16 research outputs found

    Key Exchange and Authenticated Key Exchange with Reusable Keys Based on RLWE Assumption

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    Key Exchange (KE) is, undoubtedly, one of the most used cryptographic primitives in practice. Its authenticated version, Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE), avoids man-in-the-middle-based attacks by providing authentication for both parties involved. It is widely used on the Internet, in protocols such as TLS or SSH. In this work, we provide new constructions for KE and AKE based on ideal lattices in the Random Oracle Model (ROM). The contributions of this work can be summarized as follows: 1) It is well-known that RLWE-based KE protocols are not robust for key reuses since the signal function leaks information about the secret key. We modify the design of previous RLWE-based KE schemes to allow key reuse in the ROM. Our construction makes use of a new technique called pasteurization which enforces a supposedly RLWE sample sent by the other party to be indeed indistinguishable from a uniform sample and, therefore, ensures no information leakage in the whole KE process. 2) We build a new AKE scheme based on the construction above. The scheme provides implicit authentication (that is, it does not require the use of any other authentication mechanism, like a signature scheme) and it is proven secure in the Bellare-Rogaway model with weak Perfect Forward Secrecy in the ROM. It improves previous designs for AKE schemes based on lattices in several aspects. Our construction just requires sampling from only one discrete Gaussian distribution and avoids rejection sampling and noise flooding techniques, unlike previous proposals (Zhang et al., EUROCRYPT 2015). Thus, the scheme is much more efficient than previous constructions in terms of computational and communication complexity. Since our constructions are provably secure assuming the hardness of the RLWE problem, they are considered to be robust against quantum adversaries and, thus, suitable for post-quantum applications

    A Complete and Optimized Key Mismatch Attack on NIST Candidate NewHope

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    In CT-RSA 2019, Bauer et al. have analyzed the case when the public key is reused for the NewHope key encapsulation mechanism (KEM), a second-round candidate in the NIST Post-quantum Standard process. They proposed an elegant method to recover coefficients ranging from -6 to 4 in the secret key. We repeat their experiments but there are two fundamental problems. First, even for coefficients in [-6,4] we cannot recover at least 262 of them in each secret key with 1024 coefficients. Second, for the coefficient outside [-6,4], they suggested an exhaustive search. But for each secret key on average there are 10 coefficients that need to be exhaustively searched, and each of them has 6 possibilities. This makes Bauer et al.\u27s method highly inefficient. We propose an improved method, which with 99.22% probability can recover all the elements ranging from -6 to 4 in the secret key. Then, inspired by Ding et al.\u27s key mismatch attack, we propose an efficient strategy which with a probability of 96.88% succeeds in recovering all the coefficients in the secret key. Experiments show that our proposed method is very efficient, which completes the attack in about 137.56 ms using the NewHope parameters

    Defeating NewHope with a Single Trace

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    The key encapsulation method NewHope allows two parties to agree on a secret key. The scheme includes a private and a public key. While the public key is used to encipher a random shared secret, the private key enables to decipher the ciphertext. NewHope is a candidate in the NIST post-quantum project, whose aim is to standardize cryptographic systems that are secure against attacks originating from both quantum and classical computers. While NewHope relies on the theory of quantum-resistant lattice problems, practical implementations have shown vulnerabilities against side-channel attacks targeting the extraction of the private key. In this paper, we demonstrate a new attack on the shared secret. The target consists of the C reference implementation as submitted to the NIST contest, being executed on a Cortex-M4 processor. Based on power measurement, the complete shared secret can be extracted from data of one single trace only. Further, we analyze the impact of different compiler directives. When the code is compiled with optimization turned off, the shared secret can be read from an oscilloscope display directly with the naked eye. When optimizations are enabled, the attack requires some more sophisticated techniques, but the attack still works on single power traces

    Analysis of BCNS and Newhope Key-exchange Protocols

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    Lattice-based cryptographic primitives are believed to offer resilience against attacks by quantum computers. Following increasing interest from both companies and government agencies in building quantum computers, a number of works have proposed instantiations of practical post-quantum key-exchange protocols based on hard problems in lattices, mainly based on the Ring Learning With Errors (R-LWE) problem. In this work we present an analysis of Ring-LWE based key-exchange mechanisms and compare two implementations of Ring-LWE based key-exchange protocol: BCNS and NewHope. This is important as NewHope protocol implementation outperforms state-of-the art elliptic curve based Diffie-Hellman key-exchange X25519, thus showing that using quantum safe key-exchange is not only a viable option but also a faster one. Specifically, this thesis compares different reconciliation methods, parameter choices, noise sampling algorithms and performance

    Improving Key Mismatch Attack on NewHope with Fewer Queries

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    NewHope is a lattice cryptoscheme based on the Ring Learning With Errors (Ring-LWE) problem, and it has received much attention among the candidates of the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization project. Recently, there have been key mismatch attacks on NewHope, where the adversary tries to recover the server’s secret key by observing the mismatch of the shared key from chosen queries. At CT-RSA 2019, Bauer et al. first proposed a key mismatch attack on NewHope, and then at ESORICS 2019, Qin et al. proposed an improved version with a success probability of 96.9% using about 880,000 queries. In this paper, we further improve their key mismatch attack on NewHope. First, we reduce the number of queries by adapting the terminating condition to the response from the server using an early abort technique. Next, the success rate of recovering the secret key polynomial is raised by considering the deterministic condition judging its coefficients. Furthermore, the search range of the secret key in Qin et al.’s attack is extended without increasing the number of queries. With the above improvements, to achieve an almost success rate of 97%, about 73% of queries can be reduced compared with Qin et al.’s method. Additionally, the success rate can be improved to 100.0%. In particular, we analyze the trade-off between the cost of queries and the success rate. We show that a lower success rate of 20.9% is available by further reduced queries of 135,000 simultaneously

    Small Field Attack, and Revisiting RLWE-Based Authenticated Key Exchange from Eurocrypt\u2715

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    Authenticated key-exchange (AKE) plays a fundamental role in modern cryptography. Up to now, the HMQV protocol family is among the most efficient provably secure AKE protocols, which has been widely standardized and in use. Given recent advances in quantum computing, it would be highly desirable to develop lattice-based HMQV-analogue protocols for the possible upcoming post-quantum era. Towards this goal, an important step is recently made by Zhang et al. at Eurocrypt\u2715. Similar to HMQV, the HMQV-analogue protocols proposed there consists of two variants: a two-pass protocol Π2\Pi_2, as well as a one-pass protocol Π1\Pi_1 that implies, in turn, a signcryption scheme (named as deniable encryption ). All these protocols are claimed to be provably secure under the ring-LWE (RLWE) assumption. In this work, we propose a new type of attack, referred to as small field attack (SFA), against the one-pass protocol Π1\Pi_1, as well as its resultant deniable encryption scheme. With SFA, a malicious user can efficiently recover the static private key of the honest victim user in Π1\Pi_1 with overwhelming probability. Moreover, the SFA attack is realistic and powerful in practice, in the sense that it is almost impossible for the honest user to prevent, or even detect, the attack. Besides, some new property regarding the CRT basis of RqR_q is also developed in this work, which is essential for our small field attack and may be of independent interest. The security proof of the two-pass protocol Π2\Pi_2 is then revisited. We are stuck at Claim 16 in [ZZDS14], with a gap identified and discussed in the security proof. To us, we do not know how to fix the gap, which traces back to some critical differences between the security proof of HMQV and that of its RLWE-based analogue

    Lattice Reduction Meets Key-Mismatch: New Misuse Attack on Lattice-Based NIST Candidate KEMs

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    Resistance to key misuse attacks is a vital property for key encapsulation mechanisms(KEMs)in NIST-PQC standardization process. In key mismatch attack, the adversary recovers reused secret key with the help of an oracle O\mathcal{O} that indicates whether the shared key matches or not. Key mismatch attack is more powerful when fewer oracle queries are required. A series of works tried to reduce query times, Qin et al. [AISACRYPT 2021] gave a systematic approach to finding lower bound of oracle queries for a category of KEMs, including NIST’s third-round candidate Kyber and Saber. In this paper, we found the aforementioned bound can be bypassed by combining Qin et al. (AISACRYPT 2021)’s key mismatch attack with a standard lattice attack. In particular, we explicitly build the relationship between the number of queries to the oracle and the bit security of the lattice-based KEMs. Our attack is inspired by the fact that each oracle query reveals partial information of reused secrets, and affects the mean and the covariance parameter of secrets, making the attack on lattice easier. In addition, We quantify such effect in theory and estimate the security loss for all NIST second-round candidate KEMs.Specifically, Our improved attack reduces the number of queries for Kyber512 by 34% from 1312 queries with bit security 107 to 865 with bit security 32. For Kyber768 and Kyber1024, our improved attack reduces the number of queries by 29% and 27% with bit security is 32

    A multifaceted formal analysis of end-to-end encrypted email protocols and cryptographic authentication enhancements

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    Largely owing to cryptography, modern messaging tools (e.g., Signal) have reached a considerable degree of sophistication, balancing advanced security features with high usability. This has not been the case for email, which however, remains the most pervasive and interoperable form of digital communication. As sensitive information (e.g., identification documents, bank statements, or the message in the email itself) is frequently exchanged by this means, protecting the privacy of email communications is a justified concern which has been emphasized in the last years. A great deal of effort has gone into the development of tools and techniques for providing email communications with privacy and security, requirements that were not originally considered. Yet, drawbacks across several dimensions hinder the development of a global solution that would strengthen security while maintaining the standard features that we expect from email clients. In this thesis, we present improvements to security in email communications. Relying on formal methods and cryptography, we design and assess security protocols and analysis techniques, and propose enhancements to implemented approaches for end-to-end secure email communication. In the first part, we propose a methodical process relying on code reverse engineering, which we use to abstract the specifications of two end-to-end security protocols from a secure email solution (called pEp); then, we apply symbolic verification techniques to analyze such protocols with respect to privacy and authentication properties. We also introduce a novel formal framework that enables a system's security analysis aimed at detecting flaws caused by possible discrepancies between the user's and the system's assessment of security. Security protocols, along with user perceptions and interaction traces, are modeled as transition systems; socio-technical security properties are defined as formulas in computation tree logic (CTL), which can then be verified by model checking. Finally, we propose a protocol that aims at securing a password-based authentication system designed to detect the leakage of a password database, from a code-corruption attack. In the second part, the insights gained by the analysis in Part I allow us to propose both, theoretical and practical solutions for improving security and usability aspects, primarily of email communication, but from which secure messaging solutions can benefit too. The first enhancement concerns the use of password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocols for entity authentication in peer-to-peer decentralized settings, as a replacement for out-of-band channels; this brings provable security to the so far empirical process, and enables the implementation of further security and usability properties (e.g., forward secrecy, secure secret retrieval). A second idea refers to the protection of weak passwords at rest and in transit, for which we propose a scheme based on the use of a one-time-password; furthermore, we consider potential approaches for improving this scheme. The hereby presented research was conducted as part of an industrial partnership between SnT/University of Luxembourg and pEp Security S.A