12,569 research outputs found

    Using Word Embedding to Evaluate the Coherence of Topics from Twitter Data

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    Scholars often seek to understand topics discussed on Twitter using topic modelling approaches. Several coherence metrics have been proposed for evaluating the coherence of the topics generated by these approaches, including the pre-calculated Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) of word pairs and the Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) word representation vectors. As Twitter data contains abbreviations and a number of peculiarities (e.g. hashtags), it can be challenging to train effective PMI data or LSA word representation. Recently, Word Embedding (WE) has emerged as a particularly effective approach for capturing the similarity among words. Hence, in this paper, we propose new Word Embedding-based topic coherence metrics. To determine the usefulness of these new metrics, we compare them with the previous PMI/LSA-based metrics. We also conduct a large-scale crowdsourced user study to determine whether the new Word Embedding-based metrics better align with human preferences. Using two Twitter datasets, our results show that the WE-based metrics can capture the coherence of topics in tweets more robustly and efficiently than the PMI/LSA-based ones

    Italian Event Detection Goes Deep Learning

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    This paper reports on a set of experiments with different word embeddings to initialize a state-of-the-art Bi-LSTM-CRF network for event detection and classification in Italian, following the EVENTI evaluation exercise. The net- work obtains a new state-of-the-art result by improving the F1 score for detection of 1.3 points, and of 6.5 points for classification, by using a single step approach. The results also provide further evidence that embeddings have a major impact on the performance of such architectures.Comment: to appear at CLiC-it 201

    Uncertainty Detection as Approximate Max-Margin Sequence Labelling

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    This paper reports experiments for the CoNLL 2010 shared task on learning to detect hedges and their scope in natural language text. We have addressed the experimental tasks as supervised linear maximum margin prediction problems. For sentence level hedge detection in the biological domain we use an L1-regularised binary support vector machine, while for sentence level weasel detection in the Wikipedia domain, we use an L2-regularised approach. We model the in-sentence uncertainty cue and scope detection task as an L2-regularised approximate maximum margin sequence labelling problem, using the BIO-encoding. In addition to surface level features, we use a variety of linguistic features based on a functional dependency analysis. A greedy forward selection strategy is used in exploring the large set of potential features. Our official results for Task 1 for the biological domain are 85.2 F1-score, for the Wikipedia set 55.4 F1-score. For Task 2, our official results are 2.1 for the entire task with a score of 62.5 for cue detection. After resolving errors and final bugs, our final results are for Task 1, biological: 86.0, Wikipedia: 58.2; Task 2, scopes: 39.6 and cues: 78.5
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