6 research outputs found

    The Classification of Workforce Requirement Planning for Service Oriented Operations

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    In today’s world of competitive international economy sectors, service industry orservice sector oriented businesses, the key point is to maximize the efficiency and sustainability of the business directly related with optimal planning of the workload and distributing them among the employees. Helpdesks and operation centers are one of the fastest developing service area of this sector. This paper compares the machine learning algorithms that can be used for the classification of workforce requirements for a bank operation center which provides support to reduce operational workload of bank branches. Classification of the workload based on the quantity of Money Order and EFT operations within time zones aids in the management of workforce teams and distribution of jobs between team members

    Handbook of Systems Analysis: Volume 1. Overview. Chapter 2. The Genesis of Applied Systems Analysis

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    The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis is preparing a Handbook of Systems Analysis, which will appear in three volumes: Volume 1: Overview is aimed at a widely varied audience of producers and users of systems analysis studies. Volume 2: Methods is aimed at systems analysts and other members of systems analysis teams who need basic knowledge of methods in which they are not expert; this volume contains introductory overviews of such methods. Volume 3: Cases contains descriptions of actual systems analyses that illustrate the diversity of the contexts and methods of systems analysis. Drafts of the material for Volume 1 are being widely circulated for comment and suggested improvement. This Working Paper is the current draft of Chapter 2. Correspondence is invited. Volume 1 will consist of the following ten chapters: 1. The context, nature, and use of systems analysis 2. The genesis of applied systems analysis; 3. Examples of applied systems analysis 4. The methods of applied systems analysis: An introduction and overview 5. Formulating problems for systems analysis 6. Objectives, constraints, and alternatives 7. Predicting the consequences: Models and modeling 8. Guidance for decision 9. Implementation 10. The practice of applied systems analysis To these ten chapters will be added a glossary of systems analysis terms and a bibliography of basic works in the field

    Workforce scheduling with large-scale mixed integer programming using column generation and 2D genetic algorithms: An application to airport ground staff scheduling

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    Due to the large volume of transportation that takes place on the airport every day, airlines need to efficiently manage their employees and tasks to guarantee necessary operations are performed well and on time. The quality of the workforce scheduling has an important influence on both the task performance and costs of labor and operations that airlines will take. In this regard, this thesis proposes a mathematical modeling for airport ground staff scheduling with corresponding algorithms, including a 2D GA for shift planning with daily-wise shift formats, column generation for rostering and task dispatching, and integer programming for disruption management. The presented optimization-based workforce scheduling can replace the manual planning or serve as a reference for practitioners.M.S

    The crew scheduling problem of an interurban public transport bus company

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    Una planificación de los conductores adecuada impacta en el coste operacional de las empresas de transporte público. La dificultad de esta tarea se debe principalmente a dos aspectos (Esclapés 2001, Bonrostro, Yusta 2003, Ernst et al. 2004, Van den Bergh et al. 2013, Ibarra-Rojas et al. 2015, Li et al. 2015): por un lado, la planificación de los conductores es parte de un problema mayor, la planificación de los vehículos y conductores. Por otro lado, las diferencias entre las características de las redes de transporte, los recursos de las empresas, las restricciones reglamentarias o los acuerdos laborales hacen que las soluciones sean particulares para cada empresa. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es desarrollar un algoritmo eficiente que minimice en un tiempo de ejecución aceptable el problema de la planificación de los conductores de una compañía de autobuses de transporte de pasajeros público interurbano, permitiendo relevos ilimitados en cualquier parada de la red, es decir, al principio, final o cualquier otra parada intermedia de una línea. De esta manera, haciendo uso de la herramienta en una empresa real, se han examinado dos lagunas de investigación encontradas en el análisis de la literatura. Por un lado, el impacto de permitir relevos ilimitados al principio, al final o en cualquier otra parada intermedia de una línea. Por otro lado, el impacto del proceso de planificación cuando las restricciones a cumplir varían según el tipo de servicio que se incluye en las jornadas. Se han analizado dos procesos: el dividir el problema en problemas independientes según las características de los servicios, o el llevar a cabo una planificación global bajo las restricciones más restrictivas. Con respecto a la metodología de investigación, se han seguido los siete pasos de la Investigación Operativa (Winston, Goldberg 2004): (1) formular el problema, (2) observar el sistema, (3) formular un modelo del problema, (4) verificar el modelo y usarlo para la predicción, (5) seleccionar una alternativa adecuada, (6) presentar los resultados y conclusiones del estudio e (7) implementar y evaluar las recomendaciones. Los resultados muestran que en ocasiones vale la pena considerar los factores investigados.Gidarien lanaren plangintza egoki batek zuzenki eragiten du garraio publikoko enpresen kostu operatiboan. Tripulazioaren plangintzaren zailtasuna bi arrazoiengatik ematen da bereziki (Esclapés 2001, Bonrostro, Yusta 2003, Ernst et al. 2004, Van den Bergh et al. 2013, Ibarra-Rojas et al. 2015, Li et al. 2015): alde batetik, gidarien plangintza beste arazo handiago baten parte da, ibilgailu eta gidarien plangintzaren arazoaren parte. Bestalde, garraio sareen arteko ezberdintasunek, enpresen baliabideen arteko ezberdintasunek edota arautegi edo lan-akordioen arteko ezberdintasunek, enpresa bakoitzarentzako soluzio partikular bat garatzea behartzen dute. Ikerketa honen helburu nagusia "algoritmo eraginkor bat garatzea da, zeinek exekuzio denbora apropos baten, eta lehen, azken edo beste edozein bitarteko geldialditan errelebua baimenduz, hiriarteko sare baten diharduen garraio publikoko autobus konpainia batek behar duen tripulazioa minimizatzen duen". Horrela, eta konpainia erreal baten tripulazioaren planifikazioa oinarritzat hartuta, literaturan aurkitutako bi ikerketa-hutsune aztertu dira. Alde batetik, zenbatetan mugatu ezak eta lehen, azken edo beste edozein bitarteko geldialditan errelebuak baimentzeak daukan inpaktua aztertuko da. Bestalde, planifikatzerakoan ezaugarri ezberdinak dituzten zerbitzuek errestrikzio ezberdinak kontsideratzea behartzen dutenean, planifikazio prozesua aztertu da. Bi prozedura aztertu dira: arazoa zerbitzuen ezaugarrien araberako planifikazio independentetan banatzea edo errestrikzio gogorrenak kontsideratuta, planifikazio bakar bat osatzea. Ikerketaren metodologiari dagokionez, Eragiketen Ikerketako (Winston, Goldberg 2004) zazpi urratsak jarraitu dira: (1) arazoa formulatzea, (2) sistemaren behaketa, (3) arazoaren eredua formulatu, (4) eredua egiaztatzea eta aurreikuspenerako erabiltzea, (5) aukera egokia aukeratzea, (6) azterketaren emaitzak eta ondorioak aurkeztea eta (7) gomendioak ezartzea eta ebaluatzea. Emaitzen arabera, kasu batzuetan ikertu diren bi faktoreek emaitza hobeagoak dakartzatela baieztatu da.A proper crew scheduling impacts on the operational cost of public transport companies. The difficulty of the crew scheduling is due to two main aspects (Esclapés 2001, Bonrostro, Yusta 2003, Ernst et al. 2004, Van den Bergh et al. 2013, Ibarra-Rojas et al. 2015, Li et al. 2015): first, it is part of a larger problem, the Vehicle and Crew Scheduling Problem. Second, the differences among network features, resources of companies, regulatory restrictions or labour agreements make the solutions particular to each company. The main objective of the present research work is “to develop an efficient algorithm which minimizes in an acceptable execution time the Crew Scheduling Problem of an interurban passenger public transport bus company, allowing unlimited drivers’ reliefs that can occur at first, last or any other intermediate stop of a line”. So, using this tool on a real company’s crew scheduling problem, two research gaps found in the analysis of the literature have been examined. On one hand, the impact of allowing unlimited drivers’ reliefs that can occur at first, last or any other intermediate stop of a line. On the other hand, the impact of the scheduling procedure when restrictions vary depending on the type of service that is included in the duty. Two procedures have been studied: dividing the problem into independent problems or scheduling globally under the most limited restrictions. Concerning the research methodology, the seven steps of Operations Research (Winston, Goldberg 2004) have been followed: (1) formulate the problem, (2) observe the system, (3) formulate a model of the problem, (4) verify the model and use the model for prediction, (5) select a suitable alternative, (6) present the results and conclusion of the study and (7) implement and evaluate the recommendations. The results show that occasionally it is worthy to consider both investigated factors

    Rethinking the Process of Operational Research & Systems Analysis

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    Both practitioners and teachers of OR and Applied Systems Analysis have suffered from the fact that, until the present, the subject has lacked a firm methodological base. A simple explanation for this is that the subject has its formal origins in traditional laboratory science, but that its practice lies firmly in the realm of applied social science. Both supporters and opponents of the subject, have, therefore tended to define it to suit their own purposes, and practitioners have, by and large, explained themselves in terms of "this is what I do". There has been increasing dissatisfaction with this state of affairs and in recent years a number of researchers and practitioners in different countries have set out to provide a more rigorous framework for understanding what the subject is really about; based on successful experience, rather than on hypothetical ideas as to what the subject should be. This book is the consequence of a meeting between a distinguished group of such practitioners and methodologists at a seminar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in August 1980. They found that there was a substantial agreement as to how the subject should be described and went away to write their own personal commentary on this common overview. The papers are diverse in style and intention -- some are intensely practical, others are deeply philosophical. Together they provide, perhaps for the first time a coherent, interlocking, set of ideas which can be considered as the foundations on which we may describe the subject as a science in its own right. Practitioners and teachers of OR and Systems Analysis will find the book directly useful as well as intellectualy stimulating, and philosophers of science will find much in it that is relevant to their thinking