6,413 research outputs found

    Foreground and background text in retrieval

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    Our hypothesis is that certain clauses have foreground functions in text, while other clauses have background functions and that these functions are expressed or reflected in the syntactic structure of the clause. Presumably these clauses will have differing utility for automatic approaches to text understanding; a summarization system might want to utilize background clauses to capture commonalities between numbers of documents while an indexing system might use foreground clauses in order to capture specific characteristics of a certain document

    On the Application of Generic Summarization Algorithms to Music

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    Several generic summarization algorithms were developed in the past and successfully applied in fields such as text and speech summarization. In this paper, we review and apply these algorithms to music. To evaluate this summarization's performance, we adopt an extrinsic approach: we compare a Fado Genre Classifier's performance using truncated contiguous clips against the summaries extracted with those algorithms on 2 different datasets. We show that Maximal Marginal Relevance (MMR), LexRank and Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) all improve classification performance in both datasets used for testing.Comment: 12 pages, 1 table; Submitted to IEEE Signal Processing Letter

    SeLeCT: a lexical cohesion based news story segmentation system

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    In this paper we compare the performance of three distinct approaches to lexical cohesion based text segmentation. Most work in this area has focused on the discovery of textual units that discuss subtopic structure within documents. In contrast our segmentation task requires the discovery of topical units of text i.e., distinct news stories from broadcast news programmes. Our approach to news story segmentation (the SeLeCT system) is based on an analysis of lexical cohesive strength between textual units using a linguistic technique called lexical chaining. We evaluate the relative performance of SeLeCT with respect to two other cohesion based segmenters: TextTiling and C99. Using a recently introduced evaluation metric WindowDiff, we contrast the segmentation accuracy of each system on both "spoken" (CNN news transcripts) and "written" (Reuters newswire) news story test sets extracted from the TDT1 corpus

    Improving Long Document Topic Segmentation Models With Enhanced Coherence Modeling

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    Topic segmentation is critical for obtaining structured documents and improving downstream tasks such as information retrieval. Due to its ability of automatically exploring clues of topic shift from abundant labeled data, recent supervised neural models have greatly promoted the development of long document topic segmentation, but leaving the deeper relationship between coherence and topic segmentation underexplored. Therefore, this paper enhances the ability of supervised models to capture coherence from both logical structure and semantic similarity perspectives to further improve the topic segmentation performance, proposing Topic-aware Sentence Structure Prediction (TSSP) and Contrastive Semantic Similarity Learning (CSSL). Specifically, the TSSP task is proposed to force the model to comprehend structural information by learning the original relations between adjacent sentences in a disarrayed document, which is constructed by jointly disrupting the original document at topic and sentence levels. Moreover, we utilize inter- and intra-topic information to construct contrastive samples and design the CSSL objective to ensure that the sentences representations in the same topic have higher similarity, while those in different topics are less similar. Extensive experiments show that the Longformer with our approach significantly outperforms old state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods. Our approach improve F1F_1 of old SOTA by 3.42 (73.74 -> 77.16) and reduces PkP_k by 1.11 points (15.0 -> 13.89) on WIKI-727K and achieves an average relative reduction of 4.3% on PkP_k on WikiSection. The average relative PkP_k drop of 8.38% on two out-of-domain datasets also demonstrates the robustness of our approach.Comment: Accepted by EMNLP 2023. Codes is available at https://github.com/alibaba-damo-academy/SpokenNLP