217 research outputs found

    Integrating Distributional, Compositional, and Relational Approaches to Neural Word Representations

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    When the field of natural language processing (NLP) entered the era of deep neural networks, the task of representing basic units of language, an inherently sparse and symbolic medium, using low-dimensional dense real-valued vectors, or embeddings, became crucial. The dominant technique to perform this task has for years been to segment input text sequences into space-delimited words, for which embeddings are trained over a large corpus by means of leveraging distributional information: a word is reducible to the set of contexts it appears in. This approach is powerful but imperfect; words not seen during the embedding learning phase, known as out-of-vocabulary words (OOVs), emerge in any plausible application where embeddings are used. One approach applied in order to combat this and other shortcomings is the incorporation of compositional information obtained from the surface form of words, enabling the representation of morphological regularities and increasing robustness to typographical errors. Another approach leverages word-sense information and relations curated in large semantic graph resources, offering a supervised signal for embedding space structure and improving representations for domain-specific rare words. In this dissertation, I offer several analyses and remedies for the OOV problem based on the utilization of character-level compositional information in multiple languages and the structure of semantic knowledge in English. In addition, I provide two novel datasets for the continued exploration of vocabulary expansion in English: one with a taxonomic emphasis on novel word formation, and the other generated by a real-world data-driven use case in the entity graph domain. Finally, recognizing the recent shift in NLP towards contextualized representations of subword tokens, I describe the form in which the OOV problem still appears in these methods, and apply an integrative compositional model to address it.Ph.D

    Neural Machine Translation Inspired Binary Code Similarity Comparison beyond Function Pairs

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    Binary code analysis allows analyzing binary code without having access to the corresponding source code. A binary, after disassembly, is expressed in an assembly language. This inspires us to approach binary analysis by leveraging ideas and techniques from Natural Language Processing (NLP), a rich area focused on processing text of various natural languages. We notice that binary code analysis and NLP share a lot of analogical topics, such as semantics extraction, summarization, and classification. This work utilizes these ideas to address two important code similarity comparison problems. (I) Given a pair of basic blocks for different instruction set architectures (ISAs), determining whether their semantics is similar or not; and (II) given a piece of code of interest, determining if it is contained in another piece of assembly code for a different ISA. The solutions to these two problems have many applications, such as cross-architecture vulnerability discovery and code plagiarism detection. We implement a prototype system INNEREYE and perform a comprehensive evaluation. A comparison between our approach and existing approaches to Problem I shows that our system outperforms them in terms of accuracy, efficiency and scalability. And the case studies utilizing the system demonstrate that our solution to Problem II is effective. Moreover, this research showcases how to apply ideas and techniques from NLP to large-scale binary code analysis.Comment: Accepted by Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium 201

    Learning Chinese language structures with multiple views

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    Motivated by the inadequacy of single view approaches in many areas in NLP, we study multi-view Chinese language processing, including word segmentation, part-of-speech (POS) tagging, syntactic parsing and semantic role labeling (SRL), in this thesis. We consider three situations of multiple views in statistical NLP: (1) Heterogeneous computational models have been designed for a given problem; (2) Heterogeneous annotation data is available to train systems; (3) Supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques are applicable. First, we comparatively analyze successful single view approaches for Chinese lexical, syntactic and semantic processing. Our analysis highlights the diversity between heterogenous systems built on different views, and motivates us to improve the state-of-the-art by combining or integrating heterogeneous approaches. Second, we study the annotation ensemble problem, i.e. learning from multiple data sets under different annotation standards. We propose a series of generalized stacking models to effectively utilize heterogeneous labeled data to reduce approximation errors for word segmentation and parsing. Finally, we are concerned with bridging the gap between unsupervised and supervised learning paradigms. We introduce feature induction solutions that harvest useful linguistic knowledge from large-scale unlabeled data and effectively use them as new features to enhance discriminative learning based systems. For word segmentation, we present a comparative study of word-based and character-based approaches. Inspired by the diversity of the two views, we design a novel stacked sub-word tagging model for joint word segmentation and POS tagging, which is robust to integrate different models, even models trained on heterogeneous annotations. To benefit from unsupervised word segmentation, we derive expressive string knowledge from unlabeled data which significantly enhances a strong supervised segmenter. For POS tagging, we introduce two linguistically motivated improvements: (1) combining syntax-free sequential tagging and syntax-based chart parsing results to better capture syntagmatic lexical relations and (2) integrating word clusters acquired from unlabeled data to better capture paradigmatic lexical relations. For syntactic parsing, we present a comparative analysis for generative PCFG-LA constituency parsing and discriminative graph-based dependency parsing. To benefit from the diversity of parsing in different formalisms, we implement a previously introduced stacking method and propose a novel Bagging model to combine complementary strengths of grammar-free and grammar-based models. In addition to the study on the syntactic formalism, we also propose a reranking model to explore heterogenous treebanks that are labeled under different annotation scheme. Finally, we continue our efforts on combining strengths of supervised and unsupervised learning, and evaluate the impact of word clustering on different syntactic processing tasks. Our work on SRL focus on improving the full parsing method with linguistically rich features and a chunking strategy. Furthermore, we developed a partial parsing based semantic chunking method, which has complementary strengths to the full parsing based method. Based on our work, Zhuang and Zong (2010) successfully improve the state-of-the-art by combining full and partial parsing based SRL systems.Motiviert durch die Unzulänglichkeit der Ansätze mit dem einzigen Ansicht in vielen Bereichen in NLP, untersuchen wir Chinesische Sprache Verarbeitung mit mehrfachen Ansichten, einschließlich Wortsegmentierung, Part-of-Speech (POS)-Tagging und syntaktische Parsing und die Kennzeichnung der semantische Rolle (SRL) in dieser Arbeit . Wir betrachten drei Situationen von mehreren Ansichten in der statistischen NLP: (1) Heterogene computergestützte Modelle sind für ein gegebenes Problem entwurft, (2) Heterogene Annotationsdaten sind verfügbar, um die Systeme zu trainieren, (3) überwachten und unüberwachten Methoden des maschinellen Lernens sind zur Verfügung gestellt. Erstens, wir analysieren vergleichsweise erfolgreiche Ansätze mit einzigen Ansicht für chinesische lexikalische, syntaktische und semantische Verarbeitung. Unsere Analyse zeigt die Unterschiede zwischen den heterogenen Systemen, die auf verschiedenen Ansichten gebaut werden, und motiviert uns, die state-of-the-Art durch die Kombination oder Integration heterogener Ansätze zu verbessern. Zweitens, untersuchen wir die Annotation Ensemble Problem, d.h. das Lernen aus mehreren Datensätzen unter verschiedenen Annotation Standards. Wir schlagen eine Reihe allgemeiner Stapeln Modelle, um eine effektive Nutzung heterogener Daten zu beschriften, und um Approximationsfehler für Wort Segmentierung und Analyse zu reduzieren. Schließlich sind wir besorgt mit der Überbrückung der Kluft zwischen unüberwachten und überwachten Lernens Paradigmen. Wir führen Induktion Feature-Lösungen, die nützliche Sprachkenntnisse von großflächigen unmarkierter Daten ernte, und die effektiv nutzen als neue Features, um die unterscheidenden Lernen basierten Systemen zu verbessern. Für die Wortsegmentierung, präsentieren wir eine vergleichende Studie der Wort-basierte und Charakter-basierten Ansätzen. Inspiriert von der Vielfalt der beiden Ansichten, entwerfen wir eine neuartige gestapelt Sub-Wort-Tagging-Modell für gemeinsame Wort-Segmentierung und POS-Tagging, die robust ist, um verschiedene Modelle zu integrieren, auch Modelle auf heterogenen Annotationen geschult. Um den unbeaufsichtigten Wortsegmentierung zu profitieren, leiten wir ausdrucksstarke Zeichenfolge Wissen von unmarkierten Daten. Diese Methode hat eine überwachte Methode erheblich verbessert. Für POS-Tagging, führen wir zwei linguistisch motiviert Verbesserungen: (1) die Kombination von Syntaxfreie sequentielle Tagging und Syntaxbasierten Grafik-Parsing-Ergebnisse, um syntagmatische lexikalische Beziehungen besser zu erfassen (2) die Integration von Wortclusteren von nicht markierte Daten, um die paradigmatische lexikalische Beziehungen besser zu erfassen. Für syntaktische Parsing präsentieren wir eine vergleichenbare Analyse für generative PCFG-LA Wahlkreis Parsing und diskriminierende Graphen-basierte Abhängigkeit Parsing. Um aus der Vielfalt der Parsen in unterschiedlichen Formalismen zu profitieren, setzen wir eine zuvor eingeführte Stacking-Methode und schlagen eine neuartige Schrumpfbeutel-Modell vor, um die ergänzenden Stärken der Grammatik und Grammatik-free-basierte Modelle zu kombinieren. Neben dem syntaktischen Formalismus, wir schlagen auch ein Modell, um heterogene reranking Baumbanken, die unter verschiedenen Annotationsschema beschriftet sind zu erkunden. Schließlich setzen wir unsere Bemühungen auf die Bündelung von Stärken des überwachten und unüberwachten Lernen, und bewerten wir die Auswirkungen der Wort-Clustering auf verschiedene syntaktische Verarbeitung Aufgaben. Unsere Arbeit an SRL ist konzentriert auf die Verbesserung der vollen Parsingsmethode mit linguistischen umfangreichen Funktionen und einer Chunkingstrategie. Weiterhin entwickelten wir eine semantische Chunkingmethode basiert auf dem partiellen Parsing, die die komplementäre Stärken gegen die die Methode basiert auf dem vollen Parsing hat. Basiert auf unserer Arbeit, Zhuang und Zong (2010) hat den aktuelle Stand erfolgreich verbessert durch die Kombination von voll-und partielle-Parsing basierte SRL Systeme

    An Evasion Attack against ML-based Phishing URL Detectors

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    Background: Over the year, Machine Learning Phishing URL classification (MLPU) systems have gained tremendous popularity to detect phishing URLs proactively. Despite this vogue, the security vulnerabilities of MLPUs remain mostly unknown. Aim: To address this concern, we conduct a study to understand the test time security vulnerabilities of the state-of-the-art MLPU systems, aiming at providing guidelines for the future development of these systems. Method: In this paper, we propose an evasion attack framework against MLPU systems. To achieve this, we first develop an algorithm to generate adversarial phishing URLs. We then reproduce 41 MLPU systems and record their baseline performance. Finally, we simulate an evasion attack to evaluate these MLPU systems against our generated adversarial URLs. Results: In comparison to previous works, our attack is: (i) effective as it evades all the models with an average success rate of 66% and 85% for famous (such as Netflix, Google) and less popular phishing targets (e.g., Wish, JBHIFI, Officeworks) respectively; (ii) realistic as it requires only 23ms to produce a new adversarial URL variant that is available for registration with a median cost of only $11.99/year. We also found that popular online services such as Google SafeBrowsing and VirusTotal are unable to detect these URLs. (iii) We find that Adversarial training (successful defence against evasion attack) does not significantly improve the robustness of these systems as it decreases the success rate of our attack by only 6% on average for all the models. (iv) Further, we identify the security vulnerabilities of the considered MLPU systems. Our findings lead to promising directions for future research. Conclusion: Our study not only illustrate vulnerabilities in MLPU systems but also highlights implications for future study towards assessing and improving these systems.Comment: Draft for ACM TOP

    Understanding and Enhancing the Use of Context for Machine Translation

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    To understand and infer meaning in language, neural models have to learn complicated nuances. Discovering distinctive linguistic phenomena from data is not an easy task. For instance, lexical ambiguity is a fundamental feature of language which is challenging to learn. Even more prominently, inferring the meaning of rare and unseen lexical units is difficult with neural networks. Meaning is often determined from context. With context, languages allow meaning to be conveyed even when the specific words used are not known by the reader. To model this learning process, a system has to learn from a few instances in context and be able to generalize well to unseen cases. The learning process is hindered when training data is scarce for a task. Even with sufficient data, learning patterns for the long tail of the lexical distribution is challenging. In this thesis, we focus on understanding certain potentials of contexts in neural models and design augmentation models to benefit from them. We focus on machine translation as an important instance of the more general language understanding problem. To translate from a source language to a target language, a neural model has to understand the meaning of constituents in the provided context and generate constituents with the same meanings in the target language. This task accentuates the value of capturing nuances of language and the necessity of generalization from few observations. The main problem we study in this thesis is what neural machine translation models learn from data and how we can devise more focused contexts to enhance this learning. Looking more in-depth into the role of context and the impact of data on learning models is essential to advance the NLP field. Moreover, it helps highlight the vulnerabilities of current neural networks and provides insights into designing more robust models.Comment: PhD dissertation defended on November 10th, 202

    Analyzing short-answer questions and their automatic scoring - studies on semantic relations in reading comprehension and the reduction of human annotation effort

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    Short-answer questions are a wide-spread exercise type in many educational areas. Answers given by learners to such questions are scored by teachers based on their content alone ignoring their linguistic correctness as far as possible. They typically have a length of up to a few sentences. Manual scoring is a time-consuming task, so that automatic scoring of short-answer questions using natural language processing techniques has become an important task. This thesis focuses on two aspects of short-answer questions and their scoring: First, we concentrate on a reading comprehension scenario for learners of German as a foreign language, where students answer questions about a reading text. Within this scenario, we examine the multiple relations between reading texts, learner answers and teacher-specified target answers. Second, we investigate how to reduce human scoring workload by both fully automatic and computer-assisted scoring. The latter is a scenario where scoring is not done entirely automatically, but where a teacher receives scoring support, for example, by means of clustering similar answers together. Addressing the first aspect, we conduct a series of corpus annotation studies which highlight the relations between pairs of learner answers and target answers, as well as between both types of answers and the reading text they refer to. We annotate sentences from the reading text that were potentially used by learners or teachers for constructing answers and observe that, unsurprisingly, most correct answers can easily be linked to the text; incorrect answers often link to the text as well, but are often backed up by a part of the text not relevant to answer the question. Based on these findings, we create a new baseline scoring model which considers for correctness whether learners looked for an answer in the right place or not. After identifying those links into the text, we label the relation between learner answers and target answers as well as between reading texts and answers by annotating entailment relations. In contrast to the widespread assumption that scoring can be fully mapped to the task of recognizing textual entailment, we find the two tasks to be only closely related and not completely equivalent. Correct answers do often, but not always, entail the target answer, as well as part of the related text, and incorrect answers do most of the time not stand in an entailment relation to the target answer, but often have some overlap with the text. This close relatedness allows us to use gold-standard entailment information to improve the performance of automatic scoring. We also use links between learner answers and both reading texts and target answers in a statistical alignment-based scoring approach using methods from machine translation and reach a performance comparable to an existing knowledge-based alignment approach. Our investigations into how human scoring effort can be reduced when learner answers are manually scored by teachers are based on two methods: active learning and clustering. In the active learning approach, we score particularly informative items first, i.e., items from which a classifier can learn most, identifying them using uncertainty-based sample selection. In this way, we reach a higher performance with a given number of annotation steps compared to randomly selected answers. In the second research strand, we use clustering methods to group similar answers together, such that groups of answers can be scored in one scoring step. In doing so, the number of necessary labeling steps can be substantially reduced. When comparing clustering-based scoring to classical supervised machine learning setups, where the human annotations are used to train a classifier, supervised machine learning is still in the lead in terms of performance, whereas clusters provide the advantage of structured output. However, we are able to close part of the performance gap by means of supervised feature selection and semi-supervised clustering. In an additional study, we investigate the automatic processing of learner language with respect to the performance of part-of-speech (POS) tagging tools. We manually annotate a German reading comprehension corpus both with spelling normalization and POS information and find that the performance of automatic POS tagging can be improved by spell-checking the data using the reading text as additional evidence for lexical material intended in a learner answer.Short-Answer-Fragen sind ein weit verbreiteter Aufgabentyp in vielen Bildungsbereichen. Die Antworten, die Lerner zu solchen Aufgaben geben, werden von Lehrenden allein auf Grundlage ihres Inhalts bewertet; linguistische Korrektheit wird soweit möglich ignoriert. Diese Doktorarbeit legt ihren Schwerpunkt auf zwei Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit Short- Answer-Fragen und ihrer Bewertung: Zum einen betrachten wir ein Leseverständnisszenario, bei dem Studenten Fragen zu Lesetexten beantworten. Dabei untersuchen wir insbesondere die verschiedenen Beziehungen, die es zwischen Lesetexten, Lernerantworten und vom Lehrer erstellten Musterantworten gibt. Zum anderen untersuchen wir, wie der menschliche Bewertungsaufwand durch voll-automatisches und computergestütztes Bewerten reduziert werden kann. Bei letzterem handelt es sich um ein Szenario, in dem Lehrer bei der Bewertung unterstützt werden, z.B. indem ähnliche Antworten automatisch gruppiert werden. Zur Untersuchung des ersten Aspekts unternehmen wir eine Reihe von Korpusannotationsstudien, die sowohl die Beziehungen zwischen Lerner- und Musterantworten beleuchten, als auch die Beziehung zwischen diesen Antworten und dem Lesetext, auf den sie sich beziehen. Wir annotieren Sätze aus dem Lesetext, die vermutlich bei der Formulierung einer Antwort benutzt wurden und machen die zu erwartende Beobachtung, dass die meisten korrekten Antworten problemlos mit bestimmten Textpassagen in Verbindung gebracht werden können. Inkorrekte Antworten haben ebenfalls oft eine Verbindung zu bestimmten Textpassagen, die aber oft für die jeweilige Frage nicht relevant sind. Auf Grundlage dieser Erkenntnisse entwerfen wir ein neues Baseline-Bewertungsmodell, das für die Korrektheit einer Antwort nur in Betracht zieht, ob der Lerner die Antwort an der richtigen Stelle im Lesetext gesucht hat oder nicht. Nachdem wir diese Verbindungen in den Text identifiziert haben, annotieren wir die Relation zwischen Lerner- und Musterantworten und zwischen Texten und Antworten mit Entailment- Relationen. Im Gegensatz zur der weitverbreiteten Annahme, dass das Bewerten von Short- Answer-Fragen und das Erkennen von Textual-Entailment-Relationen zwischen Lerner und Musterantworten sich direkt entsprechen, finden wir heraus, dass die beiden Aufgaben nur nahe verwandt aber nicht vollständig äquivalent sind. Korrekte Antworten entailen meistens, aber nicht immer, die Musterantwort und auch den entsprechenden Satz im Lesetext. Inkorrekte Antworten stehen meist in keiner Entailmentrelation mit der Musterantwort, haben aber oft zumindest teilweisen Overlap mit dem Text. Diese nahe Verwandtschaft erlaubt es uns, Goldstandard-Entailmentinformation zu benutzen, um die Performanz beim automatischen Bewerten zu verbessern. Wir benutzen die annotierten Verbindungen zwischen Lesetexten und Antworten auch in einem Scoringansatz, der auf statistischem Alignment basiert und Methoden aus dem Bereich der maschinellen Übersetzung nutzt. Dabei erreichen wir eine Scoringgenauigkeit, die mit Ansätzen, die ein existierendes wissensbasiertes Alignment nutzen, vergleichbar ist. Unsere Untersuchungen, wie der Bewertungsaufwand beim Menschen verringert werden kann, wenn Antworten vom Lehrer manuell bewertet werden, basieren auf zwei Methoden: Active Learning und Clustering. Beim Active-Learning-Ansatz werden besonders informative Antworten vorrangig zur Bewertung ausgewählt, d.h. solche Antworten, von denen ein Klassifikator besonders viel lernen kann. Wir identifizieren solche Antworten durch Uncertainty-Sampling- Methoden und erreichen dadurch mit einer gegebenen Anzahl von Annotationsschritten eine höhere Klassifikationsgenauigkeit als mit zufällig ausgewählten Antworten. In unserem zweiten Forschungszweig nutzen wir Clusteringmethoden um ähnliche Antworten zu gruppieren, so dass Gruppen von Antworten in einem Annotationsschritt bewertet werden können. Dadurch kann die Anzahl der insgesamt nötigen Bewertungsschritte drastisch reduziert werden. Beim Vergleich zwischen clusteringbasierten Bewertungsverfahren und klassischem überwachten maschinellen Lernen, bei dem menschliche Annotationen dazu genutzt werden, einen Klassifikator zu trainieren, erbringen überwachte maschinelle Lernverfahren immer noch eine höhere Bewertungsgenauigkeit. Demgegenüber bringen Cluster den Vorteil eines strukturierten Outputs mit sich. Wir sind jedoch in der Lage, einen Teil diese Genauigkeitslücke zu schließen, in dem wir überwachte Featureauswahl und halbüberwachtes Clustering anwenden. In einer zusätzlichen Studie untersuchen wir die automatische Verarbeitung von Lernersprache im Hinblick auf die Performanz vonWerkzeugen für dasWortarten-Tagging. Wir annotieren ein deutsches Leseverstehenskorpus manuell sowohl mit Normalisierungsinformation in Bezug auf Rechtschreibung als auch mit Wortartinformation. Als Ergebnis der Studie finden wir, dass die Performanz bei der automatischen Wortartenzuweisung durch Rechtschreibkorrektur verbessert werden kann, insbesondere wenn wir den Lesetext als zusätzliche Evidenz dafür verwenden, welche Wörter der Leser in einer Antwort vermutlich benutzen wollte

    Temporal Context Modeling for Text Streams

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    There is increasing recognition that time plays an essential role in many information seeking tasks. This dissertation explores temporal models on evolving streams of text and the role that such models play in improving information access. I consider two cases: a stream of social media posts by many users for tweet search and a stream of queries by an individual user for voice search. My work explores the relationship between temporal models and context models: for tweet search, the evolution of an event serves as the context of clustering relevant tweets; for voice search, the user's history of queries provides the context for helping understand her true information need. First, I tackle the tweet search problem by modeling the temporal contexts of the underlying collection. The intuition is that an information need in Twitter usually correlates with a breaking news event, thus tweets posted during that event are more likely to be relevant. I explore techniques to model two different types of temporal signals: pseudo trend and query trend. The pseudo trend is estimated through the distribution of timestamps from an initial list of retrieved documents given a query, which I model through continuous hidden Markov approach as well as neural network-based methods for relevance ranking and sequence modeling. As an alternative, the query trend, is directly estimated from the temporal statistics of query terms, obviating the need for an initial retrieval. I propose two different approaches to exploit query trends: a linear feature-based ranking model and a regression-based model that recover the distribution of relevant documents directly from query trends. Extensive experiments on standard Twitter collections demonstrate the superior effectivenesses of my proposed techniques. Second, I introduce the novel problem of voice search on an entertainment platform, where users interact with a voice-enabled remote controller through voice requests to search for TV programs. Such queries range from specific program navigation (i.e., watch a movie) to requests with vague intents and even queries that have nothing to do with watching TV. I present successively richer neural network architectures to tackle this challenge based on two key insights: The first is that session context can be exploited to disambiguate queries and recover from ASR errors, which I operationalize with hierarchical recurrent neural networks. The second insight is that query understanding requires evidence integration across multiple related tasks, which I identify as program prediction, intent classification, and query tagging. I present a novel multi-task neural architecture that jointly learns to accomplish all three tasks. The first model, already deployed in production, serves millions of queries daily with an improved customer experience. The multi-task learning model is evaluated on carefully-controlled laboratory experiments, which demonstrates further gains in effectiveness and increased system capabilities. This work now serves as the core technology in Comcast Xfinity X1 entertainment platform, which won an Emmy award in 2017 for the technical contribution in advancing television technologies. This dissertation presents families of techniques for modeling temporal information as contexts to assist applications with streaming inputs, such as tweet search and voice search. My models not only establish the state-of-the-art effectivenesses on many related tasks, but also reveal insights of how various temporal patterns could impact real information-seeking processes

    A common semantic space for monolingual and cross-lingual meta-embeddings

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    This master’s thesis presents a new technique for creating monolingual and cross-lingual meta-embeddings. Our method integrates multiple word embeddings created from complementary techniques, textual sources, knowledge bases and languages. Existing word vectors are projected to a common semantic space using linear transformations and averaging. With our method the resulting meta-embeddings maintain the dimensionality of the original embeddings without losing information while dealing with the out-of-vocabulary (OOV) problem. Furthermore, empirical evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of our technique with respect to previous work on various intrinsic and extrinsic multilingual evaluations