173 research outputs found

    Complex oscillations in the delayed Fitzhugh-Nagumo equation

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    Motivated by the dynamics of neuronal responses, we analyze the dynamics of the Fitzhugh-Nagumo slow-fast system with delayed self-coupling. This system provides a canonical example of a canard explosion for sufficiently small delays. Beyond this regime, delays significantly enrich the dynamics, leading to mixed-mode oscillations, bursting and chaos. These behaviors emerge from a delay-induced subcritical Bogdanov-Takens instability arising at the fold points of the S-shaped critical manifold. Underlying the transition from canard-induced to delay-induced dynamics is an abrupt switch in the nature of the Hopf bifurcation

    Qualitative Analysis of Polycycles in Filippov Systems

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    In this paper, we are concerned about the qualitative behaviour of planar Filippov systems around some typical minimal sets, namely, polycycles. In the smooth context, a polycycle is a simple closed curve composed by a collection of singularities and regular orbits, inducing a first return map. Here, this concept is extended to Filippov systems by allowing typical singularities lying on the switching manifold. Our main goal consists in developing a method to investigate the unfolding of polycycles in Filippov systems. In addition, we applied this method to describe bifurcation diagrams of Filippov systems around certain polycycles

    Kneadings, Symbolic Dynamics and Painting Lorenz Chaos. A Tutorial

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    A new computational technique based on the symbolic description utilizing kneading invariants is proposed and verified for explorations of dynamical and parametric chaos in a few exemplary systems with the Lorenz attractor. The technique allows for uncovering the stunning complexity and universality of bi-parametric structures and detect their organizing centers - codimension-two T-points and separating saddles in the kneading-based scans of the iconic Lorenz equation from hydrodynamics, a normal model from mathematics, and a laser model from nonlinear optics.Comment: Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, 201

    Some contributions to the analysis of piecewise linear systems.

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    This thesis consists of two parts, with contributions to the analysis of dynamical systems in continuous time and in discrete time, respectively. In the first part, we study several models of memristor oscillators of dimension three and four, providing for the first time rigorous mathematical results regarding the rich dynamics of such memristor oscillators, both in the case of piecewise linear models and polynomial models. Thus, for some families of discontinuous 3D piecewise linear memristor oscillators, we show the existence of an infinite family of invariant manifolds and that the dynamics on such manifolds can be modeled without resorting to discontinuous models. Our approach provides topologically equivalent continuous models with one dimension less but with one extra parameter associated to the initial conditions. It is possible so to justify the periodic behavior exhibited by such three dimensional memristor oscillators, by taking advantage of known results for planar continuous piecewise linear systems. By using the first-order Melnikov theory, we derive the bifurcation set for a three-parametric family of Bogdanov-Takens systems with symmetry and deformation. As an applications of these results, we study a family of 3D memristor oscillators where the characteristic function of the memristor is a cubic polynomial. In this family we also show the existence of an infinity number of invariant manifolds. Also, we clarify some misconceptions that arise from the numerical simulations of these systems, emphasizing the important role of invariant manifolds in these models. In a similar way than for the 3D case, we study some discontinuous 4D piecewise linear memristor oscillators, and we show that the dynamics in each stratum is topologically equivalent to a continuous 3D piecewise linear dynamical system. Some previous results on bifurcations in such reduced systems, allow us to detect rigorously for the first time a multiple focus-center-cycle bifurcation in a three-parameter space, leading to the appearance of a topological sphere in the original model, completely foliated by stable periodic orbits. In the second part of this thesis, we show that the two-dimensional stroboscopic map defined by a second order system with a relay based control and a linear switching surface is topologically equivalent to a canonical form for discontinuous piecewise linear systems. Studying the main properties of the stroboscopic map defined by such a canonical form, the orbits of period two are completely characterized. At last, we give a conjecture about the occurrence of the big bang bifurcation in the previous map
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