44 research outputs found

    REBAEV : uma abordagem para recomendação de questões utilizando o caminho do bom aprendiz e evidências de aprendizado

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    Orientador: Andrey Ricardo PimentelDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 09/03/2022Inclui referências: p. 84-88Área de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: Esta dissertação tem como objetivo descrever a abordagem ReBaEv, que consiste da recomendação da próxima questão, contextualizada no ensino da programação de computadores em cursos de computação. Esta abordagem adota duas estratégias de recomendação, o caminho do bom aprendiz e as evidências de aprendizado. O estado da arte foi identificado por meio de um mapeamento sistemático da literatura e revelou as técnicas empregadas em recomendação de questões. Considera-se o modelo do estudante, representado por um grafo genético, que é utilizado para investigar e monitorar a evolução dos aprendizes, por meio das suas habilidades. Objetiva-se utilizar o caminho do bom aprendiz, que é gerado por alunos que obtiveram êxito na realização dos exercícios, como forma de replicar um modelo competente a outros aprendizes, ao considerar o campo do aprendizado. Faz-se uso de um método de identificação automática de evidências de aprendizado, através de códigos fonte de programação, de modo a extrair a quantidade de evidências utilizadas nos exercícios. As evidências de aprendizado são empregadas na recomendação ao calcular um peso que é atribuído para os exercícios. Experimentos realizados com o objetivo de validar a abordagem mostram que as estratégias empregadas, tomando-se como base o caminho do bom aprendiz e as evidências de aprendizado, foram promissoras e favoráveis para os três cenários considerados no trabalho, quanto aos quesitos de adequação e engajamento. Por meio da avaliação com especialistas percebe-se que os exercícios recomendados, referentes aos cenários propostos, foram adequados para os diferentes tipos de alunos, e que a recomendação em uma ordem mais interessante, contribuiu com o aumento do engajamento dos alunos. Finalmente, a abordagem ReBaEv recomenda exercícios recebendo como parâmetro o estado do aluno, sendo assim, relevante com o objetivo de de aprimorar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, ao melhor atender o aluno de acordo com as suas necessidades.Abstract: This dissertation aims to describe the ReBaEv approach, which consists of the recom- mendation of the next question, contextualized in the teaching of computer programming in computing courses. This approach adopts two recommendation strategies, the good learner path and the learning evidence. The state of the art was identified through a systematic mapping of the literature and revealed the techniques used in question recommendation. The student's model is considered, represented by a genetic graph, which is used to investigate and monitor the learners' evolution, through their abilities. The objective is to use the path of the good learner, which is generated by students who were successful in performing the exercises, as a way to replicate a competent model to other learners, when considering the field of learning. A method of automatic identification of learning evidence is used, through programming source codes, in order to extract the amount of evidence used in the exercises. The learning evidence is used in the recommendation when calculating a weight that is assigned to the exercises. Experiments carried out with the aim of validating the approach show that the strategies employed, taking as a basis the path of the good learner and the evidence of learning, were promising and favorable for the 3 scenarios considered in the work, regarding the items of adequacy and engagement . Through the evaluation with experts, it can be seen that the recommended exercises, referring to the proposed scenarios, were suitable for different types of students, and that the recommendation, in a more interesting order, contributed to increased student engagement. Finally, the ReBaEv approach recommends exercises taking the student's state as a parameter, thus being relevant in order to improve the teaching-learning process, by better serving the student according to their needs

    The Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education: Intellectual and attitudinal challenges

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    mathematics; education; curriculu

    Human-Machine Communication: Complete Volume. Volume 1

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    This is the complete volume of HMC Volume 1

    Communication Trends in the Post-Literacy Era: Polylingualism, Multimodality and Multiculturalism As Preconditions for New Creativity : monograph

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    The monograph presents the research results of the discussion held at the Fifth International Research Conference “Communication trends in the post-literacy era: polylingualism, multimodality and multiculturalism as prerequisites for new creativity” (Ekaterinburg, UrFU, November 26–28, 2020). The book is a result of joint efforts by the research group “Multilingualism and Interculturalism in the Post-Literacy Era”. The research results are presented in the form of sections that consistently reveal the features of modern media culture; its contradictory manifestations associated with both positive and negative consequences of mass media use; the positive role of new media in education during the COVID‑19 pandemic; creative potential of contemporary art and mediation, contemporary art and media environment. The collective monograph will be of interest to researchers in media culture, media education, media art and tools of social networks and new media in modern education, primarily in teaching foreign languages and Russian as a foreign language, in the professional education of journalists and specialists in the field of media communications.Published with the support of RFBR grant 20‑011‑22081 “The Fifth International Research Conference “Communication trends in the post-literacy era: polylingualism, multimodality and multiculturalism as prerequisites for new creativity”

    Second Annual Workshop on Space Operations Automation and Robotics (SOAR 1988)

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    Papers presented at the Second Annual Workshop on Space Operation Automation and Robotics (SOAR '88), hosted by Wright State University at Dayton, Ohio, on July 20, 21, 22, and 23, 1988, are documented herein. During the 4 days, approximately 100 technical papers were presented by experts from NASA, the USAF, universities, and technical companies. Panel discussions on Human Factors, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Space Systems were held but are not documented herein. Technical topics addressed included knowledge-based systems, human factors, and robotics

    Ability grouping in Harare Secondary Schools : its effect on instruaction, learning and social stratification

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    This study describes my experience 111 the research 1 conducted in two Harare secondary schools in which the interpretive ethnographic qualitative research methodology was used. The objective of the research was to assess the infuence of ability grouping on learners, given that ability grouping is a common practice in Zimbabwean schools. In particular, this study sought to find out how this practice affected classroom instruction, learner performance and the social relationship among learners. This study was conducted over three months at each of the schools, during which time formal interviews with teachers, administrators and learners, were conducted. These were complemented with informal conversations, where relevant comments were noted. Observation and limited participation in the two schools were also employed as means of collecting data. Analysis of documents was also done to supply more data about the practice and how it was implemented. As customary with qualitative research, I, as the researcher, was the instrument for data collection. Data were analysed by identifying themes which emerged from the statements of the respondents, and interpretation was done using the mechanism of thick description of what the respondents said and did during the interviews and observation, and what the documents had to say about this practice. I, as researcher, concluded from this study that ability grouping had a negative effect on classroom instruction for the low ability groups, since teachers tended not to prepare thoroughly for them. There was also a tendency among high ability groups to look down upon the low ability groups and to stigmatise them as "those who do not want to learn." Naturally this created a counter reaction from the low ability groups, making social relationships between members of the groups sour. l, as researcher, recommend a re-examination of this practice by the schools, with a view to either discontinue it or to work out mechanisms to remove the negative factors.Educational StudiesD. Ed. (Didactics

    Engaging with change in a post-Bologna teaching university in the Netherlands

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    Change is endemic in modern society, and the educational systems that operate in it. In Higher Education societal trends such as globalization and economic rationalism are impacting on teachers. Changes in the student population, new educational methods derived from shifting perspectives on the role of knowledge and re-structuring of the organizations within which teachers work have also led to transformation of the professional context. At European level policy initiatives such as the Bologna Declaration (1999) have necessitated an overhaul of educational provision. This research project attempts to focus on these wide ranging changes through the lens of teacher autonomy in order to establish what is changing in the working lives of teachers in a Dutch university, how they are responding to these changes and how they can be helped to respond to change effectively and discriminatingly. This is an insider research project, using case study and semi-structured interviewing to yield data that is subjected to thematic linguistic analysis. It was piloted in 2006, and interviewing was resumed in February 2007. Findings indicate the contested nature of teacher autonomy, and suggest that professional autonomy can impede as well as facilitate teachers in processes of engaging with change. The team - operating as a community of practice - is identified as the location where change agency can operate most effectively. Distributed leadership - specifically perceived in the activities of team leaders and teacher change agents - is seen as crucial to processes of embedding change in educational practice

    A complex systems approach to education in Switzerland

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    The insights gained from the study of complex systems in biological, social, and engineered systems enables us not only to observe and understand, but also to actively design systems which will be capable of successfully coping with complex and dynamically changing situations. The methods and mindset required for this approach have been applied to educational systems with their diverse levels of scale and complexity. Based on the general case made by Yaneer Bar-Yam, this paper applies the complex systems approach to the educational system in Switzerland. It confirms that the complex systems approach is valid. Indeed, many recommendations made for the general case have already been implemented in the Swiss education system. To address existing problems and difficulties, further steps are recommended. This paper contributes to the further establishment complex systems approach by shedding light on an area which concerns us all, which is a frequent topic of discussion and dispute among politicians and the public, where billions of dollars have been spent without achieving the desired results, and where it is difficult to directly derive consequences from actions taken. The analysis of the education system's different levels, their complexity and scale will clarify how such a dynamic system should be approached, and how it can be guided towards the desired performance