4,219 research outputs found


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    The current market turbulence has forced the companies to increase their productivity in order to remain in business, not only to remain competitive. Companies that make high volume products involving labour-intensive assembly operation normally use automated assembly since it may reduce the company cost and increase productivity. Improving productivity is focused in the assembly area since it contributes a bigger portion of manufacturing cos

    Realising the open virtual commissioning of modular automation systems

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    To address the challenges in the automotive industry posed by the need to rapidly manufacture more product variants, and the resultant need for more adaptable production systems, radical changes are now required in the way in which such systems are developed and implemented. In this context, two enabling approaches for achieving more agile manufacturing, namely modular automation systems and virtual commissioning, are briefly reviewed in this contribution. Ongoing research conducted at Loughborough University which aims to provide a modular approach to automation systems design coupled with a virtual engineering toolset for the (re)configuration of such manufacturing automation systems is reported. The problems faced in the virtual commissioning of modular automation systems are outlined. AutomationML - an emerging neutral data format which has potential to address integration problems is discussed. The paper proposes and illustrates a collaborative framework in which AutomationML is adopted for the data exchange and data representation of related models to enable efficient open virtual prototype construction and virtual commissioning of modular automation systems. A case study is provided to show how to create the data model based on AutomationML for describing a modular automation system

    Product to process lifecycle management in assembly automation systems

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    Presently, the automotive industry is facing enormous pressure due to global competition and ever changing legislative, economic and customer demands. Product and process development in the automotive manufacturing industry is a challenging task for many reasons. Current product life cycle management (PLM) systems tend to be product-focussed. Though, information about processes and resources are there but mostly linked to the product. Process is an important aspect, especially in assembly automation systems that link products to their manufacturing resources. This paper presents a process-centric approach to improve PLM systems in large-scale manufacturing companies, especially in the powertrain sector of the automotive industry. The idea is to integrate the information related to key engineering chains i.e. products, processes and resources based upon PLM philosophy and shift the trend of product-focussed lifecycle management to process-focussed lifecycle management, the outcome of which is the Product, Process and Resource Lifecycle Management not PLM only

    Innovative configurable and collaborative approach to automation systems engineering for automotive powertrain assembly

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    Presently the automotive industry is facing enormous pressure due to global competition and ever changing legislative, economic and customer demands. Both, agility and reconfiguration are widely recognised as important attributes for manufacturing systems to satisfy the needs of competitive global markets. To facilitate and accommodate unforeseen business changes within the automotive industry, a new proactive methodology is urgently required for the design, build, assembly and reconfiguration of automation systems. There is also need for the promotion of new technologies and engineering methods to enable true engineering concurrency between product and process development. Virtual construction and testing of new automation systems prior to build is now identified as a crucial requirement to enable system verification and to allow the investigation of design alternatives prior to building and testing physical systems. The main focus of this research was to design and develop reconfigurable assembly systems within the powertrain sector of the automotive industry by capturing and modelling relevant business and engineering processes. This research has proposed and developed a more process-efficient and robust automation system design, build and implementation approach via new engineering services and a standard library of reusable mechanisms. Existing research at Loughborough had created the basic technology for a component based approach to automation. However, no research had been previously undertaken on the application of this approach in a user engineering and business context. The objective of this research was therefore to utilise this prototype method and associated engineering tools and to devise novel business and engineering processes to enable the component-based approach to be applied in industry. This new approach has been named Configurable and Collaborative Automation Systems (CO AS). In particular this new research has studied the implications of migration to a COAS approach in terms of I) necessary changes to the end-users business processes, 2) potential to improve the robustness of the resultant system and 3) potential for improved efficiency and greater collaboration across the supply chain... cont'

    Technical product portfolio:standardization by component commonality

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    Abstract. One key element when considering research and development (RnD) design decisions is the final cost of the product. A big part of the product cost comes from the component costs, also known as the bill of materials (BOM) costs. In industries, the focus on reducing the cost of every single component may lead to a situation, where almost identical solutions are implemented with different components. Furthermore, the increasing amount of product variety demanded by the markets increases the number of components that need to be managed even further. This research focuses on the aspect of using common components for different products. The research consists of a literature review and a case study. The aim of this study is to understand what the benefits and the limitations of using component commonality are, and how it can be used to a company’s benefit. The aim of the case study is to analyze the current state of the component commonality in the case company’s products. Furthermore, opportunities to improve the component commonality are identified, and the effects are estimated. According to the results, the solutions for how the component management should be improved in the case company are suggested. This research was conducted by reviewing the scientific literature around the concept of product and component management, and then more precisely, on the component commonality approach. The scientific literature provided insights into the benefits and limitations of component commonality could be. Based on this, the current state of the company’s component commonality was analyzed. The products were analyzed using a chosen commonality index found in the literature. Bill of material (BOM) data were used in the analyses. The analyses suggested that using common components is indeed possible for the products: higher commonality was observed among the products developed in a single RnD site in comparison to the commonality of the products of separate RnD sites. A development point was observed in improving the cooperation between different RnD sites, to be able to use common products throughout the company’s product portfolio. A technologically feasible development opportunity to improve this cross-site cooperation was found in connector components. The monetary gains of using common connectors were estimated using a heuristic approach and a notable reduction in the costs was observed. An organizational body to improve the co-operation was recognized, and the research findings were discussed with them.Tekninen tuoteportfolio : standardointi jaetuilla komponenteilla. Tiivistelmä. Lopputuotteen kustannus on yksi keskeinen asia, joka tulee huomioida tehtäessä tuotekehitykseen liittyviä päätöksiä. Iso osa lopputuotteen kustannuksista koostuu tuoterakenteen komponenttien yhteenlasketusta hinnasta, eli niin sanotusta ”BOM” -hinnasta (bill of materials). Fokusoituminen hinnan vähentämiseen komponenttitasolla voi johtaa tilanteeseen, jossa samanlaisia suunnitteluratkaisuja tehdään eri komponenteilla. Lisäksi vaihtelevan tuotevalikoiman kasvava kysyntä lisää tarvittavien komponenttien määrää vielä entisestään. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy siihen, kuinka yhteisiä komponentteja voidaan käyttää eri tuotteiden välillä. Tutkimus koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta sekä tapaustutkimuksesta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ymmärtää mitä hyötyjä ja haittoja yhteisten komponenttien käytöllä on, ja kuinka niitä voidaan käyttää yrityksen hyödyksi. Tapaustutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, kuinka laajasti yhteisiä komponentteja käytetään yrityksen tuotteissa. Lisäksi halutaan löytää mahdollisuuksia yhteisten komponenttien käytön lisäämiselle ja arvioida mitä hyötyjä tämä toisi. Yritykselle esitetään tutkimuksen tulosten mukaisesti rakennetut kehitysehdotukset. Tutkimuksen kirjallisuuskatsaus -osiossa tarkasteltiin tuote- ja komponenttihallinnan tieteellistä kirjallisuutta, keskittyen yhteisten komponenttien käyttöä koskevaan kirjallisuuteen. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa opitun pohjalta tehtiin tapaustutkimus, jossa case-yrityksen nykytila arvioitiin yhteisten komponenttien osalta. Analyyseissä käytettiin kirjallisuudessa löydettyä indeksiä, jonka käyttäminen vaati tuoterakennetiedon (BOM). Analyysien tulokset viittasivat siihen, että case-yrityksessä oli parantamisen varaa yhteisten komponenttien käytössä. Parempaa yhteisten komponenttien käyttöä havaittiin niiden tuotteiden välillä, jotka oli suunniteltu samassa tuotekehitysyksikössä. Yhteisten komponenttien käyttöä voitaisiin siis kehittää parantamalla tuotekehitysyksiköiden välistä yhteistyötä. Teknologisesti toteuttamiskelpoinen kehitysalue löydettiin liitinkomponenteissa. Liitinkomponenttien yhteiskäytön parantamisen tuomat kustannushyödyt arvioitiin heuristisella menetelmällä. Yhteisten liitinkomponenttien käytön lisäämisen todettiin tuovan mahdollisuuksia selviin kustannussäästöihin. Yrityksen sisällä löydettiin yksikkö, joka pystyy käytännössä toteuttamaan tässä työssä esiin tuodut kehitysehdotukset. Tutkimuksen tulokset käytiin läpi tämän yksikön kanssa

    Strategic Roadmaps and Implementation Actions for ICT in Construction

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