48 research outputs found

    The algebraic structure behind the derivative nonlinear Schroedinger equation

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    The Kaup-Newell (KN) hierarchy contains the derivative nonlinear Schr\" odinger equation (DNLSE) amongst others interesting and important nonlinear integrable equations. In this paper, a general higher grading affine algebraic construction of integrable hierarchies is proposed and the KN hierarchy is established in terms of a s^2\hat{s\ell}_2 Kac-Moody algebra and principal gradation. In this form, our spectral problem is linear in the spectral parameter. The positive and negative flows are derived, showing that some interesting physical models arise from the same algebraic structure. For instance, the DNLSE is obtained as the second positive, while the Mikhailov model as the first negative flows, respectively. The equivalence between the latter and the massive Thirring model is explicitly demonstrated also. The algebraic dressing method is employed to construct soliton solutions in a systematic manner for all members of the hierarchy. Finally, the equivalence of the spectral problem introduced in this paper with the usual one, which is quadratic in the spectral parameter, is achieved by setting a particular automorphism of the affine algebra, which maps the homogeneous into principal gradation.Comment: references adde

    Integrability, rational solitons and symmetries for nonlinear systems in Biology and Materials Physics

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    [ES] Los sistemas no lineales constituyen un tema de investigación de creciente interés en las últimas décadas dada su versatilidad en la descripción de fenómenos físicos en diversos campos de estudio. Generalmente, dichos fenómenos vienen modelizados por ecuaciones diferenciales no lineales, cuya estructura matemática ha demostrado ser sumamente rica, aunque de gran complejidad respecto a su análisis. Dentro del conjunto de los sistemas no lineales, cabe destacar un reducido grupo, pero a la vez selecto, que se distingue por las propiedades extraordinarias que presenta: los denominados sistemas integrables. La presente tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio de algunas de las propiedades más relevantes observadas para los sistemas integrables. En esta tesis se pretende proporcionar un marco teórico unificado que permita abordar ecuaciones diferenciales no lineales que potencialmente puedan ser consideradas como integrables. En particular, el análisis de integralidad de dichas ecuaciones se realiza a través de técnicas basadas en la Propiedad de Painlevé, en combinación con la subsiguiente búsqueda de los problemas espectrales asociados y la identificación de soluciones analíticas de naturaleza solitónica. El método de la variedad singular junto con las transformaciones de auto-Bäcklund y de Darboux jugarán un papel fundamental en este estudio. Además, también se lleva a cabo un análisis complementario basado en las simetrías de Lie y reducciones de similaridad, que nos permitirán estudiar desde esta nueva perspectiva los problemas espectrales asociados. Partiendo de la archiconocida ecuación de Schrödinger no lineal, se han investigado diferentes generalizaciones integrables de dicha ecuación con numerosas aplicaciones en diversos campos científicos, como la Física Matemática, Física de Materiales o Biología.[EN] Nonlinear systems emerge as an active research topic of growing interest during the last decades due to their versatility when it comes to describing physical phenomena. Such scenarios are typically modelled by nonlinear differential equations, whose mathematical structure has proved to be incredibly rich, but highly nontrivial to treat. In particular, a narrow but surprisingly special group of this kind stands out: the so-called integrable systems. The present doctoral thesis focuses on the study of some of the extraordinary properties observed for integrable systems. The ultimate purpose of this dissertation lies in providing a unified theoretical framework that allows us to approach nonlinear differential equations that may potentially be considered as integrable. In particular, their integrability characterization is addressed by means of Painlevé analysis, in conjunction with the subsequent quest of the associated spectral problems and the identification of analytical solutions of solitonic nature. The singular manifold method together with auto-Bäckund and Darboux transformations play a critical role in this setting. In addition, a complementary methodology based on Lie symmetries and similarity reductions is proposed so as to analyze integrable systems by studying the symmetry properties of their associated spectral problems. Taking the ubiquitous nonlinear Schrödinger equation as the starting point, we have investigated several integrable generalizations of this equation that possess copious applications in distinct scientific fields, such as Mathematical Physics, Material Sciences and Biology

    Vector Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation on the half-line

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    We investigate the Manakov model or, more generally, the vector nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation on the half-line. Using a B\"acklund transformation method, two classes of integrable boundary conditions are derived: mixed Neumann/Dirichlet and Robin boundary conditions. Integrability is shown by constructing a generating function for the conserved quantities. We apply a nonlinear mirror image technique to construct the inverse scattering method with these boundary conditions. The important feature in the reconstruction formula for the fields is the symmetry property of the scattering data emerging from the presence of the boundary. Particular attention is paid to the discrete spectrum. An interesting phenomenon of transmission between the components of a vector soliton interacting with the boundary is demonstrated. This is specific to the vector nature of the model and is absent in the scalar case. For one-soliton solutions, we show that the boundary can be used to make certain components of the incoming soliton vanishingly small. This is reminiscent of the phenomenon of light polarization by reflection.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, some clarifications in propositions 3.1 and 3.2, added appendix with detailed comparison between linear and nonlinear cases. Accepted in J. Phys.

    Integrable systems and their finite-dimensional reductions

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    Exact Localized Solutions Of The Nonlinear Dirac Equation

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    The nonlinear Dirac equation is a relativistic classical field theory that describes the behavior of a system of self-interacting spinor fields. According to this theory, the interactions among spinor fields are represented by additional Kerr-nonlinearity added to the Dirac equation, which justifies and models the noticed solitonic behavior of the systems. There are various models of the nonlinear Dirac equation which differ from each other in the factors taken into account in the modelling, especially the mode of the coupling among the spinor fields as well as the nature of the system represented by the model. In this present thesis, a special form of the nonlinear Dirac equation (NLDE) is considered, namely, the massive Thirring model (MTM) in (1+1)-dimensions, which models the vector-vector coupling mode of interactions among spinor fields in condensed matter. Here, exact localized stationary solutions are obtained using analytical methods. The physical properties of MTM and the corresponding conserved physical quantities are discussed through developing the continuity equation of the current density together with evaluating explicitly the elements of the energy-momentum tensor, which are then used to calculate some properties like charge and energy of the fields. Also, the same analytical methods are used to find stationary exact solutions of another model of NLDE, the Gross-Neveu model, which is of interest in high-energy physic

    New coherent structures of the Vakhnenko–Parkes equation

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    AbstractA variable separation solution with two arbitrary functions is obtained for the Vakhnenko–Parkes equation. New coherent structures such as the soliton-type, instanton-type and rogue wave-type structures are presented

    Fundamental connections in differential geometry : quantum field theory, electromagnetism, chemistry and fluid mechanics

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    This work presents novel hydrodynamic formulations that reconcile the continuum hypothesis with the emergence of electromagnetic interactions among molecules from fundamental principles. Two models are proposed: a relativistic version of the Navier-Stokes equations derived from commutation relations, and a Helmholtz-like system obtained by applying the Hodge operator to the extended Navier-Stokes equations. Preliminary analysis suggests that the second model, with its nonlinear terms serving as a generalized current, can reproduce microscopic quantum effects. It shows promise for generating self-consistent field equations via Bäcklund transformations, remaining valid across all scales despite the breakdown of the continuum hypothesis

    Symmetries of Differrential equations and Applications in Relativistic Physics

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    Σε αυτή την εργασία μελετάμε τους μονοπαραμετρικούς μετασχηματισμούς κάτω από τους οποίους οι διαφορικές εξισώσεις είναι αναλλοίωτες. Ειδικότερα μελετάμε τις σημειακές συμμετρίες Lie και Noether διαφορικών εξισώσεων τάξεως. Αναπτύσσουμε μια γεωμετρική μέθοδο για τον υπολογισμό των συμμετριών η οποία συνδέει τις σημειακές συμμετρίες των διαφορικών εξισώσεων με τις συμμετρίες του χώρου που πραγματοποιείται η κίνηση. Η γεωμετρική μέθοδος εφαρμόζεται σε διάφορα προβλήματα όπως: η κατηγοριοποίηση των συμμετριών Νευτώνειων συστημάτων δύο και τριών διαστάσεων, η γενίκευση του συστήματος Kepler-Ermakov σε καμπύλους χώρους, η σύνδεση των συμμετριών ανάμεσα σε κλασσικά και κβαντικά συστήματα και η αναζήτηση Τύπου ΙΙ κρυφών συμμετριών στην κυματική εξίσωση και στην εξίσωση διάδοσης θερμότητας σε καμπύλους χώρους. Τέλος, η γεωμετρική μέθοδος εφαρμόστηκε σαν γεωμετρικό κριτήριο για την επιλογή διάφορων μοντέλων στις εναλλακτικές θεωρίες βαρύτητας.In this thesis, we study the one parameter point transformations which leave invariant the differential equations. In particular we study the Lie and the Noether point symmetries of second order differential equations. We establish a new geometric method which relates the point symmetries of the differential equations with the collineations of the underlying manifold where the motion occurs. This geometric method is applied in order the two and three dimensional Newtonian dynamical systems to be classified in relation to the point symmetries; to generalize the Newtonian Kepler-Ermakov system in Riemannian spaces; to study the symmetries between classical and quantum systems and to investigate the geometric origin of the Type II hidden symmetries for the homogeneous heat equation and for the Laplace equation in Riemannian spaces. At last but not least, we apply this geometric approach in order to determine the dark energy models by use the Noether symmetries as a geometric criterion in modified theories of gravity

    Inverse Scattering Transform Method for Lattice Equations

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    The main original contribution of this thesis is the development of a fully discrete inverse scattering transform (IST) method for nonlinear partial difference equations. The equations we solve are nonlinear partial difference equations on a quad-graph, also called lattice equations, which are known to be multidimensionally consistent in N dimensions for arbitrary N. Such equations were discovered by Nijhoff, Quispel and Capel and Adler and later classified by Adler, Bobenko and Suris. The main equation solved by our IST framework is the Q3δ lattice equation. Our approach also solves all of its limiting cases, including H1, known as the lattice potential KdV equation. Our results provide the discrete analogue of the solution of the initial value problem on the real line. We provide a rigorous justification that solves the problem for wide classes of initial data given along initial paths in a multidimensional lattice. Moreover, we show how soliton solutions arise from the IST method and also utilise asymptotics of the eigenfunctions to construct infinitely many conservation laws

    Analysis of the soliton solutions of a 3-level Maxwell-Bloch system with rotational symmetry

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    The dynamics of soliton pulses for use in nonlinear optical devices is mathematically modelled by Maxwell-Bloch systems of equations for the interaction of light with a uniform distribution of quantum-mechanical atoms. We study the Reduced Maxwell-Bloch (RMB) equations occurring when an ensemble of rotationally symmetric 3-level atoms is assumed. The model applies for on and off-resonance conditions and is completely integrable using Inverse Scattering theory, since it arises as the compatibility condition of a 3 x 3 AKNS-system. Furthermore this integrability remains valid for all timescales of the optical field because only the “one-way wave approximation” is required during the derivation. Solutions are constructed in two ways: 1. Darboux-Bäcklund transforms are applied, generating single soliton pulses of ultrashort (< 1ps) duration, and families of elliptically polarised 2-solitons not possible in lower dimensional problems. 2. A general Inverse Scattering scheme is developed and tested. The Direct Scattering Problem is dealt with first to obtain a complete set of scattering data. Subsequently the Inverse Problem is solved both formally and then in explicit closed form for the special case that the reflection coefficients vanish for real values of the spectral parameter. In this case the main result is a determined system of n linear algebraic equations which yield the n-soliton of our RMB-system. It is confirmed that the 1-solitons found by means of Darboux transform are precisely the same as those given by the full mechanism of Inverse Scattering. Finally we calculate the invariants of the motion for the RMB-equations, and derive an evolution equation giving the variation with propagation distance of the invariant functionals when the original RMB-system is modified by an arbitrary perturbing term. As an application dissipative effects on 1-solitons are considered