117 research outputs found

    Comparing collaborative problem solving in virtual reality and desktop computer display environments

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    Virtual reality in english vocabulary teaching

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    The evaluative studies of hypermedia effects on second language acquisition have been mostly applied to interfaces whose user’s input is limited to clicks, typed texts, and voice.  Nonetheless, virtual reality (VR) technology expanded user’s interactions with a data processing machine since it explores a sense of presence through body language, 360-degrees images, and tactile techniques. It is in this context that this paper approaches VR to explore its potential for foreign language vocabulary teaching and learning, considering mainly the appraisal mechanisms novelty and pleasantness proposed by Schumann (1999). This exploratory research presents the preparation and the results of a study applied to sixteen undergraduate English students at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil, as well as to nine students from the author’s one private course. The technology used in this study were three Google products: Cardboard™, as the VR headset; Expeditions, for the narrative; and Polly, for the building of the VR scenes. The following methodological actions were addressed to the participants of the study: an English placement test; vocabulary tests; exposure to the virtual environment, a guided visit to Museo Frida Kahlo, in Mexico; and a questionnaire on the evaluation of the experience. At the theoretical level, the present study is based on the assumptions of the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (MAYER, 2001) and in the role of affect in language learning (SCHUMANN, 1997; 1999). The results of vocabulary tests, the questionnaire, and limitations of the technology are discussed, giving a basis for the conclusion that VR can significantly contribute to foreign language vocabulary teaching and learning since the technology has the potential to motivate students and immerse them into real-life-like scenarios

    Effects of 3D environments as an assessment tool to encourage English oral production in senior students at "Empresa Pública UTN”, Ibarra, 2020-2021

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    AdaptVirtual Reality technology as an assessment to encourage oral production in students at “Centro Académico de Idiomas.”El objetivo del presente estudio fue la adaptación de la tecnología de realidad virtual como herramienta de evaluación para las destrezas comunicativas del idioma inglés para los estudiantes del “Centro Académico de Idiomas” de la Universidad Técnica del Norte, ubicado en Ibarra, en la provincia de Imbabura. El resultado fue la creación de una aplicación móvil de realidad virtual, cuyo diseño fue en base a información obtenida de encuestas de una metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa. Para la parte cuantitativa, se encuesto a 61 estudiantes de últimos niveles del “Centro académico de Idiomas”. Para la parte cualitativa, el instrumento seleccionado fue una entrevista semiestructurada a 3 docentes de la entidad antes mencionada. Los resultados más notables de la investigación reflejaron una clara evidencia del uso de las tecnologías de la comunicación en el proceso de evaluación de habilidades auditiva y hablada. Además, una clara aceptación por el uso de la realidad virtual en el proceso de aprendizaje y evaluación por parte de estudiantes y docentes; además de la disponibilidad de celulares inteligentes capaces de correr aplicaciones de realidad virtual. Estos resultados fueron usados para a la creación de EVRAT (English Virtual Reality Assessment Tool), la primera aplicación móvil de realidad virtual en Ecuador, orientada a la evaluación de habilidades receptivas y productivas en Ingles.Licenciatur

    The influence of virtual reality as an educational tool on teachers' pedagogy

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    Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2023.This study explores how does the use of Virtual Reality (VR) simulation as a technology tool influence teachers’ pedagogy. VR is a relatively new technology in the primary school classroom environment. This study explored how the use of this immersive, multimodal technology influenced the teachers’ pedagogy, their teaching and learning practices. The conceptual framework depicts the relationship between the teachers’ planning, resource selection, learning theories and the influence of the VR resource. Eight intermediate phase teachers from four private schools within a range of socio-economic groups in South Africa participated in this qualitative instrumental case study with a constructivist-interpretivist research design. Schools were purposefully selected, and participants taught at those schools and volunteered to be part of the study. The participants communicated both opportunities and challenges during the lessons. The teachers’ experiences and observations influenced their teaching pedagogy. Thematically analysed the data, using an inductive approach. More research is also needed to understand the deeper underlying reasons for the excitement of using VR, possibly by comparing the use of VR to that of high-resolution videos and/or images. This study demonstrates that technology has a positive influence as an educational tool on teachers' pedagogy; however, if the use of VR increases within the schooling sector, further investigations into educators’ professional development might assist teachers to integrate technology into their teaching practices.2020 Post Grad Doctoral BursaryScience, Mathematics and Technology EducationPhDUnrestricte

    Disruptive Play or Platform Colonialism? The Contradictory Dynamics of Google Expeditions and Educational Virtual Reality

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    This paper provides an exploratory case study Google Expeditions(GE), a virtual reality (VR) toolkit designed for the classroom, and its roll-out in the UK through the “pioneer program”. Drawing from existing research on Google, platform studies, and interdisciplinary work on the digital landscape, this paper examines the conflicting tensions around the logic of Google for Education (GFE) and the tangled user experiences of GE within a higher education context. Findings are drawn from participant observation of a one day GE trial; participant observation of 396 people’s mostly first-time experience with GE; a post-trial survey with those predominantly first-time users (N = 100); and participant observation of invite-only GFE events organized by Apps Events on GFE’s behalf. In addition to providing a detailed insight into the roll-out of a rising educational Google product, findings suggest GE engages contradictory dynamics. On one hand, users experience exciting, disruptive play, and on the other, the pioneer program extends Google’s platform empire, colonizing educational space and those within it

    Gifted Education, Creativity and Leadership Development

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    In these uncertain and challenging times, we need to help gifted students find their purpose and work toward finding a passion in their work and life. These new perspectives are both brilliant and practical and represent a synthesis of wisdom and experience. The new perspectives address the need to identify and nurture diverse students using scenarios and simulations and an active involvement in observing differentiation to learn how to identify and serve gifted students. We have unpreceded opportunity, with access to technology, to engage in collaborative research and program development across disciplines and internationally. In conclusion, there is deep wisdom here for gifted students, their parents and teachers, who can all benefit from exploring these new perspectives

    Penn Law Journal: New Era Dawns with Major Gift

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    a utilização de aplicações de realidade virtual em dispositivos móveis como estratégia pedagógica no 3º ciclo de ensino básico

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    A escola do século XXI, enquanto promotora da aprendizagem e desenvolvimento de competências, tem forçosamente de se mobilizar e readaptar para conseguir acompanhar as exigências das mudanças sociais e tecnológicas que acontecem a um ritmo cada vez mais acelerado. Perante uma geração de alunos habituada à tecnologia, cabe ao professor compreender e acompanhar a evolução tecnológica e social e conseguir tirar partido de todo o potencial educativo das tecnologias que tem ao dispor, de maneira a otimizar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem dos seus alunos. O principal objetivo desta investigação foi analisar de que forma é que as aplicações de realidade virtual podem ser usadas como estratégia pedagógica com alunos do 3.º CEB. Participaram no estudo quatro professores, de quatro disciplinas diferentes (Geografia, História, Ciências Físico-Químicas e Ciências Naturais) e quatro turmas do 7.º, 8.º e 9.º ano. O estudo confirmou que a integração curricular de aplicações de realidade virtual no 3.º ciclo do ensino básico aparenta ser viável e reveste-se como um território à espera de ser explorado em contexto educativo. A análise dos dados permite constatar que o desconhecimento acerca da tecnologia de realidade virtual continua a aparecer como primeira opção de resposta por parte dos professores participantes no estudo como a razão para que não seja mais utilizada, algo que se consegue superar com algum apoio em termos de formação de professores

    Digital Technologies for Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language: a collective monograph

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    Колективна монографія розкриває різні аспекти використання цифрових технологій у навчанні англійської мови як іноземної/другої мови (цифровий сторітелінг, мобільні застосунки, інтерактивне навчання і онлайн-ігри, тощо) та надає освітянам і дослідникам ресурс для збагачення їхньої професійної діяльності. Окрема увага приділена цифровим інструментам для впровадження соціально-емоційного навчання та інклюзивної освіти на уроках англійської мови. Для вчителів англійської мови, методистів, викладачів вищих закладів освіти, науковців, здобувачів вищої освіти

    Adding some TEC-variety: 100+ activities for motivating and retaining learners online

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    The TEC-VARIETY framework purposely takes into account current technology trends and attempts to stimulate their use in pedagogically effective ways. As such, it rests at the intersection of such exciting educational affordances brought about by emerging learning technologies, intrinsic as well as extrinsic motivation-related theories, and the rapidly shifting perspectives on teaching and learning philosophies and approaches. For online educators who are frustrated with never-ending waves of technology and the lack of training on how to effectively use them in their courses, we hope that the TEC-VARIETY framework can offer a ray of sunshine and a new beginning for online educators worldwide. As part of that hope, such educators might find activities and strategies that they can make use of to nurture engagement and success online. These strategies can breathe life into current classes and programs that are failing to engage their learners. They tap into learners’ inner resources and desires to learn and grow toward a better future. At the same time, they can invite the global sharing of ideas and knowledge as part of a worldwide community or family of learners