11 research outputs found

    Machine Learning for Instance Segmentation

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    Volumetric Electron Microscopy images can be used for connectomics, the study of brain connectivity at the cellular level. A prerequisite for this inquiry is the automatic identification of neural cells, which requires machine learning algorithms and in particular efficient image segmentation algorithms. In this thesis, we develop new algorithms for this task. In the first part we provide, for the first time in this field, a method for training a neural network to predict optimal input data for a watershed algorithm. We demonstrate its superior performance compared to other segmentation methods of its category. In the second part, we develop an efficient watershed-based algorithm for weighted graph partitioning, the \emph{Mutex Watershed}, which uses negative edge-weights for the first time. We show that it is intimately related to the multicut and has a cutting edge performance on a connectomics challenge. Our algorithm is currently used by the leaders of two connectomics challenges. Finally, motivated by inpainting neural networks, we create a method to learn the graph weights without any supervision

    Learning Instance Segmentation from Sparse Supervision

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    Instance segmentation is an important task in many domains of automatic image processing, such as self-driving cars, robotics and microscopy data analysis. Recently, deep learning-based algorithms have brought image segmentation close to human performance. However, most existing models rely on dense groundtruth labels for training, which are expensive, time consuming and often require experienced annotators to perform the labeling. Besides the annotation burden, training complex high-capacity neural networks depends upon non-trivial expertise in the choice and tuning of hyperparameters, making the adoption of these models challenging for researchers in other fields. The aim of this work is twofold. The first is to make the deep learning segmentation methods accessible to non-specialist. The second is to address the dense annotation problem by developing instance segmentation methods trainable with limited groundtruth data. In the first part of this thesis, I bring state-of-the-art instance segmentation methods closer to non-experts by developing PlantSeg: a pipeline for volumetric segmentation of light microscopy images of biological tissues into cells. PlantSeg comes with a large repository of pre-trained models and delivers highly accurate results on a variety of samples and image modalities. We exemplify its usefulness to answer biological questions in several collaborative research projects. In the second part, I tackle the dense annotation bottleneck by introducing SPOCO, an instance segmentation method, which can be trained from just a few annotated objects. It demonstrates strong segmentation performance on challenging natural and biological benchmark datasets at a very reduced manual annotation cost and delivers state-of-the-art results on the CVPPP benchmark. In summary, my contributions enable training of instance segmentation models with limited amounts of labeled data and make these methods more accessible for non-experts, speeding up the process of quantitative data analysis

    Whole-body integration of gene expression and single-cell morphology

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    Animal bodies are composed of cell types with unique expression programs that implement their distinct locations, shapes, structures, and functions. Based on these properties, cell types assemble into specific tissues and organs. To systematically explore the link between cell-type-specific gene expression and morphology, we registered an expression atlas to a whole-body electron microscopy volume of the nereid Platynereis dumerilii. Automated segmentation of cells and nuclei identifies major cell classes and establishes a link between gene activation, chromatin topography, and nuclear size. Clustering of segmented cells according to gene expression reveals spatially coherent tissues. In the brain, genetically defined groups of neurons match ganglionic nuclei with coherent projections. Besides interneurons, we uncover sensory-neurosecretory cells in the nereid mushroom bodies, which thus qualify as sensory organs. They furthermore resemble the vertebrate telencephalon by molecular anatomy. We provide an integrated browser as a Fiji plugin for remote exploration of all available multimodal datasets

    Designing Deep Learning Frameworks for Plant Biology

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    In recent years the parallel progress in high-throughput microscopy and deep learning drastically widened the landscape of possible research avenues in life sciences. In particular, combining high-resolution microscopic images and automated imaging pipelines powered by deep learning dramatically reduced the manual annotation work required for quantitative analysis. In this work, we will present two deep learning frameworks tailored to the needs of life scientists in the context of plant biology. First, we will introduce PlantSeg, a software for 2D and 3D instance segmentation. The PlantSeg pipeline contains several pre-trained models for different microscopy modalities and multiple popular graph-based instance segmentation algorithms. In the second part, we will present CellTypeGraph, a benchmark for quantitatively evaluating graph neural networks. The benchmark is designed to test the ability of machine learning methods to classify the types of cells in an \textit{Arabidopsis thaliana} ovules. CellTypeGraph's prime aim is to give a valuable tool to the geometric learning community, but at the same time it also offers a framework for plant biologists to perform fast and accurate cell type inference on new data

    How to describe a cell: a path to automated versatile characterization of cells in imaging data

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    A cell is the basic functional unit of life. Most ulticellular organisms, including animals, are composed of a variety of different cell types that fulfil distinct roles. Within an organism, all cells share the same genome, however, their diverse genetic programs lead them to acquire different molecular and anatomical characteristics. Describing these characteristics is essential for understanding how cellular diversity emerged and how it contributes to the organism function. Probing cellular appearance by microscopy methods is the original way of describing cell types and the main approach to characterise cellular morphology and position in the organism. Present cutting-edge microscopy techniques generate immense amounts of data, requiring efficient automated unbiased methods of analysis. Not only can such methods accelerate the process of scientific discovery, they should also facilitate large-scale systematic reproducible analysis. The necessity of processing big datasets has led to development of intricate image analysis pipelines, however, they are mostly tailored to a particular dataset and a specific research question. In this thesis I aimed to address the problem of creating more general fully-automated ways of describing cells in different imaging modalities, with a specific focus on deep neural networks as a promising solution for extracting rich general-purpose features from the analysed data. I further target the problem of integrating multiple data modalities to generate a detailed description of cells on the whole-organism level. First, on two examples of cell analysis projects, I show how using automated image analysis pipelines and neural networks in particular, can assist characterising cells in microscopy data. In the first project I analyse a movie of drosophila embryo development to elucidate the difference in myosin patterns between two populations of cells with different shape fate. In the second project I develop a pipeline for automatic cell classification in a new imaging modality to show that the quality of the data is sufficient to tell apart cell types in a volume of mouse brain cortex. Next, I present an extensive collaborative effort aimed at generating a whole-body multimodal cell atlas of a three-segmented Platynereis dumerilii worm, combining high resolution morphology and gene expression. To generate a multi-sided description of cells in the atlas I create a pipeline for assigning coherent denoised gene expression profiles, obtained from spatial gene expression maps, to cells segmented in the EM volume. Finally, as the main project of this thesis, I focus on extracting comprehensive unbiased cell morphology features from an EM volume of Platynereis dumerilii. I design a fully unsupervised neural network pipeline for extracting rich morphological representations that enable grouping cells into morphological cell classes with characteristic gene expression. I further show how such descriptors could be used to explore the morphological diversity of cells, tissues and organs in the dataset

    MOTChallenge: A Benchmark for Single-Camera Multiple Target Tracking

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    Standardized benchmarks have been crucial in pushing the performance of computer vision algorithms, especially since the advent of deep learning. Although leaderboards should not be over-claimed, they often provide the most objective measure of performance and are therefore important guides for research. We present MOTChallenge, a benchmark for single-camera Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) launched in late 2014, to collect existing and new data, and create a framework for the standardized evaluation of multiple object tracking methods. The benchmark is focused on multiple people tracking, since pedestrians are by far the most studied object in the tracking community, with applications ranging from robot navigation to self-driving cars. This paper collects the first three releases of the benchmark: (i) MOT15, along with numerous state-of-the-art results that were submitted in the last years, (ii) MOT16, which contains new challenging videos, and (iii) MOT17, that extends MOT16 sequences with more precise labels and evaluates tracking performance on three different object detectors. The second and third release not only offers a significant increase in the number of labeled boxes but also provide labels for multiple object classes beside pedestrians, as well as the level of visibility for every single object of interest. We finally provide a categorization of state-of-the-art trackers and a broad error analysis. This will help newcomers understand the related work and research trends in the MOT community, and hopefully shed some light on potential future research directions.Comment: Accepted at IJC

    Learning to segment in images and videos with different forms of supervision

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    Much progress has been made in image and video segmentation over the last years. To a large extent, the success can be attributed to the strong appearance models completely learned from data, in particular using deep learning methods. However, to perform best these methods require large representative datasets for training with expensive pixel-level annotations, which in case of videos are prohibitive to obtain. Therefore, there is a need to relax this constraint and to consider alternative forms of supervision, which are easier and cheaper to collect. In this thesis, we aim to develop algorithms for learning to segment in images and videos with different levels of supervision. First, we develop approaches for training convolutional networks with weaker forms of supervision, such as bounding boxes or image labels, for object boundary estimation and semantic/instance labelling tasks. We propose to generate pixel-level approximate groundtruth from these weaker forms of annotations to train a network, which allows to achieve high-quality results comparable to the full supervision quality without any modifications of the network architecture or the training procedure. Second, we address the problem of the excessive computational and memory costs inherent to solving video segmentation via graphs. We propose approaches to improve the runtime and memory efficiency as well as the output segmentation quality by learning from the available training data the best representation of the graph. In particular, we contribute with learning must-link constraints, the topology and edge weights of the graph as well as enhancing the graph nodes - superpixels - themselves. Third, we tackle the task of pixel-level object tracking and address the problem of the limited amount of densely annotated video data for training convolutional networks. We introduce an architecture which allows training with static images only and propose an elaborate data synthesis scheme which creates a large number of training examples close to the target domain from the given first frame mask. With the proposed techniques we show that densely annotated consequent video data is not necessary to achieve high-quality temporally coherent video segmentation results. In summary, this thesis advances the state of the art in weakly supervised image segmentation, graph-based video segmentation and pixel-level object tracking and contributes with the new ways of training convolutional networks with a limited amount of pixel-level annotated training data.In der Bild- und Video-Segmentierung wurden im Laufe der letzten Jahre große Fortschritte erzielt. Dieser Erfolg beruht weitgehend auf starken Appearance Models, die vollständig aus Daten gelernt werden, insbesondere mit Deep Learning Methoden. Für beste Performanz benötigen diese Methoden jedoch große repräsentative Datensätze für das Training mit teuren Annotationen auf Pixelebene, die bei Videos unerschwinglich sind. Deshalb ist es notwendig, diese Einschränkung zu überwinden und alternative Formen des überwachten Lernens in Erwägung zu ziehen, die einfacher und kostengünstiger zu sammeln sind. In dieser Arbeit wollen wir Algorithmen zur Segmentierung von Bildern und Videos mit verschiedenen Ebenen des überwachten Lernens entwickeln. Zunächst entwickeln wir Ansätze zum Training eines faltenden Netzwerkes (convolutional network) mit schwächeren Formen des überwachten Lernens, wie z.B. Begrenzungsrahmen oder Bildlabel, für Objektbegrenzungen und Semantik/Instanz- Klassifikationsaufgaben. Wir schlagen vor, aus diesen schwächeren Formen von Annotationen eine annähernde Ground Truth auf Pixelebene zu generieren, um ein Netzwerk zu trainieren, das hochwertige Ergebnisse ermöglicht, die qualitativ mit denen bei voll überwachtem Lernen vergleichbar sind, und dies ohne Änderung der Netzwerkarchitektur oder des Trainingsprozesses. Zweitens behandeln wir das Problem des beträchtlichen Rechenaufwands und Speicherbedarfs, das der Segmentierung von Videos mittels Graphen eigen ist. Wir schlagen Ansätze vor, um sowohl die Laufzeit und Speichereffizienz als auch die Qualität der Segmentierung zu verbessern, indem aus den verfügbaren Trainingsdaten die beste Darstellung des Graphen gelernt wird. Insbesondere leisten wir einen Beitrag zum Lernen mit must-link Bedingungen, zur Topologie und zu Kantengewichten des Graphen sowie zu verbesserten Superpixeln. Drittens gehen wir die Aufgabe des Objekt-Tracking auf Pixelebene an und befassen uns mit dem Problem der begrenzten Menge von dicht annotierten Videodaten zum Training eines faltenden Netzwerkes. Wir stellen eine Architektur vor, die das Training nur mit statischen Bildern ermöglicht, und schlagen ein aufwendiges Schema zur Datensynthese vor, das aus der gegebenen ersten Rahmenmaske eine große Anzahl von Trainingsbeispielen ähnlich der Zieldomäne schafft. Mit den vorgeschlagenen Techniken zeigen wir, dass dicht annotierte zusammenhängende Videodaten nicht erforderlich sind, um qualitativ hochwertige zeitlich kohärente Resultate der Segmentierung von Videos zu erhalten. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass diese Arbeit den Stand der Technik in schwach überwachter Segmentierung von Bildern, graphenbasierter Segmentierung von Videos und Objekt-Tracking auf Pixelebene weiter entwickelt, und mit neuen Formen des Trainings faltender Netzwerke bei einer begrenzten Menge von annotierten Trainingsdaten auf Pixelebene einen Beitrag leistet

    Automated identification and behaviour classification for modelling social dynamics in group-housed mice

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    Mice are often used in biology as exploratory models of human conditions, due to their similar genetics and physiology. Unfortunately, research on behaviour has traditionally been limited to studying individuals in isolated environments and over short periods of time. This can miss critical time-effects, and, since mice are social creatures, bias results. This work addresses this gap in research by developing tools to analyse the individual behaviour of group-housed mice in the home-cage over several days and with minimal disruption. Using data provided by the Mary Lyon Centre at MRC Harwell we designed an end-to-end system that (a) tracks and identifies mice in a cage, (b) infers their behaviour, and subsequently (c) models the group dynamics as functions of individual activities. In support of the above, we also curated and made available a large dataset of mouse localisation and behaviour classifications (IMADGE), as well as two smaller annotated datasets for training/evaluating the identification (TIDe) and behaviour inference (ABODe) systems. This research constitutes the first of its kind in terms of the scale and challenges addressed. The data source (side-view single-channel video with clutter and no identification markers for mice) presents challenging conditions for analysis, but has the potential to give richer information while using industry standard housing. A Tracking and Identification module was developed to automatically detect, track and identify the (visually similar) mice in the cluttered home-cage using only single-channel IR video and coarse position from RFID readings. Existing detectors and trackers were combined with a novel Integer Linear Programming formulation to assign anonymous tracks to mouse identities. This utilised a probabilistic weight model of affinity between detections and RFID pickups. The next task necessitated the implementation of the Activity Labelling module that classifies the behaviour of each mouse, handling occlusion to avoid giving unreliable classifications when the mice cannot be observed. Two key aspects of this were (a) careful feature-selection, and (b) judicious balancing of the errors of the system in line with the repercussions for our setup. Given these sequences of individual behaviours, we analysed the interaction dynamics between mice in the same cage by collapsing the group behaviour into a sequence of interpretable latent regimes using both static and temporal (Markov) models. Using a permutation matrix, we were able to automatically assign mice to roles in the HMM, fit a global model to a group of cages and analyse abnormalities in data from a different demographic