1,948 research outputs found

    Map, Trigger, Score, Procedure: machine-listening paradigms in live-electronics

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    Since the advent of real-time computer music environments, composers have increasingly incorporated DSP analysis, synthesis, and processing algorithms in their creative practices. Those processes became part of interactive systems that use real-time computational tools in musical compositions that explore diverse techniques to generate, spatialize, and process instrumental/vocal sounds. Parallel to the development of these tools and the expansion of DSP methods, new techniques focused on sound/musical information extraction became part of the tools available for music composition. In this context, this article discusses the creative use of Machine Listening and Musical Information Retrieval techniques applied in the composition of live-electronics works. By pointing out some practical applications and creative approaches, we aim to circumscribe, in a general way, the strategies for employing Machine Listening and Music Information Retrieval techniques observed in a set of live-electronics pieces, categorizing four compositional approaches, namely: mapping, triggering, scoring, and procedural paradigms of application of machine listening techniques in the context of live-electronics music compositions

    Analog Violin Audio Synthesizer

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    Abstract In the past decade, music electronics have almost completely shifted from analog to digital technology. Digital keyboards and effects provide more sound capabilities than their analog predecessors, while also reducing size and cost. However, many musicians still prefer analog instruments due to the perception that they produce superior sound quality. Many musicians spend extra money and accommodate the extra space required for analog technologies instead of digital. Furthermore, audio synthesizers are commonly controlled with the standard piano keyboard interface. Many musicians can perform sufficiently on a keyboard, but requiring a specific skill set limits the size of the market for a product. Also, when reproducing instruments such as a violin, a keyboard will not suffice in simulating a controllable vibrato from a fretless fingerboard. There is a need for an interface that allows the user to successfully reproduce the sound of the desired instrument. The violin is just one example of instruments that cannot be completely reproduced on a keyboard. For example, cellos, trombones and slide guitars all have features that a keyboard cannot simulate in real time. The Analog Violin Synthesizer uses oscillators and analog technology to reproduce the sound of a violin. The user controls the synthesizer with a continuous touch sensor, representing the fretless violin fingerboard. The continuous interface allows for a violin sound played as a standard note, or a warmer sound with adjustable vibrato, based on how the user moves his or her hand. This product provides an innovation and next step to the use of analog technology in sound synthesis. However, as digital technology continues to improve, this product could potentially cross over into digital, with the continued use of the touch interface. Currently, there are products that utilize touch input, however they are often used for sound effects, and atmospheric sounds. Rarely are they used to allow for the digital playability of a synthesized acoustic instrument

    Controllable music performance synthesis via hierarchical modelling

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    L’expression musicale requiert le contrôle sur quelles notes sont jouées ainsi que comment elles se jouent. Les synthétiseurs audios conventionnels offrent des contrôles expressifs détaillés, cependant au détriment du réalisme. La synthèse neuronale en boîte noire des audios et les échantillonneurs concaténatifs sont capables de produire un son réaliste, pourtant, nous avons peu de mécanismes de contrôle. Dans ce travail, nous introduisons MIDI-DDSP, un modèle hiérarchique des instruments musicaux qui permet tant la synthèse neuronale réaliste des audios que le contrôle sophistiqué de la part des utilisateurs. À partir des paramètres interprétables de synthèse provenant du traitement différentiable des signaux numériques (Differentiable Digital Signal Processing, DDSP), nous inférons les notes musicales et la propriété de haut niveau de leur performance expressive (telles que le timbre, le vibrato, l’intensité et l’articulation). Ceci donne naissance à une hiérarchie de trois niveaux (notes, performance, synthèse) qui laisse aux individus la possibilité d’intervenir à chaque niveau, ou d’utiliser la distribution préalable entraînée (notes étant donné performance, synthèse étant donné performance) pour une assistance créative. À l’aide des expériences quantitatives et des tests d’écoute, nous démontrons que cette hiérarchie permet de reconstruire des audios de haute fidélité, de prédire avec précision les attributs de performance d’une séquence de notes, mais aussi de manipuler indépendamment les attributs étant donné la performance. Comme il s’agit d’un système complet, la hiérarchie peut aussi générer des audios réalistes à partir d’une nouvelle séquence de notes. En utilisant une hiérarchie interprétable avec de multiples niveaux de granularité, MIDI-DDSP ouvre la porte aux outils auxiliaires qui renforce la capacité des individus à travers une grande variété d’expérience musicale.Musical expression requires control of both what notes are played, and how they are performed. Conventional audio synthesizers provide detailed expressive controls, but at the cost of realism. Black-box neural audio synthesis and concatenative samplers can produce realistic audio, but have few mechanisms for control. In this work, we introduce MIDI-DDSP a hierarchical model of musical instruments that enables both realistic neural audio synthesis and detailed user control. Starting from interpretable Differentiable Digital Signal Processing (DDSP) synthesis parameters, we infer musical notes and high-level properties of their expressive performance (such as timbre, vibrato, dynamics, and articulation). This creates a 3-level hierarchy (notes, performance, synthesis) that affords individuals the option to intervene at each level, or utilize trained priors (performance given notes, synthesis given performance) for creative assistance. Through quantitative experiments and listening tests, we demonstrate that this hierarchy can reconstruct high-fidelity audio, accurately predict performance attributes for a note sequence, independently manipulate the attributes of a given performance, and as a complete system, generate realistic audio from a novel note sequence. By utilizing an interpretable hierarchy, with multiple levels of granularity, MIDI-DDSP opens the door to assistive tools to empower individuals across a diverse range of musical experience

    Modelling Instrumental Gestures and Techniques: A Case Study of Piano Pedalling

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    PhD ThesisIn this thesis we propose a bottom-up approach for modelling instrumental gestures and techniques, using piano pedalling as a case study. Pedalling gestures play a vital role in expressive piano performance. They can be categorised into di erent pedalling techniques. We propose several methods for the indirect acquisition of sustain-pedal techniques using audio signal analyses, complemented by the direct measurement of gestures with sensors. A novel measurement system is rst developed to synchronously collect pedalling gestures and piano sound. Recognition of pedalling techniques starts by using the gesture data. This yields high accuracy and facilitates the construction of a ground truth dataset for evaluating the audio-based pedalling detection algorithms. Studies in the audio domain rely on the knowledge of piano acoustics and physics. New audio features are designed through the analysis of isolated notes with di erent pedal e ects. The features associated with a measure of sympathetic resonance are used together with a machine learning classi er to detect the presence of legato-pedal onset in the recordings from a speci c piano. To generalise the detection, deep learning methods are proposed and investigated. Deep Neural Networks are trained using a large synthesised dataset obtained through a physical-modelling synthesiser for feature learning. Trained models serve as feature extractors for frame-wise sustain-pedal detection from acoustic piano recordings in a proposed transfer learning framework. Overall, this thesis demonstrates that recognising sustain-pedal techniques is possible to a high degree of accuracy using sensors and also from audio recordings alone. As the rst study that undertakes pedalling technique detection in real-world piano performance, it complements piano transcription methods. Moreover, the underlying relations between pedalling gestures, piano acoustics and audio features are identi ed. The varying e ectiveness of the presented features and models can also be explained by di erences in pedal use between composers and musical eras

    Sensing and mapping for interactive performance

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    This paper describes a trans-domain mapping (TDM) framework for translating meaningful activities from one creative domain onto another. The multi-disciplinary framework is designed to facilitate an intuitive and non-intrusive interactive multimedia performance interface that offers the users or performers real-time control of multimedia events using their physical movements. It is intended to be a highly dynamic real-time performance tool, sensing and tracking activities and changes, in order to provide interactive multimedia performances. From a straightforward definition of the TDM framework, this paper reports several implementations and multi-disciplinary collaborative projects using the proposed framework, including a motion and colour-sensitive system, a sensor-based system for triggering musical events, and a distributed multimedia server for audio mapping of a real-time face tracker, and discusses different aspects of mapping strategies in their context. Plausible future directions, developments and exploration with the proposed framework, including stage augmenta tion, virtual and augmented reality, which involve sensing and mapping of physical and non-physical changes onto multimedia control events, are discussed

    The composer as technologist : an investigation into compositional process

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    This work presents an investigation into compositional process. This is undertaken where a study of musical gesture, certain areas of cognitive musicology, computer vision technologies and object-orientated programming, provide the basis for a composer (author) to assume the role of a technologist and acquire knowledge and skills to that end. In particular, it focuses on the application and development of a video gesture recognition heuristic to the compositional problems posed. The result is the creation of an interactive musical work with score for violin and electronics that supports the research findings. In addition, the investigative approach into developing technology to solve musical problems that explores practical composition and aesthetic challenges is detailed

    From heuristics-based to data-driven audio melody extraction

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    The identification of the melody from a music recording is a relatively easy task for humans, but very challenging for computational systems. This task is known as "audio melody extraction", more formally defined as the automatic estimation of the pitch sequence of the melody directly from the audio signal of a polyphonic music recording. This thesis investigates the benefits of exploiting knowledge automatically derived from data for audio melody extraction, by combining digital signal processing and machine learning methods. We extend the scope of melody extraction research by working with a varied dataset and multiple definitions of melody. We first present an overview of the state of the art, and perform an evaluation focused on a novel symphonic music dataset. We then propose melody extraction methods based on a source-filter model and pitch contour characterisation and evaluate them on a wide range of music genres. Finally, we explore novel timbre, tonal and spatial features for contour characterisation, and propose a method for estimating multiple melodic lines. The combination of supervised and unsupervised approaches leads to advancements on melody extraction and shows a promising path for future research and applications
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