25,098 research outputs found

    SHADE: Information Based Regularization for Deep Learning

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    Regularization is a big issue for training deep neural networks. In this paper, we propose a new information-theory-based regularization scheme named SHADE for SHAnnon DEcay. The originality of the approach is to define a prior based on conditional entropy, which explicitly decouples the learning of invariant representations in the regularizer and the learning of correlations between inputs and labels in the data fitting term. Our second contribution is to derive a stochastic version of the regularizer compatible with deep learning, resulting in a tractable training scheme. We empirically validate the efficiency of our approach to improve classification performances compared to common regularization schemes on several standard architectures

    Dynamic Sparse Training: Find Efficient Sparse Network From Scratch With Trainable Masked Layers

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    We present a novel network pruning algorithm called Dynamic Sparse Training that can jointly find the optimal network parameters and sparse network structure in a unified optimization process with trainable pruning thresholds. These thresholds can have fine-grained layer-wise adjustments dynamically via backpropagation. We demonstrate that our dynamic sparse training algorithm can easily train very sparse neural network models with little performance loss using the same number of training epochs as dense models. Dynamic Sparse Training achieves the state of the art performance compared with other sparse training algorithms on various network architectures. Additionally, we have several surprising observations that provide strong evidence for the effectiveness and efficiency of our algorithm. These observations reveal the underlying problems of traditional three-stage pruning algorithms and present the potential guidance provided by our algorithm to the design of more compact network architectures.Comment: ICLR 2020, camera ready versio

    Network Deconvolution

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    Convolution is a central operation in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which applies a kernel to overlapping regions shifted across the image. However, because of the strong correlations in real-world image data, convolutional kernels are in effect re-learning redundant data. In this work, we show that this redundancy has made neural network training challenging, and propose network deconvolution, a procedure which optimally removes pixel-wise and channel-wise correlations before the data is fed into each layer. Network deconvolution can be efficiently calculated at a fraction of the computational cost of a convolution layer. We also show that the deconvolution filters in the first layer of the network resemble the center-surround structure found in biological neurons in the visual regions of the brain. Filtering with such kernels results in a sparse representation, a desired property that has been missing in the training of neural networks. Learning from the sparse representation promotes faster convergence and superior results without the use of batch normalization. We apply our network deconvolution operation to 10 modern neural network models by replacing batch normalization within each. Extensive experiments show that the network deconvolution operation is able to deliver performance improvement in all cases on the CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, Cityscapes, and ImageNet datasets.Comment: ICLR 202

    Soft Threshold Weight Reparameterization for Learnable Sparsity

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    Sparsity in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) is studied extensively with the focus of maximizing prediction accuracy given an overall parameter budget. Existing methods rely on uniform or heuristic non-uniform sparsity budgets which have sub-optimal layer-wise parameter allocation resulting in a) lower prediction accuracy or b) higher inference cost (FLOPs). This work proposes Soft Threshold Reparameterization (STR), a novel use of the soft-threshold operator on DNN weights. STR smoothly induces sparsity while learning pruning thresholds thereby obtaining a non-uniform sparsity budget. Our method achieves state-of-the-art accuracy for unstructured sparsity in CNNs (ResNet50 and MobileNetV1 on ImageNet-1K), and, additionally, learns non-uniform budgets that empirically reduce the FLOPs by up to 50%. Notably, STR boosts the accuracy over existing results by up to 10% in the ultra sparse (99%) regime and can also be used to induce low-rank (structured sparsity) in RNNs. In short, STR is a simple mechanism which learns effective sparsity budgets that contrast with popular heuristics. Code, pretrained models and sparsity budgets are at https://github.com/RAIVNLab/STR.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, Published at International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 202

    Visualizing the Loss Landscape of Neural Nets

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    Neural network training relies on our ability to find "good" minimizers of highly non-convex loss functions. It is well-known that certain network architecture designs (e.g., skip connections) produce loss functions that train easier, and well-chosen training parameters (batch size, learning rate, optimizer) produce minimizers that generalize better. However, the reasons for these differences, and their effects on the underlying loss landscape, are not well understood. In this paper, we explore the structure of neural loss functions, and the effect of loss landscapes on generalization, using a range of visualization methods. First, we introduce a simple "filter normalization" method that helps us visualize loss function curvature and make meaningful side-by-side comparisons between loss functions. Then, using a variety of visualizations, we explore how network architecture affects the loss landscape, and how training parameters affect the shape of minimizers.Comment: NIPS 2018 (extended version, 10.5 pages), code is available at https://github.com/tomgoldstein/loss-landscap

    AdaBatch: Adaptive Batch Sizes for Training Deep Neural Networks

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    Training deep neural networks with Stochastic Gradient Descent, or its variants, requires careful choice of both learning rate and batch size. While smaller batch sizes generally converge in fewer training epochs, larger batch sizes offer more parallelism and hence better computational efficiency. We have developed a new training approach that, rather than statically choosing a single batch size for all epochs, adaptively increases the batch size during the training process. Our method delivers the convergence rate of small batch sizes while achieving performance similar to large batch sizes. We analyse our approach using the standard AlexNet, ResNet, and VGG networks operating on the popular CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet datasets. Our results demonstrate that learning with adaptive batch sizes can improve performance by factors of up to 6.25 on 4 NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs while changing accuracy by less than 1% relative to training with fixed batch sizes.Comment: 14 page

    SYQ: Learning Symmetric Quantization For Efficient Deep Neural Networks

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    Inference for state-of-the-art deep neural networks is computationally expensive, making them difficult to deploy on constrained hardware environments. An efficient way to reduce this complexity is to quantize the weight parameters and/or activations during training by approximating their distributions with a limited entry codebook. For very low-precisions, such as binary or ternary networks with 1-8-bit activations, the information loss from quantization leads to significant accuracy degradation due to large gradient mismatches between the forward and backward functions. In this paper, we introduce a quantization method to reduce this loss by learning a symmetric codebook for particular weight subgroups. These subgroups are determined based on their locality in the weight matrix, such that the hardware simplicity of the low-precision representations is preserved. Empirically, we show that symmetric quantization can substantially improve accuracy for networks with extremely low-precision weights and activations. We also demonstrate that this representation imposes minimal or no hardware implications to more coarse-grained approaches. Source code is available at https://www.github.com/julianfaraone/SYQ.Comment: Published as a conference paper at the 2018 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR

    Improving Deep Neural Network with Multiple Parametric Exponential Linear Units

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    Activation function is crucial to the recent successes of deep neural networks. In this paper, we first propose a new activation function, Multiple Parametric Exponential Linear Units (MPELU), aiming to generalize and unify the rectified and exponential linear units. As the generalized form, MPELU shares the advantages of Parametric Rectified Linear Unit (PReLU) and Exponential Linear Unit (ELU), leading to better classification performance and convergence property. In addition, weight initialization is very important to train very deep networks. The existing methods laid a solid foundation for networks using rectified linear units but not for exponential linear units. This paper complements the current theory and extends it to the wider range. Specifically, we put forward a way of initialization, enabling training of very deep networks using exponential linear units. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed initialization not only helps the training process but leads to better generalization performance. Finally, utilizing the proposed activation function and initialization, we present a deep MPELU residual architecture that achieves state-of-the-art performance on the CIFAR-10/100 datasets. The code is available at https://github.com/Coldmooon/Code-for-MPELU

    TernGrad: Ternary Gradients to Reduce Communication in Distributed Deep Learning

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    High network communication cost for synchronizing gradients and parameters is the well-known bottleneck of distributed training. In this work, we propose TernGrad that uses ternary gradients to accelerate distributed deep learning in data parallelism. Our approach requires only three numerical levels {-1,0,1}, which can aggressively reduce the communication time. We mathematically prove the convergence of TernGrad under the assumption of a bound on gradients. Guided by the bound, we propose layer-wise ternarizing and gradient clipping to improve its convergence. Our experiments show that applying TernGrad on AlexNet does not incur any accuracy loss and can even improve accuracy. The accuracy loss of GoogLeNet induced by TernGrad is less than 2% on average. Finally, a performance model is proposed to study the scalability of TernGrad. Experiments show significant speed gains for various deep neural networks. Our source code is available.Comment: NIPS 2017 Ora

    PILAE: A Non-gradient Descent Learning Scheme for Deep Feedforward Neural Networks

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    In this work, a non-gradient descent learning scheme is proposed for deep feedforward neural networks (DNN). As we known, autoencoder can be used as the building blocks of the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) deep neural network. So, the MLP will be taken as an example to illustrate the proposed scheme of pseudoinverse learning algorithm for autoencoder (PILAE) training. The PILAE with low rank approximation is a non-gradient based learning algorithm, and the encoder weight matrix is set to be the low rank approximation of the pseudoinverse of the input matrix, while the decoder weight matrix is calculated by the pseudoinverse learning algorithm. It is worth to note that only few network structure hyperparameters need to be tuned. Hence, the proposed algorithm can be regarded as a quasi-automated training algorithm which can be utilized in autonomous machine learning research field. The experimental results show that the proposed learning scheme for DNN can achieve better performance on considering the tradeoff between training efficiency and classification accuracy.Comment: This work is our effort toward to realize AutoM