24,659 research outputs found

    Emergence and resilience in multi-agent reinforcement learning

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    Our world represents an enormous multi-agent system (MAS), consisting of a plethora of agents that make decisions under uncertainty to achieve certain goals. The interaction of agents constantly affects our world in various ways, leading to the emergence of interesting phenomena like life forms and civilizations that can last for many years while withstanding various kinds of disturbances. Building artificial MAS that are able to adapt and survive similarly to natural MAS is a major goal in artificial intelligence as a wide range of potential real-world applications like autonomous driving, multi-robot warehouses, and cyber-physical production systems can be straightforwardly modeled as MAS. Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) is a promising approach to build such systems which has achieved remarkable progress in recent years. However, state-of-the-art MARL commonly assumes very idealized conditions to optimize performance in best-case scenarios while neglecting further aspects that are relevant to the real world. In this thesis, we address emergence and resilience in MARL which are important aspects to build artificial MAS that adapt and survive as effectively as natural MAS do. We first focus on emergent cooperation from local interaction of self-interested agents and introduce a peer incentivization approach based on mutual acknowledgments. We then propose to exploit emergent phenomena to further improve coordination in large cooperative MAS via decentralized planning or hierarchical value function factorization. To maintain multi-agent coordination in the presence of partial changes similar to classic distributed systems, we present adversarial methods to improve and evaluate resilience in MARL. Finally, we briefly cover a selection of further topics that are relevant to advance MARL towards real-world applicability.Unsere Welt stellt ein riesiges Multiagentensystem (MAS) dar, welches aus einer Vielzahl von Agenten besteht, die unter Unsicherheit Entscheidungen treffen müssen, um bestimmte Ziele zu erreichen. Die Interaktion der Agenten beeinflusst unsere Welt stets auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise, wodurch interessante emergente Phänomene wie beispielsweise Lebensformen und Zivilisationen entstehen, die über viele Jahre Bestand haben und dabei unterschiedliche Arten von Störungen überwinden können. Die Entwicklung von künstlichen MAS, die ähnlich anpassungs- und überlebensfähig wie natürliche MAS sind, ist eines der Hauptziele in der künstlichen Intelligenz, da viele potentielle Anwendungen wie zum Beispiel das autonome Fahren, die multi-robotergesteuerte Verwaltung von Lagerhallen oder der Betrieb von cyber-phyischen Produktionssystemen, direkt als MAS formuliert werden können. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) ist ein vielversprechender Ansatz, mit dem in den letzten Jahren bemerkenswerte Fortschritte erzielt wurden, um solche Systeme zu entwickeln. Allerdings geht der Stand der Forschung aktuell von sehr idealisierten Annahmen aus, um die Effektivität ausschließlich für Szenarien im besten Fall zu optimieren. Dabei werden weiterführende Aspekte, die für die echte Welt relevant sind, größtenteils außer Acht gelassen. In dieser Arbeit werden die Aspekte Emergenz und Resilienz in MARL betrachtet, welche wichtig für die Entwicklung von anpassungs- und überlebensfähigen künstlichen MAS sind. Es wird zunächst die Entstehung von emergenter Kooperation durch lokale Interaktion von selbstinteressierten Agenten untersucht. Dazu wird ein Ansatz zur Peer-Incentivierung vorgestellt, welcher auf gegenseitiger Anerkennung basiert. Anschließend werden Ansätze zur Nutzung emergenter Phänomene für die Koordinationsverbesserung in großen kooperativen MAS präsentiert, die dezentrale Planungsverfahren oder hierarchische Faktorisierung von Evaluationsfunktionen nutzen. Zur Aufrechterhaltung der Multiagentenkoordination bei partiellen Veränderungen, ähnlich wie in klassischen verteilten Systemen, werden Methoden des Adversarial Learning vorgestellt, um die Resilienz in MARL zu verbessern und zu evaluieren. Abschließend wird kurz eine Auswahl von weiteren Themen behandelt, die für die Einsatzfähigkeit von MARL in der echten Welt relevant sind

    A Decentralized Mobile Computing Network for Multi-Robot Systems Operations

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    Collective animal behaviors are paradigmatic examples of fully decentralized operations involving complex collective computations such as collective turns in flocks of birds or collective harvesting by ants. These systems offer a unique source of inspiration for the development of fault-tolerant and self-healing multi-robot systems capable of operating in dynamic environments. Specifically, swarm robotics emerged and is significantly growing on these premises. However, to date, most swarm robotics systems reported in the literature involve basic computational tasks---averages and other algebraic operations. In this paper, we introduce a novel Collective computing framework based on the swarming paradigm, which exhibits the key innate features of swarms: robustness, scalability and flexibility. Unlike Edge computing, the proposed Collective computing framework is truly decentralized and does not require user intervention or additional servers to sustain its operations. This Collective computing framework is applied to the complex task of collective mapping, in which multiple robots aim at cooperatively map a large area. Our results confirm the effectiveness of the cooperative strategy, its robustness to the loss of multiple units, as well as its scalability. Furthermore, the topology of the interconnecting network is found to greatly influence the performance of the collective action.Comment: Accepted for Publication in Proc. 9th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conferenc


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    The Multi Agent-Based Environmental Landscape model (MABEL) introduces a Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) systemic methodology, to simulate land use and transformation changes over time and space. Computational agents represent abstract relations among geographic, environmental, human and socio-economic variables, with respect to land transformation pattern changes. A multi-agent environment is developed providing task-nonspecific problem-solving abilities, flexibility on achieving goals and representing existing relations observed in real-world scenarios, and goal-based efficiency. Intelligent MABEL agents acquire spatial expressions and perform specific tasks demonstrating autonomy, environmental interactions, communication and cooperation, reactivity and proactivity, reasoning and learning capabilities. Their decisions maximize both task-specific marginal utility for their actions and joint, weighted marginal utility for their time-stepping. Agent behavior is achieved by personalizing a dynamic utility-based knowledge base through sequential GIS filtering, probability-distributed weighting, joint probability Bayesian correlational weighting, and goal-based distributional properties, applied to socio-economic and behavioral criteria. First-order logics, heuristics and appropriation of time-step sequences employed, provide a simulation-able environment, capable of re-generating space-time evolution of the agents.Environmental Economics and Policy,