769 research outputs found

    Leveraging Seen and Unseen Semantic Relationships for Generative Zero-Shot Learning

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    Zero-shot learning (ZSL) addresses the unseen class recognition problem by leveraging semantic information to transfer knowledge from seen classes to unseen classes. Generative models synthesize the unseen visual features and convert ZSL into a classical supervised learning problem. These generative models are trained using the seen classes and are expected to implicitly transfer the knowledge from seen to unseen classes. However, their performance is stymied by overfitting, which leads to substandard performance on Generalized Zero-Shot learning (GZSL). To address this concern, we propose the novel LsrGAN, a generative model that Leverages the Semantic Relationship between seen and unseen categories and explicitly performs knowledge transfer by incorporating a novel Semantic Regularized Loss (SR-Loss). The SR-loss guides the LsrGAN to generate visual features that mirror the semantic relationships between seen and unseen classes. Experiments on seven benchmark datasets, including the challenging Wikipedia text-based CUB and NABirds splits, and Attribute-based AWA, CUB, and SUN, demonstrates the superiority of the LsrGAN compared to previous state-of-the-art approaches under both ZSL and GZSL. Code is available at https: // github. com/ Maunil/ LsrGANComment: 19 Pages, To be appear in ECCV 202

    Generalized Zero-Shot Learning via Synthesized Examples

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    We present a generative framework for generalized zero-shot learning where the training and test classes are not necessarily disjoint. Built upon a variational autoencoder based architecture, consisting of a probabilistic encoder and a probabilistic conditional decoder, our model can generate novel exemplars from seen/unseen classes, given their respective class attributes. These exemplars can subsequently be used to train any off-the-shelf classification model. One of the key aspects of our encoder-decoder architecture is a feedback-driven mechanism in which a discriminator (a multivariate regressor) learns to map the generated exemplars to the corresponding class attribute vectors, leading to an improved generator. Our model's ability to generate and leverage examples from unseen classes to train the classification model naturally helps to mitigate the bias towards predicting seen classes in generalized zero-shot learning settings. Through a comprehensive set of experiments, we show that our model outperforms several state-of-the-art methods, on several benchmark datasets, for both standard as well as generalized zero-shot learning.Comment: Accepted in CVPR'1

    Mitigating Generation Shifts for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning

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    Generalized Zero-Shot Learning (GZSL) is the task of leveraging semantic information (e.g., attributes) to recognize the seen and unseen samples, where unseen classes are not observable during training. It is natural to derive generative models and hallucinate training samples for unseen classes based on the knowledge learned from the seen samples. However, most of these models suffer from the `generation shifts', where the synthesized samples may drift from the real distribution of unseen data. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth analysis on this issue and propose a novel Generation Shifts Mitigating Flow (GSMFlow) framework, which is comprised of multiple conditional affine coupling layers for learning unseen data synthesis efficiently and effectively. In particular, we identify three potential problems that trigger the generation shifts, i.e., semantic inconsistency, variance decay, and structural permutation and address them respectively. First, to reinforce the correlations between the generated samples and the respective attributes, we explicitly embed the semantic information into the transformations in each of the coupling layers. Second, to recover the intrinsic variance of the synthesized unseen features, we introduce a visual perturbation strategy to diversify the intra-class variance of generated data and hereby help adjust the decision boundary of the classifier. Third, to avoid structural permutation in the semantic space, we propose a relative positioning strategy to manipulate the attribute embeddings, guiding which to fully preserve the inter-class geometric structure. Experimental results demonstrate that GSMFlow achieves state-of-the-art recognition performance in both conventional and generalized zero-shot settings. Our code is available at: https://github.com/uqzhichen/GSMFlowComment: ACM Multimedia 202

    Instance Adaptive Prototypical Contrastive Embedding for Generalized Zero Shot Learning

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    Generalized zero-shot learning(GZSL) aims to classify samples from seen and unseen labels, assuming unseen labels are not accessible during training. Recent advancements in GZSL have been expedited by incorporating contrastive-learning-based (instance-based) embedding in generative networks and leveraging the semantic relationship between data points. However, existing embedding architectures suffer from two limitations: (1) limited discriminability of synthetic features' embedding without considering fine-grained cluster structures; (2) inflexible optimization due to restricted scaling mechanisms on existing contrastive embedding networks, leading to overlapped representations in the embedding space. To enhance the quality of representations in the embedding space, as mentioned in (1), we propose a margin-based prototypical contrastive learning embedding network that reaps the benefits of prototype-data (cluster quality enhancement) and implicit data-data (fine-grained representations) interaction while providing substantial cluster supervision to the embedding network and the generator. To tackle (2), we propose an instance adaptive contrastive loss that leads to generalized representations for unseen labels with increased inter-class margin. Through comprehensive experimental evaluation, we show that our method can outperform the current state-of-the-art on three benchmark datasets. Our approach also consistently achieves the best unseen performance in the GZSL setting.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Accepted in IJCAI 2023 Workshop on Generalizing from Limited Resources in the Open Worl

    Adaptive Cross-Modal Few-Shot Learning

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    Metric-based meta-learning techniques have successfully been applied to few-shot classification problems. In this paper, we propose to leverage cross-modal information to enhance metric-based few-shot learning methods. Visual and semantic feature spaces have different structures by definition. For certain concepts, visual features might be richer and more discriminative than text ones. While for others, the inverse might be true. Moreover, when the support from visual information is limited in image classification, semantic representations (learned from unsupervised text corpora) can provide strong prior knowledge and context to help learning. Based on these two intuitions, we propose a mechanism that can adaptively combine information from both modalities according to new image categories to be learned. Through a series of experiments, we show that by this adaptive combination of the two modalities, our model outperforms current uni-modality few-shot learning methods and modality-alignment methods by a large margin on all benchmarks and few-shot scenarios tested. Experiments also show that our model can effectively adjust its focus on the two modalities. The improvement in performance is particularly large when the number of shots is very small

    OntoZSL: Ontology-enhanced Zero-shot Learning

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    Zero-shot Learning (ZSL), which aims to predict for those classes that have never appeared in the training data, has arisen hot research interests. The key of implementing ZSL is to leverage the prior knowledge of classes which builds the semantic relationship between classes and enables the transfer of the learned models (e.g., features) from training classes (i.e., seen classes) to unseen classes. However, the priors adopted by the existing methods are relatively limited with incomplete semantics. In this paper, we explore richer and more competitive prior knowledge to model the inter-class relationship for ZSL via ontology-based knowledge representation and semantic embedding. Meanwhile, to address the data imbalance between seen classes and unseen classes, we developed a generative ZSL framework with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Our main findings include: (i) an ontology-enhanced ZSL framework that can be applied to different domains, such as image classification (IMGC) and knowledge graph completion (KGC); (ii) a comprehensive evaluation with multiple zero-shot datasets from different domains, where our method often achieves better performance than the state-of-the-art models. In particular, on four representative ZSL baselines of IMGC, the ontology-based class semantics outperform the previous priors e.g., the word embeddings of classes by an average of 12.4 accuracy points in the standard ZSL across two example datasets (see Figure 4).Comment: Accepted to The Web Conference (WWW) 202

    ChatGPT-guided Semantics for Zero-shot Learning

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    Zero-shot learning (ZSL) aims to classify objects that are not observed or seen during training. It relies on class semantic description to transfer knowledge from the seen classes to the unseen classes. Existing methods of obtaining class semantics include manual attributes or automatic word vectors from language models (like word2vec). We know attribute annotation is costly, whereas automatic word-vectors are relatively noisy. To address this problem, we explore how ChatGPT, a large language model, can enhance class semantics for ZSL tasks. ChatGPT can be a helpful source to obtain text descriptions for each class containing related attributes and semantics. We use the word2vec model to get a word vector using the texts from ChatGPT. Then, we enrich word vectors by combining the word embeddings from class names and descriptions generated by ChatGPT. More specifically, we leverage ChatGPT to provide extra supervision for the class description, eventually benefiting ZSL models. We evaluate our approach on various 2D image (CUB and AwA) and 3D point cloud (ModelNet10, ModelNet40, and ScanObjectNN) datasets and show that it improves ZSL performance. Our work contributes to the ZSL literature by applying ChatGPT for class semantics enhancement and proposing a novel word vector fusion method.Comment: Accepted in International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), 202

    Invertible Zero-Shot Recognition Flows

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    Deep generative models have been successfully applied to Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) recently. However, the underlying drawbacks of GANs and VAEs (e.g., the hardness of training with ZSL-oriented regularizers and the limited generation quality) hinder the existing generative ZSL models from fully bypassing the seen-unseen bias. To tackle the above limitations, for the first time, this work incorporates a new family of generative models (i.e., flow-based models) into ZSL. The proposed Invertible Zero-shot Flow (IZF) learns factorized data embeddings (i.e., the semantic factors and the non-semantic ones) with the forward pass of an invertible flow network, while the reverse pass generates data samples. This procedure theoretically extends conventional generative flows to a factorized conditional scheme. To explicitly solve the bias problem, our model enlarges the seen-unseen distributional discrepancy based on negative sample-based distance measurement. Notably, IZF works flexibly with either a naive Bayesian classifier or a held-out trainable one for zero-shot recognition. Experiments on widely-adopted ZSL benchmarks demonstrate the significant performance gain of IZF over existing methods, in both classic and generalized settings.Comment: ECCV202

    See More and Know More: Zero-shot Point Cloud Segmentation via Multi-modal Visual Data

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    Zero-shot point cloud segmentation aims to make deep models capable of recognizing novel objects in point cloud that are unseen in the training phase. Recent trends favor the pipeline which transfers knowledge from seen classes with labels to unseen classes without labels. They typically align visual features with semantic features obtained from word embedding by the supervision of seen classes' annotations. However, point cloud contains limited information to fully match with semantic features. In fact, the rich appearance information of images is a natural complement to the textureless point cloud, which is not well explored in previous literature. Motivated by this, we propose a novel multi-modal zero-shot learning method to better utilize the complementary information of point clouds and images for more accurate visual-semantic alignment. Extensive experiments are performed in two popular benchmarks, i.e., SemanticKITTI and nuScenes, and our method outperforms current SOTA methods with 52% and 49% improvement on average for unseen class mIoU, respectively.Comment: Accepted by ICCV 202

    Deconfounding Causal Inference for Zero-shot Action Recognition

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    Zero-shot action recognition (ZSAR) aims to recognize unseen action categories in the test set without corresponding training examples. Most existing zero-shot methods follow the feature generation framework to transfer knowledge from seen action categories to model the feature distribution of unseen categories. However, due to the complexity and diversity of actions, it remains challenging to generate unseen feature distribution, especially for the cross-dataset scenario when there is potentially larger domain shift. This paper proposes a De confounding Ca usa l GAN (DeCalGAN) for generating unseen action video features with the following technical contributions: 1) Our model unifies compositional ZSAR with traditional visual-semantic models to incorporate local object information with global semantic information for feature generation. 2) A GAN-based architecture is proposed for causal inference and unseen distribution discovery. 3) A deconfounding module is proposed to refine representations of local object and global semantic information confounder in the training data. Action descriptions and random object feature after causal inference are then used to discover unseen distributions of novel actions in different datasets. Our extensive experiments on C ross- D ataset Z ero- S hot A ction R ecognition (CD-ZSAR) demonstrate substantial improvement over the UCF101 and HMDB51 standard benchmarks for this problem