositional message sequence graphs. We show that - despite extended expressive power - model checking of monadic second-order logic (MSO) for this framework remains to be decidable. The key technique to achieve our results is to use an extended notion for linearizations

    Generic Trace Semantics and Graded Monads

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    Models of concurrent systems employ a wide variety of semantics inducing various notions of process equivalence, ranging from linear-time semantics such as trace equivalence to branching-time semantics such as strong bisimilarity. Many of these generalize to system types beyond standard transition systems, featuring, for example, weighted, probabilistic, or game-based transitions; this motivates the search for suitable coalgebraic abstractions of process equivalence that cover these orthogonal dimensions of generality, i.e. are generic both in the system type and in the notion of system equivalence. In recent joint work with Kurz, we have proposed a parametrization of system equivalence over an embedding of the coalgebraic type functor into a monad. In the present paper, we refine this abstraction to use graded monads, which come with a notion of depth that corresponds, e.g., to trace length or bisimulation depth. We introduce a notion of graded algebras and show how they play the role of formulas in trace logics

    It Is Easy to Be Wise After the Event: Communicating Finite-State Machines Capture First-Order Logic with "Happened Before"

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    Message sequence charts (MSCs) naturally arise as executions of communicating finite-state machines (CFMs), in which finite-state processes exchange messages through unbounded FIFO channels. We study the first-order logic of MSCs, featuring Lamport\u27s happened-before relation. We introduce a star-free version of propositional dynamic logic (PDL) with loop and converse. Our main results state that (i) every first-order sentence can be transformed into an equivalent star-free PDL sentence (and conversely), and (ii) every star-free PDL sentence can be translated into an equivalent CFM. This answers an open question and settles the exact relation between CFMs and fragments of monadic second-order logic. As a byproduct, we show that first-order logic over MSCs has the three-variable property
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