140 research outputs found

    Complexity-aware Large Scale Origin-Destination Network Generation via Diffusion Model

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    The Origin-Destination~(OD) networks provide an estimation of the flow of people from every region to others in the city, which is an important research topic in transportation, urban simulation, etc. Given structural regional urban features, generating the OD network has become increasingly appealing to many researchers from diverse domains. However, existing works are limited in independent generation of each OD pair, i.e., flow of people from one region to another, overlooking the relations within the overall network. In this paper, we instead propose to generate the OD network, and design a graph denoising diffusion method to learn the conditional joint probability distribution of the nodes and edges within the OD network given city characteristics at region level. To overcome the learning difficulty of the OD networks covering over thousands of regions, we decompose the original one-shot generative modeling of the diffusion model into two cascaded stages, corresponding to the generation of network topology and the weights of edges, respectively. To further reproduce important network properties contained in the city-wide OD network, we design an elaborated graph denoising network structure including a node property augmentation module and a graph transformer backbone. Empirical experiments on data collected in three large US cities have verified that our method can generate OD matrices for new cities with network statistics remarkably similar with the ground truth, further achieving superior outperformance over competitive baselines in terms of the generation realism.Comment: 11 pagers, 5 figure

    Origin-Destination Network Generation via Gravity-Guided GAN

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    Origin-destination (OD) flow, which contains valuable population mobility information including direction and volume, is critical in many urban applications, such as urban planning, transportation management, etc. However, OD data is not always easy to access due to high costs or privacy concerns. Therefore, we must consider generating OD through mathematical models. Existing works utilize physics laws or machine learning (ML) models to build the association between urban structures and OD flows while these two kinds of methods suffer from the limitation of over-simplicity and poor generalization ability, respectively. In this paper, we propose to adopt physics-informed ML paradigm, which couple the physics scientific knowledge and data-driven ML methods, to construct a model named Origin-Destination Generation Networks (ODGN) for better population mobility modeling by leveraging the complementary strengths of combining physics and ML methods. Specifically, we first build a Multi-view Graph Attention Networks (MGAT) to capture the urban features of every region and then use a gravity-guided predictor to obtain OD flow between every two regions. Furthermore, we use a conditional GAN training strategy and design a sequence-based discriminator to consider the overall topological features of OD as a network. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets have been done to demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method compared with baselines.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Towards Generative Modeling of Urban Flow through Knowledge-enhanced Denoising Diffusion

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    Although generative AI has been successful in many areas, its ability to model geospatial data is still underexplored. Urban flow, a typical kind of geospatial data, is critical for a wide range of urban applications. Existing studies mostly focus on predictive modeling of urban flow that predicts the future flow based on historical flow data, which may be unavailable in data-sparse areas or newly planned regions. Some other studies aim to predict OD flow among regions but they fail to model dynamic changes of urban flow over time. In this work, we study a new problem of urban flow generation that generates dynamic urban flow for regions without historical flow data. To capture the effect of multiple factors on urban flow, such as region features and urban environment, we employ diffusion model to generate urban flow for regions under different conditions. We first construct an urban knowledge graph (UKG) to model the urban environment and relationships between regions, based on which we design a knowledge-enhanced spatio-temporal diffusion model (KSTDiff) to generate urban flow for each region. Specifically, to accurately generate urban flow for regions with different flow volumes, we design a novel diffusion process guided by a volume estimator, which is learnable and customized for each region. Moreover, we propose a knowledge-enhanced denoising network to capture the spatio-temporal dependencies of urban flow as well as the impact of urban environment in the denoising process. Extensive experiments on four real-world datasets validate the superiority of our model over state-of-the-art baselines in urban flow generation. Further in-depth studies demonstrate the utility of generated urban flow data and the ability of our model for long-term flow generation and urban flow prediction. Our code is released at: https://github.com/tsinghua-fib-lab/KSTDiff-Urban-flow-generation

    Short Term Traffic Flow Prediction with Neighbor Selecting Gated Recurrent Unit

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    Traffic flow prediction is an important component of a modern intelligent transport system. Building an effective model for short term traffic flow prediction model is challenging. Traffic is spatial temporal in nature. A traffic flow prediction model should consider an appropriate scope of neighbourhood of traffic. To address the needs of a dynamic scope of neighbourhood. We introduce a novel gated recurrent unit variant call Neighbor Selecting Gated Recurrent Unit(NSGRU). NSGRU feature a learn-able spatial kernel with distance based K-nearest neighbor trimming scheme. Embedded external traffic knowledge are used to aid with the learning of spatial kernel. The NSGRU was evaluated with a quantized real world dataset and observed consistent improvement over baseline models


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    The concept of "place" is crucial for understanding geographical environments from a human perspective. Place representation learning involves converting places into numerical low-dimensional dense vectors and is a fundamental procedure for artificial intelligence in geography (GeoAI). However, most studies ignore multi-level distance constraints and spatial proximity interactions that enable behavioral interactions between places. Furthermore, representing the temporal characteristics of these interactions in trajectory sequences poses a challenge for natural language processing and other field techniques. In addition, most existing methods rely on all modalities from inputs as they use joint training to integrate multiple modalities. To address these issues, we propose a Multi-Modal Contrastive Pre-training model for Place representation (MMCPP). Our model consists of three encoders that capture corresponding place attributes across different modalities, including point of interests (POIs), images, and trajectories. The trajectory encoder, named RodtFormer, takes fine-grained spatio-temporal trajectories as input and leverages self-attention with rotary temporal interval position embedding to simulate dynamic spatial and behavioral proximity interactions between places. By using a coordinated pre-training framework, MMCPP independently encodes place representations across different modalities and improves model reusability. We verify the effectiveness of our model on a taxi trajectory dataset using the location prediction task at next n seconds, including 30 seconds(s), 180(s), 300(s). Our results demonstrate that compared to existing embedding methods, our model is capable of learning higher-quality position representations during pre-training, leading to improved performance on downstream tasks

    An Interdisciplinary Survey on Origin-destination Flows Modeling: Theory and Techniques

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    Origin-destination~(OD) flow modeling is an extensively researched subject across multiple disciplines, such as the investigation of travel demand in transportation and spatial interaction modeling in geography. However, researchers from different fields tend to employ their own unique research paradigms and lack interdisciplinary communication, preventing the cross-fertilization of knowledge and the development of novel solutions to challenges. This article presents a systematic interdisciplinary survey that comprehensively and holistically scrutinizes OD flows from utilizing fundamental theory to studying the mechanism of population mobility and solving practical problems with engineering techniques, such as computational models. Specifically, regional economics, urban geography, and sociophysics are adept at employing theoretical research methods to explore the underlying mechanisms of OD flows. They have developed three influential theoretical models: the gravity model, the intervening opportunities model, and the radiation model. These models specifically focus on examining the fundamental influences of distance, opportunities, and population on OD flows, respectively. In the meantime, fields such as transportation, urban planning, and computer science primarily focus on addressing four practical problems: OD prediction, OD construction, OD estimation, and OD forecasting. Advanced computational models, such as deep learning models, have gradually been introduced to address these problems more effectively. Finally, based on the existing research, this survey summarizes current challenges and outlines future directions for this topic. Through this survey, we aim to break down the barriers between disciplines in OD flow-related research, fostering interdisciplinary perspectives and modes of thinking.Comment: 49 pages, 6 figure

    Enriching and validating geographic information on the web

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    The continuous growth of available data on the World Wide Web has led to an unprecedented amount of available information. However, the enormous variance in data quality and trustworthiness of information sources impairs the great potential of the large amount of vacant information. This observation especially applies to geographic information on the Web, i.e., information describing entities that are located on the Earth’s surface. With the advent of mobile devices, the impact of geographic Web information on our everyday life has substantially grown. The mobile devices have also enabled the creation of novel data sources such as OpenStreetMap (OSM), a collaborative crowd-sourced map providing open cartographic information. Today, we use geographic information in many applications, including routing, location recommendation, or geographic question answering. The processing of geographic Web information yields unique challenges. First, the descriptions of geographic entities on the Web are typically not validated. Since not all Web information sources are trustworthy, the correctness of some geographic Web entities is questionable. Second, geographic information sources on the Web are typically isolated from each other. The missing integration of information sources hinders the efficient use of geographic Web information for many applications. Third, the description of geographic entities is typically incomplete. Depending on the application, missing information is a decisive criterion for (not) using a particular data source. Due to the large scale of the Web, the manual correction of these problems is usually not feasible such that automated approaches are required. In this thesis, we tackle these challenges from three different angles. (i) Validation of geographic Web information: We validate geographic Web information by detecting vandalism in OpenStreetMap, for instance, the replacement of a street name with advertisement. To this end, we present the OVID model for automated vandalism detection in OpenStreetMap. (ii) Enrichment of geographic Web information through integration: We integrate OpenStreetMap with other geographic Web information sources, namely knowledge graphs, by identifying entries corresponding to the same world real-world entities in both data sources. We present the OSM2KG model for automated identity link discovery between OSM and knowledge graphs. (iii) Enrichment of missing information in geographic Web information: We consider semantic annotations of geographic entities on Web pages as an additional data source. We exploit existing annotations of categorical properties of Web entities as training data to enrich missing categorical properties in geographic Web information. For all of the proposed models, we conduct extensive evaluations on real-world datasets. Our experimental results confirm that the proposed solutions reliably outperform existing baselines. Furthermore, we demonstrate the utility of geographic Web Information in two application scenarios. (i) Corpus of geographic entity embeddings: We introduce the GeoVectors corpus, a linked open dataset of ready-to-use embeddings of geographic entities. With GeoVectors, we substantially lower the burden to use geographic data in machine learning applications. (ii) Application to event impact prediction: We employ several geographic Web information sources to predict the impact of public events on road traffic. To this end, we use cartographic, event, and event venue information from the Web.Durch die kontinuierliche Zunahme verfĂŒgbarer Daten im World Wide Web, besteht heute eine noch nie da gewesene Menge verfĂŒgbarer Informationen. Das große Potential dieser Daten wird jedoch durch hohe Schwankungen in der DatenqualitĂ€t und in der VertrauenswĂŒrdigkeit der Datenquellen geschmĂ€lert. Dies kann vor allem am Beispiel von geografischen Web-Informationen beobachtet werden. Geografische Web-Informationen sind Informationen ĂŒber EntitĂ€ten, die ĂŒber Koordinaten auf der ErdoberflĂ€che verfĂŒgen. Die Relevanz von geografischen Web-Informationen fĂŒr den Alltag ist durch die Verbreitung von internetfĂ€higen, mobilen EndgerĂ€ten, zum Beispiel Smartphones, extrem gestiegen. Weiterhin hat die VerfĂŒgbarkeit der mobilen EndgerĂ€te auch zur Erstellung neuartiger Datenquellen wie OpenStreetMap (OSM) gefĂŒhrt. OSM ist eine offene, kollaborative Webkarte, die von Freiwilligen dezentral erstellt wird. Mittlerweile ist die Nutzung geografischer Informationen die Grundlage fĂŒr eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen, wie zum Beispiel Navigation, Reiseempfehlungen oder geografische Frage-Antwort-Systeme. Bei der Verarbeitung geografischer Web-Informationen mĂŒssen einzigartige Herausforderungen berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Erstens werden die Beschreibungen geografischer Web-EntitĂ€ten typischerweise nicht validiert. Da nicht alle Informationsquellen im Web vertrauenswĂŒrdig sind, ist die Korrektheit der Darstellung mancher Web-EntitĂ€ten fragwĂŒrdig. Zweitens sind Informationsquellen im Web oft voneinander isoliert. Die fehlende Integration von Informationsquellen erschwert die effektive Nutzung von geografischen Web-Information in vielen AnwendungsfĂ€llen. Drittens sind die Beschreibungen von geografischen EntitĂ€ten typischerweise unvollstĂ€ndig. Je nach Anwendung kann das Fehlen von bestimmten Informationen ein entscheidendes Kriterium fĂŒr die Nutzung einer Datenquelle sein. Da die GrĂ¶ĂŸe des Webs eine manuelle Behebung dieser Probleme nicht zulĂ€sst, sind automatisierte Verfahren notwendig. In dieser Arbeit nĂ€hern wir uns diesen Herausforderungen von drei verschiedenen Richtungen. (i) Validierung von geografischen Web-Informationen: Wir validieren geografische Web-Informationen, indem wir Vandalismus in OpenStreetMap identifizieren, zum Beispiel das Ersetzen von Straßennamen mit Werbetexten. (ii) Anreicherung von geografischen Web-Information durch Integration: Wir integrieren OpenStreetMap mit anderen Informationsquellen im Web (Wissensgraphen), indem wir EintrĂ€ge in beiden Informationsquellen identifizieren, die den gleichen Echtwelt-EntitĂ€ten entsprechen. (iii) Anreicherung von fehlenden geografischen Informationen: Wir nutzen semantische Annotationen von geografischen EntitĂ€ten auf Webseiten als weitere Datenquelle. Wir nutzen existierende Annotationen kategorischer Attribute von Web-EntitĂ€ten als Trainingsdaten, um fehlende kategorische Attribute in geografischen Web-Informationen zu ergĂ€nzen. Wir fĂŒhren ausfĂŒhrliche Evaluationen fĂŒr alle beschriebenen Modelle durch. Die vorgestellten LösungsansĂ€tze erzielen verlĂ€sslich bessere Ergebnisse als existierende AnsĂ€tze. Weiterhin demonstrieren wir den Nutzen von geografischen Web-Informationen in zwei Anwendungsszenarien. (i) Korpus mit Embeddings von geografischen EntitĂ€ten: Wir stellen den GeoVectors-Korpus vor, einen verlinkten, offenen Datensatz mit direkt nutzbaren Embeddings von geografischen Web-EntitĂ€ten. Der GeoVectors-Korpus erleichtert die Nutzung von geografischen Daten in Anwendungen von maschinellen Lernen erheblich. (ii) Anwendung zur Prognose von Veranstaltungsauswirkungen: Wir nutzen Karten-, Veranstaltungs- und VeranstaltungsstĂ€tten-Daten aus dem Web, um die Auswirkungen von Veranstaltungen auf den Straßenverkehr zu prognostizieren
