785 research outputs found

    Linear Depth Integer-Wise Homomorphic Division

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    Part 3: CryptographyInternational audienceWe propose a secure integer-wise homomorphic division algorithm on fully homomorphic encryption schemes (FHE). For integer-wise algorithms, we encrypt plaintexts as integers without encoding them into bit values, while in bit-wise algorithms, plaintexts are encoded into binary and bit values are encrypted one by one. All the publicly available division algorithms are constructed in bit-wise style, and to the best of our knowledge there are no known integer-wise algorithm for secure division. We derive some empirical results on the FHE library HElib and show that our algorithm is 2.45x faster than the fastest bit-wise algorithm. We also show that the multiplicative depth of our algorithm is O(l), where l is the integer bit length, while that of existing division algorithms is O(l2)O(l^2). Furthermore, we generalise our secure division algorithm and propose a method for secure calculation of a general 2-variable function. The order of multiplicative depth of the algorithm, which is a main factor of the complexity of a FHE algorithm, is exactly the same as our secure division algorithm

    동형암호 재부팅 기법에 관한 연구

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 자연과학대학 수리과학부, 2019. 2. 천정희.2009년 Gentry에 의해서 완전동형암호가 처음 설계된 이후로 최적화와 고속화를 위해서 다양한 기법들과 스킴들이 설계되어 왔다. 하지만 동형암호의 연산횟수를 무제한으로 늘리기 위해서 필수적인 재부팅 기법의 효율성 문제로 실제 응용에 적용하기에는 부적합하다는 평가를 많이 받아왔다. 본 논문에서는 재부팅 기법의 고속화를 위한 다양한 기법을 제시하고 이를 실제로 응용분야에 적용하였다. 본 논문에서는 대표적인 동형암호 스킴들에 대한 재부팅 기법에 대한 연구를 수행하였는데, 첫 번째로는 Microsoft Research와 IMB에서 만든 동형암호 라이브러리인 SEAL과 HElib에 적용가능한 재부팅 기법에 대한 연구를 수행하였다. 해당 재부팅 기법에서 핵심적이 과정은 암호화된 상태에서 복호화 함수를 계산하는 부분이다. 암호된 상태에서 최하위 비트를 추출하는 새로운 방법을 제시하여 재부팅 과정에서 소모되는 계산량과 표현되는 다항식의 차수를 줄이는데에 성공하였다. 두 번째로는, 비교적 최근에 개발된 근사계산 동형암호인 HEAAN 스킴의 재부팅 기법을 개선하는 연구를 수행하였다. 2018년에 삼각함수를 이용한 근사법을 통해서 처음 해당 스킴에 대한 재부팅 기법이 제시되었는데, 많은 데이터를 담고있는 암호문에 대해서는 전처리, 후처리 과정이 계산량의 대부분을 차지하는 문제가 있었다. 해당 과정들을 여러 단계로 재귀적인 함수들로 표현하여 계산량이 데이터 사이즈에 대해서 로그적으로 줄이는 것에 성공하였다. 추가로, 다른 스킴들에 비해서 많이 사용되지는 않지만, 정수기반 동형암호들에 대해서도 재부팅 기법을 개선하는 연구를 수행하였고 그 결과 계산량을 로그적으로 줄이는 것에 성공하였다. 마지막으로, 재부팅 기법의 활용성과 사용 가능성을 보이기 위해 실제 데이터 보안을 필요로 하는 기계학습 분야에 적용해보았다. 실제로 400,000건의 금융 데이터를 이용한 회귀분석을 암호화된 데이터를 이용해서 수행하였다. 그 결과 약 16시간 안에 80\% 이상의 정확도와 0.8 정도의 AUROC 값을 가지는 유의미한 분석 모델을 얻을 수 있었다.After Gentry's blueprint on homomorphic encryption (HE) scheme, various efficient schemes have been suggested. For unlimited number of operations between encrypted data, the bootstrapping process is necessary. There are only few works on bootstrapping procedure because of the complexity and inefficiency of bootstrapping. In this paper, we propose various method and techniques for improved bootstrapping algorithm, and we apply it to logistic regression on large scale encrypted data. The bootstrapping process depends on based homomorphic encryption scheme. For various schemes such as BGV, BFV, HEAAN, and integer-based scheme, we improve bootstrapping algorithm. First, we improved bootstrapping for BGV (HElib) and FV (SEAL) schemes which is implemented by Microsoft Research and IMB respectively. The key process for bootstrapping in those two scheme is extracting lower digits of plaintext in encrypted state. We suggest new polynomial that removes lowest digit of input, and we apply it to bootstrapping with previous method. As a result, both the complexity and the consumed depth are reduced. Second, bootstrapping for multiple data needs homomorphic linear transformation. The complexity of this part is O(n) for number of slot n, and this part becomes a bottleneck when we use large n. We use the structure of linear transformation which is used in bootstrapping, and we decompose the matrix which is corresponding to the transformation. By applying recursive strategy, we reduce the complexity to O(log n). Furthermore, we suggest new bootstrapping method for integer-based HE schemes which are based on approximate greatest common divisor problem. By using digit extraction instead of previous bit-wise approach, the complexity of bootstrapping algorithm reduced from O(poly(lambda)) to O(log^2(lambda)). Our implementation for this process shows 6 seconds which was about 3 minutes. To show that bootstrapping can be used for practical application, we implement logistic regression on encrypted data with large scale. Our target data has 400,000 samples, and each sample has 200 features. Because of the size of the data, direct application of homomorphic encryption scheme is almost impossible. Therefore, we decide the method for encryption to maximize the effect of multi-threading and SIMD operations in HE scheme. As a result, our homomorphic logistic regression takes about 16 hours for the target data. The output model has 0.8 AUROC with about 80% accuracy. Another experiment on MNIST dataset shows correctness of our implementation and method.Abstract 1 Introduction 1.1 Homomorphic Encryption 1.2 Machine Learning on Encrypted Data 1.3 List of Papers 2 Background 2.1 Notation 2.2 Homomorphic Encryption 2.3 Ring Learning with Errors 2.4 Approximate GCD 3 Lower Digit Removal and Improved Bootstrapping 3.1 Basis of BGV and BFV scheme 3.2 Improved Digit Extraction Algorithm 3.3 Bootstrapping for BGV and BFV Scheme 3.3.1 Our modications 3.4 Slim Bootstrapping Algorithm 3.5 Implementation Result 4 Faster Homomorphic DFT and Improved Bootstrapping 4.1 Basis of HEAAN scheme 4.2 Homomorphic DFT 4.2.1 Previous Approach 4.2.2 Our method 4.2.3 Hybrid method 4.2.4 Implementation Result 4.3 Improved Bootstrapping for HEAAN 4.3.1 Linear Transformation in Bootstrapping 4.3.2 Improved CoeToSlot and SlotToCoe 4.3.3 Implementation Result 5 Faster Bootstrapping for FHE over the integers 5.1 Basis of FHE over the integers 5.2 Decryption Function via Digit Extraction 5.2.1 Squashed Decryption Function 5.2.2 Digit extraction Technique 5.2.3 Homomorphic Digit Extraction in FHE over the integers 5.3 Bootstrapping for FHE over the integers 5.3.1 CLT scheme with M Z_t 5.3.2 Homomorphic Operations with M Z_t^a 5.3.3 Homomorphic Digit Extraction for CLT scheme 5.3.4 Our Method on the CLT scheme 5.3.5 Analysis of Proposed Bootstrapping Method 5.4 Implementation Result 6 Logistic Regression on Large Encrypted Data 6.1 Basis of Logistic Regression 6.2 Logistic Regression on Encrypted Data 6.2.1 HE-friendly Logistic Regression Algorithm 6.2.2 HE-Optimized Logistic Regression Algorithm 6.2.3 Further Optimization 6.3 Evaluation 6.3.1 Logistic Regression on Encrypted Financial Dataset 6.3.2 Logistic Regression on Encrypted MNIST Dataset 6.3.3 Discussion 7 Conclusions Abstract (in Korean)Docto

    Vers une arithmétique efficace pour le chiffrement homomorphe basé sur le Ring-LWE

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    Fully homomorphic encryption is a kind of encryption offering the ability to manipulate encrypted data directly through their ciphertexts. In this way it is possible to process sensitive data without having to decrypt them beforehand, ensuring therefore the datas' confidentiality. At the numeric and cloud computing era this kind of encryption has the potential to considerably enhance privacy protection. However, because of its recent discovery by Gentry in 2009, we do not have enough hindsight about it yet. Therefore several uncertainties remain, in particular concerning its security and efficiency in practice, and should be clarified before an eventual widespread use. This thesis deals with this issue and focus on performance enhancement of this kind of encryption in practice. In this perspective we have been interested in the optimization of the arithmetic used by these schemes, either the arithmetic underlying the Ring Learning With Errors problem on which the security of these schemes is based on, or the arithmetic specific to the computations required by the procedures of some of these schemes. We have also considered the optimization of the computations required by some specific applications of homomorphic encryption, and in particular for the classification of private data, and we propose methods and innovative technics in order to perform these computations efficiently. We illustrate the efficiency of our different methods through different software implementations and comparisons to the related art.Le chiffrement totalement homomorphe est un type de chiffrement qui permet de manipuler directement des données chiffrées. De cette manière, il est possible de traiter des données sensibles sans avoir à les déchiffrer au préalable, permettant ainsi de préserver la confidentialité des données traitées. À l'époque du numérique à outrance et du "cloud computing" ce genre de chiffrement a le potentiel pour impacter considérablement la protection de la vie privée. Cependant, du fait de sa découverte récente par Gentry en 2009, nous manquons encore de recul à son propos. C'est pourquoi de nombreuses incertitudes demeurent, notamment concernant sa sécurité et son efficacité en pratique, et devront être éclaircies avant une éventuelle utilisation à large échelle.Cette thèse s'inscrit dans cette problématique et se concentre sur l'amélioration des performances de ce genre de chiffrement en pratique. Pour cela nous nous sommes intéressés à l'optimisation de l'arithmétique utilisée par ces schémas, qu'elle soit sous-jacente au problème du "Ring-Learning With Errors" sur lequel la sécurité des schémas considérés est basée, ou bien spécifique aux procédures de calculs requises par certains de ces schémas. Nous considérons également l'optimisation des calculs nécessaires à certaines applications possibles du chiffrement homomorphe, et en particulier la classification de données privées, de sorte à proposer des techniques de calculs innovantes ainsi que des méthodes pour effectuer ces calculs de manière efficace. L'efficacité de nos différentes méthodes est illustrée à travers des implémentations logicielles et des comparaisons aux techniques de l'état de l'art

    Cloud-based Quadratic Optimization with Partially Homomorphic Encryption

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    The development of large-scale distributed control systems has led to the outsourcing of costly computations to cloud-computing platforms, as well as to concerns about privacy of the collected sensitive data. This paper develops a cloud-based protocol for a quadratic optimization problem involving multiple parties, each holding information it seeks to maintain private. The protocol is based on the projected gradient ascent on the Lagrange dual problem and exploits partially homomorphic encryption and secure multi-party computation techniques. Using formal cryptographic definitions of indistinguishability, the protocol is shown to achieve computational privacy, i.e., there is no computationally efficient algorithm that any involved party can employ to obtain private information beyond what can be inferred from the party's inputs and outputs only. In order to reduce the communication complexity of the proposed protocol, we introduced a variant that achieves this objective at the expense of weaker privacy guarantees. We discuss in detail the computational and communication complexity properties of both algorithms theoretically and also through implementations. We conclude the paper with a discussion on computational privacy and other notions of privacy such as the non-unique retrieval of the private information from the protocol outputs

    Achieving GWAS with Homomorphic Encryption

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    One way of investigating how genes affect human traits would be with a genome-wide association study (GWAS). Genetic markers, known as single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), are used in GWAS. This raises privacy and security concerns as these genetic markers can be used to identify individuals uniquely. This problem is further exacerbated by a large number of SNPs needed, which produce reliable results at a higher risk of compromising the privacy of participants. We describe a method using homomorphic encryption (HE) to perform GWAS in a secure and private setting. This work is based on a proposed algorithm. Our solution mainly involves homomorphically encrypted matrix operations and suitable approximations that adapts the semi-parallel GWAS algorithm for HE. We leverage the complex space of the CKKS encryption scheme to increase the number of SNPs that can be packed within a ciphertext. We have also developed a cache module that manages ciphertexts, reducing the memory footprint. We have implemented our solution over two HE open source libraries, HEAAN and SEAL. Our best implementation took 24.7024.70 minutes for a dataset with 245245 samples, over 44 covariates and 1064310643 SNPs. We demonstrate that it is possible to achieve GWAS with homomorphic encryption with suitable approximations

    Accelerating LTV based homomorphic encryption in reconfigurable hardware

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    After being introduced in 2009, the first fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme has created significant excitement in academia and industry. Despite rapid advances in the last 6 years, FHE schemes are still not ready for deployment due to an efficiency bottleneck. Here we introduce a custom hardware accelerator optimized for a class of reconfigurable logic to bring LTV based somewhat homomorphic encryption (SWHE) schemes one step closer to deployment in real-life applications. The accelerator we present is connected via a fast PCIe interface to a CPU platform to provide homomorphic evaluation services to any application that needs to support blinded computations. Specifically we introduce a number theoretical transform based multiplier architecture capable of efficiently handling very large polynomials. When synthesized for the Xilinx Virtex 7 family the presented architecture can compute the product of large polynomials in under 6.25 msec making it the fastest multiplier design of its kind currently available in the literature and is more than 102 times faster than a software implementation. Using this multiplier we can compute a relinearization operation in 526 msec. When used as an accelerator, for instance, to evaluate the AES block cipher, we estimate a per block homomorphic evaluation performance of 442 msec yielding performance gains of 28.5 and 17 times over similar CPU and GPU implementations, respectively