6 research outputs found

    Lattice analysis on MiNTRU problem

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    In ASIACRYPT 2019, Genise et al. describe GGH+19 a new somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme. The security relies on an inhomogeneous and non-structured variant of the NTRU assumption that they call MiNTRU. To allow for meaningful homomorphic computations, they use overstretched parameters, but they do not provide an analysis of their new assumption against the state-of-the-art attack of Kirchner and Fouque KF17 for overstretched modulus. We show that the parameters of GGH+19 do not satisfy the desired security by actually conducting the known analysis. We also report a successful break of the smallest set of parameters in around 15 hours of computations while they are claimed to reach 100 bits of security

    TOPICS IN COMPUTATIONAL NUMBER THEORY AND CRYPTANALYSIS - On Simultaneous Chinese Remaindering, Primes, the MiNTRU Assumption, and Functional Encryption

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    This thesis reports on four independent projects that lie in the intersection of mathematics, computer science, and cryptology: Simultaneous Chinese Remaindering: The classical Chinese Remainder Problem asks to find all integer solutions to a given system of congruences where each congruence is defined by one modulus and one remainder. The Simultaneous Chinese Remainder Problem is a direct generalization of its classical counterpart where for each modulus the single remainder is replaced by a non-empty set of remainders. The solutions of a Simultaneous Chinese Remainder Problem instance are completely defined by a set of minimal positive solutions, called primitive solutions, which are upper bounded by the lowest common multiple of the considered moduli. However, contrary to its classical counterpart, which has at most one primitive solution, the Simultaneous Chinese Remainder Problem may have an exponential number of primitive solutions, so that any general-purpose solving algorithm requires exponential time. Furthermore, through a direct reduction from the 3-SAT problem, we prove first that deciding whether a solution exists is NP-complete, and second that if the existence of solutions is guaranteed, then deciding whether a solution of a particular size exists is also NP-complete. Despite these discouraging results, we studied methods to find the minimal solution to Simultaneous Chinese Remainder Problem instances and we discovered some interesting statistical properties. A Conjecture On Primes In Arithmetic Progressions And Geometric Intervals: Dirichlet’s theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions states that for any positive integer q and any coprime integer a, there are infinitely many primes in the arithmetic progression a + nq (n ∈ N), however, it does not indicate where those primes can be found. Linnik’s theorem predicts that the first such prime p0 can be found in the interval [0;q^L] where L denotes an absolute and explicitly computable constant. Albeit only L = 5 has been proven, it is widely believed that L ≤ 2. We generalize Linnik’s theorem by conjecturing that for any integers q ≥ 2, 1 ≤ a ≤ q − 1 with gcd(q, a) = 1, and t ≥ 1, there exists a prime p such that p ∈ [q^t;q^(t+1)] and p ≡ a mod q. Subsequently, we prove the conjecture for all sufficiently large exponent t, we computationally verify it for all sufficiently small modulus q, and we investigate its relation to other mathematical results such as Carmichael’s totient function conjecture. On The (M)iNTRU Assumption Over Finite Rings: The inhomogeneous NTRU (iNTRU) assumption is a recent computational hardness assumption, which claims that first adding a random low norm error vector to a known gadget vector and then multiplying the result with a secret vector is sufficient to obfuscate the considered secret vector. The matrix inhomogeneous NTRU (MiNTRU) assumption essentially replaces vectors with matrices. Albeit those assumptions strongly remind the well-known learning-with-errors (LWE) assumption, their hardness has not been studied in full detail yet. We provide an elementary analysis of the corresponding decision assumptions and break them in their basis case using an elementary q-ary lattice reduction attack. Concretely, we restrict our study to vectors over finite integer rings, which leads to a problem that we call (M)iNTRU. Starting from a challenge vector, we construct a particular q-ary lattice that contains an unusually short vector whenever the challenge vector follows the (M)iNTRU distribution. Thereby, elementary lattice reduction allows us to distinguish a random challenge vector from a synthetically constructed one. A Conditional Attack Against Functional Encryption Schemes: Functional encryption emerged as an ambitious cryptographic paradigm supporting function evaluations over encrypted data revealing the result in plain. Therein, the result consists either in a valid output or a special error symbol. We develop a conditional selective chosen-plaintext attack against the indistinguishability security notion of functional encryption. Intuitively, indistinguishability in the public-key setting is based on the premise that no adversary can distinguish between the encryptions of two known plaintext messages. As functional encryption allows us to evaluate functions over encrypted messages, the adversary is restricted to evaluations resulting in the same output only. To ensure consistency with other primitives, the decryption procedure of a functional encryption scheme is allowed to fail and output an error. We observe that an adversary may exploit the special role of these errors to craft challenge messages that can be used to win the indistinguishability game. Indeed, the adversary can choose the messages such that their functional evaluation leads to the common error symbol, but their intermediate computation values differ. A formal decomposition of the underlying functionality into a mathematical function and an error trigger reveals this dichotomy. Finally, we outline the impact of this observation on multiple DDH-based inner-product functional encryption schemes when we restrict them to bounded-norm evaluations only

    Homomorphic Encryption for Finite Automata

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    We describe a somewhat homomorphic GSW-like encryption scheme, natively encrypting matrices rather than just single elements. This scheme offers much better performance than existing homomorphic encryption schemes for evaluating encrypted (nondeterministic) finite automata (NFAs). Differently from GSW, we do not know how to reduce the security of this scheme to LWE, instead we reduce it to a stronger assumption, that can be thought of as an inhomogeneous variant of the NTRU assumption. This assumption (that we term iNTRU) may be useful and interesting in its own right, and we examine a few of its properties. We also examine methods to encode regular expressions as NFAs, and in particular explore a new optimization problem, motivated by our application to encrypted NFA evaluation. In this problem, we seek to minimize the number of states in an NFA for a given expression, subject to the constraint on the ambiguity of the NFA

    FINAL: Faster FHE instantiated with NTRU and LWE

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    The NTRU problem is a promising candidate to build efficient Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). However, all the existing proposals (e.g. LTV, YASHE) need so-called `overstretched\u27 parameters of NTRU to enable homomorphic operations. It was shown by Albrecht et al. (CRYPTO 2016) that these parameters are vulnerable against subfield lattice attacks. Based on a recent, more detailed analysis of the overstretched NTRU assumption by Ducas and van Woerden (ASIACRYPT 2021), we construct two FHE schemes whose NTRU parameters lie outside the overstretched range. The first scheme is based solely on NTRU and demonstrates competitive performance against the state-of-the-art FHE schemes including TFHE. Our second scheme, which is based on both the NTRU and LWE assumptions, outperforms TFHE with a 28% faster bootstrapping and 45% smaller bootstrapping and key-switching keys

    Obfuscating Finite Automata

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    We construct a VBB and perfect circuit-hiding obfuscator for evasive deterministic finite automata using a matrix encoding scheme with a limited zero-testing algorithm. We construct the matrix encoding scheme by extending an existing matrix FHE scheme. Using obfuscated DFAs we can for example evaluate secret regular expressions or disjunctive normal forms on public inputs. In particular, the possibility of evaluating regular expressions solves the open problem of obfuscated substring matching

    FDFB: Full Domain Functional Bootstrapping Towards Practical Fully Homomorphic Encryption

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    Computation on ciphertexts of all known fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes induces some noise, which, if too large, will destroy the plaintext. Therefore, the bootstrapping technique that re-encrypts a ciphertext and reduces the noise level remains the only known way of building FHE schemes for arbitrary unbounded computations. The bootstrapping step is also the major efficiency bottleneck in current FHE schemes. A promising direction towards improving concrete efficiency is to exploit the bootstrapping process to perform useful computation while reducing the noise at the same time. We show a bootstrapping algorithm, which embeds a lookup table and evaluates arbitrary functions of the plaintext while reducing the noise. Depending on the choice of parameters, the resulting homomorphic encryption scheme may be either an exact FHE or homomorphic encryption for approximate arithmetic. Since we can evaluate arbitrary functions over the plaintext space, we can use the natural homomorphism of Regev encryption to compute affine functions without bootstrapping almost for free. Consequently, our algorithms are particularly suitable for arithmetic circuits over a finite field with many additions and scalar multiplication gates. We achieve significant speedups when compared to binary circuit-based FHE. For example, we achieve 280-1200x speedups when computing an affine function of size 784 followed by any univariate function when compared to FHE schemes that compute binary circuits. With our bootstrapping algorithm, we can efficiently convert between arithmetic and boolean plaintexts and extend the plaintext space using the Chinese remainder theorem. Furthermore, we can run the computation in an exact and approximate mode where we trade-off the size of the plaintext space with approximation error. We provide a tight error analysis and show several parameter sets for our bootstrapping. Finally, we implement our algorithm and provide extensive tests. We demonstrate our algorithms by evaluating different neural networks in several parameter and accuracy settings