1,073 research outputs found

    Leveraging Decision Making in Cyber Security Analysis through Data Cleaning

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    Security Operations Centers (SOCs) have been built in many institutions for intrusion detection and incident response. A SOC employs various cyber defense technologies to continually monitor and control network traffic. Given the voluminous monitoring data, cyber security analysts need to identify suspicious network activities to detect potential attacks. As the network monitoring data are generated at a rapid speed and contain a lot of noise, analysts are so bounded by tedious and repetitive data triage tasks that they can hardly concentrate on in-depth analysis for further decision making. Therefore, it is critical to employ data cleaning methods in cyber situational awareness. In this paper, we investigate the main characteristics and categories of cyber security data with a special emphasis on its heterogeneous features. We also discuss how cyber analysts attempt to understand the incoming data through the data analytical process. Based on this understanding, this paper discusses five categories of data cleaning methods for heterogeneous data and addresses the main challenges for applying data cleaning in cyber situational awareness. The goal is to create a dataset that contains accurate information for cyber analysts to work with and thus achieving higher levels of data-driven decision making in cyber defense


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    Data cleansing approaches have usually focused on detecting and fixing errors with little attention to scaling to big datasets. This presents a serious impediment since data cleansing often involves costly computations such as enumerating pairs of tuples, handling inequality joins, and dealing with user-defined functions. In this paper, we present BigDansing, a Big Data Cleansing system to tackle efficiency, scalability, and ease-of-use issues in data cleansing. The system can run on top of most common general purpose data processing platforms, ranging from DBMSs to MapReduce-like frameworks. A user-friendly programming interface allows users to express data quality rules both declaratively and procedurally, with no requirement of being aware of the underlying distributed platform. BigDansing takes these rules into a series of transformations that enable distributed computations and several optimizations, such as shared scans and specialized joins operators. Experimental results on both synthetic and real datasets show that BigDansing outperforms existing baseline systems up to more than two orders of magnitude without sacrificing the quality provided by the repair algorithms


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    Data cleansing approaches have usually focused on detecting and fixing errors with little attention to scaling to big datasets. This presents a serious impediment since data cleansing often involves costly computations such as enumerating pairs of tuples, handling inequality joins, and dealing with user-defined functions. In this paper, we present BigDansing, a Big Data Cleansing system to tackle efficiency, scalability, and ease-of-use issues in data cleansing. The system can run on top of most common general purpose data processing platforms, ranging from DBMSs to MapReduce-like frameworks. A user-friendly programming interface allows users to express data quality rules both declaratively and procedurally, with no requirement of being aware of the underlying distributed platform. BigDansing takes these rules into a series of transformations that enable distributed computations and several optimizations, such as shared scans and specialized joins operators. Experimental results on both synthetic and real datasets show that BigDansing outperforms existing baseline systems up to more than two orders of magnitude without sacrificing the quality provided by the repair algorithms


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    It is challenging to predict environmental behaviors because of extreme events, such as heatwaves, typhoons, droughts, tsunamis, torrential downpour, wind ramps, or hurricanes. In this thesis, we proposed a novel framework to improve environmental model accuracy with a novel training approach. Extreme event detection algorithms are surveyed, selected, and applied in our proposed framework. The application of statistics in extreme events detection is quite diverse and leads to diverse formulations, which need to be designed for a specific problem. Each formula needs to be tailored specially to work with the available data in the given situation. This diversity is one of the driving forces of this research towards identifying the most common mixture of components utilized in the analysis of extreme events detection. Besides the extreme event detection algorithm, we also integrated the sliding window approach to see how well our models predict future events. To test the proposed framework, we collected coastal data from various sources and obtained the results; we improved the predictive accuracy of various machine learning models by 20% to 25% increase in R2 value using our approach. Apart from that, we organized the discussion along with different extreme event detection types, presented a few outlier definitions, and briefly introduced their techniques. We also summarized the statistical methods involved in the detection of environmental extremes, such as wind ramps and climatic events

    Complaint-driven Training Data Debugging for Query 2.0

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    As the need for machine learning (ML) increases rapidly across all industry sectors, there is a significant interest among commercial database providers to support "Query 2.0", which integrates model inference into SQL queries. Debugging Query 2.0 is very challenging since an unexpected query result may be caused by the bugs in training data (e.g., wrong labels, corrupted features). In response, we propose Rain, a complaint-driven training data debugging system. Rain allows users to specify complaints over the query's intermediate or final output, and aims to return a minimum set of training examples so that if they were removed, the complaints would be resolved. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study this problem. A naive solution requires retraining an exponential number of ML models. We propose two novel heuristic approaches based on influence functions which both require linear retraining steps. We provide an in-depth analytical and empirical analysis of the two approaches and conduct extensive experiments to evaluate their effectiveness using four real-world datasets. Results show that Rain achieves the highest recall@k among all the baselines while still returns results interactively.Comment: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Dat

    Database migration processes and optimization using BSMS (bank staff management system)

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    Veritabanları temel olarak karmaşık verilere bağlı görevleri yerine getirmek ve bu görevleri gerçekleştirmek için tasarlanmış bir depolama teknolojisidir, veri bütünlüğü önemlidir. Pek çok şirket için, veritabanları kelimenin tam anlamıyla şirketin işinin elektronik bir temsilidir ve göç sırasında herhangi bir veri parçasını kaybeder ve kaybeder kabul edilemez. Verilerin taşınmasının çeşitli ticari nedenleri vardır, bunlardan bazıları arşivleme, veri depolama, yeni ortama, platformlara veya teknolojiye geçmedir. Veri tabanı geçişi, genellikle değerlendirme, veri tabanı şeması dönüşümü, veri geçişi ve işlevsel testi içeren karmaşık, çok fazlı bir işlemdir. Çevrimiçi İşlem İşleme (OLTP) veritabanları genellikle veri bütünlüğü sağlama, veri fazlalığını ortadan kaldırma ve kayıt kilitlemesini azaltma gibi görevleri yerine getirerek verimlilik için çok normalize edilir. Ancak bu veritabanı tasarım sistemi bize çok sayıda tablo sunar ve bu tabloların ve yabancı anahtar kısıtlamalarının her biri veri taşıma noktasında dikkate alınmalıdır. Ayrıca, geleneksel görevlerden farklı olarak veri taşıma işi için Kabul kriteri tamamen% 100'dür, çünkü hatalar veritabanlarında tolere edilmez ve kalite önemlidir. Bu tez, verilerin Paradox veritabanı adı verilen yavaş, verimsiz ve eski bir veritabanı platformundan, verileri başarıyla geçiren Oracle adı verilen çok daha gelişmiş bir veritabanına aktarılması sırasında ortaya çıkan zorlukları ve kaygıları göstermektedir. Herhangi bir tutarsızlık ve veri kaybı olmadan verileri hızlı bir şekilde alarak, bir sorgunun performansını iyileştirmek için indeksleme tekniği kullanılmıştır

    Master of Science

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    thesisData quality has become a significant issue in healthcare as large preexisting databases are integrated to provide greater depth for research and process improvement. Large scale data integration exposes and compounds data quality issues latent in source systems. Although the problems related to data quality in transactional databases have been identified and well-addressed, the application of data quality constraints to large scale data repositories has not and requires novel applications of traditional concepts and methodologies. Despite an abundance of data quality theory, tools and software, there is no consensual technique available to guide developers in the identification of data integrity issues and the application of data quality rules in warehouse-type applications. Data quality measures are frequently developed on an ad hoc basis or methods designed to assure data quality in transactional systems are loosely applied to analytic data stores. These measures are inadequate to address the complex data quality issues in large, integrated data repositories particularly in the healthcare domain with its heterogeneous source systems. This study derives a taxonomy of data quality rules from relational database theory. It describes the development and implementation of data quality rules in the Analytic Health Repository at Intermountain Healthcare and situates the data quality rules in the taxonomy. Further, it identifies areas in which more rigorous data quality iv should be explored. This comparison demonstrates the superiority of a structured approach to data quality rule identification