11,277 research outputs found

    NoRML: No-Reward Meta Learning

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    Efficiently adapting to new environments and changes in dynamics is critical for agents to successfully operate in the real world. Reinforcement learning (RL) based approaches typically rely on external reward feedback for adaptation. However, in many scenarios this reward signal might not be readily available for the target task, or the difference between the environments can be implicit and only observable from the dynamics. To this end, we introduce a method that allows for self-adaptation of learned policies: No-Reward Meta Learning (NoRML). NoRML extends Model Agnostic Meta Learning (MAML) for RL and uses observable dynamics of the environment instead of an explicit reward function in MAML's finetune step. Our method has a more expressive update step than MAML, while maintaining MAML's gradient based foundation. Additionally, in order to allow more targeted exploration, we implement an extension to MAML that effectively disconnects the meta-policy parameters from the fine-tuned policies' parameters. We first study our method on a number of synthetic control problems and then validate our method on common benchmark environments, showing that NoRML outperforms MAML when the dynamics change between tasks

    A Simple Neural Attentive Meta-Learner

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    Deep neural networks excel in regimes with large amounts of data, but tend to struggle when data is scarce or when they need to adapt quickly to changes in the task. In response, recent work in meta-learning proposes training a meta-learner on a distribution of similar tasks, in the hopes of generalization to novel but related tasks by learning a high-level strategy that captures the essence of the problem it is asked to solve. However, many recent meta-learning approaches are extensively hand-designed, either using architectures specialized to a particular application, or hard-coding algorithmic components that constrain how the meta-learner solves the task. We propose a class of simple and generic meta-learner architectures that use a novel combination of temporal convolutions and soft attention; the former to aggregate information from past experience and the latter to pinpoint specific pieces of information. In the most extensive set of meta-learning experiments to date, we evaluate the resulting Simple Neural AttentIve Learner (or SNAIL) on several heavily-benchmarked tasks. On all tasks, in both supervised and reinforcement learning, SNAIL attains state-of-the-art performance by significant margins.Comment: iclr 2018 versio

    Learning latent state representation for speeding up exploration

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    Exploration is an extremely challenging problem in reinforcement learning, especially in high dimensional state and action spaces and when only sparse rewards are available. Effective representations can indicate which components of the state are task relevant and thus reduce the dimensionality of the space to explore. In this work, we take a representation learning viewpoint on exploration, utilizing prior experience to learn effective latent representations, which can subsequently indicate which regions to explore. Prior experience on separate but related tasks help learn representations of the state which are effective at predicting instantaneous rewards. These learned representations can then be used with an entropy-based exploration method to effectively perform exploration in high dimensional spaces by effectively lowering the dimensionality of the search space. We show the benefits of this representation for meta-exploration in a simulated object pushing environment.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, worksho

    The Natural Language Decathlon: Multitask Learning as Question Answering

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    Deep learning has improved performance on many natural language processing (NLP) tasks individually. However, general NLP models cannot emerge within a paradigm that focuses on the particularities of a single metric, dataset, and task. We introduce the Natural Language Decathlon (decaNLP), a challenge that spans ten tasks: question answering, machine translation, summarization, natural language inference, sentiment analysis, semantic role labeling, zero-shot relation extraction, goal-oriented dialogue, semantic parsing, and commonsense pronoun resolution. We cast all tasks as question answering over a context. Furthermore, we present a new Multitask Question Answering Network (MQAN) jointly learns all tasks in decaNLP without any task-specific modules or parameters in the multitask setting. MQAN shows improvements in transfer learning for machine translation and named entity recognition, domain adaptation for sentiment analysis and natural language inference, and zero-shot capabilities for text classification. We demonstrate that the MQAN's multi-pointer-generator decoder is key to this success and performance further improves with an anti-curriculum training strategy. Though designed for decaNLP, MQAN also achieves state of the art results on the WikiSQL semantic parsing task in the single-task setting. We also release code for procuring and processing data, training and evaluating models, and reproducing all experiments for decaNLP

    Meta-Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Industrial Insertion Tasks

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    Robotic insertion tasks are characterized by contact and friction mechanics, making them challenging for conventional feedback control methods due to unmodeled physical effects. Reinforcement learning (RL) is a promising approach for learning control policies in such settings. However, RL can be unsafe during exploration and might require a large amount of real-world training data, which is expensive to collect. In this paper, we study how to use meta-reinforcement learning to solve the bulk of the problem in simulation by solving a family of simulated industrial insertion tasks and then adapt policies quickly in the real world. We demonstrate our approach by training an agent to successfully perform challenging real-world insertion tasks using less than 20 trials of real-world experience. Videos and other material are available at https://pearl-insertion.github.io/Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Learning to Learn How to Learn: Self-Adaptive Visual Navigation Using Meta-Learning

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    Learning is an inherently continuous phenomenon. When humans learn a new task there is no explicit distinction between training and inference. As we learn a task, we keep learning about it while performing the task. What we learn and how we learn it varies during different stages of learning. Learning how to learn and adapt is a key property that enables us to generalize effortlessly to new settings. This is in contrast with conventional settings in machine learning where a trained model is frozen during inference. In this paper we study the problem of learning to learn at both training and test time in the context of visual navigation. A fundamental challenge in navigation is generalization to unseen scenes. In this paper we propose a self-adaptive visual navigation method (SAVN) which learns to adapt to new environments without any explicit supervision. Our solution is a meta-reinforcement learning approach where an agent learns a self-supervised interaction loss that encourages effective navigation. Our experiments, performed in the AI2-THOR framework, show major improvements in both success rate and SPL for visual navigation in novel scenes. Our code and data are available at: https://github.com/allenai/savn

    Learning Representations in Model-Free Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

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    Common approaches to Reinforcement Learning (RL) are seriously challenged by large-scale applications involving huge state spaces and sparse delayed reward feedback. Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (HRL) methods attempt to address this scalability issue by learning action selection policies at multiple levels of temporal abstraction. Abstraction can be had by identifying a relatively small set of states that are likely to be useful as subgoals, in concert with the learning of corresponding skill policies to achieve those subgoals. Many approaches to subgoal discovery in HRL depend on the analysis of a model of the environment, but the need to learn such a model introduces its own problems of scale. Once subgoals are identified, skills may be learned through intrinsic motivation, introducing an internal reward signal marking subgoal attainment. In this paper, we present a novel model-free method for subgoal discovery using incremental unsupervised learning over a small memory of the most recent experiences (trajectories) of the agent. When combined with an intrinsic motivation learning mechanism, this method learns both subgoals and skills, based on experiences in the environment. Thus, we offer an original approach to HRL that does not require the acquisition of a model of the environment, suitable for large-scale applications. We demonstrate the efficiency of our method on two RL problems with sparse delayed feedback: a variant of the rooms environment and the first screen of the ATARI 2600 Montezuma's Revenge game

    Scaling Configuration of Energy Harvesting Sensors with Reinforcement Learning

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    With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), an increasing number of energy harvesting methods are being used to supplement or supplant battery based sensors. Energy harvesting sensors need to be configured according to the application, hardware, and environmental conditions to maximize their usefulness. As of today, the configuration of sensors is either manual or heuristics based, requiring valuable domain expertise. Reinforcement learning (RL) is a promising approach to automate configuration and efficiently scale IoT deployments, but it is not yet adopted in practice. We propose solutions to bridge this gap: reduce the training phase of RL so that nodes are operational within a short time after deployment and reduce the computational requirements to scale to large deployments. We focus on configuration of the sampling rate of indoor solar panel based energy harvesting sensors. We created a simulator based on 3 months of data collected from 5 sensor nodes subject to different lighting conditions. Our simulation results show that RL can effectively learn energy availability patterns and configure the sampling rate of the sensor nodes to maximize the sensing data while ensuring that energy storage is not depleted. The nodes can be operational within the first day by using our methods. We show that it is possible to reduce the number of RL policies by using a single policy for nodes that share similar lighting conditions.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Routing Networks and the Challenges of Modular and Compositional Computation

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    Compositionality is a key strategy for addressing combinatorial complexity and the curse of dimensionality. Recent work has shown that compositional solutions can be learned and offer substantial gains across a variety of domains, including multi-task learning, language modeling, visual question answering, machine comprehension, and others. However, such models present unique challenges during training when both the module parameters and their composition must be learned jointly. In this paper, we identify several of these issues and analyze their underlying causes. Our discussion focuses on routing networks, a general approach to this problem, and examines empirically the interplay of these challenges and a variety of design decisions. In particular, we consider the effect of how the algorithm decides on module composition, how the algorithm updates the modules, and if the algorithm uses regularization

    One-Shot Learning of Multi-Step Tasks from Observation via Activity Localization in Auxiliary Video

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    Due to burdensome data requirements, learning from demonstration often falls short of its promise to allow users to quickly and naturally program robots. Demonstrations are inherently ambiguous and incomplete, making correct generalization to unseen situations difficult without a large number of demonstrations in varying conditions. By contrast, humans are often able to learn complex tasks from a single demonstration (typically observations without action labels) by leveraging context learned over a lifetime. Inspired by this capability, our goal is to enable robots to perform one-shot learning of multi-step tasks from observation by leveraging auxiliary video data as context. Our primary contribution is a novel system that achieves this goal by: (1) using a single user-segmented demonstration to define the primitive actions that comprise a task, (2) localizing additional examples of these actions in unsegmented auxiliary videos via a metalearning-based approach, (3) using these additional examples to learn a reward function for each action, and (4) performing reinforcement learning on top of the inferred reward functions to learn action policies that can be combined to accomplish the task. We empirically demonstrate that a robot can learn multi-step tasks more effectively when provided auxiliary video, and that performance greatly improves when localizing individual actions, compared to learning from unsegmented videos.Comment: ICRA 201
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