489 research outputs found

    Security, Performance and Energy Trade-offs of Hardware-assisted Memory Protection Mechanisms

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    The deployment of large-scale distributed systems, e.g., publish-subscribe platforms, that operate over sensitive data using the infrastructure of public cloud providers, is nowadays heavily hindered by the surging lack of trust toward the cloud operators. Although purely software-based solutions exist to protect the confidentiality of data and the processing itself, such as homomorphic encryption schemes, their performance is far from being practical under real-world workloads. The performance trade-offs of two novel hardware-assisted memory protection mechanisms, namely AMD SEV and Intel SGX - currently available on the market to tackle this problem, are described in this practical experience. Specifically, we implement and evaluate a publish/subscribe use-case and evaluate the impact of the memory protection mechanisms and the resulting performance. This paper reports on the experience gained while building this system, in particular when having to cope with the technical limitations imposed by SEV and SGX. Several trade-offs that provide valuable insights in terms of latency, throughput, processing time and energy requirements are exhibited by means of micro- and macro-benchmarks.Comment: European Commission Project: LEGaTO - Low Energy Toolset for Heterogeneous Computing (EC-H2020-780681

    CYCLOSA: Decentralizing Private Web Search Through SGX-Based Browser Extensions

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    By regularly querying Web search engines, users (unconsciously) disclose large amounts of their personal data as part of their search queries, among which some might reveal sensitive information (e.g. health issues, sexual, political or religious preferences). Several solutions exist to allow users querying search engines while improving privacy protection. However, these solutions suffer from a number of limitations: some are subject to user re-identification attacks, while others lack scalability or are unable to provide accurate results. This paper presents CYCLOSA, a secure, scalable and accurate private Web search solution. CYCLOSA improves security by relying on trusted execution environments (TEEs) as provided by Intel SGX. Further, CYCLOSA proposes a novel adaptive privacy protection solution that reduces the risk of user re- identification. CYCLOSA sends fake queries to the search engine and dynamically adapts their count according to the sensitivity of the user query. In addition, CYCLOSA meets scalability as it is fully decentralized, spreading the load for distributing fake queries among other nodes. Finally, CYCLOSA achieves accuracy of Web search as it handles the real query and the fake queries separately, in contrast to other existing solutions that mix fake and real query results

    TREDIS – A Trusted Full-Fledged SGX-Enabled REDIS Solution

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    Currently, offloading storage and processing capacity to cloud servers is a growing trend among web-enabled services managing big datasets. This happens because high storage capacity and powerful processors are expensive, whilst cloud services provide cheaper, ongoing, elastic, and reliable solutions. The problem with this cloud-based out sourced solutions are that they are highly accessible through the Internet, which is good, but therefore can be considerably exposed to attacks, out of users’ control. By exploring subtle vulnerabilities present in cloud-enabled applications, management functions, op erating systems and hypervisors, an attacker may compromise the supported systems, thus compromising the privacy of sensitive user data hosted and managed in it. These attacks can be motivated by malicious purposes such as espionage, blackmail, identity theft, or harassment. A solution to this problem is processing data without exposing it to untrusted components, such as vulnerable OS components, which might be compromised by an attacker. In this thesis, we do a research on existent technologies capable of enabling appli cations to trusted environments, in order to adopt such approaches to our solution as a way to help deploy unmodified applications on top of Intel-SGX, with overheads com parable to applications designed to use this kind of technology, and also conducting an experimental evaluation to better understand how they impact our system. Thus, we present TREDIS - a Trusted Full-Fledged REDIS Key-Value Store solution, implemented as a full-fledged solution to be offered as a Trusted Cloud-enabled Platform as a Service, which includes the possibility to support a secure REDIS-cluster architecture supported by docker-virtualized services running in SGX-enabled instances, with operations run ning on always-encrypted in-memory datasets.A transição de suporte de aplicações com armazenamento e processamento em servidores cloud é uma tendência que tem vindo a aumentar, principalmente quando se precisam de gerir grandes conjuntos de dados. Comparativamente a soluções com licenciamento privado, as soluções de computação e armazenamento de dados em nuvens de serviços são capazes de oferecer opções mais baratas, de alta disponibilidade, elásticas e relativa mente confiáveis. Estas soluções fornecidas por terceiros são facilmente acessíveis através da Internet, sendo operadas em regime de outsourcing da sua operação, o que é bom, mas que por isso ficam consideravelmente expostos a ataques e fora do controle dos utiliza dores em relação às reais condições de confiabilidade, segurança e privacidade de dados. Ao explorar subtilmente vulnerabilidades presentes nas aplicações, funções de sistemas operativos (SOs), bibliotecas de virtualização de serviços de SOs ou hipervisores, um ata cante pode comprometer os sistemas e quebrar a privacidade de dados sensíveis. Estes ataques podem ser motivados por fins maliciosos como espionagem, chantagem, roubo de identidade ou assédio e podem ser desencadeados por intrusões (a partir de atacantes externos) ou por ações maliciosas ou incorretas de atacantes internos (podendo estes atuar com privilégios de administradores de sistemas). Uma solução para este problema passa por armazenar e processar a informação sem que existam exposições face a componentes não confiáveis. Nesta dissertação estudamos e avaliamos experimentalmente diversas tecnologias que permitem a execução de aplicações com isolamento em ambientes de execução confiá vel suportados em hardware Intel-SGX, de modo a perceber melhor como funcionam e como adaptá-las à nossa solução. Para isso, realizámos uma avaliação focada na utilização dessas tecnologias com virtualização em contentores isolados executando em hardware confiável, que usámos na concepção da nossa solução. Posto isto, apresentamos a nossa solução TREDIS - um sistema Key-Value Store confiável baseado em tecnologia REDIS, com garantias de integridade da execução e de privacidade de dados, concebida para ser usada como uma "Plataforma como Serviço"para gestão e armazenamento resiliente de dados na nuvem. Isto inclui a possibilidade de suportar uma arquitetura segura com garantias de resiliência semelhantes à arquitetura de replicação em cluster na solução original REDIS, mas em que os motores de execução de nós e a proteção de memória do cluster é baseado em contentores docker isolados e virtualizados em instâncias SGX, sendo os dados mantidos sempre cifrados em memória