9,077 research outputs found

    Study on Ground Engineering and Management of Carbonate Oil Field A under Rolling Development Mode

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    Carbonate rock has the characteristics of complicated accumulation rules, large-scale development, high yield but unstable production. Therefore, the management and control of surface engineering projects of carbonate rock oil and gas reservoirs faces huge difficulties and challenges. The construction of surface engineering should conform to the principle of integrated underground and ground construction and adapt to the oilfield development model. This paper takes the newly added area A of the carbonated oil field as an example to study the ground engineering under the rolling development mode and aims to provide the constructive ideas for the surface engineering under rolling development mode. The overall regional process design adheres to the design concept of "environmental protection, efficiency, and innovation", strictly follows the design specifications, and combines reservoir engineering and oil production engineering programs, oil and gas physical properties and chemical composition, product programs, ground natural conditions, etc. According to the technical and economic analysis and comparison of area A, this paper has worked out a suitable surface engineering construction, pipeline network layout and oil and gas gathering and transportation plan for area A. Some auxiliary management recommendations are also proposed in this paper, like sand prevention management and HSE management for carbonate reservoirs

    Design optimization of oilfield subsea infrastructures with manifold placement and pipeline layout

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    This work presents a practical and effective optimization method to design subsea production networks, which accounts for the number of manifolds and platforms, their location, well assignment to these gathering systems, and pipeline diameter. It brings a fast solution that can be easily implemented as a tool for layout design optimization and simulation-based analysis. The proposed model comprises reservoir dynamics and multiphase flow, relying on multidimensional piecewise linearization to formulate the layout design problem as a MILP. Besides design validation, reservoir simulation serves the purpose of defining boundaries for optimization variables and parameters that characterize pressure decrease, reservoir dynamics and well production over time. Pressure drop in pipelines are modeled by piecewise-linear functions that approximate multiphase flow simulators. The resulting optimization model and approximation methodology were applied to a real oilfield with the aim of assessing their effectiveness.Este trabalho apresenta um método de otimização prático e eficaz para o projeto de redes de produção submarinas em campos de petróleo offshore, o que compreende o número de coletores, sejam manifolds ou plataformas, sua localização, atribuição de poços a esses coletores e diâmetro de dutos que interligam todos os elementos da rede. Ele traz uma solução rápida que pode ser facilmente implementada como uma ferramenta para otimização de layout e de estudos baseados em simulação. O modelo proposto compreende a dinâmica do reservatório e fluxo multifásico em dutos, baseando-se na linearização multidimensional por partes para formular o problema de otimização de layout como programação inteira linear mista. Além da validação da solução ótima obtida pelo método, a simulação de reservatórios define limites para as variáveis e parâmetros do modelo que caracterizam a perda de carga, a dinâmica do reservatório e a produção de óleo dos poços ao longo do tempo. A perda de carga nas tubulações é modelada por funções lineares por partes que aproximam resultados obtidos pelos simuladores de fluxo multifásicos. O modelo de otimização foi aplicado a um verdadeiro campo de petróleo offshore com o objetivo de avaliar sua efetividade

    Conservation Planning in a Changing World

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    As a science and practice dedicated to preventing, stopping, and reversing negative effects on nature, conservation is constantly faced with new challenges. Combine this fact with the rise of large, freely available datasets and computational power, and the result is a need to advance the methods and conceptual approach to conservation planning. In my dissertation I present novel methods and address research questions that aim to keep conservation science and practice relevant and effective in a changing world. This picture of continual change is illustrated in Chapter 1, in which I explore how the ongoing collection of observations of rare species changes spatial conservation priorities. I find that even after a century of data collection, new records do and will continue to significantly affect spatial priorities. I then moved to consider a new threat: the environmental impacts from shale gas surface infrastructure. I focus on how those environmental impacts may be partially abated by changing the locations of infrastructure. In Chapter 2 I assess the relative performance of simple guidelines for placing well pads, access roads, and gathering pipelines for shale gas development. I find that while targeted guidelines can be effective, none are universally so. In Chapter 3, I examine the site-level tradeoffs between reducing environmental impacts and increased construction costs for shale gas surface infrastructure. I find notable heterogeneity among sites in both the degree to which impacts can be reduced and the relative cost of doing so. Finally in Chapter 4, I evaluate the cost effectiveness of different regulations for reducing aggregate impacts from surface infrastructure across sites and find large gains from trade when implementing a cap and trade system. Overall, my dissertation facilitates a transition of knowledge for conservation planning to be able to better adapt to and cope with the changing world

    Intelligent systems in manufacturing: current developments and future prospects

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    Global competition and rapidly changing customer requirements are demanding increasing changes in manufacturing environments. Enterprises are required to constantly redesign their products and continuously reconfigure their manufacturing systems. Traditional approaches to manufacturing systems do not fully satisfy this new situation. Many authors have proposed that artificial intelligence will bring the flexibility and efficiency needed by manufacturing systems. This paper is a review of artificial intelligence techniques used in manufacturing systems. The paper first defines the components of a simplified intelligent manufacturing systems (IMS), the different Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to be considered and then shows how these AI techniques are used for the components of IMS

    Combined heat and power generation systems for optimum environmental and economic performance : a case study in Catalonia

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    In the current energy conjunction, with an expected growth of energy consumption in a context of fossil fuel depletion, more focus is being placed on renewable energy sources (RES) for electricity generation. To enhance their deployment worldwide, hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) are a trendy alternative, because they can effectively take advantage of scalability and flexibility of these energy sources, since combining two or more allows counteracting the weaknesses of a stochastic renewable energy source with the strengths of another or with the predictability of a non-renewable energy source. This work presents an optimization methodology that was developed for life cycle cost optimization and multi-objective cost and environmental impact optimization of a grid-connected HRES based on solar photovoltaic, wind and biomass power. In such a system, biomass power seeks to take advantage of locally available forest wood biomass in the form of wood chips to provide energy in periods when the photovoltaic (PV) and wind power generated are not enough to match the existing demand and, additionally, produce thermal energy when a combined heat and power (CHP) scheme is adopted. The developed model was tested in a sample township in central Catalonia using real wind, solar irradiation and electricity demand data from a certain location on an hourly basis. To assess different situations and system layouts, four different case studies were carried out and the model was adapted to each of the situations analyzed. Sensitivity analyses that allowed detecting to which variables the system was more sensitive in each situation were performed. In all cases, the model responds well to changes in the input parameters and variables while providing trustworthy sizing solutions. When looking to a grid-connected HRES consisting of PV and wind power technologies, the results of its cost optimization show that it would be economically profitable in the studied rural township in the Mediterranean climate region of central Catalonia (Spain), being the system paid off after 18 years of operation out of 25 years of system lifetime. Placing the focus into a grid-connected PV-wind-biomass HRES, the results show that such a system could be installed with smaller upfront investments than the previous case, counteracted by higher life-cycle costs. However, such a system would have benefits in terms of energy autonomy and environment quality improvement, as well as in term of job opportunity creation as biomass is the RES with greater impact on local job opportunities creation. The same system was also analyzed under a multi-objective perspective, considering not only its life-cycle cost, but also its life-cycle environmental impact (EI). In that case, the results show that they are contradicting criteria. Low EI layouts highly dependent on RES have higher costs than the ones more reliant on the electricity from the public grid, which present high environmental impact. Results also show that improving the rate of return on investment in HRES would be a very beneficial measure to encourage the use of renewable energies for electricity production, as it has significant positive outcomes in terms of both cost and environmental impact reduction.z< The last hypothesis analyzed was the possibility of adopting a CHP scheme. The system showed lower return on investment rates, making it profitable after around 10 years that are required to pay back the initial investment. That is a result of the usage of thermal energy produced through biomass conversion, which makes more efficient the whole system as that energy is, otherwise, thrown away. The trade-offs between cost and environmental impact show again that small investments on renewable energies (RE) have great returns in terms of environmental impact reduction, especially when the starting point is the current grid situation with more than 50% of energy sources being fossil fuel-based with their associated EI.En l'actual situació de l'energia, amb un pronosticat augment del consum energètic en un context d'esgotament dels combustibles fòssils, s'està posant més atenció en les fonts d'energia renovable per generació elèctrica. Per millorar el seu desplegament arreu, els sistemes híbrids d'energia renovable són una alternativa en puixança, donat que aquests poden aprofitar l'escalabilitat i flexibilitat de les fonts d'energia renovable donat que la combinació de dues o més fonts permet contrarrestar les debilitats d'una font d'energia no controlable amb les fortaleses d'una altra o amb la controlabilitat d'una font d'energia no renovable. Aquest treall presenta una metodologia d'optimització que ha estat desenvolupada per a optimització del cost de cicle de vida i per la optimització multi-objectiu de cost i impacte ambiental (IA) de cicle vida d'un sistema híbrid d'energia renovable connectat a la xarxa elèctrica i basat en l'ús de les energies solar fotovoltaica (FV), eòlica i de la biomassa. En aquest sistema l'ús de la biomassa busca l'aprofitament del recurs forestal autòcton en forma de 'wood chips' per proporcionar energia en aquells períodes en els què les energies FV i eòlica no són suficients per a subministrar la demanda existent i, addicionalment, produïr energia tèrmica adoptant un esquema de cogeneració. El model desenvolupat ha estat testat i validat en un municipi rural situat a la Catalunya central i utilitzant dades reals de velocitat de vent, irradiació solar i demanda elèctrica amb una precisió horària. Per a evaluar diferents situacions i disposicions del sistema, s'han dut a terme 4 casos d'estudi, i el model ha estat adaptat a cada una de les situacions analitzades. També s'han dut a terme anàlisis de sensibilitat que permeten detectar a quines variables és més sensible el model i el sistema de producció elèctrica. En tots els casos, el model respon adequadament als canvis implementats en les dades d'entrada, a la vegada que proporciona resultats del dimensionat òptim del sistema. Fixant-nos en un sistema FV - eòlic, els resultats de la seva optimització de cost mostren que seria econòmicament viable la seva instal·lació en la localització evaluada, amb un període de retorn de la inversió de 18 anys dels 25 anys de vida útil del sistema. Si ens fixem en un sistema FV - eòlic - biomassa, els resulstats mostren que el sistema requereix de menys inversió inicial que l'anterior, avantatge contrarrestat per un cost de cicle de vida major. No obstant, aquest sistema aportaria beneficis en termes d'autonomia energètica, millora de qualitat ambiental i en creació de llocs de treball derivats del processat de la biomassa forestal, una font intensiva en demanda de llocs de treball. El mateix sistema també s'ha analitzat des d'una perspectiva multi-criteri, considerant també l'IA. En aquest cas, els resultats mostren que cost i impacte ambiental són criteris contradictoris: sistemes de baix IA tenen costs més elevats que aquells que se sustenten en l'energia de la xarxa elèctrica, que presenta un elevat IA. Els resultats també mostren que la millora de la taxa de retorn de la inversió seria una mesura molt beneficiosa per fomentar l'ús de les energies renovables per a la generació d'electricitat degut al seus retorns positius en termes de reducció de cost i IA. La darrera hipòtesi analitzada ha estat l'adopció d'un esquema de cogeneració. En aquest cas, el sistema mostra menors períodes de retorn de la inversió, fent-lo rentable a partir dels 10 anys. Això es deu a la utilització de l'energia tèrmica produïda en la valorització energètica de la biomassa, que té efectes en la millora de l'eficiència al aprofitar energia que d'altra manera es malbarata. Els balanços entre cost i impacte ambiental mostren de nou que petites inversions en energia renovable tenen grans retorns en termes de reducció de l'IA, en especial partint d'un sistema elèctric on més d'un 50% de fonts energètiques són combustibles fòssils amb elevat I

    Optimization for LNG terminals routing in North China

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    The manufacturing value chain of power generation equipment: A case study

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    On the basis of literature study and data collection, this thesis analyzes the value chain in Chinese power industry, power generation equipment industry, and steam turbine manufacturing industry systematically, in combination with Chinese power generation equipment industry background. It obtains a conclusion that the manufacturing takes the core status in the whole value chain. Around the manufacturing value chain, this thesis analyzes the key links and the key components of manufacturing value chain by case study of Dongfang Turbine Co., Ltd. It also makes a concrete description of manufacturing value chain’s management and upgrading in the aspects of technology innovation, manufacturing technology layout optimization, production and quality management, and the management of value network.Com base na revisão de literatura e na recolha e tratamento de dados, esta tese analisa a cadeia de valor na indústria energética Chinesa no que respeita à produção de equipamento para a geração de energia e turbinas a vapor. A tese conclui que a produção assume um lugar central em toda a cadeia de valor. Tendo como pano de fundo a cadeia de valor da produção esta tese analisa as principais ligações e as principais componentes da produção da empresa Dongfang Turbine. Ltd. A tese descreve também a gestão da cadeia de valor da produção, dando especial ênfase à inovação tecnológica, à optimização do layout, à gestão da qualidade e à gestão do valor produzido em rede

    Risø DTU Annual Report 2010:Highlights from Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, DTU

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    Optimization of FPSO Glen Lyon Mooring Lines

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    During oil and gas inspection and extraction operations both in deep and ultra-deep water, vessel mooring is a very important factor for the development of oil fields. For these depths, standard stand-alone surface facilities e.g. jack up rigs or offshore fixed platforms are not suitable due to the harsh collinear and non-collinear environment in-situ (location, waves, surface and underwater current, sea tides, ice, etc.). For deep sea wells clusters, it is usual to use floating production storage offloading (FPSO) as surface platforms for long time exploitation periods. Subsea expenditure, refers the cost of the subsea project and generally includes the capital expenditures (capex) and operational expenditures (opex). In the production of hydrocarbons capex and opex exponentially increases with increasing depth, resulting in a need for precise detailed design phase for analysis of systems to verify components strength, ductility and fatigue, stiffness, instabilities, corrosion etc. The design of oilfields is most of the times overrated (in a very conservative way) due to several requirements and complex models of costs evaluation. After detailed phase and installation of all facilities and components, as well as due to the expected life design for hydrocarbons exploitation all anchoring system shall withstand the environmental loads in order to not compromise the operation. Each oilfield has a unique development, since environmental phenomena are unique in each earth location. This work refers to the optimization process of an anchoring system for deep waters in the Schiehallion Field, or in other words, the complete development of the mooring system for a FPSO, from the positioning in-situ with environmental conditions and vessel characteristics (Orcaflex), further optimization of the mooring system for an equivalent system (Matlab), mechanical design of the mooring system (CATIA), structural detailed analysis (Altair and Nastran) as fatigue life analysis. In order to reproduce all the mooring process, it is performed and initial comparison of the former FPSO (Schiehallion FPSO) that has been working in-situ since 1993 till its replacement for the new vessel (Glen Lyon FPSO). Due to the latest discoveries in the oilfield, the project has to be redesigned alongside with former wells and having in consideration recent discovered wells. Further optimization of the complete fixation system was verified as well as finally detailed structural analysis of specific components in key locations with higher margin of failure. Within this work, all the methodology which led to the optimization of Glen Lyon mooring lines was fully detailed from vessel analysis to detailed mooring mechanical design, constraints and requirements were applied, trade-offs and assumptions made during this critical development phase are presented and discussed.Durante as operações de prospeção e extração de petróleo e gas em águas profundas e ultra profundas, o fundeamento de navios é um importante fator para o desenvolvimento do campo petrolífero. Para estas profundidades, infra-estruturas convencionais e.g. plataformas petrolíferas não são aplicáveis devido ao ambiente violento colinear e não colinear do local (localização, ondas, correntes subaquáticas e de superfície, marés, etc.). Para conjuntos de poços subaquáticos, é comum o uso de Platformas de produção, armazenamento e descarga (FPSO) como plataforma de superficie para periodos de exploração longos. Os custos subaquaticos referem-se ao custo do projeto marinho e normalmente incluem os custos de capital capex e custos operacionais opex. Na produção de hidrocarbonetos os capex e os opex aumentam exponencialmente com o aumento da profundidade, resultando na necessidade do desenvolvimento da fase de projeto detalhado necessário para análises de componentes para verificar a resistência dos mesmos, dutilidade e fadiga, quer na rigidez, instabilidade, corrosão, etc. O projeto de campos petrolíferos são na maioria das vezes sobreestimados (de forma bastante conservativa) devido a imensos requisitos e modelos complexos de avaliação de custos. Após projeto e instalação de todas as infraestruturas e componentes, assim como durante o longo periodo útil de extração de hidrocarbonetos, toda a ancoragem deve suportar as cargas ambientais de forma a não comprometer a operação. Cada campo petrolífero possui um desenvolvimento singular, uma vez que os fenómenos ambientais são únicos em cada localização do globo terrestre. Este trabalho refere a optimização de um sistema de amarração para águas profundas para o campo de Schiehallion, ou por outras palavras, todo o desenvolvimento de ancoragem de um navio FPSO, desde o posicionamento no local com as forças ambientais e as caracteristicas do navio (Orcaflex), posterior otimização do sistema de ancoragem por um sistema equivalente (Matlab), desenho mecânico do sistema de ancoragem (CATIA), cálculo estrutural detalhado (Altair e Nastran) e análise de vida à fadiga. De forma a reproduzir o processo de ancoragem, é efetuada uma comparação inicial do FPSO inicial (Schiehallion FPSO) que esteve em operação no local desde 1993 até à sua substituição pelo novo navio (Glen Lyon FPSO), através da implementação e gestão do campo petrolífero de acordo com os poços antigos como os poços descobertos recentemente. A posterior otimização de todo o sistema de fixação foi verificada assim como a análise estrutural final detalhada dos componentes específicos em localizações especificas com grande probabilidade de falha. Através deste trabalho, todo o processo que leva à otimização das linhas de amarração do Glen Lyon é completamente detalhado desde a análise do navio ao detalhamento do desenho mecânico, os constrangimentos e requisitos que foram aplicados, estudos e opções efetuadas durante a fase de desenvolvimento crítico são apresentados e discutidos