112 research outputs found

    Generation of realistic human behaviour

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    As the use of computers and robots in our everyday lives increases so does the need for better interaction with these devices. Human-computer interaction relies on the ability to understand and generate human behavioural signals such as speech, facial expressions and motion. This thesis deals with the synthesis and evaluation of such signals, focusing not only on their intelligibility but also on their realism. Since these signals are often correlated, it is common for methods to drive the generation of one signal using another. The thesis begins by tackling the problem of speech-driven facial animation and proposing models capable of producing realistic animations from a single image and an audio clip. The goal of these models is to produce a video of a target person, whose lips move in accordance with the driving audio. Particular focus is also placed on a) generating spontaneous expression such as blinks, b) achieving audio-visual synchrony and c) transferring or producing natural head motion. The second problem addressed in this thesis is that of video-driven speech reconstruction, which aims at converting a silent video into waveforms containing speech. The method proposed for solving this problem is capable of generating intelligible and accurate speech for both seen and unseen speakers. The spoken content is correctly captured thanks to a perceptual loss, which uses features from pre-trained speech-driven animation models. The ability of the video-to-speech model to run in real-time allows its use in hearing assistive devices and telecommunications. The final work proposed in this thesis is a generic domain translation system, that can be used for any translation problem including those mapping across different modalities. The framework is made up of two networks performing translations in opposite directions and can be successfully applied to solve diverse sets of translation problems, including speech-driven animation and video-driven speech reconstruction.Open Acces

    From rule-based to learning-based image-conditional image generation

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    Visual contents, such as movies, animations, computer games, videos and photos, are massively produced and consumed nowadays. Most of these contents are the combination of materials captured from real-world and contents synthesized by computers. Particularly, computer-generated visual contents are increasingly indispensable in modern entertainment and production. The generation of visual contents by computers is typically conditioned on real-world materials, driven by the imagination of designers and artists, or a combination of both. However, creating visual contents manually are both challenging and labor intensive. Therefore, enabling computers to automatically or semi-automatically synthesize needed visual contents becomes essential. Among all these efforts, a stream of research is to generate novel images based on given image priors, e.g., photos and sketches. This research direction is known as image-conditional image generation, which covers a wide range of topics such as image stylization, image completion, image fusion, sketch-to-image generation, and extracting image label maps. In this thesis, a set of novel approaches for image-conditional image generation are presented. The thesis starts with an exemplar-based method for facial image stylization in Chapter 2. This method involves a unified framework for facial image stylization based on a single style exemplar. A two-phase procedure is employed, where the first phase searches a dense and semantic-aware correspondence between the input and the exemplar images, and the second phase conducts edge-preserving texture transfer. While this algorithm has the merit of requiring only a single exemplar, it is constrained to face photos. To perform generalized image-to-image translation, Chapter 3 presents a data-driven and learning-based method. Inspired by the dual learning paradigm designed for natural language translation [115], a novel dual Generative Adversarial Network (DualGAN) mechanism is developed, which enables image translators to be trained from two sets of unlabeled images from two domains. This is followed by another data-driven method in Chapter 4, which learns multiscale manifolds from a set of images and then enables synthesizing novel images that mimic the appearance of the target image dataset. The method is named as Branched Generative Adversarial Network (BranchGAN) and employs a novel training method that enables unconditioned generative adversarial networks (GANs) to learn image manifolds at multiple scales. As a result, we can directly manipulate and even combine latent manifold codes that are associated with specific feature scales. Finally, to provide users more control over image generation results, Chapter 5 discusses an upgraded version of iGAN [126] (iGANHD) that significantly improves the art of manipulating high-resolution images through utilizing the multi-scale manifold learned with BranchGAN

    Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection

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    This open access book provides the first comprehensive collection of studies dealing with the hot topic of digital face manipulation such as DeepFakes, Face Morphing, or Reenactment. It combines the research fields of biometrics and media forensics including contributions from academia and industry. Appealing to a broad readership, introductory chapters provide a comprehensive overview of the topic, which address readers wishing to gain a brief overview of the state-of-the-art. Subsequent chapters, which delve deeper into various research challenges, are oriented towards advanced readers. Moreover, the book provides a good starting point for young researchers as well as a reference guide pointing at further literature. Hence, the primary readership is academic institutions and industry currently involved in digital face manipulation and detection. The book could easily be used as a recommended text for courses in image processing, machine learning, media forensics, biometrics, and the general security area

    Feature extraction on faces : from landmark localization to depth estimation

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    Le sujet de cette thèse porte sur les algorithmes d'apprentissage qui extraient les caractéristiques importantes des visages. Les caractéristiques d’intérêt principal sont des points clés; La localisation en deux dimensions (2D) ou en trois dimensions (3D) de traits importants du visage telles que le centre des yeux, le bout du nez et les coins de la bouche. Les points clés sont utilisés pour résoudre des tâches complexes qui ne peuvent pas être résolues directement ou qui requièrent du guidage pour l’obtention de performances améliorées, telles que la reconnaissance de poses ou de gestes, le suivi ou la vérification du visage. L'application des modèles présentés dans cette thèse concerne les images du visage; cependant, les algorithmes proposés sont plus généraux et peuvent être appliqués aux points clés de d'autres objets, tels que les mains, le corps ou des objets fabriqués par l'homme. Cette thèse est écrite par article et explore différentes techniques pour résoudre plusieurs aspects de la localisation de points clés. Dans le premier article, nous démêlons l'identité et l'expression d'un visage donné pour apprendre une distribution à priori sur l'ensemble des points clés. Cette distribution à priori est ensuite combinée avec un classifieur discriminant qui apprend une distribution de probabilité indépendante par point clé. Le modèle combiné est capable d'expliquer les différences dans les expressions pour une même représentation d'identité. Dans le deuxième article, nous proposons une architecture qui vise à conserver les caractéristiques d’images pour effectuer des tâches qui nécessitent une haute précision au niveau des pixels, telles que la localisation de points clés ou la segmentation d’images. L’architecture proposée extrait progressivement les caractéristiques les plus grossières dans les étapes d'encodage pour obtenir des informations plus globales sur l’image. Ensuite, il étend les caractéristiques grossières pour revenir à la résolution de l'image originale en recombinant les caractéristiques du chemin d'encodage. Le modèle, appelé Réseaux de Recombinaison, a obtenu l’état de l’art sur plusieurs jeux de données, tout en accélérant le temps d’apprentissage. Dans le troisième article, nous visons à améliorer la localisation des points clés lorsque peu d'images comportent des étiquettes sur des points clés. En particulier, nous exploitons une forme plus faible d’étiquettes qui sont plus faciles à acquérir ou plus abondantes tel que l'émotion ou la pose de la tête. Pour ce faire, nous proposons une architecture permettant la rétropropagation du gradient des étiquettes les plus faibles à travers des points clés, ainsi entraînant le réseau de localisation des points clés. Nous proposons également une composante de coût non supervisée qui permet des prédictions de points clés équivariantes en fonction des transformations appliquées à l'image, sans avoir les vraies étiquettes des points clés. Ces techniques ont considérablement amélioré les performances tout en réduisant le pourcentage d'images étiquetées par points clés. Finalement, dans le dernier article, nous proposons un algorithme d'apprentissage permettant d'estimer la profondeur des points clés sans aucune supervision de la profondeur. Nous y parvenons en faisant correspondre les points clés de deux visages en les transformant l'un vers l'autre. Cette transformation nécessite une estimation de la profondeur sur un visage, ainsi que une transformation affine qui transforme le premier visage au deuxième. Nous démontrons que notre formulation ne nécessite que la profondeur et que les paramètres affines peuvent être estimés avec un solution analytique impliquant les points clés augmentés par profondeur. Même en l'absence de supervision directe de la profondeur, la technique proposée extrait des valeurs de profondeur raisonnables qui diffèrent des vraies valeurs de profondeur par un facteur d'échelle et de décalage. Nous démontrons des applications d'estimation de profondeur pour la tâche de rotation de visage, ainsi que celle d'échange de visage.This thesis focuses on learning algorithms that extract important features from faces. The features of main interest are landmarks; the two dimensional (2D) or three dimensional (3D) locations of important facial features such as eye centers, nose tip, and mouth corners. Landmarks are used to solve complex tasks that cannot be solved directly or require guidance for enhanced performance, such as pose or gesture recognition, tracking, or face verification. The application of the models presented in this thesis is on facial images; however, the algorithms proposed are more general and can be applied to the landmarks of other forms of objects, such as hands, full body or man-made objects. This thesis is written by article and explores different techniques to solve various aspects of landmark localization. In the first article, we disentangle identity and expression of a given face to learn a prior distribution over the joint set of landmarks. This prior is then merged with a discriminative classifier that learns an independent probability distribution per landmark. The merged model is capable of explaining differences in expressions for the same identity representation. In the second article, we propose an architecture that aims at uncovering image features to do tasks that require high pixel-level accuracy, such as landmark localization or image segmentation. The proposed architecture gradually extracts coarser features in its encoding steps to get more global information over the image and then it expands the coarse features back to the image resolution by recombining the features of the encoding path. The model, termed Recombinator Networks, obtained state-of-the-art on several datasets, while also speeding up training. In the third article, we aim at improving landmark localization when only a few images with labelled landmarks are available. In particular, we leverage a weaker form of data labels that are easier to acquire or more abundantly available such as emotion or head pose. To do so, we propose an architecture to backpropagate gradients of the weaker labels through landmarks, effectively training the landmark localization network. We also propose an unsupervised loss component which makes equivariant landmark predictions with respect to transformations applied to the image without having ground truth landmark labels. These techniques improved performance considerably when we have a low percentage of labelled images with landmarks. Finally, in the last article, we propose a learning algorithm to estimate the depth of the landmarks without any depth supervision. We do so by matching landmarks of two faces through transforming one to another. This transformation requires estimation of depth on one face and an affine transformation that maps the first face to the second one. Our formulation, which only requires depth estimation and affine parameters, can be estimated as a closed form solution of the 2D landmarks and the estimated depth. Even without direct depth supervision, the proposed technique extracts reasonable depth values that differ from the ground truth depth values by a scale and a shift. We demonstrate applications of the estimated depth in face rotation and face replacement tasks

    Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection

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    This open access book provides the first comprehensive collection of studies dealing with the hot topic of digital face manipulation such as DeepFakes, Face Morphing, or Reenactment. It combines the research fields of biometrics and media forensics including contributions from academia and industry. Appealing to a broad readership, introductory chapters provide a comprehensive overview of the topic, which address readers wishing to gain a brief overview of the state-of-the-art. Subsequent chapters, which delve deeper into various research challenges, are oriented towards advanced readers. Moreover, the book provides a good starting point for young researchers as well as a reference guide pointing at further literature. Hence, the primary readership is academic institutions and industry currently involved in digital face manipulation and detection. The book could easily be used as a recommended text for courses in image processing, machine learning, media forensics, biometrics, and the general security area

    Predicting Head Pose From Speech

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    Speech animation, the process of animating a human-like model to give the impression it is talking, most commonly relies on the work of skilled animators, or performance capture. These approaches are time consuming, expensive, and lack the ability to scale. This thesis develops algorithms for content driven speech animation; models that learn visual actions from data without semantic labelling, to predict realistic speech animation from recorded audio. We achieve these goals by _rst forming a multi-modal corpus that represents the style of speech we want to model; speech that is natural, expressive and prosodic. This allows us to train deep recurrent neural networks to predict compelling animation. We _rst develop methods to predict the rigid head pose of a speaker. Predicting the head pose of a speaker from speech is not wholly deterministic, so our methods provide a large variety of plausible head pose trajectories from a single utterance. We then apply our methods to learn how to predict the head pose of the listener while in conversation, using only the voice of the speaker. Finally, we show how to predict the lip sync, facial expression, and rigid head pose of the speaker, simultaneously, solely from speec

    A Survey on Deep Multi-modal Learning for Body Language Recognition and Generation

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    Body language (BL) refers to the non-verbal communication expressed through physical movements, gestures, facial expressions, and postures. It is a form of communication that conveys information, emotions, attitudes, and intentions without the use of spoken or written words. It plays a crucial role in interpersonal interactions and can complement or even override verbal communication. Deep multi-modal learning techniques have shown promise in understanding and analyzing these diverse aspects of BL. The survey emphasizes their applications to BL generation and recognition. Several common BLs are considered i.e., Sign Language (SL), Cued Speech (CS), Co-speech (CoS), and Talking Head (TH), and we have conducted an analysis and established the connections among these four BL for the first time. Their generation and recognition often involve multi-modal approaches. Benchmark datasets for BL research are well collected and organized, along with the evaluation of SOTA methods on these datasets. The survey highlights challenges such as limited labeled data, multi-modal learning, and the need for domain adaptation to generalize models to unseen speakers or languages. Future research directions are presented, including exploring self-supervised learning techniques, integrating contextual information from other modalities, and exploiting large-scale pre-trained multi-modal models. In summary, this survey paper provides a comprehensive understanding of deep multi-modal learning for various BL generations and recognitions for the first time. By analyzing advancements, challenges, and future directions, it serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in advancing this field. n addition, we maintain a continuously updated paper list for deep multi-modal learning for BL recognition and generation: https://github.com/wentaoL86/awesome-body-language
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