851 research outputs found

    Virtual tools in the concept of reading of future teachers: a lexical exploration

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    New forms of reading have emerged recently, and virtual tools and environments have been developed to promote reading. Initial teacher training must be up to date to train good mediators. Therefore, this research analyses the presence of digital tools in the concept of reading of future teachers. The data has been collected through a lexical availability test to explore the centre of interest “Reading” and a sociodemographic questionnaire with questions related to reading and knowledge of languages. 520 students from the degrees in Early Childhood and Primary Education at the University of Malaga have participated. Dispogen has been used to process the available lexicon and the SPSS package has been used for the statistical analysis. In addition, clusters have been obtained from the lexicon related to digital tools using the DispoGrafo tool. The results show a motivation to read on social networks and a rootedness of the lexicon referred to digital media: e-book, Kindle, specifying format: PDF, Word, and type of reading: digital review, Academic Google, but they do not demonstrate a lexical domain for the formation of new readers

    Chilean testimonial literature| The collective suffering of a people

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    Análisis dogmático del derecho disciplinario colombiano

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    Artículo de investigaciónEn la doctrina y la jurisprudencia actual se presenta una perniciosa identificación entre el derecho penal y el derecho disciplinario, que como se sabe son dos instituciones esenciales para el funcionamiento del Estado Social Democrático de Derecho, en la práctica generalmente se superponen de tal manera que lo que se predica de una se predica de la otra, confundiendo así sus cometidos específicos. En ese sentido ha resultado imperioso tanto para la doctrina, como para el Consejo Superior de la Judicatura, dotar al derecho disciplinario de un perfil propio por medio de la dogmática jurídica pues la tendencia general es considerar que es una especie de apéndice del derecho penal, ubicable dentro del marco general de lo que se conoce como el derecho sancionador del Estado, dotado de la facultad o poder de sancionar que este tiene y que se representa en el conocido ius puniendi.37 p.RESUMEN ABSTRACT INTRODUCCIÓN 1. La Dogmática en el Derecho. 2. Naturaleza del Derecho Disciplinario desde el punto de vista de la posturas tradicionales 3. Fundamentos teóricos para la construcción de una dogmática del derecho disciplinario colombiano. CONCLUSIONES. REFERENCIASPregradoAbogad

    The communication problems of Spanish researchers to get research articles published in Applied Linguistics English-medium journals: proposal and analysis

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    This paper is a revised version of a three-hour seminar given in Spanish at the VIII Semana de la Ciencia en Madrid, Spain, 18 November 2008, under the title: ¿Es el discurso científico universal en su contenido y forma?. The purpose of this seminar was to introduce a non-specialised audience to a relatively new field of research within Applied Linguistics, known as Intercultural Rhetoric. This research field mainly seeks to describe and explain the communication problems encountered by writers for whom English is an additional language when they express their ideas in some genre (usually in English) in order to communicate with an international audience. It also aims to identify the main accommodations that are necessary for these writers to be successful. In the present seminar I focus on the academic genre known as the research article in English and on one neglected population of writers: Spanish researchers, in one particular academic discipline, Applied Linguistics (AL). In order to situate the types of communication problems Spanish researchers in AL experience when operating in this genre, I first describe the context in which these problems can be best detected, the review process of a manuscript submitted for publication in journals of this discipline. Then, based on a small corpus of reports from peer reviewers in AL, I give account of various types of communication problems which make it necessary for Spanish authors in AL to revise their manuscripts and I discuss the most difficult problems to repair. The framework of analysis that I propose first distinguishes between problems with language form versus problems with language content/discourse conventions. It also distinguishes between general communication problems, problems specific to scientific communication and intercultural communication problems. Finally, based on previous empirical Spanish-English contrastive studies of academic discourse which reveal relevant crosscultural rhetorical differences, I launch the hypothesis that that such differences in rhetoric might account for some of the communication problems observed in the peer review process of this small sample of manuscripts. This paper can be cited as follows: Moreno, A. I. (2012). The communication problems of Spanish researchers to get research articles published in Applied Linguistics English-medium journals: proposal and analysis. URL: https://buleria.unileon.es/handle/10612/1756 [06/06/2012

    Estrategias de enseñanza de la comprensión lectora aplicadas y percibidas: un estudio con docentes y estudiantes de cuarto grado de educación básica de Manabí-Ecuador

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    El alumnado que accede a un determinado ciclo de estudios ha de haber demostrado de forma eficiente las competencias de lectoescritura que adquirió en el ciclo anterior y que le permitirán continuar con una adecuada formación. Sin embargo, los datos muestran una realidad diferente. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar cuáles son las principales estrategias metodológicas utilizadas por el profesorado en la enseñanza para la comprensión de textos escritos en el contexto de la Educación General Básica de los distritos de Chone-Flavio Alfaro, Manta-Montecristi-Jaramijó, Portoviejo, Jipijapa y El Carmen de la provincia de Manabí (Ecuador). Se aplicó una encuesta a 172 docentes de cuarto grado y a 4310 estudiantes, instrumento que había sido previamente validado por un grupo de expertos mediante el método Delphi. Los resultados de este estudio indican que existen diferencias significativas entre los datos provenientes del profesorado y los del alumnado. Se concluye que los perfiles docentes desarrollados en las aulas se sustentan en modelos pedagógicos tradicionales (tales como el conductismo, cognitivismo y constructivismo) y que, por lo tanto, es necesario aplicar nuevas estrategias metodológicas en la enseñanza de la lectura comprensiva, ya que estas pueden proporcionar interesantes beneficios académicos. &nbsp

    October 7, 1999, Ohio University Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

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    Meeting minutes document the activities of Ohio University\u27s Board of Trustees

    La literatura y el proceso lector en L2/LE

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    In this paper we review some of the latest theoretical contributions that have been published around the use of literature and the reading process in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign or second language. Therefore, in the first part of the study we focus particularly on the research around motivation, specifically how to motivate the student to read literature. In the second part, we present the factors that interact in the reading process in the acquisition of a foreign language and the reading comprehension strategies that can be used throughout the learning process. The main objective of this study has been to present the resources available in both fields of research in order to enhance the motivation and confidence of the A2 level student when faced with reading a literary text in a foreign language class

    La metaficcionalidad de la historia y del discurso narrativo de "El muerto" de Borges

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