703 research outputs found

    A Survey on Graph Kernels

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    Graph kernels have become an established and widely-used technique for solving classification tasks on graphs. This survey gives a comprehensive overview of techniques for kernel-based graph classification developed in the past 15 years. We describe and categorize graph kernels based on properties inherent to their design, such as the nature of their extracted graph features, their method of computation and their applicability to problems in practice. In an extensive experimental evaluation, we study the classification accuracy of a large suite of graph kernels on established benchmarks as well as new datasets. We compare the performance of popular kernels with several baseline methods and study the effect of applying a Gaussian RBF kernel to the metric induced by a graph kernel. In doing so, we find that simple baselines become competitive after this transformation on some datasets. Moreover, we study the extent to which existing graph kernels agree in their predictions (and prediction errors) and obtain a data-driven categorization of kernels as result. Finally, based on our experimental results, we derive a practitioner's guide to kernel-based graph classification

    Statistical learning techniques for text categorization with sparse labeled data

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    Many applications involve learning a supervised classifier from very few explicitly labeled training examples, since the cost of manually labeling the training data is often prohibitively high. For instance, we expect a good classifier to learn our interests from a few example books or movies we like, and recommend similar ones in the future, or we expect a search engine to give more personalized search results based on whatever little it learned about our past queries and clicked documents. There is thus a need for classification techniques capable of learning from sparse labeled data, by exploiting additional information about the classification task at hand (e.g., background knowledge) or by employing more sophisticated features (e.g., n-gram sequences, trees, graphs). In this thesis, we focus on two approaches for overcoming the bottleneck of sparse labeled data. We first propose the Inductive/Transductive Latent Model (ILM/TLM), which is a new generative model for text documents. ILM/TLM has various building blocks designed to facilitate the integration of background knowledge (e.g., unlabeled documents, ontologies of concepts, encyclopedia) into the process of learning from small training data. Our method can be used for inductive and transductive learning and achieves significant gains over state-of-the-art methods for very small training sets. Second, we propose Structured Logistic Regression (SLR), which is a new coordinate-wise gradient ascent technique for learning logistic regression in the space of all (word or character) sequences in the training data. SLR exploits the inherent structure of the n-gram feature space in order to automatically provide a compact set of highly discriminative n-gram features. Our detailed experimental study shows that while SLR achieves similar classification results to those of the state-of-the-art methods (which use all n-gram features given explicitly), it is more than an order of magnitude faster than its opponents. The techniques presented in this thesis can be used to advance the technologies for automatically and efficiently building large training sets, therefore reducing the need for spending human computation on this task.Viele Anwendungen benutzen Klassifikatoren, die auf dünn gesäten Trainingsdaten lernen müssen, da es oft aufwändig ist, Trainingsdaten zur Verfügung zu stellen. Ein Beispiel für solche Anwendungen sind Empfehlungssysteme, die auf der Basis von sehr wenigen Büchern oder Filmen die Interessen des Benutzers erraten müssen, um ihm ähnliche Bücher oder Filme zu empfehlen. Ein anderes Beispiel sind Suchmaschinen, die sich auf den Benutzer einzustellen versuchen, auch wenn sie bisher nur sehr wenig Information über den Benutzer in Form von gestellten Anfragen oder geklickten Dokumenten besitzen. Wir benötigen also Klassifikationstechniken, die von dünn gesäten Trainingsdaten lernen können. Dies kann geschehen, indem zusätzliche Information über die Klassifikationsaufgabe ausgenutzt wird (z.B. mit Hintergrundwissen) oder indem raffiniertere Merkmale verwendet werden (z.B. n-Gram-Folgen, Bäume oder Graphen). In dieser Arbeit stellen wir zwei Ansätze vor, um das Problem der dünn gesäten Trainingsdaten anzugehen. Als erstes schlagen wir das Induktiv-Transduktive Latente Modell (ILM/TLM) vor, ein neues generatives Modell für Text-Dokumente. Das ILM/TLM verfügt über mehrere Komponenten, die es erlauben, Hintergrundwissen (wie z.B. nicht Klassifizierte Dokumente, Konzeptontologien oder Enzyklopädien) in den Lernprozess mit einzubeziehen. Diese Methode kann sowohl für induktives als auch für transduktives Lernen eingesetzt werden. Sie schlägt die modernsten Alternativmethoden signifikant bei dünn gesäten Trainingsdaten. Zweitens schlagen wir Strukturierte Logistische Regression (SLR) vor, ein neues Gradientenverfahren zum koordinatenweisen Lernen von logistischer Regression im Raum aller Wortfolgen oder Zeichenfolgen in den Trainingsdaten. SLR nutzt die inhärente Struktur des n-Gram-Raums aus, um automatisch hoch-diskriminative Merkmale zu finden. Unsere detaillierten Experimente zeigen, dass SLR ähnliche Ergebnisse erzielt wie die modernsten Konkurrenzmethoden, allerdings dabei um mehr als eine Größenordnung schneller ist. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Techniken verbessern das Maschinelle Lernen auf dünn gesäten Trainingsdaten und verringern den Bedarf an manueller Arbeit

    Sequence Classification Based on Delta-Free Sequential Pattern

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    International audienceSequential pattern mining is one of the most studied and challenging tasks in data mining. However, the extension of well-known methods from many other classical patterns to sequences is not a trivial task. In this paper we study the notion of δ-freeness for sequences. While this notion has extensively been discussed for itemsets, this work is the first to extend it to sequences. We define an efficient algorithm devoted to the extraction of δ-free sequential patterns. Furthermore, we show the advantage of the δ-free sequences and highlight their importance when building sequence classifiers, and we show how they can be used to address the feature selection problem in statistical classifiers, as well as to build symbolic classifiers which optimizes both accuracy and earliness of predictions

    Structured Machine Learning for Robotics

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    Machine Learning has become the essential tool for automating tasks that consist in predicting the output associated to a certain input. However many modern algorithms are mainly developed for the simple cases of classification and regression. Structured prediction is the field concerned with predicting outputs consisting of complex objects such as graphs, orientations or sequences. While these objects are often of practical interest, they do not have many of the mathematical properties that allow to design principled and computationally feasible algorithms with traditional techniques. In this thesis we investigate and develop algorithms for learning manifold-valued functions in the context of structured prediction. Differentiable manifolds are a mathematical abstraction used in many domains to describe sets with continuous constraints and non-Euclidean geometric properties. By taking a structured prediction approach we show how to define statistically consistent estimators for predicting elements of a manifold, in constrast to traditional structured predition algorithms that are restricted to output sets with finite cardinality. We introduce a wide range of applications that leverage manifolds structures. Above all, we study the case of the hyperbolic manifold, a space suited for representing hierarchical data. By representing supervised datasets within hyperbolic space we show how it is possible to invent new concepts in a previously known hierarchy and show promising results in hierarchical classification. We also study how modern structured approaches can help with practical robotics tasks, either improving performances in behavioural pipelines or showing more robust predictions for constrained tasks. Specifically, we show how structured prediction can be used to tackle inverse kinematics problems of redundant robots, accounting for the constraints of the robotic joints. We also consider the task of biological motion detection and show that by leveraging the sequence structure of video streams we significantly reduce the latency of the application. Our studies are complemented by empirical evaluations on both synthetic and real data

    A framework for technology-assisted sensitivity review: using sensitivity classification to prioritise documents for review

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    More than a hundred countries implement freedom of information laws. In the UK, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) states that the government's documents must be made freely available, or opened, to the public. Moreover, all central UK government departments' documents that have a historic value, for example the minutes from significant meetings, must be transferred to the The National Archives (TNA) within twenty years of the document's creation. However, government documents can contain sensitive information, such as personal information or information that would likely damage the international relations of the UK if it was opened to the public. Therefore, all government documents that are to be publicly archived must be sensitivity reviewed to identify and redact the sensitive information, or close the document until the information is no longer sensitive. Historically, government documents have been stored in a structured file-plan that can reliably inform a sensitivity reviewer about the subject-matter and the likely sensitivities in the documents. However, the lack of structure in digital document collections and the volume of digital documents that are to be sensitivity reviewed mean that the traditional manual sensitivity review process is not practical for digital sensitivity review. In this thesis, we argue that the automatic classification of documents that contain sensitive information, sensitivity classification, can be deployed to assist government departments and human reviewers to sensitivity review born-digital government documents. However, classifying sensitive information is a complex task, since sensitivity is context-dependent. For example, identifying if information is sensitive or not can require a human to judge on the likely effect of releasing the information into the public domain. Moreover, sensitivity is not necessarily topic-oriented, i.e., it is usually dependent on a combination of what is being said and about whom. Furthermore, the vocabulary and entities that are associated to particular types of sensitive information, e.g., confidential information, can vary greatly between different collections. We propose to address sensitivity classification as a text classification task. Moreover, through a thorough empirical evaluation, we show that text classification is effective for sensitivity classification and can be improved by identifying the vocabulary, syntactic and semantic document features that are reliable indicators of sensitive or non-sensitive text. Furthermore, we propose to reduce the number of documents that have to be reviewed to learn an effective sensitivity classifier through an active learning strategy in which a sensitivity reviewer redacts any sensitive text in a document as they review it, to construct a representation of the sensitivities in a collection. With this in mind, we propose a novel framework for technology-assisted sensitivity review that can prioritise the most appropriate documents to be reviewed at specific stages of the review process. Furthermore, our framework can provide the reviewers with useful information to assist them in making their reviewing decisions. Our framework consists of four components, namely the Document Representation, Document Prioritisation, Feedback Integration and Learned Predictions components, that can be instantiated to learn from the reviewers' feedback about the sensitivities in a collection or provide assistance to reviewers at different stages of the review. In particular, firstly, the Document Representation component encodes the document features that can be reliable indicators of the sensitivities in a collection. Secondly, the Document Prioritisation component identifies the documents that should be prioritised for review at a particular stage of the reviewing process, for example to provide the sensitivity classifier with information about the sensitivities in the collection or to focus the available reviewing resources on the documents that are the most likely to be released to the public. Thirdly, the Feedback Integration component integrates explicit feedback from a reviewer to construct a representation of the sensitivities in a collection and identify the features of a reviewer's interactions with the framework that indicate the amount of time that is required to sensitivity review a specific document. Finally, the Learned Predictions component combines the information that has been generated by the other three components and, as the final step in each iteration of the sensitivity review process, the Learned Predictions component is responsible for making accurate sensitivity classification and expected reviewing time predictions for the documents that have not yet been sensitivity reviewed. In this thesis, we identify two realistic digital sensitivity review scenarios as user models and conduct two user studies to evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed framework for assisting digital sensitivity review. Firstly, in the limited review user model, which addresses a scenario in which there are insufficient reviewing resources available to sensitivity review all of the documents in a collection, we show that our proposed framework can increase the number of documents that can be reviewed and released to the public with the available reviewing resources. Secondly, in the exhaustive review user model, which addresses a scenario in which all of the documents in a collection will be manually sensitivity reviewed, we show that providing the reviewers with useful information about the documents in the collection that contain sensitive information can increase the reviewers' accuracy, reviewing speed and agreement. This is the first thesis to investigate automatically classifying FOIA sensitive information to assist digital sensitivity review. The central contributions of this thesis are our proposed framework for technology-assisted sensitivity review and our sensitivity classification approaches. Our contributions are validated using a collection of government documents that are sensitivity reviewed by expert sensitivity reviewers to identify two FOIA sensitivities, namely international relations and personal information. The thesis draws insights from a thorough evaluation and analysis of our proposed framework and sensitivity classifier. Our results demonstrate that our proposed framework is a viable technology for assisting digital sensitivity review

    Graph Deep Learning: Methods and Applications

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    The past few years have seen the growing prevalence of deep neural networks on various application domains including image processing, computer vision, speech recognition, machine translation, self-driving cars, game playing, social networks, bioinformatics, and healthcare etc. Due to the broad applications and strong performance, deep learning, a subfield of machine learning and artificial intelligence, is changing everyone\u27s life.Graph learning has been another hot field among the machine learning and data mining communities, which learns knowledge from graph-structured data. Examples of graph learning range from social network analysis such as community detection and link prediction, to relational machine learning such as knowledge graph completion and recommender systems, to mutli-graph tasks such as graph classification and graph generation etc.An emerging new field, graph deep learning, aims at applying deep learning to graphs. To deal with graph-structured data, graph neural networks (GNNs) are invented in recent years which directly take graphs as input and output graph/node representations. Although GNNs have shown superior performance than traditional methods in tasks such as semi-supervised node classification, there still exist a wide range of other important graph learning problems where either GNNs\u27 applicabilities have not been explored or GNNs only have less satisfying performance.In this dissertation, we dive deeper into the field of graph deep learning. By developing new algorithms, architectures and theories, we push graph neural networks\u27 boundaries to a much wider range of graph learning problems. The problems we have explored include: 1) graph classification; 2) medical ontology embedding; 3) link prediction; 4) recommender systems; 5) graph generation; and 6) graph structure optimization.We first focus on two graph representation learning problems: graph classification and medical ontology embedding.For graph classification, we develop a novel deep GNN architecture which aggregates node features through a novel SortPooling layer that replaces the simple summing used in previous works. We demonstrate its state-of-the-art graph classification performance on benchmark datasets. For medical ontology embedding, we propose a novel hierarchical attention propagation model, which uses attention mechanism to learn embeddings of medical concepts from hierarchically-structured medical ontologies such as ICD-9 and CCS. We validate the learned embeddings on sequential procedure/diagnosis prediction tasks with real patient data.Then we investigate GNNs\u27 potential for predicting relations, specifically link prediction and recommender systems. For link prediction, we first develop a theory unifying various traditional link prediction heuristics, and then design a framework to automatically learn suitable heuristics from a given network based on GNNs. Our model shows unprecedented strong link prediction performance, significantly outperforming all traditional methods. For recommender systems, we propose a novel graph-based matrix completion model, which uses a GNN to learn graph structure features from the bipartite graph formed by user and item interactions. Our model not only outperforms various matrix completion baselines, but also demonstrates excellent transfer learning ability -- a model trained on MovieLens can be directly used to predict Douban movie ratings with high performance.Finally, we explore GNNs\u27 applicability to graph generation and graph structure optimization. We focus on a specific type of graphs which usually carry computations on them, namely directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). We develop a variational autoencoder (VAE) for DAGs and prove that it can injectively map computations into a latent space. This injectivity allows us to perform optimization in the continuous latent space instead of the original discrete structure space. We then apply our VAE to two types of DAGs, neural network architectures and Bayesian networks. Experiments show that our model not only generates novel and valid DAGs, but also finds high-quality neural architectures and Bayesian networks through performing Bayesian optimization in its latent space