69,374 research outputs found

    Line Drawing for 3D Printing

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    非真实感绘制是计算机图形学的一个新的研究热点,它要求利用计算机生成具有手绘风格的图形。图像的点刻画和线刻画作为非真实感渲染的一种表现手段,它们旨在用最简单的几何元素点或线表达一幅图像的特征信息,例如通过线条来刻画轮廓特征,通过点或者线条的疏密来表现色调的明暗和纹理等。因此,如何设计生成保持图像特征的点刻画和线刻画被许多图形学工作者所研究。 本文针对3D打印应用,提出一种保持图像特征的线刻画方法。该方法首先利用分水岭算法对图像进行分割,将分割的边界线提取为特征线,结合带权Voronoi点刻画方法进行Lloyd迭代,迭代过程中保持特征线上的点不动,迭代完成后对特征线上的点根据局部点分布进行重采样...In the research field of computer graphics and vision, non-photorealistic rending (NPR) has become a hot topic in recent years, which requires using the computer to generate graphics with hand-painted style. Stippling and line drawing as one of NPR performance, they aim to use simple geometric elements such as points and lines to capture the characteristics of image, for example, they use lines to...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院_计算数学学号:1902014115260

    Line Drawing Guided by Vector Field of Image for 3D Printing

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    近年来,我们经常能听到3D打印这个名词。3D打印是增材制造技术的俗称,与传统的“切削去除材料”的加工技术不同的是,3D打印以经过智能数字化处理后的3D数字模型文件为基础,使用塑料丝或者粉末状金属等一些可热熔黏合材料,通过分层加工、叠加成型的方式来打印3D实体。3D打印技术的发展也推动了计算机图形学领域对3D打印的研究。目前,大多数的研究都致力于优化或者调整给定的几何模型来解决如何恰当地打印一个给定的三维模型,而鲜有将3D打印机应用于“打印”平面图像。 本文中,我们考虑的问题是,当给定一张图片时,如何用3D打印机“打印”出来。我们希望可以通过3D打印机打印出比普通打印机更加生动,更有立体感的结...3D printing is commonly known as an additional manufacturing technology. The main difference between 3D printing and traditional cutting material technology is that the former is based on a digital processed 3D digital model file and the 3D solid model is printed by means of a process of layer manufacturing and superposition forming, using hot melt adhesive materials such as plastic wire, metal po...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院_计算数学学号:1902014115260

    NON-VISUAL DRAWING TOOL: Co-Designing a Cross-Sensory 3D Drawing Interface for and with Blind and Partially Sighted Drawers during Covid-19

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    Drawing as an activity aids problem solving, collaboration, and presentation in design, science, and engineering in addition to artistic creativity and expression in the arts. Although drawings are some of the most ancient and cross-cultural examples of human creativity, blind and low vision learners still lack an inclusive and effective drawing tool, even in the digital age. Raised-line drawing kits aim to provide this, but blind participants found these to be barely comprehensible, most likely attributed to the fact that a line representing a surface edge reflects a visual bias that violates haptic principles of perception. In contrast, participants found 3D models to be more effective. For this reason, a drawing tool for the blind should afford 3D perceptual cues. Furthermore, my investigation of blind and sighted drawers reveals how they continuously react to their prior marks while developing their drawings. How could this be afforded by a 3D drawing tool non-visually? Through, co-design sessions (conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic) with blind and partially sighted drawers (BPSD), I prototyped a 3D construction kit with a digital interface to translate 3D-haptic drawings of a custom-designed kit into an online virtual environment, suitable for 3D printing and collaboration

    3D Printed Soft Robotic Hand

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    Soft robotics is an emerging industry, largely dominated by companies which hand mold their actuators. Our team set out to design an entirely 3D printed soft robotic hand, powered by a pneumatic control system which will prove both the capabilities of soft robots and those of 3D printing. Through research, computer aided design, finite element analysis, and experimental testing, a functioning actuator was created capable of a deflection of 2.17” at a maximum pressure input of 15 psi. The single actuator was expanded into a 4 finger gripper and the design was printed and assembled. The created prototype was ultimately able to lift both a 100-gram apple and a 4-gram pill, proving its functionality in two prominent industries: pharmaceutical and food packing

    Paper-based Mixed Reality Sketch Augmentation as a Conceptual Design Support Tool

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    This undergraduate student paper explores usage of mixed reality techniques as support tools for conceptual design. A proof-of-concept was developed to illustrate this principle. Using this as an example, a small group of designers was interviewed to determine their views on the use of this technology. These interviews are the main contribution of this paper. Several interesting applications were determined, suggesting possible usage in a wide range of domains. Paper-based sketching, mixed reality and sketch augmentation techniques complement each other, and the combination results in a highly intuitive interface