1,044 research outputs found

    A literature survey of active machine learning in the context of natural language processing

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    Active learning is a supervised machine learning technique in which the learner is in control of the data used for learning. That control is utilized by the learner to ask an oracle, typically a human with extensive knowledge of the domain at hand, about the classes of the instances for which the model learned so far makes unreliable predictions. The active learning process takes as input a set of labeled examples, as well as a larger set of unlabeled examples, and produces a classifier and a relatively small set of newly labeled data. The overall goal is to create as good a classifier as possible, without having to mark-up and supply the learner with more data than necessary. The learning process aims at keeping the human annotation effort to a minimum, only asking for advice where the training utility of the result of such a query is high. Active learning has been successfully applied to a number of natural language processing tasks, such as, information extraction, named entity recognition, text categorization, part-of-speech tagging, parsing, and word sense disambiguation. This report is a literature survey of active learning from the perspective of natural language processing

    A Hybrid Environment for Syntax-Semantic Tagging

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    The thesis describes the application of the relaxation labelling algorithm to NLP disambiguation. Language is modelled through context constraint inspired on Constraint Grammars. The constraints enable the use of a real value statind "compatibility". The technique is applied to POS tagging, Shallow Parsing and Word Sense Disambigation. Experiments and results are reported. The proposed approach enables the use of multi-feature constraint models, the simultaneous resolution of several NL disambiguation tasks, and the collaboration of linguistic and statistical models.Comment: PhD Thesis. 120 page

    Combining semi-supervised and active learning to recognize minority senses in a new corpus

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    Ponencia presentada en la 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Workshop on Replicability and Reproducibility in Natural Language Processing: adaptive methods, resources and software. Buenos Aires, Argentina, del 25 al 31 de julio de 2015.In this paper we study the impact of combining active learning with bootstrapping to grow a small annotated corpus from a different, unannotated corpus. The intuition underlying our approach is that bootstrapping includes instances that are closer to the generative centers of the data, while discriminative approaches to active learning include instances that are closer to the decision boundaries of classifiers. We build an initial model from the original annotated corpus, which is then iteratively enlarged by including both manually annotated examples and automatically labelled examples as training examples for the following iteration. Examples to be annotated are selected in each iteration by applying active learning techniques. We show that intertwining an active learning component in a bootstrapping approach helps to overcome an initial bias towards a majority class, thus facilitating adaptation of a starting dataset towards the real distribution of a different, unannotated corpus.Fil: Cardellino, Cristian Adrián. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Teruel, Milagro. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Alonso i Alemany, Laura. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Otras Ciencias de la Computación e Informació

    Automating the anonymisation of textual corpora

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    [EU] Gaur egun, testu berriak etengabe sortzen doaz sare sozialetako mezu, osasun-txosten, dokumentu o zial eta halakoen ondorioz. Hala ere, testuok informazio pertsonala baldin badute, ezin dira ikerkuntzarako edota beste helburutarako baliatu, baldin eta aldez aurretik ez badira anonimizatzen. Anonimizatze hori automatikoki egitea erronka handia da eta askotan hutsetik anotatutako domeinukako datuak behar dira, ez baita arrunta helburutzat ditugun testuinguruetarako anotatutako corpusak izatea. Hala, tesi honek bi helburu ditu: (i) Gaztelaniazko elkarrizketa espontaneoz osatutako corpus anonimizatu berri bat konpilatu eta eskura jartzea, eta (ii) sortutako baliabide hau ustiatzea informazio sentiberaren identi kazio-teknikak aztertzeko, helburu gisa dugun domeinuan testu etiketaturik izan gabe. Hala, lehenengo helburuari lotuta, ES-Port izeneko corpusa sortu dugu. Telekomunikazio-ekoizle batek ahoz laguntza teknikoa ematen duenean sortu diren 1170 elkarrizketa espontaneoek osatzen dute corpusa. Ordezkatze-tekniken bidez anonimizatu da, eta ondorioz emaitza testu irakurgarri eta naturala izan da. Hamaika anonimizazio-kategoria landu dira, eta baita hizkuntzakoak eta hizkuntzatik kanpokoak diren beste zenbait anonimizazio-fenomeno ere, hala nola, kode-aldaketa, barrea, errepikapena, ahoskatze okerrak, eta abar. Bigarren helburuari lotuta, berriz, anonimizatu beharreko informazio sentibera identi katzeko, gordailuan oinarritutako Ikasketa Aktiboa erabili da, honek helburutzat baitu ahalik eta testu anotatu gutxienarekin sailkatzaile ahalik eta onena lortzea. Horretaz gain, emaitzak hobetzeko, eta abiapuntuko hautaketarako eta galderen hautaketarako estrategiak aztertzeko, Ezagutza Transferentzian oinarritutako teknikak ustiatu dira, aldez aurretik anotatuta zegoen corpus txiki bat oinarri hartuta. Emaitzek adierazi dute, lan honetan aukeratutako metodoak egokienak izan direla abiapuntuko hautaketa egiteko eta kontsulta-estrategia gisa iturri eta helburu sailkapenen zalantzak konbinatzeak Ikasketa Aktiboa hobetzen duela, ikaskuntza-kurba bizkorragoak eta sailkapen-errendimendu handiagoak lortuz iterazio gutxiagotan.[EN] A huge amount of new textual data are created day by day through social media posts, health records, official documents, and so on. However, if such resources contain personal data, they cannot be shared for research or other purposes without undergoing proper anonymisation. Automating such task is challenging and often requires labelling in-domain data from scratch since anonymised annotated corpora for the target scenarios are rarely available. This thesis has two main objectives: (i) to compile and provide a new corpus in Spanish with annotated anonymised spontaneous dialogue data, and (ii) to exploit the newly provided resource to investigate techniques for automating the sensitive data identification task, in a setting where initially no annotated data from the target domain are available. Following such aims, first, the ES-Port corpus is presented. It is a compilation of 1170 spontaneous spoken human-human dialogues from calls to the technical support service of a telecommunications provider. The corpus has been anonymised using the substitution technique, which implies the result is a readable natural text, and it contains annotations of eleven different anonymisation categories, as well as some linguistic and extra-linguistic phenomena annotations like code-switching, laughter, repetitions, mispronunciations, and so on. Next, the compiled corpus is used to investigate automatic sensitive data identification within a pool-based Active Learning framework, whose aim is to obtain the best possible classifier having to annotate as little data as possible. In order to improve such setting, Knowledge Transfer techniques from another small available anonymisation annotated corpus are explored for seed selection and query selection strategies. Results show that using the proposed seed selection methods obtain the best seeds on which to initialise the base learner's training and that combining source and target classifiers' uncertainties as query strategy improves the Active Learning process, deriving in steeper learning curves and reaching top classifier performance in fewer iterations

    Modeling of learning curves with applications to POS tagging

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    An algorithm to estimate the evolution of learning curves on the whole of a training data base, based on the results obtained from a portion and using a functional strategy, is introduced. We approximate iteratively the sought value at the desired time, independently of the learning technique used and once a point in the process, called prediction level, has been passed. The proposal proves to be formally correct with respect to our working hypotheses and includes a reliable proximity condition. This allows the user to fix a convergence threshold with respect to the accuracy finally achievable, which extends the concept of stopping criterion and seems to be effective even in the presence of distorting observations. Our aim is to evaluate the training effort, supporting decision making in order to reduce the need for both human and computational resources during the learning process. The proposal is of interest in at least three operational procedures. The first is the anticipation of accuracy gain, with the purpose of measuring how much work is needed to achieve a certain degree of performance. The second relates the comparison of efficiency between systems at training time, with the objective of completing this task only for the one that best suits our requirements. The prediction of accuracy is also a valuable item of information for customizing systems, since we can estimate in advance the impact of settings on both the performance and the development costs. Using the generation of part-of-speech taggers as an example application, the experimental results are consistent with our expectations.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. FFI2014-51978-C2-1-

    Surfing the modeling of pos taggers in low-resource scenarios

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    The recent trend toward the application of deep structured techniques has revealed the limits of huge models in natural language processing. This has reawakened the interest in traditional machine learning algorithms, which have proved still to be competitive in certain contexts, particularly in low-resource settings. In parallel, model selection has become an essential task to boost performance at reasonable cost, even more so when we talk about processes involving domains where the training and/or computational resources are scarce. Against this backdrop, we evaluate the early estimation of learning curves as a practical mechanism for selecting the most appropriate model in scenarios characterized by the use of non-deep learners in resource-lean settings. On the basis of a formal approximation model previously evaluated under conditions of wide availability of training and validation resources, we study the reliability of such an approach in a different and much more demanding operational environment. Using as a case study the generation of pos taggers for Galician, a language belonging to the Western Ibero-Romance group, the experimental results are consistent with our expectations.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PID2020-113230RB-C21Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PID2020-113230RB-C22Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2020/1