196 research outputs found

    Learning nonlinear monotone classifiers using the Choquet Integral

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    In der jüngeren Vergangenheit hat das Lernen von Vorhersagemodellen, die eine monotone Beziehung zwischen Ein- und Ausgabevariablen garantieren, wachsende Aufmerksamkeit im Bereich des maschinellen Lernens erlangt. Besonders für flexible nichtlineare Modelle stellt die Gewährleistung der Monotonie eine große Herausforderung für die Umsetzung dar. Die vorgelegte Arbeit nutzt das Choquet Integral als mathematische Grundlage für die Entwicklung neuer Modelle für nichtlineare Klassifikationsaufgaben. Neben den bekannten Einsatzgebieten des Choquet-Integrals als flexible Aggregationsfunktion in multi-kriteriellen Entscheidungsverfahren, findet der Formalismus damit Eingang als wichtiges Werkzeug für Modelle des maschinellen Lernens. Neben dem Vorteil, Monotonie und Flexibilität auf elegante Weise mathematisch vereinbar zu machen, bietet das Choquet-Integral Möglichkeiten zur Quantifizierung von Wechselwirkungen zwischen Gruppen von Attributen der Eingabedaten, wodurch interpretierbare Modelle gewonnen werden können. In der Arbeit werden konkrete Methoden für das Lernen mit dem Choquet Integral entwickelt, welche zwei unterschiedliche Ansätze nutzen, die Maximum-Likelihood-Schätzung und die strukturelle Risikominimierung. Während der erste Ansatz zu einer Verallgemeinerung der logistischen Regression führt, wird der zweite mit Hilfe von Support-Vektor-Maschinen realisiert. In beiden Fällen wird das Lernproblem imWesentlichen auf die Parameter-Identifikation von Fuzzy-Maßen für das Choquet Integral zurückgeführt. Die exponentielle Anzahl von Freiheitsgraden zur Modellierung aller Attribut-Teilmengen stellt dabei besondere Herausforderungen im Hinblick auf Laufzeitkomplexität und Generalisierungsleistung. Vor deren Hintergrund werden die beiden Ansätze praktisch bewertet und auch theoretisch analysiert. Zudem werden auch geeignete Verfahren zur Komplexitätsreduktion und Modellregularisierung vorgeschlagen und untersucht. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse sind auch für anspruchsvolle Referenzprobleme im Vergleich mit aktuellen Verfahren sehr gut und heben die Nützlichkeit der Kombination aus Monotonie und Flexibilität des Choquet Integrals in verschiedenen Ansätzen des maschinellen Lernens hervor

    Choquistic Regression: Generalizing Logistic Regression using the Choquet Integral

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    In this paper, we propose a generalization of logistic regression based on the Choquet integral. The basic idea of our approach, referred to as choquistic regression, is to replace the linear function of predictor variables, which is commonly used in logistic regression to model the log odds of the positive class, by the Choquet integral. Thus, it becomes possible to capture non-linear dependencies and interactions among predictor variables while preserving two important properties of logistic regression, namely the comprehensibility of the model and the possibility to ensure its monotonicity in individual predictors. In experimental studies with real and benchmark data, choquistic regression consistently improves upon standard logistic regression in terms of predictive accuracy

    Representation of maxitive measures: an overview

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    Idempotent integration is an analogue of Lebesgue integration where σ\sigma-maxitive measures replace σ\sigma-additive measures. In addition to reviewing and unifying several Radon--Nikodym like theorems proven in the literature for the idempotent integral, we also prove new results of the same kind.Comment: 40 page

    Ordinal Choquistic Regression

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    On the decomposition of Generalized Additive Independence models

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    The GAI (Generalized Additive Independence) model proposed by Fishburn is a generalization of the additive utility model, which need not satisfy mutual preferential independence. Its great generality makes however its application and study difficult. We consider a significant subclass of GAI models, namely the discrete 2-additive GAI models, and provide for this class a decomposition into nonnegative monotone terms. This decomposition allows a reduction from exponential to quadratic complexity in any optimization problem involving discrete 2-additive models, making them usable in practice

    How to Handle Missing Values in Multi-Criteria Decision Aiding?

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    International audienceIt is often the case in the applications of Multi-Criteria Decision Making that the values of alternatives are unknown on some attributes. An interesting situation arises when the attributes having missing values are actually not relevant and shall thus be removed from the model. Given a model that has been elicited on the complete set of attributes, we are looking thus for a way-called restriction operator-to automatically remove the missing attributes from this model. Axiomatic characterizations are proposed for three classes of models. For general quantitative models, the restriction operator is characterized by linearity, recursivity and decomposition on variables. The second class is the set of monotone quantitative models satisfying normal-ization conditions. The linearity axiom is changed to fit with these conditions. Adding recursivity and symmetry, the restriction operator takes the form of a normalized average. For the last class of models-namely the Choquet integral, we obtain a simpler expression. Finally, a very intuitive interpretation is provided for this last model

    Risk measurement with the equivalent utility principles.

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    Risk measures have been studied for several decades in the actuarial literature, where they appeared under the guise of premium calculation principles. Risk measures and properties that risk measures should satisfy have recently received considerable at- tention in the financial mathematics literature. Mathematically, a risk measure is a mapping from a class of random variables defined on some measurable space to the (extended) real line. Economically, a risk measure should capture the preferences of the decision-maker. In incomplete financial markets, prices are no more unique but depend on the agents' attitudes towards risk. This paper complements the study initiated in Denuit, Dhaene & Van Wouwe (1999) and considers several theories for decision under uncertainty: the classical expected utility paradigm, Yaari's dual approach, maximin expected utility theory, Choquet expected utility theory and Quiggin rank-dependent utility theory. Building on the actuarial equivalent utility pricing principle, broad classes of risk measures are generated, of which most classical risk measures appear to be particular cases. This approach shows that most risk measures studied recently in the financial literature disregard the utility concept (i.e. correspond to linear utilities), causing some deficiencies. Some alternatives proposed in the literature are discussed, based on exponential utilities.Actuarial; Coherence; Decision; Expected; Market; Markets; Measurement; Preference; Premium; Prices; Pricing; Principles; Random variables; Research; Risk; Risk measure; Risk measurement; Space; Studies; Theory; Uncertainty; Utilities; Variables;