105 research outputs found

    Effects of Sensemaking Translucence on Distributed Collaborative Analysis

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    Collaborative sensemaking requires that analysts share their information and insights with each other, but this process of sharing runs the risks of prematurely focusing the investigation on specific suspects. To address this tension, we propose and test an interface for collaborative crime analysis that aims to make analysts more aware of their sensemaking processes. We compare our sensemaking translucence interface to a standard interface without special sensemaking features in a controlled laboratory study. We found that the sensemaking translucence interface significantly improved clue finding and crime solving performance, but that analysts rated the interface lower on subjective measures than the standard interface. We conclude that designing for distributed sensemaking requires balancing task performance vs. user experience and real-time information sharing vs. data accuracy.Comment: ACM SIGCHI CSCW 201

    Design for human connectivity - an exploration through contemporary work Situations

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    This thesis presents a body of work that begins the formalisation and growth of Design for Human Connectivity (DfHC) as a distinct field of design research and practice. The research is contextualised within contemporary work situations – characterised by unfamiliarity of people and context – where the importance of a person’s connections to others is matched by the challenges faced in establishing those connections. A central proposition of this work is that a shift in research is required, away from the current predominant focus on HC outcomes (i.e., the value people derive from their connections in the form of opportunities and benefits), to better supporting people in successfully navigating the HC process. Design research and practice can play a critical role in bringing about this shift. Doing so, however, requires creating a consistent structure for DfHC to aid the scoping of HC challenges and the evaluation of HC outputs, and to support more creative and collaborative HC research, design, and practice. It requires supporting designers and practitioners with the requisite tools to guide both generative and evaluative DfHC activities. Addressing these needs is achieved by first developing a new HC process framework – the Connector’s Journey – comprising five distinct phases that specify a person’s objectives and requirements throughout the process. The introduction and interrogation of the generally overlooked first phase – Finding – grounds the journey, introduces unique tactics that may be adopted for achieving this phase, and highlights the critical links between phases. Thereafter a series of studies help deepen our understanding of the individual, social, and contextual factors that can influence the HC process. Together, this work grounds and aids the development and application of a new tool – a set of 19 design prompts – that support DfHC. Successful application and evaluation of the tool in three real-world cases confirms its usefulness and usability and provides confidence regarding its generalisability. The foundation is laid for an exciting programme of DfHC research and practice to follow.Open Acces

    Escaping the commoditization trap by going downstream : how does a manufacturer manage its capabilities to create wealth from solutions?

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    Teknologiayritykset tarjoavat aikaisempaa enemmän palveluita asiakkailleen. Syinä tähän ovat taloudellinen epävarmuus, globalisaatio sekä valmistus- ja tuoteliiketoiminnan hyödykkeistyminen. Palveluiden avulla teknologiayritykset ovat pyrkineet saavuttamaan tasaisemman tulovirran, joka auttaa suhdannevaihteluiden yli. Teknologiayritykset ovat siten alkaneet muistuttaa palveluyrityksiä palveluiden muodostaessa merkittävän osan niiden kokonaisliikevaihdosta ja -tuloksesta. Tätä strategista siirtymää kuvataan palvelullistumisilmiöksi, jonka on nähty tuottavan erilaisia strategisia, taloudellisia ja markkinoinnillisia hyötyjä. Väitöskirja rakentuu resurssiperustaisen strategianäkemyksen ja palvelullistamiskirjallisuuden perustalle vastaten seuraavaan tutkimuskysymykseen: Miten teknologiayritys johtaa resursseja ja kyvykkyyksiään luodakseen arvoa asiakaskohtaisista palveluista ja ratkaisuista? Väitöskirja pyrkii vastaamaan tähän tutkimuskysymykseen neljän toisiinsa kytkeytyneen tutkimusartikkelin avulla. Väitöskirjan tutkimustapana on laadullinen vertaileva monitapaustutkimus. Sen kohteena ovat olleet palvelu- ja ratkaisuliiketoiminnan avulla kansainvälisesti menestyneet suomalaiset teknologiayritykset. Väitöskirja pyrkii lisäämään ymmärrystä resurssien johtamisen käytännöistä palvelullistamisen kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan menestyneet palvelullistuneet teknologiayritykset kehittävät järjestelmällisesti kyvykkyyksiä, jotka mahdollistavat tiiviimmän yhteistyön heidän asiakkai-densa kanssa. Se on tapahtunut esimerkiksi kehittämällä konsultatiivista myyntikyvykkyyttä tai operoimalla asennettua laitekantaa älykkäämmin. Toiseksi, tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että menestyneet yritykset hyödyntävät aktiivisesti olemassa olevia kyvykkyyksiä uusilla toimialoilla ja tuote-palveluyhdistelmissä. Se on tapahtunut esimerkiksi laajentamalla palveluporftolion kehittämiseen liittyviä kyvykkyyksiä nykyisten asiakkaiden kanssa. Kolmanneksi, menestyneet valmistavat teknologiayritykset luopuivat järjestelmällisesti ydinliiketoimintaan kuulumattomista tai valmistustoimintaan liittyvistä kyvykkyyksistä keskittyäkseen uuden strategian mukaisten kyvykkyyksien kehittämiseen. Tutkimuksen mukaan siirtymä tuotteista palveluihin ei tapahdu hetkessä, eikä se ole toimiva strategia kaikille valmistaville yrityksille. Tutkimusten tulosten valossa tämä strateginen siirtymä vaatii aikaa, näkemystä ja sitoutumista teknologiayrityksen ylimmältä johdolta sisäisten ja ulkoisten voimavarojen kehittämiseen ja uudelleensuuntaamiseen.Economic turmoil, globalization, and increased price pressure in product businesses, have prompted leading manufacturers to provide services/solutions to their customers to avoid the commoditization trap and generate more stable income. Manufacturers have thus started to resemble service companies as services account for a considerable share of their total revenues and profits. This strategic transition has been termed servitization and has been said to generate various strategic, financial, and marketing advantages for those exploiting successful service strategies. This dissertation builds on the intersection of the resource-based perspective and servitization literature to answer the following research question: How does a manufacturer manage its capabilities to create wealth from customer solutions? To address this question, four empirical research articles have been formulated to advance knowledge of resource management practices in servitization. By using a qualitative comparative multiple case study method, this dissertation scrutinizes those internationally operating Finnish manufacturers that have outperformed their rivals by establishing service strategies and capabilities. This dissertation attempts to advance both theoretical and managerial understanding of the resource management practices in servitization The results of the study indicate that highly performing manufacturers systematically build new capabilities required to manage better their customer relationships (e.g., consultative selling, or fleet management capabilities). Second, the results indicate that the solution providers leverage their extant capabilities to enter new industries and product-service markets (e.g., nurturing capabilities to expand their service portfolio with existing customers). Third, solution providers released their non-core and upstream resources to focus on developing downstream resources. This research highlights that entering the solution business may not be a viable strategy for every manufacturer. The strategic transitioning from goods to services does not happen overnight but requires managerial time, vision, attention, and commitment to develop and redirect internal and external resources.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Investigating key factors influence supply chain collaborative relationship and risk management in Chinese SMEs

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyThe sustainability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) makes a significant contribution to job position and economic growth in China. However, SMEs face various challenges and uncertainties in the Chinese business environment. This study proposes a practical approach for Supply Chain Collaborative Relationship (SCCR) building to mediate adverse impacts from supply chain risks through leveraging partners’ critical resources. The Resource-based View (RBV) and Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) are employed in line with theoretical structure building in this study. Theories of Guanxi, collaborative advantage, and risk management have also been used. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research (Mixed-Method Research) approaches are employed in the study. The investigation starts with a sample of 5 research participants from executives of Chinese SMEs using qualitative research; its results are further elaborated using a subsequent survey of 216 SMEs. Data is analyzed via thematic approach (qualitative results) and the combination of SEM and CFA modeling (quantitative results). Results show the building of SCCR contributes to highly functional and stable alliances in Chinese SMEs, which has significant influences in motivating partners’ willingness to share risks and resources to support supply chain risk management. This study furthermore manifests that building of SCCR should depend on either interpersonal and inter-organizational level interactions, while interpersonal relationships between executives has significant influence to SCCR development

    Collaboration and value creation in multi-partner R&D alliances: a longitudinal case study on the acuisost consortium

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    Esta tesis doctoral versa sobre el fenómeno de las alianzas multi-socio de investigación y desarrollo (i+d), que pueden definirse como acuerdos de colaboración entre múltiples organizaciones cuyo objetivo es desarrollar conjuntamente actividades de i+d. en particular, el contexto empírico de toda la investigación desarrollada en este tesis doctoral es un consorcio de i+d real: el consorcio ACUISOST. A través de un caso de estudio longitudinal basado en diferentes niveles de análisis de dicho consorcio, esta tesis doctoral contribuye al desarrollo de una visión más completa sobre los procesos de colaboración y de creación de valor en las alianzas multi-socio de i+d.Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercado

    Functional Leadership in Interteam Contexts: Understanding ‘What’ in the Context of Why? Where? When? and Who?

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordResearch on team leadership has primarily focused on leadership processes targeted within teams, in support of team objectives. Yet, teams are open systems that interact with other teams to achieve proximal as well as distal goals. This review clarifies that defining ‘what’ constitutes functionally effective leadership in interteam contexts requires greater precision with regard to where (within teams, across teams) and why (team goals, system goals) leadership processes are enacted, as well as greater consideration of when and among whom leadership processes arise. We begin by synthesizing findings from empirical studies published over the past 30 years that shed light on questions of what, where, why, when, and who related to interteam leadership and end by providing three overarching recommendations for how research should proceed in order to provide a more comprehensive picture of leadership in interteam contexts